Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY- TIMES' ie Orono Weekly Times Established January, 1937.l ery Thursday moruing at the Times Office Orono, Ontarlo Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 R.A. Forrester, Publisher ,pass ing aljways hrin-gs for iiosit'cf ns, a pang of is $0 bridf aicyet so pleasant. 111 the sprin-g speak, dra anticilpaticqq of sumniiier. And bhetïî7so as11(lar crowded hite the days which are so ýyi.hbut seeingly s osshort while slippiin.g Tilne, aluP ide wait fer rne man, and heing o'werlçess te inter- ne ins the tr'end o te seasous, 'we muy as well aýccept -what autumni ste offer, A loveliliens which somre folik believe surpasses that cf ramer frequently mamila 'the Fail. 0f 'course theme is thse realiza- a that 'wnter is fo'lwispton' the heels cf this very leeiiuesS, te quote an oIt rqpeatexl phr.ise "f winter icornes, cen spring be >behind ? " With th'e Lnowledge that thse seasens are ini the hands a great and 'wise Creter 'oen as eus- o'wn destmnies, we can faýce, future snd trust to greet yet anether- summner for "if sprir<g- oe cornles, ican summiier too lbe fnr behind l?" MIGRATION TO WESTERN CANADA Actirig upon the sug-estiois cf the Ministry cof Lalbour, num- s cf imea with gicturiexperience have departeld for Wes- M 'Carin 'toaist witb tise harwvest. Amiong,, theni are sonie cf local y'o nmn'. W(, nnderstand thiat stili more would 'have ie but -were he'id back ewing te tise eslirnated requiremlent bo.ing ad-i filled. Thse transpcortation ccsts are ianiazingly snnalilcon- ering -thse 'reat distance traveiled, and it 11ppears te be a won- fui poppe'iunity te see Western Canada. Duiuig tise sunsmeii-ir the situation wa-s soiewhat reversed, and stemners were biag assisted eastward in 'order to tend al'hand te , work hara'ssed fariessof Oitarie. A valra<ble obfjective nmay ho ined bY this initerchaugne Of la our, aside f-om 1tise uctuai task cf m Domelnt. It bas been said that a freer rlovement of peoples )m one part of tho country to tise other, (and froin one, part cf the ýbe te the otiso, wouldl asake for greater und'erstauding, loser r-ony and deeper sympathy. Fnurciai aud -workingý conditions generally, basse neyer per- ted such large s'caie tra-vel te uny extent imen'g Ithe masses of pe. Post-wnr yoassnay hring about a change i' that respect fact, tihe wur itself bias crented h'u'ge transIes-s of peopie te f ur- rg places, -but net always under the happiest ofuiTeulistances. turning tea ur Western'- hound lads, we 'iust ladd that the beunty tItis years, Western crop is a matter caiidintg for great gratitude. The terni "bmirad 'basket of thse World" sceens te appiy more 1 more te the rir-h laudd61wisi'eb we are a part. Plobably thse ney cf the, harvesters te the l'umid 'cf promise, Wl be hy celenist ln. Tiese trains are noit the,-ôme 'of cemafert and refinoment, but thse words of tIse slogan cYf a fam'e'ts motor ceur firm about 'tw~o ýades ago, "Thery take yen there and briug you iback." That the tario manwiTi de thleir paiit in thse West, -,,,e are certain. Intise untime, we -would he semiss in -eur duty if we did net -wish tbejs ,'éns- local citizens 'partiouiamiy, gedspeed, and a sefe and pro- hile jeurney. THE USEFULNESS 0F A FAIR Tise Dus-hlm Centrai Agriculturai îExh1-ibitior hus cerne and ie fer r nuetler yeas-. Thsere is gratification for the managemient tise fact tist the attenidance was good and that ýalliii ail, the athernlan -wa's kird. True, a col wind ail