Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1943, p. 3

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SChmpagne Par-ty Af ter Si nk ing Sub Sailors D-rink Te Thecir Success rec-ently o.f a,' gtrange tliag tînt bad happenied drig is i' kist voyageacos b Atlantiýc. far ont in the oceani. They fouindL iL was emty but for - a fe bottle of rchampagne! Tbîey bleard aftorwvardls thnt tbose who lad, been la ticboat had beca pichicd 11P. Se tbey, dccýided to keep thc champagne for cýebrnting thcir first succcss; agaînst nî -ot It must hbave beern aniowien, tC sailor said, becauseeicrly ic next nsorning. a Sunderlard air.- craft of Coastal Gmad ro- ported tint she was enigaginig a Il-bent. As the-ir slip ruced for, the spot, ail Unusuial order \wss given by tIccntie"tadby for action statioýns ila ton min- utes' timIe." Solsta of the customary seranmble thcy Lade imo to drcss propcrly and( were able te bmave a cup) of c0con) . 1IL trned ont te be wiat The brioad- castor idescrýibed as a mdlAý tack. The Canadiani corvette, I)r-CLiiiru Keller had had a1 crack at tIc U-boat bef4ore tinc British cscort slip got th,,re, They nmade contact exactly when ( i and where the ecaptainla d anti- cipated. T ive-nd a baf n- tites It %was al oVcr; thjey madjýe ealy one attacli-, and scored two direct its. "Ymh1ost immIle diately tbey sawv patches of ou a-nd e wrcaecoming te tllc surfa(ce. Wben tbey left tiec ou pateil lad exteaded to (;00 foot in1 diametoer. Tic followînig day ýanairrafr- ported an oul strealî:,i, l tint area, 1,700 yards long. Typical of tic"bnesrie was the eatry îin the sipslog: "0629-made conitact tbU- boat; 0634½-sanli same." Ex- actly five nd a b1aîf miI.uýtQs of their timie accountedl for. ThILey waitcd tli they reached pot e- -Fore drriahing tic champagne tInt Nep)tipne bad awardcd lthem in ad-, vanice. LOVERS' PARTING Heads bowved, thiis ltalaan sol- dier and his, sweetheart plod along dusty Sicilian ra--hi last stroil for a long tie to cre He's headed for tmuaypio camp at Arienoned yn guard, for RItalinsenrcap vjoluntarily. Facing Huns Alone 'W",innie Was Isie In lier recent b.ook "ore Amnong Warriiorsý," Eva Curie, diaughter of thefaou dscv erers of raim Lels this chair- acteristic story of Prime MUinister churchLIl, w ichrlustratebs the type of couirag,-e that bas eniabled him ti.>Lead thie British Epr out of desperaute dfa to the U>d o Ms Curie by Brigadlier Bsocommnander of the Bri- ish forces in W%'est Africa: it hAppened in England's ctark- est hou-in the fatal June of 19410. Brigadier Bishiop happenied te be presentL at a, meeting of the Waýr Cabinlet. Churchili had just returnled fromi Tours and aamoneuned that France was on the vreof asking Hitler for bis termas. Drawinig a dJesperate pic- ture of the istuation, hep conciud- Ed in a lew, firm vice:"WC a re neow faeing Germiany coletely isolated. We art alonieY "Then,"' Briga-,<dier Bishop sidC, "there was i, dead silence that I' shahl neyer feirget. We saw Churehill proýudly lifting his hud. Lookiagdeiatl nt ls, he simýply si:'l find it raDther >inspiing.