Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1943, p. 3

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Champagne Party After Sinkinq Sub SailoIrs Drink To Their Success A Britisb naval officer- toid wéeceatly cf a stranige tiîsig that adhappeaed ddriag his sbip's List vyaeacros'ý the 'ýAiaie. They sigbted a, dereict lifeboat far out la the oce(an. The-y fcund! it was empty but for - a fucl f5otle of champagne! Tle erd afe.wadstha"t thlose whc b a beenia th Ue boat hautee ice #lp. Se they dcddte keep the Champagne fer, ceiebrating their fbrst. succelcs against a U-boat.7 It must have beeil an orvrea,' the sailor said, because early the nextmornng aSuade-rlard air- ocraft of Coastal Cemmnand re- )or ted that sbe wais engaging a U-b)oat. As their ship r:ced for th#,,Spot, an unusual order vwzS givea by the ca,-paia-"Sitand by f'or action statienls i n ýlmin- utes' timre." Se in-stead cf tche ciïstomary seramible t,ie y had timie te dress properly and -were able, te bhave a cup cf cocon. It tra-ed euit te be what tbe br-oad- cýaster described as a miodel -at> tack, The Ca nad1i ainicorvette, H.M.C.S .fDrum Keller had .4ad a crack at the U-beat before thle Blritish escort ship g-o0t the,1c They made contact exactiy Nwhen- Prad where the capt'ain had an tit- cipated. T Ivean-abaif s- lites it was ail over; they miadie oiy one attack, and scre tw édirect bits. Almnost meiti they saw patches of oh and wNreckage comiag te thie surface. Wben they left the cil ýpatch ha exýteaided te 600feet ladimeer The followiag day anar r r- ported an cil streak, in th3at aruea, 1,700 yards long. TypicaI cof the "suenitsrie was the entry la the shijp'sk ug: UO69mdeContact witb1 U- boat 064Yssan sae."Ex- actly five and a hî minutes cf thleir timue accounited for. Tbe.y ti;iited tili tbey reache-d port be- fore drinking the champagne thjat Neptune biad awarded tbem la ad Vanece LOVRS'PARTING H-eads bcwed, thiis lti!"Ian el dier '91d(lbis sweetheiuart pied aogdusty Sicilianrad-er last stroli for -a long time te ere He's beaded for tmoaypio camp at Agrýigento, nen guard, for Italians enteýrcap voluntariy. Facing Huns Alone Wîine VWas Inspîred la bler recent bock "Journiey Amioag Wrr vs" va Curie, daughter cf the famious dieov-. erers cfraim teIjs this char- acterit 7sorcf Prime Miniser Ccili, whic i îllSI-raeth'ýde type cf courage that bas enaled hLim qte lead the Britisb E1,mpire ont cf desper-ate defea[tot the vuerge cf assured-( victcry. It wýas toid te Miss Curie byBrgde B>ishiop, comm'ander cf the Brit- b forceshin West fia It, happened in ngan'sdark- e'st heur-mn the fatal June of 940. Bigadier ishop happenied te bepresent at a mueeting cf the WVar cabinet. Churcili b.11adJ jusýt retuirned fromi Tours and aaaounccd thiat France was on the verge cpf askiag Hitler for bis Ste rmï? Drawing à dceperate pic- turc of the istuation, lie conclud- eekd inia low, firm veice: "We are niow faciang Germaaly ecompletely Birigadier Bisbop said, ";there -was adcad silence that 1 shahl neyer frget. We saw Churchill prouidy lifting bis bead.Look0diagdfinî at us, he simply said, 'l fiad( it BY CAPTAIN FRANK Hî. SHAW CHAPTER XXII D1_ickie did not answer; he was watcbinig events in the Plaza, which wais the cit's heart. A few voice2s still cried for Lafallette,, but their fervour was diminisbed, The, trooPs vwere- being fallen in crety and they obeyed the sýtacocato or-ders of their officers with smtigapproaching alac- rity.