__ORONO 'Vol1. 7. N o. 3 8. ORONO, ONT., VF-UPSDAY, OCT. 14th, 1943 Subscription $ 1.25 Per Yi Crearn- of Hoistein Herds'For District Enter Contest at Oro Peterboro County Cornes First For County Herd At Hoistein Show At Orono o- 115 Head. Were Shown by Breeders From Severi Countien The creai to£tihe Hostein cattie, lfromn this d1istrict of Ontario 'were on dispIay ai thIe iClia:mpionship 'Show 'beld on îSaturday, October 9tth, at Orono -where prize w\inners fromr icýcal 'Blac'k and White D'ays in the counties of Durham, 'Northu'mnber- land, Victoria, iPeteiboroý, H'astings, nivdLenox and Addington comipeted ifor regional bhonors. Altoîgether 1153 heatd were shcown by thirty-f'our ex- fiibitiors. J. Porno Iunes, Wood- sto'ck, was ithe judge. H1e h'ad to inake xany close decisions, the .quality of the animais exhibited 1be- ing iuniform'rrly 'high. 7Fol'lowing ýis the list of prize Win- moers : Bull, 4 years and over, J. C. Nel1- Son. Archie Muir & Sons; bull, 3 years, no enitryý; bull, 2 years, H-arold TloeW. G. ol & Son, IL J. Peti ull eno aîn, Jo)hn Ciui!khank, ptrn Hoskin, A. D). Flemiýing & ,-So, George 'and Jh <A ursieEa'nl Burnside and Ný. W. MoCniky; bulhý junior yearîinig, K. E.Hoid, W. K. Caey N. I. MeoIeBertranm HosMin; bull caif, J. T'. 'Tully, K. E. HoliaG. iH. Wakr& son, W. K.Csky J. C. Nelson, G. H. 'WValker & Son, r'i 3LMuir & Sonis, 'M. J. Tin*iihlyn & Son. 'Tully and 'Couglin', Vernon Pauil & Son.,)3rtrami- Hoskiei, J. Il. Jos'e & sons', J. iL. Jose & Sons. Senior Champion MaIe, J. C. Nel- s'on. Resýerve Seniio, Chamipion 'M1aie, Harold 11on1,Y. Junior Capo - Male, John ruiîckshank. Reev Juio Chmpioan (Mae, J. T. luly Grand Charnpion -M'ale, J. C. Nelson. Reserve Grand 'Chanpion (Mae, Jolino Cr'uiekshqnk.1 'Cov, 15 ears and 'over, Earl Buim- side, Neil MUutton, J. C. Nelsoni, FI L. Merrill, G. H. Walk-eîr & Son, M. J. Tainblyn & Son, J. C. N eisoin, G. H. Walker &v Son, N. W. (McConkey, F. W. Taulbyn & Son, A. J. Tamiblyn & Soni, M. J. Taiblyrn & Son, Ar. J. Tani(blyn & Son. ,Gow, 4 ye'ars 1V. G. ~ Cowle & Son, -A. D.Flmn & Sons, Stewart Nelsop. 1-lelfer, 3~ years, Stewoart Nelsion, Nq. W. m,- C-onlcey, E. L. Merrili, E. L. 'e.rill, E. L. ïMerrili, N. I. (Metalfe, W. K. t0askey, J. W. Rowmian, Thoioas J. Convey, Stewart Ne1son, G. 1-. \Val- ker & Son, Lemm-oni Bros, J. W. R'ow- 7inan, John Cr-uicshanlc, Smith Broîs, Coqghlin Bros., Emnile -Masee, Archie IMuir & Sons. Heifer, 2 years, Smith Broi., E'arl Burnside, Lemmion Brcos, ~Smith ýBros, 'Stanley Wood, Smuith iBros., Haro'ld W. Honey, E. L. Mer- rill, Stanley' Ward & Son, J. W. Bow-' mian, A. J. 1Tambly & Son, Stewart Nelson, F. W. Tamblyn & Son, K. E. iHoliday, Archie 'Xuir & Sons, 1Eeifer, SeLnior Yearling, 'Stewart Nelson, Sith 'Bros, Stanley Woo'd, P. W. Taxnblyn & 'Son, Eari B'uirn- side, Bertrani Hoskin, J. C. Nelson & Son, Archie -Muir & Sons, Thomas J. Con'vey. Junior Yearlin'g, J.' T. Tull'y, D. C. oskin, Smith Brois, ILarold W. 1loney, N. I. Meteaif, Stewart Nelsoni, W. K. iCaskey, W. K. îCaskey, Arcîhie Muir & Sons, F. W. Tanmblyn & Soný, W. A. Scott & Son. Heifer 'CalIT, J. C. Nelsîn, John Burnsi'de, Siibhl Bros., J. 