ý', Bly CAPTAIN FRANK H. SHAW CHAPTER X XII Diekie did not answer; be was watchiaig evonts in the Plaza, which wa the city's Icart. A' few voices stili cried for Lafallette, but their fervour was dimiisîed. The troo)s %were being fallen in correctly; and Ltey obeyed tic staccato order2is of their officers witI somiethinig approaching alac- rity. Machine-gun dVtachments moved to, strategie positions, looliing business-lilie. As if to add a dramatie background, tIe Almirante Higgins fired 'one of ber twelve-iach guns, loaded with blanlinlatIe direction of thc Plaza. There were sîrieka of alairm froJi the mol, thevagurdof whicî be a opress bc(-'Cn- fusion re-igaed, Aswift rpcl dÈpu e increlbly As any of thc ln- sur*gentis ascouI cLd heganto Iurry to sîelter., "Naýture always supplies an antidotýe," sýaid Dick Higgias al- most huggiag tIc bars, "It seénms to me, the revolutia)n is over, D'onna Elenora- business as "Djiciî Higgins, how much do you kaow about ail tuis?" sIc demiiaided. "Oh, it's Wynae wbo did tIe, Navy tuff," lie answ*ered, n little diffidenitly. "Wynae's got a sense of the dramiatie; I suppose, it cornles cof bis air-worlr." Even above the clameur tînt Roil yfour owVners! Go frOgden 's Tho Pony Express, in the old days, of the West, carried essential messages . . . Hore is, onle for you: For complote smok- ing satisfaction, follow the example of the oldtimors and go for Ogden's-a distinctive blond of choicer, riper tobaccos. Oden's quality for pipe smokers, tç>o, la Ogden'e G Cus h, fillï the square the souniid of brayiag bugles was audl'ible-, But, louder eenthan thlat cmeln blast, xvas thie barli of aý gun: not a big - lv-nce, but one of th, lmîrante Higgia-s 'sseod ary armament, "Aha!" said Kiag Higgins;- "it's worked !" Tbis was cryptical to Donna Elenora, but shc did not worry: things were happening under her gaze thnt chained ber iaterest. The sun, aewly up, sbining down a wide Valiey la the bis that formed the eastward wail of San Josef's harbour,,lit the war- ship up as if it wcre a spotilgt. And plain to sec xvas thc National flag of lliyatala beiag bauled ia, determined swccps to the Almir- antc's masthead. It was as if a definite answe-(r lad been givea to a question; aýs if this were a chall1enge to thc revolutionary bannier wbich fnutemoer Fort Juan.The gn ba bcafircd wns h'c; tis ti 1 o b]lani chrg, ora s11Iisr mdfair- 1y v er Fort Juan andexplýoded' impre1ý1ssix ely on xwaste ground ined1iately bcyond. "\Vell- thank Goil!" said Dickie. The clamiour in the Plaza had instantly altered its tone; there -was a hint of b lreathlcss awc in it now. Evcry cc as turned on the Navy; therefore cvcry eyc saw thc great primary armament swing its ncaeacîng mazzlcs to command thc city. "The Navy's scfnding- someone over to tali,. charge, I fnncy," Dîiicrcported. "Ail ovcr but the shouting until next timc, I suppose I'd better gct Lack to rny job; yo u'll bea~ll xight herc now." "And Dolores thought sIc pre-. fcrrcd Lafallette to yen !" c- climned Dolorcs's mother. "HW mucb have you donc?" "Oh, well, bits here and there; just odd things_ý, you know. But I really ought to be gctting back to thc Consulate, in case-post of duty, se forth, you sec what I meana!" "Mamma- what is happen- ing?" asked Dolores. SIc stood on the balconyý surroundiag thec patio; and brlid's wcre stili Icavy fro iccp "Wbat bas baippened? Whcre is Ferdinando ?" insisted Dolores. "The revoULuo seems to be over," said bier' mothe:r witbi an laborate nionchane copied from King Higgins. "But Don Ferdinando'doesn't seem to baive turaed up at the rigît time."1 "Looki bore !" said Dickie hast- l'y, "l'il renlly bave