ý fcin-g detachments oved to straýtegic positions, lookýing bsiniess-jike. As if 'to add a driamfatic backgro und, the Almirante2 Higgins fired one of ber twelve-inch guns, loaded with blank, ini the direction of the Plaza.' There were ýshrieks of - aLarm^ front the mnob, the vanguiard of which beýgan- to press back. Con- A sif toical dowvnponr1 be- g an; it came down la bucketfuls, incedily.Asmany of the in- sur-gents ascod began to hurry to shelter. "Nature ýaiways, supplies an antidote," said Dick Higgins 'ai- most hugging the bars. "It seems to me the revolutii)n is ovêr, Donna Elenora- business as usual." "Dj(ck Higgins, -how much do you kuiovw about ail this?" sho demand1c, "Oh, it's Wynnc wbo did the Navystuff," be answered, a littie diffidently. "Wynine's got a sense of the 1rmtc suppose it cornes of 1hisai-ok" Evenabvethe ciarnour that Roil your owinersl Go for Ogden 's Tho Pony Express, in the old days, cf the West, carried essentiai messages .. Here la onie for you - For comploe smok- ing satisfaction follow the examiple of the oldtimers and go fo r Ogd.Ien's-a distinctive blond tif chiriper tobaccos. Ogdens qualiîy for PiPe smocers, Poo, in Ogden'e Cut Plug filled the square the soumid cf braying bugles was udibe.But, louder even than tha cmplln biast, was the bark cf a gn:net a big tweive-inche, but one cf the Aimirante Higgins's second- ary armament, "Aba!" said King Higgins; "it's worked !" This was cryptical te Donna Elenora, but she did net worry: tbings were happening under bier gaze that chained ber. interest., The sua, newly np, shîning down a wide vailey la the hilîs that forrued the eastward wali cf San Josef's.harbour, lit the war- sbîp up as if it were a spotlight. Andplain to sec was the National flag cf Hiyatnla being-bauled la determined sweeps te thie Alimîr- antc's masthend. It wasasia definite answer liad beengie te a question; as if this werea challenge te the revolûtienasy1ý bannrer which finunte o i- vrFort Juain. The gun !hnd bFeen i rc A momnt iter another guni wsfired; this time ne binnk charge, for a sheli scr.-nrrned fuir- ly ove(r Fort Juannand expio ded impressively on a aste ground immnediately hcyond, "Well thnnk Godlý" snid Dickie. > The clameur in the Plaza hud insa Lntly nitered its tbac;the was n blut of breathless iii l it new,. Every eye vins turned on the Na; y; therefore every eye saw the grent primary armarniienit swing its menncing mnuzies te command the city. "Thïe Nnvy's sending' someone over te tnkc_ charge, I fancyý," Diekie, reported., "Ail over but the shouting-until next tm.I suppose I'd better gel Lnck te ry job; you'Il be ail right hereno" "And Doieres thought she pre- ferred Lafallette te you " cx- elaimed Dclore2s's other. "llcw mu11ch bave you done?" "Oh, weii, bits here and there; mast odd things, you know, But 1 renl,,,ly ought te be getting bnck te, -thaeConsulate, la case ,pest cf duty, se forth, ycu, see what I mean 1 "Mamma - whnt is happen- ing?" asked Doîcres. She stood on the balcony surrounding the patib; and lier iids wer e stili heav y from sleep. "Whnt bas bnppened? Where is Ferdinando?" insisted -Dolores. "The revolution seerns te be over,", said bier miother with an elaborate nonchalance ccpied from King 'Higgins. "But Don Ferdinando dcesn't seem te bhave turned up at the right time." "bock bere !" said Diekie hast- ily, "l'Il reaily have te go !" lie spared a moment te cau te ~the'girl te ask bow