nfternoon madle for estain ameuont of discùmoret, but thon, a 1ot ay wu' aebe enimforteil te 'anwduld halve proved a greater clanity in ither of the abeve mientienied coniditions, se there you are. uat a hazarrd the weatber presents; the hbest laid plans of imer and e are se froquentl'y subject te its ca-prices. A fuis- off srs se niuch interst and edluctior even te the csa errer. Taike for instance the displays Ï, om tise 'varions scisecol tien; hou ced within tise main building. Evidierice of b)uddingip art c culture was appareont in eve,-y one cf themn. There, was ne stion bu'ot whait the rising gecneration possessed a wealtl of good ýtcrii within' its anrks. Eds'i'sby eider Iok-thie Red Cross ibits, the ast section, the home cookling dopai-tmelnt, the displAy fruit and veýgetables, of fancy -work-l, of iocaliy nauftre -ads, la shert, everythin'g eniie pinted te thse 'afility nnd la- .ts-y of 'eus-"anaf'olk." 'Thon the splendid showing cf lire stock side -would bo a credit te uny fuir or any locality. It ni b it sonne day wve vwiii boast buildings for th-se ielites- cff these choice mnais 'ust as' the poutry and 'tier domlestic lires are isoused. We ,e enumlerated n fewl thiags 'whicis go toward malcng up a lais-- nogs, in tact, -vith'out -whdcls h a faim wý,ould be a failure. W\itheut four cf contradiction bo'wever, 'we rem'sd eus- readers 'e miore ýof tise vennent x'vrich is t ence tise most interesths, i- sury and voital jr i tise pussuit of uny project; we refer te the ýpe Vhnslve. e have b'heen teid Ttlitan effective.niethod cof tigfri'ends in a crowd is th-at of standing la olle place. Soosser lter they will cnete- you, we wer'e iufornied. A test proved tise a souIld te a lusig gs-e. Besides niumereus frierds, we met the ýat, :he~ neas,- groat and the ordinamy everyduy folk likeoeus-- 'ca, a'nd ire were more r-cnvi'uced thair oves- that the erleid i'seif rded the meost albsonhiag- part ef thse show. WILL FOOD TABLETS OUTDO HOME COOKING? 'Periodie ssuigof ratbion bocks bissgs homre te us more than r the imlportance and the constant need cf foced. The grcwîng rity of certain lines cf goods 'upor store sheives mil have te he Éby stili m1-ore striiagent ruti'eniug. lt is iltesesting to note just it science is d'oing-te copiie with tise everý- sent needs of the nos- mur.' Ntiintablets containing certain vitairns are o-, issued te mlen and wcmewn in tise armmed services, ard are said rcve a rceal "pick mrie up" rwhen us'ed with discmetiorn. Sonne people al venture tise opinion that cur aecopted eatirg habits wili nateiy --ive w'ay te this niew foiri cf sustenlance. There is ml-uchl )e s'aid fois uds'a Iossibility,. Think of tise cenvenienice and tise ngcof l'aber. Ail dcwn th-ilocugis- the year-s the preparation ýof i as ýeciupied seaincisvaluabie tino, te sa- uethii cfth -t in tise cosunig'of said fo'od, amidtise inovitaie disis masis- which fcIi'ows. 'Diniugs-oom fumniture an'd table inen mlust aiseo ps-bvided. Tline again, ciilds-en mnust lue aughnt correc;t tabble ,p, k -gof table marnrsssemrinus Sof the experipn-iPz nd 'tion w1li eamle te a 'prof >sssioriai'ma, ia fsend 'cf ours. who sEc -turate ervugh te partake cf a rmeai ut n furia"suelo iing e years 11-0. -Fain mwemofoare noted for tiseis- ho spitaiity la mtter cf good ras and th-reshing and silo fllin thime seelni ail forth special esuipiasis leng tis lisse. At thics meal our ud's attention becainie fecusci riper tw iNesalwart sons of tise soul, ., i 'sublimse disregurd- for'thSe