to go!" H1e spared a moment te cali to the girl to ask bow she fared, if she were aay the worse for the night's imnbroglio; but shle ig- nored hilm to a ,reat exteit , il)- ositonkn1owýiing %were Lafi- lette vs "YouLr 1precious Fer-dinanýdo s,ýeems to have fuied things, mny sweet," lier mother said. "I'm off," said Diclkie, and, went-ithout furthier parley. "Creback forbrafs! Donna Eleniora cle after hlm, and xxaved bier hand. -"As for you, miy age;go back to bcd or you'ill-get the spanking you'v- ~de.served evel' sinice you came homie!1" she said King Hliggins returned to the Coinsulate, his feet slithering la, debr--i s. No attemipt at miolesta- tion w as made; ail the officers hek passed saluted him g1-ravely, if half-nsbamedly; mianyv of the bodies of troops acetually preýsent- ed arms., ",Si; ýenor!" hissedSesta softly. 'Aithoug211lihe tried slav- jhhIy to imitate bis nmaýster, be linew ýin,,his owa hcarqut lie couid nee cUMire this inimi1)table sang- fr oid. "Wýell, how's ev-erythingý,?" de- m anded Dicliie. "Teil Manuiel to bring soeücffee2-I'm sIeepV2" Thef telephone tikled as hie1 soiIt was Spofforth, pai inig from the Callano injes; and "Thlielava has stopped flow'ing nosir," lie reporte(]. "Tbiere's a bit ofas stili, but is t'sasig a lot; andý this ralir, is doinig a lot of god VIVE turned the peons to to Cdean utp the ms. "What'!,s the damaiige?" ale Diclile, yw g "Weil, tLo be sure, thewriig are rather guinmed up, sir;-n tbere'll be a delay. But-but a rather astonisbing tiniig seem-ii to bave hnppeaed, 0f course, it's too csirly to malie a proper re- >port, but-well, sir, there wais a rather violent earthqu-Laiýe shocli1 a while ago." "Was there? 1 don't thii weýi naticed it, here. Well?" "Well, sir, that big ro'(ck away" on the east side of the ine field, it's split *tself fr-omi top' to bottom; and so far as Icaný sec, it's full of ,gold. And thIle Iode appears to rua dowa rgbmuder everytbing, quite aprmsg Iode, which I'd neversspcd" "Good egg, Spofforthi; Imde- lighted." "We should get nere gold th-an before out, of thes2emneonce thiiigs arestagt "Wcl, i's aiaig hrefor one thing,,, riigqiteoa !bit, That's quite g3d news abut [the gold, Spofforth; wel eed a, hbigger output to rpi the damr- age donc here last aýiîh. Carry*ý ou, thcn and if- you nieed exta hands, P'ilsec what tan becon about theni." Dickie ieplaced the ccer It wasr-'t thc Higgastouch ioith had brought about tis atonsh ing tura la the' ai fairs oc the mine; but-he could net hclp but admit it-the Higins lucli stili scemcd prctty sound. Evea an earthqualie had its uses, appar- eatly; and with acw 'veias of gold disclosing thcmselvc ', those wl- 1 lad trusted hini woulId fiad itheir faith wcll placcd. Ne hada'Ct 1let the sharcholders dowa. (Coacludcd Next Wceli) SCOU TNG. 0f 62 memibers, of a Lonidon, England, Boy Scout Too,19 arc commissioned officers and 31. are aon-cemmissioned officers. The l2th West Ham Boy Scout Trobp in Eagland is )paritiuarIy proud of one of its mmerJim Osborne of the R.A.F., who lad the honour ýof shootiag down the 1,OOth plane over thceisland of Mata, "Doai't forgýt ito put plenty of moth h;alls in miiy Scout uiformýi," a Britishi Scout serviag inithc army in Nýorth Africa wrote bis Devilled'Egg Salad With Toma toes 6 shelledh-ojed eggs "À teaspioon dry miustard 114 cupi EGGLESQ MAYONNAISE 1 tablespcoon