she fared, if she were any the worse for the nigt'simboglo;but shie ig- nored hmto) a greateet , i- sisting on kaowing where Lafal- lette was,. -"Vo0ur preclous Ferdinando seemns to have funk1ied tinigs,, rmy sweet," hier mother said. "I'm off," said D)ickýie, and went without further pnrley. "Corne back for- breakfast!" Donna Elenora called after hlm, and waved her band, "As for you, my anigel; go back to bed or you'Ill get« the spanking you'v-_ deserved ever since you came home !" she said fixmly. King Higgins return)ed to the Consulate, his feet slithering la debris. No attempt at miolesta- tion was made; ail the offîcers hie passed saluted bim igraveIly, if iaf-ashamedly; maniy of the bodies of treops actually present- cd arias. 1"Si, Senor!" hse Sebastian softly. Aithougli he t1ried slav- ishly to imitate bis maister, hie kaew in' his owa bheart lie could neyer, acquire th-is inýiimitable sanig froid. "Well, how's ever-yting?" de- manded Diekie. "Telli Manuel to bring some coffee-Ft'msleepy. The telephone tinkIled ais lie spoke. It was Spýofforthi,sek iag fromr the Cailano inies; and Spofforth wa)s imildly excite, "Th'le lava bhas stopped flowinig nosi,"be rpre."Therc' a bit of asb sEtill, but it's easing a lot; anid this rie is doing a lot o-f good. I've turnied the' peonis te to da up the miess." "What's th e damage'." as'ked Dîckie, yawnng.' "Well, to be sure, the workinigs are rather gunimied up, sir; and tbere'll be a delay. But-but a rather astonisbingp thinig seems te, bave bappened. 0f course, it's too early te make a proper re- por4~ but-well, sir, there was a rather violent earthquake sbock a wbile ago." -"Wns therè? I don't think we naticed it here, Weli?" "Weil, -sir, thât big rock away on the east side of the inie- field, ît's split *tself frorn top te bottom; and 50 far as 1 cani see, it's f ull of gold. And the Iode appears to rua down righti'under everythingý, quite a promising Iode, whicbh I'd neyer suspected.(" "Good egg, Sp)o!forý)h; Fi de- "We should -get nr odt beoeout of these mwiines-, oce tings :-are srih. "Wll t's raiinghee for one tbing, ranig uite ai bit. Thnt's quite gcad nes bout thie gold, Spofforthi; -we'ill need a bigger output to repair the, dami- age donc here last ni.-ht. Carry on, then-and if y'ou need extra lBands, l'Il sce what can be. done about them." Dickîe repinccd, the receiver. It xasî-'t the Hig-gins touch that had brought about this astonish- ing turn in the affairs cf the aine; but-be cold net hcip but admit it-the Higins luck stili seemed pretty sound. Even an earthquakeý had its uses, appar-, ently;ý and with aew, veins cf gold disciosing themselve-, those wh had trustcd hlm xvouid finid thieir fraith welI' placcd. fie hadn'*t let the sha.reholders down. (Concluded Next Week) SCUT ivG 0f 62 members cf a London, Engiand, Bocy Scýout Troop, 19 are comiissionied offi ers an)d 31 are non-commisaio,,ned officers. The l2th West Ham Boy Scout Troop ln England il particularly proud cf one cf its mnembers, Jim Osborne- cf the -R.A.F., who had the honcur cf shootiing down) the i ,000th plane 'over thle isi1and cf Malta. "1Dcn't forget te put pienty cf rnotb balis in rny Scout uniform," a British Sccut serv-%ing in the army ila North Africa wrcte bis Devilled Egg Salcsd With Tomatoes C shelled bard-cookedieggs !U teaspoon dry nmustard ,4 culp EGGLESSý MAYONTNAISE Il tablespoon cboop)ed chives ar Steaspooiisîtfiniely-chopped onionl DahPepper 4 to 6 smnaill peled tomaItoes Dash cayenlne Icup cottage checese Cut ecihar-ooinggl hî.Remove ylscrly plae in a bewl and add ,nalddressin;g aaid sea-soaiiings, lend smloothl. RÉ,-stuif, î eggwhite haîf with this mxreand cdecorate wi,,,th paiprika. Peel torniatees (bd banhig and suice. Place two stuffed egg halves lan ïests of crisp lettace on each of six chilled sa1lad plates- arag omûate slces, overlappin ,ide thenl. 