Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1943, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY MIMES TI LEGION DANCE Local News The Canadian Lcgion are sponsor- Orono 1 O O.F wîIl houd a dance in inig a dance to be held ln the Ar- thre tew,ýn hall on Fèicay, Odtobr 29, inurvies uat Bowman'ille ou thenecen ih Rus CroegasOrchera ilu inig off Piday, O'tohber l5th, coml- inencing a, t .00 ji.m. AModem n anI Old Tyme, Danciiig. Thie ColumiLbians 6-piece orchiestra cof Oh'w 'iIll ~furnish the miisic. Admission, 50c. per pe s'on. The proceed(s from th£, darice to ho nused ïor the Service Mlen's Club. Oone and have a go tine. Apply ut the. ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono --Ontario Mr. andMrs. Wlaesisson, Icf S'utSte. Mariîespe'nt a fwdays withtheformr'smothler,' Mus. Si- sýon, and aIs enxvdotliher acquain- tnelealilg on pFrdday l'est for Toronto. Lloyd E. Ewe who is sStati'oned at Port 'Hardy, B.C., has reported bakafter calling on bis 'parents, Y['m. and'Ms J. E. hlawkeL for a f ew hooýrs and aiso visited his wife and littie son at Country Haubour, Nova Scotiia. - Sid, Morgan, who has been ove2r- seas for the ýpast tlree years, and is xiow homie to take a course for a commission, accom-panied by his wif s andson, of Gdourgllý,, visitedl withý Mr. and Mrus. Sulas Souch over the jiJiidy weekç-end. Mr. sud 'Mrs. Carnet Gams'by an-, sien "Bill", 'cf KinIg-stoil, spent tire hldyin Orono, anti -while herep in cOmnpai!y with Mm. ndMus. Ken.1 'GmiY isited thfe mr' ate and -brýother, Lew and R pobert Gnmlsby at Busington Beach. D'onations of copies fourfdhe over- seas 'Chistmias boxes will h(: wel- 'comed duing the aext few daye. Sinall tins, as coitainers, 'are sug- gested lby tfice ladies la change cf pon' Any parcels m1-ay ho left at the Irake sh'oip 'duriug stor'e hours. Bran O'Boyl'e, son 'cf-Mr. an(d Mi-s. O'Boyle, hadd lis nose se'verely bruiseti anti ent when hecreas- bit by a bat which lipped from ta playe-s 'bauds while playing hall. The ýbat struck Bilan squurely on the bridge cf th'e nkiee. Brian says be saw stars for a while. Mi, R. 'R. Frater, wiho was at onei time mainager of the "Caii4pbell Farm",ý was in town on Wdedy hati lunch vwith 'Orme Gam's{byad then ieft t'look oveýr a property in the vinity of Enniskillen i' the in- tetiest of the Chamber of 'Commere Bauk la Toronto, of w hbe is now an employee. 'The seprmon sud the ninsic at Park 'St.Chuichlast Sunday m'ioining entered aro'und the Thanks'glvin-g thee.Tl~eevoning service wasýl cithtirawn la favaroî f the Kirby Chureh anMvoeaoey. N'ext Suiday %vill be the anniveusary cf Pariik St. Churcb. 'Rev. Milton Sandlei-son, a formler Enniskilleul boy, n'ow station- cd in Toronto, will be the minînster. A god attendance is"'lioped for. RED&WITE STORESI SPECIALS Tliursday, Friday and Saturda QUJALITY RIIGRER TRAN PRICE Boneless Round Steak, IL Sirloin Steak, lb. Shoulder Round Roast, lb. Local News Mrý. and M '1s. Turley visited witb MrsJa. Dckson. Miss E'dnaMlsiaîlowas hiome ,for, the lholida.IY Mrs. C. H. Fro'ste is improvirg frcnm hler reýcent illness. Misýs Ednah Stutt, cf Caledon East 'isited fr4ends in Orono. M1r, Ted Willi'ams Sr_.,spent the holiday 'with frilend,s in Osha.wa, Miss. Kathlee,ýn Sithll, formemly cf Antioch sehool, vîsited Mus. J. C. Pamnblyn.1 Mr. and Mris. G. Jones andC son Clifford speut Tuesday las.t at New- Mur. J. J. Mllor is in Per-th anud Pcetrboro'i[sgh this week on Victory Loan work. 'Miss Mý . E. 'G. Waddell, Toronto. spent Thanksgiývinjg week-end at her- hiomne here. "Mrs. H. N. junker-, of Prestonl, ýpùnt thie holiday week-end' with re- latives in town. Miss M. Aruott visiteti -with Mr. W. 