Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1943, p. 6

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AT SCIENCE ~ TWO DIEPPE VETERAN~ I '~0~i~".i~ Y IS DOINC~ ..~:. More th"'3000,0100 Amleni- .nas, ma in the prim-e of if e, suff r from arthrits, one of the ï1ïst prevaleut chronlie disabliag icenses in that nation, as it aise is in Canada-,i says The Stratf ord Beaca-.erni. BtfavorabIle r'esuits obtained with a relatîvely raew trea-tmnt et f 250 cases of tie mot crippling form of artbri-. fis are rcported la the crreat issue of Induistrial 'Medicinie by ~Irs. R. G. Snydler. W'illand H. $quires anld Jon WN. Forster of trec Hoqsptal for Special Suirgery, New York Cty. The patients, subjects lu a six- yerstudy, peiusyhdfailed ta respoad te tie m ore conf forms of teap.Tien thiey ware given. the new treatment--huge doses (fromi 200,000 te 3000 units par day) of Vitamin D1)la' thte form of ani electriealiy acti-. vated heaatvaporized ergosterl (<Ertron is the trade namie). Over e-xtended( periode the pa- ients cotiauied te talte the cap- sues by moutb, Th e article chiarts detailed effeats of thae vitamin, treatmeat in 50 serlous cases. On the basis of a check made from twe te thnee yonrs nfter the dnug was first administered, resitla in22 cases were good or exýcellenIt, ra-. s i u eght Causspooraadlie l'est cither fair or ua1determiaed becausa patients moved away. A soe instancýes persons whose joints appearad iopelessly stiff- ened and swolea were able te r-esume theijr normal ocptos on1e was able te play golf again, a)nether, a star tennis pflayer w\ho had bcen unable te risc from a sitting position, reucd bs ga-me, and a tird, al of whelse jpints were affected, made a 4îomIplcrecov-ery."ý The piysiciiaïs say tha-t vwLle toxic renctions from mnassive doses of Vitamlin D of -a differ-. ent type have caIud troubie la thle past, ErtroIn, itsclf, causes ne serions toxicity. HoCanl17 Sy Anne11 Ashiey. Q. Hîow can 1 n1nke a solution foi. cle'ni11gwod rk A. M'ix i cup Of vinlegari-1cup oroseeanid 2 cups of wtt wae.This is excellent for ahig ellnmeed ort painted woodwaork orv f urniture, g)o1ing ever a emaîl portion at a time, thon nyl,"ing wib nsoft lotb. it \wiil remrove greaise and djrt, Leaviag a iic e gloss, srfce Do not use onvnnsdsufc. Q.Hoa- should paint brushles be washcd? A. A paint brush eau be da- cd bywahg it thoroughly ia bot soda wter aad soft soap. Q. 1How enaIi1prevent stici- neus of a waxed floor?. A. Try wasiang up tic floor wlth ice wter aýfter waý,xiiag it, and tien go ever the floor wth a dry clotb. If tus idoas net lelp, it is probably due te the fact that the varaish hlis net dried propely. Q. 1H1wv;eauI 1k'eepmoqite zway from the body'? A. Kecrosene, rubbcd on the exposed parts Of the arm1s aad body 1 ofter, very effectivp l kecpiug away mo1squitees. Tic odor le seldom u oticed after -a few minutas. Q,. llow ena ti bleaci wb-ite silk tint has yellowed? A. Dissolve a taLdespoon1ful of hyposuIpite of s odail twe quarts of water and éip tie silk Ïn the SOUOluo. Rlinl la w"ater. Dip aýnd rnase several tia~but do notald the fabrie te stay la the solutCion for anly Iengt of tQme. Plea For Trees Thie value of a, trea ws e-. ccatiy made kaown by an ein- ent eatomologist, a-ho reports that 50 fair ýi7eCI elmi-s were recently roId for,$3,000 apiece and thtz maay are wontb $'5,000 each. A tree ,net only bas cash ivalue, but it aise p)osse-ssa a ortb that cannet ho reckoned in ollas11C cents;, says The Guelpb Mrcury. It is a very impfle mnattar tO foster ts growtb. If evcry