Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Sep 1943, p. 6

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Great Lakes Fleet Serves in Britain As Floatýlng G ranarie C'.l Ctnad i canal feet ofi 50iïg land slnce ise firast ercf the vow.ars,al cedte ith perforing a, uniue ervcedurtng the BatIe, 0f ritinsays tise Seul Daiiy Strr~~ru esand grain elevýaors !lu Bri1is1h and Scottisis oî,s tat were uner attack froIn Germuînan plnswe r,,made qspecial age byteNaziaime.Theysuceed ed 1e la wrci a nuberof em re1led tha th eGea Lae thle costinto porit thatwere te shallow for thse depedaft hn At Ibi point th-ýe Admirait,,-i upon uida Loaded with grain tslaeboats were moved witis their cargees from n e bombed port- to another and became liter- iiy mobile storehouses. Ilpnit he sounding of th:e air -raid aamthese pfioating grunaries were noved o0f tise ports a-'nd they wvýouîd eaIin etruta ot laspite of !the fac(t that silm4)f of theBrtih sls ot one la meî- pomted ,Ito h-ave been i, iiloilgh manly (docksxvrepu't onit of t Soeof thIeseGraLkehat go', into actioln lise Nn fi as eupysiis etring ai'-Ilor)s say. Cnoa our f ise honte, wifi durllinIg tise war were operat- ed by tis BitshAdimlthave been notfied tht most of thieorig- Iinal fleet le sifi flusrie Values of Gold Average of 74 Cents A Share Gaýin Over Last Year -Oni Tarante Stock Exchanqe Quoted lmarket valueýs f(tise 541 stockÈs isteti on isle Toronito Stock Exclisange stood ad 4,3,4184at tbe close 0 bsinsson Aug. 31, a deline of $11.143,8]5 fromntiseo igrsof Juiy 31, but aninces of $U,505,149,64î7 ov-er tise totaîs of a year ago,acrdg to tise mlonthly report is'sued by -W. G. Maloli, pesientof 'tise'ex- changýe. Tl i ost spectac(ular move dr Lng tise year bsas been tis-e rise lu ise values of sae of t1ise pro- duinLelg goid minles. On Jan.ý 31, 14,tîisse stoodat $5,0,6 forIsle coinied (67 issuies la ise! group. ,îtad at Isle lose of last moUùtis tisey 1ha1d1risea to $9,9, 001(i3,11 anincrense of a1lmost $3, Tise average pice per sSha-e-of tise old, tock at the conenice- suent of tise year, was $184 iand by Ag.3,1 i hd risen t l 58 a gain of 71 cenits aPsisare. "Tise grealtly imrovd enti- mnt Il th respect to Clafain golissuesis a eriiinication of Isecndne of ise inveing pulctiatIsle god tand'ardla i onle forni or anlotiser xwiii be con- tue astis bsi of ou, m1onle- tary sse, asM.Mlom "Tise împnroved i1feeling Sas beeni 6ýtates and it is sign-iific-ant tisaI AmllEan (-invilestors hv been pur- cha:se'rs of tise better laseorfCan- Money Can Talk Too IL seee isiPrime Minister Chiuchi ili taxiedl to one of ii broadeaste and asked tise taxinran +' '-il BRITISH CONSOLS", 1"LEGION", IlMACDÔNALD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORI" . Cigareéttes' or 1 lb. Tobacco - BRIER SMOKING or noy MACOONALDS FINE CUTS (With popers) alto DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postpoid la Soldierin te .Coadion Army OVERSEAS and CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES. Mail Order and-Remittance to- to tise air, and inu'tise air Gerrnnny was repulse&d. The 'Wisest -Ccurse Yet tise situation -Nus st11il ope. fui for tise Nazis. If they conl1d not invade f Btn i lb as stîi l ees possible for Britain and her ,ýdo- minion allie-s to invade tise Con- tinent. At tise beginning of 1941 auy caiculation of material war strenigth xouid have suggested, tisata Nazi victory xas oniy a1-1 matter of turne. On the basis of previonsexeperience, it seeîned un- likely tisat ,elth-er Russia or tise UJnited States xouid ente tie wa unlees attacked. Gmayewss course, tone wouidhae isouisih wouldhave J)een t tae Nrth AfncaSuz and tise Near Eaý! withsomeaitanc11eifronc ise of thie United States and Rsais wisat they propoaed !to do ýabout il. Oni The Defens'ive But hy tisis time lts- azswere eltiser too confident or toap)pre- isensive, it is hard to ,teIl wiicb. To forestal a txvo-front n'enr they started one. They ope ned against Russia a "battie of anihiilation.'t Tisen 'tiey added 'Japan 10 tiseir active allies and tise United States to tiseir active enemies. They ki11- ed a great many people during 1941, but they ended tise year wîti about 300,000,000 moe ntagoniets tissu they lied iad atits bgin nlng. Every spring since 1941 it Sasý heen customary. te say that if tise Nazis did not xin thatt sommer