'H. Barrett and Mis. Mv. Cramie ovei, the week-enid. A iaumber çpf Orono f'olk attentieti the, anni'versaurty services iatimby'l, C'h'uch last .Sonday. -Miss Lenoie Wood, Osaw, spenjt tire holidlay 'witbh ler parents, Mr. and Ms. Fre2d Woodl. W.0.1 Ronald Patterson, cf th'e R.'C.A.F., Brampton, spent thre lholi- diay with fui n<-' Mi. an.- ý,uson u-owan and childien, cLf Totronto, visited witb Mr. , und Mrs. Thomas Gewan on Suuday last. M'rs. Fred Cc-wan, acconcpaniedj by 'ber sister4ia-laiw, Muis. Halloweil of Bowmanrvill'e, visîted with the foui- er's isister, Mrs. Henu-y, in Peterboro, a rfew days receatliy. and Marilyn, of Niagara Falls, spent the Thaùrsgjving holiday iii Orono and Peteeb-oroüugIh. Mis. R. J. Allen, iMm. and M. G C. Herr'ington aiid Gle-dia, of Wel-1 ltandc, were wee-end visitous witli Mu. and Mus. ýC. R. Knox. The i-nterio- cf the Six-ýtbl- iný- sch'ool heuse h'as uiid(ergone a reueo- vatiQu recenitly. 'Mi. Mac. Carleton wes in ubcharge cf thre work. MmI. and Ms. 'Frak Aidr-on andi s'on Maiof Toronto, spent ,thre Tbhanýsgiving-- holidlay with Mrs'. Ar- dron's parents, -Mr, and ds M. C. Hall. Rev. Mi. llar-tvey, cf Pnyol will take the evening service n'ex± Sun'day 'at Leskard ald 'Mu. MeIlor will .cndutt thre anniversaiy service at 'Lotus. tersion and IMiss K. Toms, of New- castie; Mr,.-and 'Mrs. ELigerre Croqhy, Of C'olingwood; Mr. Roy Berry, Mr, and Mrs. J. Eaglégon, Orono; Mr. Ly '(Olifford>Jones," Airport Control 0f- fieer:" froi iLondon Airport, Lon-don, Ontario; Mr. Ed. Mitchell and Mr. Eldison Mitchell 'of Lns Recent 'vitors 'at -the home cf Mr. and 'Mrs. ýG. Jones were, MNr. and 38 8c Irs. ebr alrih lý(isnk and iMrs. ia'wrence AlIlen and chil- 40c 'dre»,, cf Oshawa; Mrs. Morrlu and Miss Eileen Jo es, 'Oshavma; Mr. and 2 6C Mis. E. E.. Patterson, Mr. Jimi- Pat- Hubbard Squash, each 25cUIE ARYu Cyrus Bread Flour, 98 IL. bag $2.59 il yPAIR You &r1 Mince Meat, IL Olives, 6 oz. jar Tomato Juice, Ch,'oice Quality 28 ozs. Table Turnips, 2 lbs. Citrons, each Beets, 6 qt. basket Porter House Steak or Roas Hamburg Steak, IL Blade Roast, lb. Bologna Sausage, IL Ask for Lamb, we have it. Fine Cooking Onions, 4 lbs. 17c 32c 13c 9c 20c 20e st lb 44c 23c 29c 23c 29c tKAMJIV Now Don't wait'until parts become srarce. Foryour convenience we carry a complete fine of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unable to bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX PARK ST, UNITED CHIJRCH Rev. S. Litttlewood ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY October l7th SERVICES 0F WORSHIP 11 a.m. and 7 p. Guest Preacher REV. M. R. SA-%NDERSON - of North Parkdale United Churchi, Toronto You are invited to enldy these Special Services ONTARIO An Important Message to - R0 WERS of OATS and BARLEY Which Demands Yopr Immediate Attention More food than ever before in oui history is needed for aur armed forces, oui allies sud those at home. Therefome, due to partial cmop failure this year, it is imperative that Ontario Farmners plan NOW for their 1944 SEED REQUIREMENTS. The Ontario Departmnent of Agriculture requests your immediate co-operation and offers the following -suggestions: 3- Secure wherever possible good seed of suitable verie.ties for your 1944 requiremients. 2. Any grain--oats or barley-either of the 1942 or 1943 crop)s suitable for seed over and above your own requirements should in the National interests be cleaned andi offered for sale as seed. 3. If you have surplus seed, give your neighbors the first chance. If not sold by November l5th, aàdvise your Agricultural Representative. Do not feed grain of seel quality. If necessary, replace it with Western Feed Grain. 