prep-. .erty ownern made it a Point te plant a tret on available space and refraiaed, from tc rutess destruction of tiose aiready wchI grown, much would be donc te-. iards ciminating tht follies oýf premisueus and thougLaess de- carniers fgav e C f poiy c£- .4'00. Two veteranis of Dieppe, C.S.M, Jaes urp)hy (left), who won the Military Medal at Dieppe, and Sgt. John Carroll, of Toronto, who was mentioned in despatches for services la the same action,ý pictured aboard ship ns they sailed with Canadlian troops for the Sîcilian battît thentre. GENERALISSIMO DEý;-CORATED Lieut.-.Gcn. Joszephl W.Stwel commander of U.S. forces in ladia, Chinia and fBurma, e-cfort uew Ame,ýricanm order of LegiQrn of Mn arn Generlissio Ciang Ki-îhek. Awuard was highlight cf ere-. monis autChunging on Sixthanaiiver:sa-ry cf Cina's war with J-a- pan. Hav Yu L eacnr d? Joncs -js'rae}:"es,I did have ýsmoetiag in the baink, but since I meiLt your dnughtar it has ail goneo." Father: "Expensive courtshîp, eWe,11, y,)u, know love miakas the world go around?." t Joc:"Yes, but I didni't thIiaki it wo l aku e m e ota m lial- Docto-r: "Look here, do't Nyo, U kaow mny coasulting hours are from 6 to 7 p.m.?" Patient: "Yes, but the dog LADY HNE FEMALE ILLS For Pain fieland Deiayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHO(-NE LL. .3600 For Cty Delîvery 1981 DvaoiRn (Corner UxbIdg v. thrat bit me d-idn' t." Professor: "En, my deanr, wiat's the înoaniug- of this vaseý of- flowors on the table today ?" Wife: "Meaning? Why, today's- your wveddiug aaniversary." Professor: "Iadee-d! ..Weli, well, do lot me know when yours is so I may do tht same for you." Cierk: "May 1 have the aftarnoon off te go shopping with my wife?" Boss: "CertaiaI; not." Cierk: "Thaak You very Hùusband: "Darling-, did you evor stop te roalize tint if you kuaw, bow te cook we'd ho able te save corne money?" 1Wife: "Yes, and if you kaew how te save mioney we could keop anecook."' Wife (te the returnbng hushaad): "la liat Yeu, John?" John: "l'd better he." Held In Japan Japanese mlitary authonities have reported te the International Re d Crosni Geneva tint_ they hod10,166 Australien soldiers, including 898 officers, as. prison- erc of wnr, Francis Fonde, Aus- tralian Armny Miaistan, aanounced neceutly. An additional 3,321 ýAustra- hians wene reported belî by tie Japanose la a Tokyo râdiocast but siacae the radiocnct was not con-. firmed, tbey are offîcinlly listed .ns- missing. Tient are 9,995 others, includinC! 234 officens, alto listed ns missing, Mn. Fonde said. Rice and Turnips Lord 'Woiten, .1 feel sure, ,vould Mke te know cit a coltwho couid 'mnake semeoithïiag i(e ncf nec and tie Royal egapia Soiety, saîd lie ised te b1ave Oanea Cina This 4eoo1k ücold miake twe mieal-s a day from nrice and turnips, keep Il Up for five days anid pro-dilce a d1ffeneat flavTor every time. ModernFitiquette 13y Roberia Le, 1. Wo id1kbe al right teo address a weddinig inivitation to "Mr, and Mg. Gorge L Smýitb and F-amiiyT"? 2. Is it proper for, a hobýteseý te offer ber hiand to callerswc receiving them? 3,.Is it cnidrdbad form for a guet te, take a- second helping at dinner if îiL-- effered? 4. le lt correctl, when writing tto a divorced woma,ýn, te address, the çniveiop)e "Mrs. GraeceWVil- son" ? 5. Sh)ou-ld aï,irl ta-ke !her purse with ber wc oigetfor an evening of en'etriiament with ani escrt? 6i. Is it obligatory fer the bride's attendants te w e ai gloves? ANSWýERS 1. No; if the children orý other mnembers of thie family are Old anuhte be invitedl, a separate inivitation muet be sent ltCoe2each one. 2. Yes, aiways; te beth mcna aad womien. 