'T. Tiillly, ATCIhie ýMuir & Sons, John îruick- shaid<, J. IH. J'ose & Sons, J. C. Ne!- son & Son, Harold W. lloney, D'avid L. Hollinger, Wmi. Coîehî,rýanîe & Sois, J. ;H. Petty, J. E; Jose & Sons, Wnm. îCochrane & Sons, A. D. Fleming & Sons, N. I. (Meteif, Archie Muir & Sons, Wm. Cochrane & Sons.. Senior Chamîpion Female, Steward Nelson; Rsre Senior Champion Feiale, E. Burnlsid.e;, Junior Chami- pion Fema4e, ste'wart Nelson;Re serive( Junior 'Chaý,npion Female, mthBrOes.; Grand Chamipion Fe- ral, Stewvart Nelson; Reseive Grad 'han4onFemnale, Earl Burn- Gt o. ieSno,fSewart Nel-1 son, Sithl Bros., F. L. 'Mernill, Mi J. and F. W'. TainblynI, .J. W. Buw-1 mad F. W. T:imibQyn. Mookî adT'u'ly. (Get'of Sire,J MnoM- Cokyau Tully, J. C. Nelson & SonSmih Brs.,Burnido and Caýskeyv. H. jc &.Sons.1 W. K. Cke, Aýcie Muir 'and Sons. 'Pro- Iey f dami,Se 'rtNelson, Lemn- mon Irol-K.E. l,lid'ay, Stewart NloJ. C. iNresoni, 1Harold ,Hmpey, ArheMuir & Sons, Archie Mciv & Sonis, Archie M-ýuir &L Sons, H. J. Petty. County elîst, 'Peterboro0; 2n'd, 'Nothcber;a'd; rdDurham; tIh, Ontario; ith, Hastings; 6th, Lennox andic Adidington. Judge Cermaif s Car -Recovered- At Trenton Judg,.e Germmu'ils car 'which was stojýi n uW'nesdao<y evening of Iat 'weck, 'n'vas recorere(d the ncxt day at Trenton. 'On Wednesd'ay evening Vine Jcdge aras tak.ingi some prirzes Vo be cse'd for a binigo game,. le lefV bis car on týhe dark street, tbinking lie vo'ld bc i ee oly,a few minutes1 and le.ckevs in thecar. 1 bnp-J pene'd that he didn't return catil an hvour bad elapse'd aned foundthat 'is ,car iad 'isappeared. t aras Ilocated in Trenton ithe next day. Thne Chief cd Police at Cobourg received a note. a couplle of days lat- ter from ine periseii ho had taken Ifhe car, s'ayinigthat he didn'it steal the car but just borro'wed t as ýhe had Vo get Vo a place near Trenton in a hurry, se rturally lie juist toe(k tine car as a means of transportation- Wheubei got Vo Trenton ho rau eut 'of gas. he note ras written on a no, addresa% siened on Vhee bottom of Vthe note. Wlilfl Seek -The Return 0f Reform Schools. AV a dinner given in honor o Ion. George Doýnba r, Ontario Iprovinicial wecretary, AMr. Dunibar said Viat the goivemlent i'aseeking the return of ùwo provincial juavenile ref orm rchoo'Is for boys and girls. They 'wena turneti over 'te Vine federal gev- erumeuiient early inVte Nwar by the pre- vious Onurrio administration. Thne boy' sdhool at BEwcmanvilIe la used as a prisoner cf arar intern- ment camp and Vine girls' achool at Gait as a training centre for Vine Wonnen's Royal Canadian Naval Seri- vice. Mr. Dunbar asaid they aere nee'ded by Vie province. John Bracken, naitional Pregres- aire 'Conservaive lead~er and Premnier PDrear of Ontario, 'atteude'dVie dmn- nir whiehwama helt at Ottbma. Refcrrîng o Mr. 2unbrrs -mcn- tien of Vthe nessiby for discipline siinol, r.Di'ew Saïd: "Arcn't are talkiag- about -a failure 'if 'education, cif Vie'combined educational ervi- ces, tine inme,Vine cinurch n dm the scinlol. 