4. The Directors and miembers of County Crop Improvement Associations are urged to become actively interested in the movemnent and supely of seed grain. 5. If you are unable to obtain suitable seed-advise your Agricultural Representative of your seed requirements NOT LATER TI-LN NOVEMBER 15th. Your Agricultural Representative for Durham E. A. SUMMERS -BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE HON. THOMAS L KENNEDY, Minister ___________________________________________________________________ I ocal News î TUM'VN MUSICALE An A&z-tiniu Miuscale vwill bha1g1ven 1n Park, St. O!hurch,, Or-ono., on Satum. day, Oýctober 16th-, by the stirdents cf ýMa-s. W. C. Ly'nch. A sî'lvev col- lextion will be talken ai the door 'fýorý a waî chai-ity and -ve would appi)e- eate the atteiidane of a gocti cuowd f parents and friands., The prograin -will begia at 3.30 o'clock, Here is one Chýysauitheimumii that re.ally blýorins. This s'pring 'Mi. anti Mrs. 'C. L. Pofweis purehased a Chrysanrthenruinifroria a uuseuy anti planted it on the soutb side of their gaurge. After listeuni ig te Mu. "~Aidy" Clarke ou bis Sunday momaoiniig broadcast, _Mi. Poweus wn ou't te the (plant aud ccunted thre blo'o0ms and,,f o'und te lbis surprisýe that there were 238 Brensve Chrysan- hemuýtm bloons, rehich is 'a picture te see. On Friday cf lâs't week tIre Orono fire 'brigade had a ruii te whait was supposed te be a ciminey fie Uponi, auii'viag at tIre honme cf Mu. Gma- ham's it was f nn to be a false alaiir, t semis that ùbbc soft coal tortey were uniibchfird theino stortey w raig cf tre at tbe1 tIrat thre chlmney was ou flre. Ary- 'way it is better te honcitbe saf e side wud sern the'bcalun, as tIre fireuren 'wvro ail werk iiiside lu tIre da-ytime like a ride ou tIre engine te contact -the nice autunun air. For Cernent, Lum- ber (rough or dressed) SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumber Orono Tinshop If You Need Stable-- Equiopmenit Order Now Mis"s SheuIwin4 <od Winnipeg-, who is making hem bernle with hem brother Rebeu-t Sh'erwin, is cl'eriing l'a the '. te '$1.00 storle, Co"i-p. 01nd Mis. Gordon Leaianu anti 'baby are visiting relatives in Oroiio Peu tw'o weeks. IMTsmW. J. W.,R. REEK, Depu ty Minister Leýaian Who was rwvith them lu' Ot- tawa, returned home. Miss Jeanne Forrester, Burges;s ville, Miss Margaret Flintoif, Eimîs- killei, antd Miss 'Gwen. Tenuan, -of' 1 Colunbus,, teachers, -were home, for .1the Thanksgiving hjolid&y. ROSIERY, Girls' Knee~ Socks in al sizes and Priced 39C. Children's Long ings, in al Priced 25c. to 1colors. to 85c. Stock- sizes. .59C. SROES Bargain in Brown and Black Punips, in Suede and Patent Trim, ail sizes, per pair .... ..... $.95 Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 37c. Lemons 3 for Javax bottle Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. DRESSES Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Rats just arrived. Cali and sec theni. WOOL SUITS AND SWEATERS Boys' WooI Knit Suits in mies 2 to 4 years, in shades of red, blue, green, navy, Priced .... ...$1L59 Also Boys' Windbreak- ers, in sizes 6 to 14 years, priced from $3.95 to ...... $4.50 Aeroxoît Fly Coils 2 for 5e Crab Apples Il qt. basket 6c~ 5lb bags Fresh Sausage 2 lb.-e SagQ lb. .&5c, Rot; Chocolate pkg. We have Veal and Lamb for nARMST mRNG 'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 je J. CORNISH., Deliveries will be made on Saturdays Only R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oreno Phone SUI

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