3. No; the guest, need net hiesitate te do se., 4. Ne; if shîe 1bas retiaied ber married anme anrid her maideiiniianme was Grace Joncis, address it te "Mrs. Jolies Wil- soni." 5, Thîis le a matter of personial echÀýe, but it -is niways better foi: a gil te Carry her purce. 6. It is preferable, ni- thoulgh net ablsolutely -necessar-y. hIs stim ted hat50fgttn planes canu ase up 0,00Q0Jr ounds of smaii-arnms ammiýuiienoiniiiont minute, as muai as, 10,000 mii ini Napoleons army wouidh! ave used la a day's battie, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTOMdOIL IlS-USEi, USED CARS -WlIH(-,001)TIRES. See us first. MounitlIeasau t Mo- tors LimIted. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Set.; Head Office,' 632 Mount Pleasanut Road, To- ronte,.elphne11. 2181. BAIIV CHI(CKS LAST REGUTAR I3RAY HATCPHF this month.eV ave2- lwek light breadpllt eda e others. Ordler frimeit 130 John N,RmIoOt in 'g.Rabo CoeconTlp 2 rdoz. $1.. Deivre. uy1rs Bulhs, Hatzic, jDC. We groith hast only, I)YE1lVG & CLBANING HAVE YOU AN YTH1N(U NE EL),- dyeirig or cleanaing? Write lu uis lror information. We are glad to answer your questions. Dear 1i - ment H. Parker's Dyc Work 's Limited, 791 Yonge Sre.T- ronto. ELECTIIICALi EqiI'MN REBUILT ELECTRIC MV TO 0 ' and equipment. Repaire, rewiîixdi- and parts. Complate 'Aock J Yrii Electrie Comupany, 2326 Duffeuin Street, Toronto. 100 ACRES CLAY LOM, LL UN- der dultivation, yon rchaidi. Brick.house with moldem nconven- lances. Bank ba;ru, ite in barn, tw,,o silos, drive shd lcrct One mile from nChurch,1.Vilg ford,(. Wul ei tokfe, m las, S PulOnaro SOME COC ONIRUSTB cd Vorkshireso, jutbred, d soeechoica yonng Regiere boars about radyfor srie Edgar Denniis, R.R. 2,Auoe Ont. ARC TIC BL)JE FOXESiSLVER Ji's. Mink Ncw Feing , Supple.DadlxitCret Daruatcttaaa- 32.5dGOOIuSON TERESHER, NEW contin. l16 30 Rq!i Imla act ;or. J. Everto , i129 l toaUa1nr To hontî.OtsaaetDna hnd muet be aabüle withlairys wag.rson';0 îrihlman. Apply Bn,1 vente e Brs., Amhersotbur, elbf rî1soniaehod, Ouforsato er f ReumtiePin r er Iiluros >rg Store, 33bEljgin, ottaw'a. Pspl 103 WýarnýIngs a'bout caelsstalk"' and people whio - trytoxtaimil- îtary information fn-om membersli of iieforceýs may necaIlitlic toiry of Ore (if Mnbruhsgnr whe was en aeîaada big banuetlitht Cityof Londconý. Next Ite hlm wac , a!aiative - derman who isstdon bor'iag bisa with a5ucesson f questions atbout Ije life off a coîdierla thile field. Tht goutt'ai feced wjih hum gùoed-iiimoned(ly fer a lime, buit the alderman woulot be eid "But gr"ho dmne,"suirely yours lmust be 'a venylaein "Whyl no sir," rejoined tht g 'enl- cml,. "we figit about four husl the, morniiing affltwo or ibret aflecr dinifler, and thon we lhave alice nect o(Ê;f tht day te usla. Remo'Aving iE-test Gas Dangerous- Work two days la a.shIp'loid to pmpi euit 1,500 gallonls ofIhighi ctan aviation spin-it whlcb mJid liekt ie tithehold foadmgdcn Theï i herola wenk rernved tie rilsk of a dienstouus epoin St-nipped te tht wais;,in(i-&.witb" ail~ ~ ~~~f mea0e1vd frm; i cIotlhing, tht mon opara)eltetllhandc pp"js te0tansfo tispjirits mi 45ga Ir~dumc, Frequul reiefsWare eesr and strict suerisin d ho be Inninitiatd for frlic eronbe. camle iaitoxlirce yt ,'Ii umes ila a situatOion whea ione ropail net wýold h ave aasIdisastfer. Oxygeabreihng ppnats as kept iun onst n reaiaoss ý for nescue or, reviving operations CLASSIFIED ADVERTI$EMENTS 7TJRSES WA'THD WAN-,TiD IMMEIA TELY, HC ltrdNurses, 'staff