1belierýe it is 'absoluteIuY uecess'arîyVinat we returu to a reali- zation cf Vine necesity for discipline in Vthe achools and in thefr conduct."' The sclinool at Ewm uvic 'as Vik-n over sinortly alfter Vine 'nar, thus le'avinlg no suitaibie place foar dlelinquLenit boys Vo receive proper training. Surcly seome otiner place coulti 'be ioscd for Vie Geirmîmuinpris- prisioners andi icave Vie buildling at Bowmuanville for correction' cmf 'boys in ouir etvn 'euLntiiy, -ho 'ill formr part cf 0cr plepuLition rftcr Vine wa r. AV present thiere ýare toc mntiiy yooung boys entering crim-e nmd a lot ofViis could bu oveÀcomne if a suitqbie plroç was tû ha hati. ONE 0F THE W'ORLD'S IGVIE T AIR BASES ; LABRIZJOR LINK ON BOM3BER 'RUU1 E TO BRITAIN The ihuge Gnda-uî air basa <ýit Bioî ay, L-1Výaraor, is avil link on the 'bomber route to EB ita:in3. A constant fl'ow of great U5 obr 'Come in fromn the 'nest, rfe and countinue their jour-ney Vo tfins batl'e fronts of Eur ope. Goose Bay is'os" bss iniithe wcrld, and hlas gr-own ýp since the oulibreain of nvar. IV is equipi. ed 'with full repair and mitnnsf .~~ ,ad ' e sujgery for amiy workers 'wh'oimay niii~ rpia.'Bfr .A batteries protct it p"roo ib ai:r abc Sepai ate comnda (1o-,the RAF, eCAF, and USAk,ýAF \\ork th g.tbýer hFere lasg- dfr-nd and allies. Picture' ashows:-IHuge US, Fortr s;s;ss'fuel up rùady for-the jc'urney tVo England at G-nose Ba, iri1d RED CROSS NEWS.VI, on1 Thursildv f ly itelýInI on of lat wcek. 'co ites aevyb*y now planning ïfor o'ýverse-as boe and alsýo forteCrima baa, Quilting is ýa v'ery pua linle ofi %il oii lie0 ~bacl'y ne',e'du. Ifa hais Voýps pieced, tbe'y -will be'very acceptable. W. A. MEETIG The Womiien's Ascainof Parkl St. 'Ohurch held thejir ctbrme ing. on 'Tuesdaiyafternio'on i Yat with a good,, attendance. Mrs. Taimilyn l'omdthe laia presenit anîd' rend 'amessage (frointthe, Pr-esident 'of the DqiiomininBoad. Mra. L'ttl1'eýwood conducted, the wor- ship peri'ud. rThe can'Vass for t~ o carry on Vthe work of the W. A. bas- met wîth a srlendid response to date. A,\fter a short 'business session, 'Mrsý. Jacîk- son entertained nvith seiverai accor- I dion selections. iMrs. Tanmblyn then -called Mrs. Majria 'Smith to the plat- form and expresîsed tu ber Vthe mem- bers 'apýreciation 'of ber untiring efforts b ne work of ouîý AssociÀa- tion, anld as a slfiîghit to)ken Ms L'au ra 'Alun pre.siented ber- with a pair -d slippers.(Mrs. Suiti leave sýhortly for Nia'gara 'Falîs 'w:ere she 'will ispend thie winter unonths. 