biblici injunitien "lot rot thy hand kuirw That thy rigist baud doetlï," wes-e exercising for tise e hing- an effective fes-vs «f perpetuai motion. Whien tise fos- geing up, tise knife -%as coming doma; the tise kif e -,us ging, tho, fostlkm-\as eomiwide. Tise race is undctibtedily te th,- )n, ut a tmmle Iiwt1his and single isanded mlea'tsures, accompnanied fine mnnes-s, are 1i o'plessly outistarcedl. Hon, R. Perey Vivian, Port Hope, Opens Durham Central Fair At Orono (Cniudfrom page one)» Ia,,n B. Maýnni; ben, lst an u'd Cr los *aby,I'fd, R. Mý . Bon; cocherelc', Allan B. 31aln UR. M. 'Browni, A. Ays-e & Sons; pullet, A. Ay're & Sons, Allais B. -Marin, Cre Taiblyn) jýi. Sut1s'se x - co)ck, R. -M. Bwn AAyre &-I Sons, N. R.A- dr;hen, ýR'. -M. Brow'n, A. Ayre & Sou's, 'N. R. Andrew's; cceeN. R. Arepws, Allan B. *Mann; pullet, lst -nd 2n'id N. R. An;drews, 3rcl, Ai- ian B. -Mamn. Le'gh'orn, Wb'te, Util- ity - cock, W. ýR. Buall, R. M. Br.own; hien, isit aud f2n,, W. R. Bull, A. Ayre &So's,; cockerel, 1s't an-Id31rd, W. R. Bail, 2nd, R. M. Brewn; pullet, lst and Srd, W. ýR. Baul, 2n'd, A. Ayre &Sons. Leghorn, White Exhib;tion -cock, lst and 2nd, R. M. Brown, AiIian B. 'Mlunn; hen, A. Ayre &-Sons, 2ud ami 3rd R. M. 'Brown; cec'kerel,' R. M. Brorwn, Allan B. 'Mann; ýpullet, Alian B. Mann, R. M. Brown. Leg- homn., Brorwn - cock, 1st and 3Ad. R. 1U. Brown AMon B. Marri; hen, ls't and 2nd, R. M. Browna, Allan B. Marin: c Akrl ian B. Man, nd'1 an3 jrd. R. M. Bow;pisiet, lst and 2n'd R. -M. Brown. Mnra Black - 'codkl, R. M.L Brown, Allan BR. Mann; hen, Allan B. Mann, 2nd and 3d R. M. B3rown; coer, Al1,1n B. Ma\hun1-.'caipons 1943., ls't aud 2nd, J. H. Jese. Diucksý, Rouen - maie, old, lat and 2nd, R. -M. B-owni, Srd Da wn Moffat; femnale, oid, lat and 2nd, R. M. Brown, Dauwn 'Mlocat; maie, 1943, ls't and 2nd, R. IM. Brown; fe- mule, 1943, ,lat aud 2nd, R. M. Brown. PeJkin - maie oid, R. M. Bro'wn, Halstead Coathiami- & Sons; female, eld, 'R. M. Bror'n, Dawn Moffat, llaIstead Ceatham & Sons; m'aie, 1943 R. M. Brown, Halstead Goatham & iSons, Dawn Moffat; fe- maie, 1943, iHastead Ootham ii& Sons; 2nd and 3rd, R. M. Brown. <Muscovy'-- maie, old, lst and 2nd, R. 'M. Brorwn; femiah, bid, 1st and 2nd, R. M. Brown; maie, 1943, Hla- stead 'Coatha~m & Sons ,nd and 3rd. R. iM. Browyn; female, 1943, Haisteail Coabhtam & Sens, 2n4 sud Srd, - R. 'M. Brown. Trurkeys, Bronze -' female, ol, R. M. Brown Allan B. -Mann; maie, 1943, lst, 2nd tnd 3rd, Allan B. Mann; female, 1943, AIian B. Maun. Any other variety - maie, oid, lst and 2ndl Allan B. Marqin', R. M.' Brewn; f emole, olid, lst and Innl, Allan B * Manin, R. M. Brown; ide, 1943, lst and 2n'd, Allun B. -Mann; femiale 1943, lot, 2n'd and 3rd, Alia B. Mwann. Gee.se, Toulouse - male, oid, ls t and d R. IM. Browns; 20d, H'-alstead 'Coath'am & iSons; female, old, lst ami! 2nd, R. M. Br~own, liaIsteud ,Coabhiam & !Sons; maie, 1943, R.I G. Mfoffat, R. MU. Brown H1-alstead Cea- thai & Sons,; female, 1943, R. M. Browni, Halsteudi Coathani & Sons; R. G. Melýffat. Emden - maie, old, 1st,, R. M. Brown; fernale old, lst, I. M.' Brown; male, 1943, lst, R. M. Brown; femaie, 1943, lst, R. M. Browvn. Pouitry Produets Her5s Eggs wiste, 1 dozen, Dnwr Moffu t, Mss Ed. Dean; seu's eggs, browa, 1 dozen, Dawsn (Moffat, Ms-s. Ed. Dean, Ms-s. D. G-. Heeper; heri's eggs, white 12 do-zen,- Mrs. &d, Dean. Walter Richard Roughley A liîfe menkuiher oeftise Oshnawa Veuntees- Pire Brigade Waltes Richard "'TIp?