duty, csal- ï, $65. to, maxi--mum $75. In 6. nlthe. Sxdywaek.Grovas Memo(rial HospitalFgu, Ont. PATEN(rts PETH-ERSTONHAIGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establî1shed 18 9p; 14 King We, Tornto Boolet of Information onl re- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE flanistetht roret o r Dry Skin Troulas. Po Tst's Eccema Salve Will Not Disaîppoinit You,. Itcingcng,g, Burninig Ec- zema, Acnie, Ringýwor*m,Pips and Atletes Foot wîll cpn readily t10 I i tanle1iss, odor- lest ointmcýnt, rgadasof jhow stubborn or bopelese they ma iseem.; PRICE $U100 rPER JAR Sent posýt tfret ,on rc )p fprc PO0S T 'S R EM E DIE s 889 Quac tS. E..,Crnr ofLogan TORO,(NT( DON'T TRUDGIE THROGUGH 'lie BejiU, 1jin. oe kHall HAVE YOUR SNAPS l)liyered by Mil A ny b or 8 expusure f1im iirfedty devetlopcoend prilol )1'11ed foronly25C. supreeq ualîty aud ast ýervlce [MPEIALPHOTO SERVICE, àttin . t ol"pwt "ALWAYS SEN"D MY ROLLS TO STAR SASO of m frend alZIadme whcýOure I and pr1ted I ldthmsedou ro1uei, to trSnphiSrvc, n thay d(1:d. Thd, 0,are1nW rag- Bos îî irls uon activc sc'"vice cýnJoy letteris so mucb more wen Mai yor OcIroîl to Str a- ubot Srvice'orea tial odr o will gel ua lity prints, with 1fincr dtail-at 1Lowesct cost. And you wili ge; t ot prompt mil evie obteinale in keping vith uait work. Stamr SoeîtServiceoe- aies anads bigast nd hst MomuiLs. ed by bal',lI ud for a maîl adý,ditijoxal STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Blox ,1-1, PstiTerminýàal A,Troo ,Prjinit 2Iour na1ma n ddcspli on al odas FILMIS DEVELOPED 2.5c COIN Two prîis Dom eadb nea v, Ha- and efcie 1(two ek' u. ply> at aI dugaet, r pstei frein MalJt5h, Bros., î5Bulo, To- rontoi, UnI. Thie men knew we-ý llat petrol mixed with air in!;expLosive pro- portions is h jighlydagerus Wbuile ohrvsespasse>d_. al the en wre ithdawn from Spark frinm the fnil asdan bleecling amiý PI ~ ~ r 0 t r utiing L Piles should knowBunkrs HErbal Pis treat tht cuse t ii source. Money bac-ýk if the ful ottie does not satsfy BY from yurdruggist, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PUOERTESWANTED TO IIUY WE HlAVE BUYERS WAITING- for Chiaken Ferme, Market Gar- dans and town or village bocuses lu ehl parte of Province.,Sand ful particulers lu'confidence et once, -we make no charge unlees we salI. Powell and Company, 5 St. C'lair East, Toronto. EHEUMATIü PAINS faraýr of Remtc an'or Natisould trc Dixns am- edy. Munros rug t,3.5 1,g,f ttawa , Posipeîd $100 STNOMAC N HEDWOTRMS oflan re tht cue cflIltealt lnu huat.ah ags. ANo OaRim mune!. o WhySeetrBod of ths Ont. ic Ot Ilaf etoac, witbrecuipres and gravori1ng, $, postpaid. RSep-~ Tombeco Excanga$900ut0anbont. TEACeRS WTANT eDch f-r S.. o. ,oubwortb and Ees' (f,io ricOndt. t 11 REDDITT OTESUBLITC(,5 grades 1 10 5iii, commeci-9,Sep- tameriSlry $900,00 aSdlbonu $10,0. I. V.Codclowg, Sec.- QUALIFIED PO BESANT Cacb- 4r $13.aly 10 AplItsCordn Stoughon.Caaoge, nt r.\NTED-TCHE R v:,S.i E.f- GrSffitheOxrft, Ont.e JolitteEngisbSchol.Saîreary uîdi-ly 10 W. Hoggi,. Sec.-.s Trea~., Joliatte1 Que No. 4 Balfour A.Apply e in Cheimeford. Ont, PRTETATTEACHLR EU WANTED for SS. No. il Am.ianih s5ata R.R. 1, Shelburne Ont, itun No.t2, Paîpoo.ge le 1 Fot Wlvailirs tx Sta~t Sept let Apply A .Pet- William.OOnt Relieves itssro MNTL FEMALE WEAKNESSF XLydîn E. Pilkham's Vegetab"le eompIound flot oaly belpis reliv MontlelY Palinbut alto vwealt, inrv Ois eQaeclete e4;l fane- tlonalstu acsI-LIpsbld> rebsicne agaiist distresof "dim- cutl day&" MadlllnCanaida.

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