'Top tomiato, slicec with cottage cheese and grihwtih parsiey srLSERVES 6- CANADIANS MAKUE FRIENDS iN SICILY German propagandiss ould have liked to h)aveý been able te, tell the wýorMd that Allied treatment of Sicilian) civ-iliaïnsý was that of' a swaggeing comneor But such scens as thscopetey satter .Ax3is hiopes cf a propaganda viory. Herv(e, Ci. HFLl, Whitaker, of the Royal Canadian Signais, of Winnipe, Mn, gives candy and biscuits to a Sicilian boy. la Beigium afler the war, re- cently beld a camnp in Great Brit- ain. The boys are Belgien evacu- ces.« Their camp. was attended by Scouts cof several other Euro- penn countrieg. A 'Scoulmaster cf, Coventry, Engiand, shot dewn bebind the German uines la Tünisia, sought refuge with a French farmer. The next day thiree Nazis callea at the fajrmhcuse fer a wasb, and the Scout,,nstrI, arming -,himiself w1ith oe i c ,f their revolvers,, muar-chedtemoff 'te tie British Boy &cuts cf (aad rego îrîg te dotheýir part in.eesa iishin Scoutn la urope after the vwar, Cni-n, Scuts il pay the e osl cf pr-intingý 1,000 copies cf Lord BdnPwi' "Scou7ting ,ýfer 'Boys" la eacb cof the FecCzetch, Nteln Fiernishi I , 1N\eia JndPolish langvnagems. Mnyfor this pr pose will corne rernthe Chý11ias Up) Fund, for v1'IJ(J-,CanAdian cot have rais3ed. nearly $38,000, The money bas been used foi, reiiev- ing Scouts whe lest ibheir homes la the blitz en Britaix, while a portion bas been. set asidefer the rehabilitatioin cf Scouling ila Europe. Arnong the g,,rïates at Up- lands Airport, Ottawa, recently, wns the Mexian Ioy Scou-t, Luis Perez-Gomez, if Mexico City. Luis carne te Ottawa more than a yeur age and was uinable te speak a word cf Englýish. Do- minion and District I±eadquLarters cf 'the Boy. -Scout s asstdtheý lad and cired1 for hlm ,wbile be atte'ndcd Ottawa Techoicýal Scbool te leara ngis.Later he wais admitted mb the RaAFand be received bis winigs at tht biands of the Governor-General, the Earl olf Athionie, whec, incident- aily, s the Chief Scout for Can- ada, Luis was also ýolmmissioni- ed upjon bLis gadaton aapot The leader cof the -partyvs- ing a mýential instituion wvent Up to a group of jmat 'es s tand in g niear the gate. Qityh d dressed one of tbem. The other grinnd. pýýoinlted te the Party, and gave the simple reply: '"Beusc wwe not!dil Hwin the word cýaawmnbv charm and ile if she feiels "i wound up" withl nervous tenlsion? Onj the other hand. am strong nerve actually give a woimanil ,Se and quiet nerves take the bar-dtense Iýookfrn ber facial muscles. If nerves botle, treat them withl rest,woesmfod fewer activities, plinty of snhn and fresh azir. In the meantimje take ac nerve sedtivc-... Dr.MiesNev\e1 Nervinlelhas lcdc( scores of wome)n whc osuffered froin ivetaedners Take Nervine according to d1irections1 te lieil) relieve gencraI nnrvousness sieelessess nerosfiears and er vous headache. Effervescin'jg Nervine Tablets are 35C and 7.5c. Nervine Licid(: 25C and $.O * 12 ISUE No. ?35-43

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