'Mrs-. Drumnond broughit a message in song "When we coîme Vo t'ine end of the, road", 'with ilrs. Brown at the piano. A contest and refr'eshi-lnits brouigint a very pleasant meetiu'k Vo ai close. "Blesit fbe theTic Thait 'Binds" 'nas sung, anîd Re'v. Littie- wood peonouruced tihe ben-edictîin McCrea's Woek is erpected Vo start ai thVie shingling of Vine chich thus week. Kirb AniveraryServices Pc n and e%'cnng. T'hý,e chrcIn vis n 'y1 1 or'ated2" 1',f r he1 vionand1 the weaheri wnasi perfect, harmýoni- ,vir ) iw i t -pîiiL of Thrinksgiv- iing tha ars imnifeit th'ughuit "Le ay. Thea antinlis aunig bY tine cl' 'rwuro welI rencred and imac-h In the ifteinoon the pasto)r co- dc-ethesie andl Rex. J« E. GrýifithIQ, a former ipaister, peached, theý message 1beinig VromVthe text, "'11' vJoy befro 'e thee according to Vthe jy in' a'va. R, v, R. E Mor-ton, 'a îglong 'mîijiter and chirman of Vine O'ah- awa9 Pre.sintery, conîducitedi and prac!edih evenîng servi(e of T lsrn1)k sg-i v ir'.l% Fi messa-ge Wa ts from the Psalms, "Wha'its'hallI renl- ôc-r ntothe Urd for al bis Ibene(fits towards me ?-'I wili pay mIIyvos unto thc Lord." Visitors weiae present from Orono nsud els'where. - - - .- Ford Car Found lu Toronto Mr. Iairry -Meroer's Forfd V-8 sedan 'nas discovvred in' Toronito at 'the nvoon bour on T'bcsa'fir aitdq weeký, and not by the ipolice,, but by one of our l&ouali"en. 'Mr. O'Boyle wa:s in toc city on Thursdu'y iait 'on 'business for the firm he aronrka for bn0,shFt,,aâ,ad wh'en be orean to thpe corner of Winchdbetr and Suma-ch satreets, ncticed tine car pa1rked aiog the cu'rb. Ile at once recported Vo bhe city poUce :ut the Diendas Station Who lnforrm-ed the 'Provflincial Police who took over the car. The car is still in Toronto. Evaporated MiIk Sales Put On Pioity Bais tishe or irk- err wi Mr anti Mers Sal1les of evaporateti milk have Gh eorek'Whitc. br.aidMýý1een put -on a ýpriority brais te en- Bolbbie- Yeungman, -son cf âM. udsure suappliesoWf tiis conuedtyfo Mrs.Ed.Yocgma, hd Vne iafr- abIics formoulae and other 'essential tune Vo dm11 and spliniter thinboe in us5es, t is announiced h.y Vthe Wartime bis arm. ile n'as bacîv brieti md l Pnices end Trade Board. Ess-enitial lo'osencd Iseveral teeth alSo. "sers wi lh ssuîed -\with special"G lMdCKre"Chircin 'wiil hoId their'coupons whichigives tinem a prior- Annirersary and TheoJOfein ity over other ptirchasers when boly- Service on' Sundaiy, Gîtbe 7Vh, r1tit mg e'vaporated nnil'k. Reitailers ý will 2.30 p>I. IR ev. S. Ltls o'o f be îiastructed Vto retain r certain rer- Or-ono arilI speak. Siecial mu-sic centage of VierStock1s Vo bonlor wil l, poideclby irýychoir. thlese couiponis. Stocks noV requairedc aril beipro'idedby Krby o meet these esseutial neecls may be ýNEWCAýSTLE'BALL CLUB DIANCE cItoIn'QseiIlurs 1Tenear coupons in-1ay 'be obtained The Nlewcastle Hall 'Club are lnold- npon application Vo tihie Local Rto iug a idance in the ComB'yHl oard. Ercin "G" couponi is gosod for tiis Thursdcay eveniiig-, OctQber 14.1 Six 16-oupîce cana Of evaporatud 'Rusa GCreigiten and is Drance Bani usik. Wili bei in atteidce.