chooped chives or V2- teaspoon sait, finely-chýoppe-d onion lash repper 4 to 6 samaîl p(-eeed tomiatoe.s flash cayemie 1 eup cýottage cineese Cut each bhard-cooked e-gg in haîf. Removre yoks care-fully. place ln a biiwl and add salad dressing and seaýsonings. Blend smooh,3-. Re-stuff eggwhite haif with this mixture and de(corate, with paprika. Peel tomiatoe's <by blachag)ad slice, Place two stuffed eg halves in nests oif 7r;sp lettuce omn each of siy chilled saad plates;, arrange tomiate slices, vrpn, beside them.ý Top tonate suces wiVh cottage cheese and garnish ihparsley apriga. SERVS MAKE FRIENDý,S UIN G'ermian p-ropagandists would have liked to have becnabale ta tefli tIc wýorld that Allied tremcent of Sicilian cilans was tnt of a Swaggoring Conqeror. But sseas as this Completely siater Axis hopes of a propaganda victory. Here, CpI. H. FI, VWhîtalier, of the Royal Canadian Signals, of Wînnipcg, Man., gives, candy and biscuits to a Sclinboy. in Bolgitiea- after the-.warý, re- ccntly beld a camip la Great -Brit- ain. The boys are Bliacvacu- ces. Thiir camp was attenIdd by Scouts of se-veraloterEnýr-- pean counïtrie,. Englaad, shiot dowai behiad the German u lnes liTuaiisi,sougît refge ith a Freacîh farmner. The ncxt ay three N;azis calie at the fari lus fora wasI, and tic Scoutmnaster, aýriag himself witî one of tbir revolvers, marcîed tbiem oiff to the BrPItisb Boy SýoutLs of CanaIda arc11- go- ilIg to do itheir partlîîr-sa lishinig Sotn l uoeafterý the war. 1Cnadia 0Scous vwill pIy ftle coSt of pitig1,000 cois-of LOr d dnPwl' "Scutig fr Bys"in each of the 2Frcnch( i, Czee, Ntherlaads, Fleisî Nowegan And Po lish langage. Mneyfor, this pur- pos il oîefromI C-,Chias Up LFUnd, fo xv'ib CnadanScouts bavýe raisc(d naely $800.The money has been uscdI for reliev- ing Scouts wlru lost ulieirbomnes la the blitz un BritaL~, while a portion býas beca' set aside for thc rdhabilita,,tion of- Scoutiag in Europe, Amnong, the- graiuntes at Up. lands Airport,' Ottawa1 receatly, was tIe Mexi-la oy Scout, Luis Perez-Go-mez, )f Meico CIty. Luis came t. Ott\aa11more than a year ago adwas uabeto speali a word of Egis.Do- minion and Distrýic!t'h eadqu art[ers of the Boy Scouits -,ssistLed the. lad and cared for hlmi- while le ateddOttawa Tehaic leool to ler nls.Later Uhc was admittcd iLtotlic RÏ.C.A,F., uand lie rcceived bis wings at thL baads of thce oenr-ecathe Earl of Athone, Who, incident- ailly: , istheclChef Scout for Cani- ada, Luis was also comunmission- cd upea is g radàuaion -Ias n pilot, Thc leader of ti-ýc party visit- iag a mnental nsittinvent up to n g'roup o imaesstndn neor the gate. Qitlbe ad- dressod one of tîcm. The other gindpi tedt the party, nnd gave thc simple reply: Bcuewer ltail How in the wold caon wmohv charm and poise if sefeels "i wounid up" with nervous tcInsion? Onj the other haad. . . calm, Str)gnre actually give a woman poise nndi qý,ut -nerves take the bard, tense lùook froni ber facial muscles. If pnrves botherj, treat tbem with rc,ýst> iwholesomje food, fewer actîvities, pienty ,,F suashiine and fresli air, Iii theýmeantime tae, sierve sedat(îvie. .Dr,.-Miles Nrie Nervînfe luas helped scores of oe who suIïcred from 0ovcrtaxed nerves.ý Take Nervjine accordjing ýto drcin Talets are 3cad 5.Nervine Liquiid: can$1. I.Pdà The 19 IS-SUE N1o. 35-4?

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