ý lReugiey passed asway ritise Oshawa iGenerai. Hos- pital iion Suaday, Septensher 5. Ms-. Roug-hley had beeqs in peer healtis for eigiht montiss and isad been ses-- i'ously:ili for twoe months. In his 52nd yeur he wus Ibornaut Dots-oit, Michigan, on Deceushes-18, 1891, but hud lived in Canada ps-uc- tica'liy all 'Ms ilife. H1e went te Osis- awaovs 40 yeas-s ago and mas enNYpo'd at Fittings Limited as weli as a driver bhy tise late William Mes-- ritt and ithe 11ate J. C. Fould's, hotis of -Isoinsoperated fuel businesses at 'Osbi'wa. Hie mas koeniy intes-est- ed in ail spertinîg uctivities and was a mobetf the ýFisst Baptist 11e is sus-vived by his mdc&, tise iforinei(r Aiva 'Marie Therre; two duugbters, Ms-s. Bruce Anides-son and tMiss Dos-las Ronglley and -twe sens, 'Gurines-Wilfred IRoug-hIey 'miti thse bevyastile-y at S'ydney.Nova Scoýtia and Rosis «f Oshamwa. Two sisters,_Mrs-,1. Whattann of Osh-.i-aa and Ms-s. G. Mus-'cf Tes-ente arid one brother, George of Osisawa ïlso survive. Tise lues-ai was held fs-ensA-- strong"s Fues-ailiHonne, Kirg St. E., at 2.30 p.mi.. on Wednesd,,ý(ay, Sept. Sts, wvitfi ites-aient being iade in Union Ceinetery. Rer,. John 'Mas-- sisuil of Fis-st Baptist Chus-ch offi- ciated. Ms-r. Rougdley wus risiting witis1 Mrs. Tisesne, Kenci, fs-om m i he vas rusihed te tise Oshawra ios- j pital.z T'heý undersigned has received instructions fremn MR. OS. COWAN te suli y public auctien ut Lot 24 Ce.4, Clarke Towniship 1 mle ast of OronoI oni WED-NESD)AY, SEPT. 29, 1943 the oiown Farm Stock, I~m'pimentsetc.: Herses$ Mac Rue, Ciydesdale Stailion, No. i647.Tiis herse is an oeutstandingi- stock getteýr; 1 Bay Clyde Mure, il years; 1 Bay Clyde Mare. il years; 1 Bay C-'lyde Mare, '7 years; 1 Bay Clyde Mare, 3 years; 1 B3ay Clyde Foui, 4 months oid; 1 Chiestaut Mare, 6 yens-s, quiet, suitable fer riding te schooi; 1 Percheronî Mare, 2 yeurs oid., Cattle 1 Jersey 'Ceïw- 7 years, due October 12th; 1 Durhan Ccww wjth calf at foot, -6 years old; 1 Durhamn Cow wit~h caî ut foot, 7 years oid; 1 Dur-, ham )Cow with caif at foot, 7 years old; 4 Heifers carryinig second caîf, due time 'cf sale; 7 Hereforid Yens-- lings, I year 'old; 1 Spring Gaif; 1 Grey Cow, 6 years old. renewed 2 weeks, caif ut aide; 1 Red 'Cow, 7 years old, renewed 3 weeii$, chif at side. Swinle 2 Yorks'hire Brood Sows; 17 York- sbire Pigs, 2 meinths oid. Harness 1 set Double Hiaraess; 2 set Single Ilurness as go'ed as new; 1 set of 'Phirbd 'Iorse llurness. Impleements 1 Massey-"arris Biuder 6 ft. eut; ! Frnost & Wood Mýower, god us niew; 1 Deerin'g Sulky Rake, good asý new; 1 Frest & Woed Suilky Rake; 1 Steel 'Rlier and I Log Relier; 1 ¾4Catam W».gen, Box and al euonmpete; '2 Massey-dlarris Cultiva-, tors; 1 Haçy Teddar; 2 set c-f lir- rocws, 'Diamond, 4-section; :2 Stone Beats (1 steei'>; 1 Kid K.anaroe Douibie Waikiug Plough; 1 Massey- Harris No. Cl Waliking Plaugh; 1 11-hoe l'Massey,4Harýris 'Seed Drill; 1 iicOorriik Manure Spreader, No. 3~; 1 set Imassey4flarris Bobsleighs; 1 Top Buggy; 2 ýSquare Box CGutters; 1 Turnip Drill; 1 Hay Rack; 1 Stock Rack; 1 Skeuffler; 1 sm.all Pig Box; 1 H'loney Funuing _Miil; 1 Interna- tiena. iCream i (Separator; 'Chains, Forks, ýShoiveis, Ilees, Grain Bags, Lig-ht 'Scales, Sap Kettie, Gas Dnumr and other articles tee numnerous to mienti on. Household Effects 1 Barrel Chrmn and ether effects. Sale te 1.00 o'ciock sharp TERMS CASHI AB. Meston Oies-k Ted Jackson Auctioneer On Tuesday, SeptLeniber 21, the mionthly meeting 'cf the Woman's Christian, 