-iiý- As 'an added -- - attractionthere 'will aIseo be taip Italy jcunped)cc in tine výar whcn that; dancing, songas, ban'o sellections, 'ail jCouury thouLgint t asmantârly oveýr.1 for ýthe smaîl suini of 501. per~ person. VN>w they are mo f bine' aar, 'winy Genne and ýhave a pleasanit evening. nlot ieave thém'out? Farmer'Co-opeération Requested Regarding Seed Grain For 1944 Consumers WilI Pay The Sanie Price Ottawa, Octo>ber 1lth-In an- iiouncing- revised reigulations dWaiinÊ with ithe maximiumi- prices at which live and 'dressed poultry imny , ibe sold by producerse-wliolesablers and reýtailens it 'any part of Canada the Wartim-e Prices and Traide Board said there would be no inerease in the ceiling prices paid by consumera. The order will permnit 'better re- turns to the producer by effecting an increase of 2 cents a puund in tihe wholieisale price of dressed poultry. The retail:er',s mark-up is reduced Iwoùm 9 cents a pocnd to 20 per'cn of bis selling price Prorvidingý- this (does not exceýed 7 cents a poundl. Clarke Township Council Clarke To i v p Couineil met on Pue'say, ctohr501, in its reguler meinPg ini the toiwn lhall at Oronoü. 2,1r% C. F. AÀwdle made his nIupoýrt onI 1942 taxý collectionis and it wvas f ound thait 'The sumion f$2566un- collt taes was the lowest f'giure for 'a goo&i ny years back. 'Rlis re- port wi a acèe'pted and hie waîs ap- poùi'nitedVa colector for ilie ycar 1943. The iinatter of sheep killinî,g by dogsi aas egain di'sesscd bhecaIIse hils to the amouit 'of $168,00wereý ipresen'ted. This mnakes' ithe total 'aoutof $1145.00 to date havinjg b)een paid for this ýpurpose in 1943. The following -bills were ordered paid : 'Durh'am ounty Plowman's Asso)- ciation, $0;Mrs. H.2Morris, $?5; J.J. iMelior, 'salary, postage and'ex- change, $67.2.5; C. ýB. Tyrreli, office spis 9,)e.; )Rolph's IHardware, ulpis, 1' J Orono W.eekly Times, prining, $14.50; Orono Tele- phone Co_, sevice and long distance cals, $15S . R. H-art & Co, 'office suppies $1.&;Beae'sLtd., 'office sple,$2.73; R. ýH. Woo)d, ca ieL cif ownv hall, $12.75; Orono Hydro Electrie Commllliss;in, town hall lighbits, $9.45; Mrs. E. J. Randal, R vs F, 2.0 E. L. MacNaci'ntan,ý fContîeaý Treasurer, 50%In tice, $12.- 90; 'Dr. W. 'H. Stan'ley, pnieumi-o thorax refulls, $15.'00; W. E. Pa'vey, taito Cihacca, $7.50'; CGecilGlaisa, ,5 sb'eep Iillcd 'by dogis, $6~1.00; T. J. A. Carscadden, 1 sheep kilh'ed iby doga, '$8&00; Bruce Ellioytt, 1 sheep kçilled by dogs, $10.00; ýDa'id Hen- dews'on, 1 shcep killedi bv dogis, $8.00': Bert Sais, 2 sîheep 'kild by dogs. $,30.00; Fred Briioscomibe, 2 sheep kil.ied hy~ doigs, $27.0; ;George But ers, teaiming, es 00; C. F.Ac-de tex coll'ec'Tr5s aary, $350,0; Road Voueher No. 9, $2739 1 Ontario Departmnent o Agriculture Taking Steps To Secure 1944 Seed Due to the partial ýfailure of 194~ oints and barley 'crops in the Prrn ince, the 'Ontario Departmient o Ag-riculAture this weiek is takiný sbqYs in aun effort to assure a~n ad- quate' seed s'npply for 1944. Thý Departi-ment is reqresting the c< operation in planning nfl'w for 194 sted needs and reporting indd'viduâ requirements to county tagrieultura reipresentatives by No'v'exntber lj5th, Ro-n. Thoomas L. Kennedy, Minist otf Agriculiture, in coiinenting 'o 'this m-iensure states: "WVhat the De I>artment of Agriculture would 1iIk farmers to dIo is s(eure wherever poîs suble .good seed of . suitaîble varietie 'for their 1944 sowing need's. A] oats and barley suitaible for see, f'rom the 1943 cerop and any bel, over! from 1942 shouild be ulean'ed an, ofeedfr sale as ,seedI. Fa7rmeiý shol ff .r t'heir surplus seed fils, to nihbusand evisetheir Agr: ultural Represzeitatives o' any n<o sold by Nvmerlt.Do11lte graii nof s'eed qai If necýessary re(Place ut wi'th Westerfn feed grain Farmnerls are 1 ised te bey aee grainseal and if unialble to obtail sutbeseed, dis their AgriCu'] turi 1 Representatives not later thai Noiç'eiIber lSît1. Thiis. will enable ou toý c-stin te the requirenients foi eachb district soe that there will. be arufple seed grai~î for eireryou)e% It is furither sneggested that Di, reJetors and Menifbers of 'County Croi limilpiovem'-iett Associations can bel Cornle actîvelly initerested' in thý ioventenît and 'snpilpl;y of aeed grain thereby conitril-uLtitig valuable assis tance in a situatioa 'whicli deruandt se ious and immiiediate action on tih part of farmers al over the I'rov ince. llow MuHch lias Been Savedl lIt huas been 'calculated that fo e,'i h icreas-e of one point in the coid of living indeix, Canadian conîs'umei payotsom-ethiing like an additiont $34,1000,000 a year. lau'pic:es beec al1Ioiwýec to rise in' 1942, as tliey du in1 1917, it mwould' have 'eios't us $350, 'ý00,000 o live during the las ' ear. Should pnieus rema,.ii ataîi ized throuîgh 1943, ins,'tead of coin tinuinîg upward as they did la 1911 there îwill be, a saving to Oanadlia c-itizens oîf $850,000.000. N'o-pr~riy cnsuner nluGrea Bnitain can huiy 21/e 'ýpints of mil! per wee1k. The îprioyrity lisp 'eontair mothers. iehil'dren, irvalids and ej tain workers. ilItaly is now fighting on the sid of tie Uited Nations. iour Bonds Wilfl HeIp B i An Umbrella 0f SMiitrry leaders oüf Vine United ýNations have made plain their in- tention ta assemffile a rosit "umibrel- la cf safety" andi raise t ever Vine headis of our figh'ting mca. They have said they wili lay dosvii a fiamning, "barrage cf safety" before cýur for1ces as Viey advauce agats the ene-my. As oue higin officiai sîrîd i'ecently, "We plan Vo carry these men safeiy tinrougli alVine 'waters of the 'globe ýon tieir way te Vine figinting frenta. We cannot satisfy ourselves Viat re ha-ve donc encougin uni we have done everyithiu'g Vinait we cru do Vo con- serve .Vner yoongi. lires for tie peace- ine wo'rld te come ! W'e mit'de-ý f enV the eueuny se crcsbingly Vinat iis spirit willI 'ha broken and bis surren,- dIer hastened." Elvery Vicbory Bond you 'buy 107w wil1 heip Vo strcngthen Vinai la c)f safe'ty lover our Canadii c rs. Every Vietory Bondv irntensîfy tinat barrage f relis abead of themi acrosis Europe. Every Vi'ctory B bclp Vo s'pecd tineir voyages i tb-iroug in e waters 'cf Vine 'w brcýk boime te Canada. Ever, Bond you buy will hasten cyf unodtnl surrendler 1er, liro lito and 'aIl Vieir h( Yet every Victory Bond erruis greiiter interesit for you cani get on mioney depo Vine ban. Anti every Viýctorr Bond "Ei