'Penerance Union was held ini Park (Street Sunday 'School room with the president, Mrs. Waishi, *presiding., The .dovction'a was taiçen by Mrs. Littlewood nnd tbhe meeting- ope2ned by singing the hymn "Teach me te do 'fhy Wiil. O'Lord." MIVrs. iÀttiýe- -wo'od gave the secripture reudiug and ceniments, followed by pruyer. The roll càll wus answered 'by the m'em- bers giwviiug fornation on the li- qukir business. Mrs'. J. J. Mellor und Mrs. Delve ,were appointod te see tihe Superin- tendent of the eSunc1uy School, Mis. Drumnrond, in regard te tihe ter- 'perance lesseon la the SLnd'ay Sehool and Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Delve to1 see aibout teniperancee posters. Mis. ,H. !Rowe ropo.rýtedl on the activitiesi cf the Leyial Tem-nperanice Legion T'le Peac Superintendent, M1rs. F. Kelly, gaveïa ro-ading on peace. The, curreszponding secretary was rve- quested to write letters te a mnmber iii in hieitals. The mniedal con'test waIs then i<ued and it was- ,cided te hold it on October 29. The different coymmiittees for the miedal contest were aýpM-inted; those te se- cure the contestants and judg-es; those te buy the books und miedals; lunch committee; programmre c rn-- m-itteé; decoration emn-mitte; those te take the money at, the door and the chairman. The presid,<-it, Mrs. -Wals'l, read an extmnct froe !,,tiper on "The :puwer cf soicial dirinking." The Pouce Gardoný, Chbristmias arsWer1e (1isicus'sed iand it was deided te pur-1 'chasýe sonne gain this year. Any- one' -wihing ta biTy semae of the cards 'inforra the correspondiug seretary, MisF. M. ce-blledýick. The imeeting ciosod w-Iiti thosin-- ing of na hymuuand ail ropeating the Ljord's Frayer. e-o If Rum-,ia can 'orfly keop ULp lier present Puce 01 udvantcin1- it,-will on- ly be a m'aliter of a couple cvf .mont>hs until she bas re ,gained a-Il of ber lest territery. Then, whaýt wà] that couutry do, keep advancing or stop. Classified FOR RENT A'partmn-t ia Kumiri.te Apart- mnen'ts, Orono. AIpply to R. R. Wad- dell. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AnivrsrySe'rvice(s vwiii ïbe held in Kenll(tCh'ltlUrchOn Sunil,,ay, Oct. 24th. Further paricularýs n week. FOR SALE A patch cf growing Corn, ais1 sonie Turnips Beets, C'arrots an~d po'tutoes. Apply Georg-e Butters, O-rono1, 'Ontarie. WOOD FOR SALE We are noiw startinig to eut miaple amd beech. 'Order your wood now. Apply to A- Carscadden,. Phone 25 r 9 'Orono. C-36-p. TITANKSLCÏVING SERVICES Harvest ThaInksgiing Ser-vices rwill he held inSt. Saviour's Claurch on Sunday, 'October 8rd. The Rev. E. R. James of Toronto, a fre Rector of the Parish 'of Clarke will be the sipecial preaLcher at 7 p.mi. on this date. ATJCTION SALE 1 have been authorized to sel! by 'public auction for tVLUr. MeMahlon, in the village of Poutypool, ýon Friday, 'October 1, 1943, liis housohojd f iture, incLýidinig dhesterfld suite (2, pieces) with rocker andc footstool to, match (goed as new), and îNew &S1ale Williamns piano and beach, i excletcondition. See <bis. Sale at 10 "cl'oek. Terms'C'ash. Ehmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. b-3 5-c. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders, wiIViSe' received uip to neon on .Septeiùber 25th, 1943, for the late iSamnuel 'Cutteill'property on the west side of Main Street, Orono. This property cons'ists of lave stores, centri.ly iecatod wibh residence of 7 rooms over the stores, se*parate en- trances, two-storey brick mnodeil eonveniences, garage and »weodshecd, stores weli rented. Inspection by appointment. Termis Cash. Hligihest or any tender net ueees- 'sarily anecopted. Dnted Septenilier Znd, 1943. ALIMA E. CU'1TELL, Orono, Ont., Administratrix. PRQPERTY FOR SALE 'Tenders 'will b:e recceived by tihe un- ýd ersig>,ned rup tili Septenilber 301th. ,for the purchase cf the part lot and dwelling iocated on uorth ýMiii Street, Orono, thle property ofC the lato Idaj D. Gm<y Brwefliiig- includes floor coverings, windîow fhiinds, electric light fixtures, stormr doors and windows, and thecre .is a go'od concrete eistern.Im - ,diate possession can 'be g-iven, Tenders ehould state price offereýd and terms thut would bo sntisfactory t-o the' tenderer. At least 40 per cent ,cf purchaso price miust be casih aad balance m-ay be carried on mortgage o'vorfive years -with four per cent in- terest. Righest or any tender net neces- s'yariiy ccepted. MIRS. FRANCES M. HAMM, Executrix, Fýort Frances, Ont. W ANTE'D CAPABLE GIRL For general housework snd cooking ; family 3 aduits ; medern borne; we are United Churcli. Mris. lloward L. Bradley 651 Simcoe Street North PHONE 420 OSHAWA "Farmer," Defined By-Prices Board What is a fas-mes- ? Fis-st deifinitioni,«f afariner te up- peur in1 ary Wus-tine Prices and Tauadle Board os-d'or hus een incluid- ed undes- rew xeigulations gaesning slaughtes-ing of beef, pork, veni, l'alls and Imutton. Under tisis ns-dos- 'a farmnes- is de- flned us : "A persea neh desires tise m-ajor. portion cf isis livelihood froi nîgricultural ipus-suits caried on by hiim on afan. - - - This week aand nex--t are fus-ni sle da-ys in' Clarike Township. Five sales wiii 13e oves- y Thusdamy of irext week. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D., PHYSItJL4N and SUR GEON Office ilours 2.00 to 4.00 pým.; 6,30) tie .00j. PHOQNE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETERINA1RY SUYRGEONS Office Main St. orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orono - 1 Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sizez and at reasenable rates. GOmnundjcate with hlm at 'Poa* Perry, Outaric, or see his Clerk, p,. E. Morton, at Orono, for dat. GEORGE KEYES Auctioneer & Valuator Pure Ered ILive Stock, Farni .n4 rFurndlture Sales a Specialty. iNoe to Large, wne to Sniail. qýraduate Reppert's SçhooIt Auctid6neeriug, U.S.A., plus i enwarl years' oeIIi.ng exqperieiice. Rate* Reasoneble. Write 2,. o.Z oironro, Onitaxio. W.F. Ward *BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 - Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE -ONT. Insurancee Agency FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, CASIJALTY AND LIABILITY Phonie 44-14, Clarkýe NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largeut, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance NFirms in Canada Farm. Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to- quote yo rates from* 40c. a hundre, according, to classification of Building P~hone, write, or better stili, cail. 1 will be pleased to quoite you rates on your property which will surprise, you. FF. Morris& SonI Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowrnanville -.Orono -Phone5: Bo-wManville, Day 480 Night, 734 arid 573 Orono, 27-1 Thé Oldest, Largest and Most Complote FurnitUre Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durhamf Our S>er-vice--THE BEST Ouir Goods-T HE NEWES T Our Pricem-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO

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