they xould not xin. They failed of a conclnsive victory lat 1941 and again la 1942., Thias s,7-mmer, ex- cept for a limited a3id futile0f- fensire in tiseiieigbhoiliood of. Kurak, they have not even tnled for victory. TSey hax ebeentoo busy staving off defeat. Nazi Mistakes The record of tise four years la full of, Nazi mîstakeas. Most of tisem wxere due to tiseir inabilîty te undestauid other pol.To their savage cruelty in Norway, tise Low Landsasnd France tisey added whnipsaie piifering, allouat- iug milliloûs xvio mîgist otherwise have hecome resigned to their rule. Tisey were huniorles sud corrlupt ahroad as at home. Tisey I The Nazis seemed to have good reason to believe that the war, wlich is now about to enter its fiftls year-, could be brought to, a conluson aisfactory to tisei withýin perhi1aps the first tweivc inonths, sy the New York T'imes. For m iore tiran twelve lmout)ths, indeed, everything turued ont even better than they haci expee)Gted. In Poland the weather smiiect on tuera and the roads and fields remained conveniently dry for their tankýs. Thie French 'were more' divided anti deveu leswell prepared 0than1earlyrports had inid«icaýted. The Brtis wre un- read, exeptat sea andf in the lifttuie matter of figkt,1jinýg aicraf t. ]lu fact', tise very wanesof Gs Unany S eneîies lu 1940 VwaS Plr- hapsresonsblefor throwig the Nazi mchineont of gear. Wt determiined effort the Nazis might haive effec-ted a linding in Britaini lu FJiy or Nugu, .1940. Unfortsin- ately for thie, tise blueprintsfor is operation were net complet- ed. Thse invasion w"a s transferred Hacndv WAAFs, REG'LAR FELLERS-Back to Earth GENRIL O)UFFY,' A GOOD 1 HAVE A VERY IMPOR..TANT SOLDIER HASTA OBEY ORDERS MISSION TO OOMLAUF'S NO MATTER FOWV TOUCÎM fTHEY ARE. BAKERY AN' I'M PICKIN' YOU TO VOLUNTEERY stirred u P lhatre a diguast among terou~1entbyI Italy butasoieyn dut u Rumgn1iaBgra,UHun aryad Austria, hymsude mn ca's fightinig qatis bygross- ly, unid e rest îinrated Russia's stren gth. LessoDn PFor ýAxia The(et-- g he :,e xplain why Grmanycauno )upuWin., than they cen be d1ea 'uxed Or siain. The-ir corgigniyand il. Tlieagrsenain trsu forcesagit ic tcuo stand, andwsihii;!b atae wlth not ioiglesta ts iiar destructio. .Manind s11'y xvii net edreNzime, or anyrie for thse Axi,'aid for aenv futsre iiack To Bùrrina AppoinLment üet oi Mountbatten! to be supr- Allied comùmandenr in Southeast A.ýia puis ail but theP finishingtorbson plans for a urn campaigo;r. Evi- dently Briais t t h e Obûjec- tive 0f operaionms designýed to re- coanect Ch'ina witi its Alie s. Na- turally the turnle forthatckl net anucd but t'à-mnson ,vi le st luntiYli cleber1 To reasons fer te :, ecio 0 Lord Mutatnfrti siu ment are meitl.ovoe (1),luIn at eate t ahie Allies need to wi'1ontmemnie of old defeatsý;acomade witb tise Mounthatten re'ord xviihelp to instill cofidncewisreit.is needed. (2) Tise chrecterof the operations in Burina xviiicil for exactly the ftype 0 f eprec Lord lVfuntbeýtten h hadas ha of tise fmdCimn ;tihe Alismus ppocl u inala force iii a Coiuied sa i u Itlnd opera-ýtion. The ituexv-lge ofitese pans, must have been hatngto Ciina's fereig mnite, T.V. Soong, whio attended tir Qube conference. Their dsloueis heairtening it) ail who havepbeen xondering how ln twou-id lho before tise United Ntosceuld anaspowvereouhtO contei- plate strategic as wel3 s tcia offensives l te Far East OTTAW HE T S Thet New 'latior. 0Order Will51 Effect e More EutbeAl- cetion of Jampsp, etc. The new ration alwncsfor .ama, jellies, syrups, c!annedi fruit and sîmilar pôuts ihtlie permission to obtaîn a naterý naieone-haif pound o sugar for each coupijon, is ral a big enim,1,p0potent cneso 0thse rural folkt of Canauda. The nïexs behjLnd t1se newvs of that oî-der ie that the Wa -ture CLIFFORO REILLY 1NV71STMENT COUNSELLOR, Il King Street Westt. onta, Oncane %V. i. Piease end me the nt,nes of tIs e ocks mentioned în yaur odvertlse- Ment and wl*ich y0au beleve wlflscorev bsatilga;n's inthie CoýMhsg viontbs. I un-derîstd i t a m undew ne direct obligation. Nome, Address. Prices and Trade Board rnie tisaI inasmnucisa rural fol, for tise most prtdo thir ow 3re- serving of these tasty ,ýcomimodi- ties 'aud couut!ry storeýs are raI -ely stocked witis theýi ilu auy ve, th e ofd Situationwokdreu- Tise country people c 1, ni -ed tbt iiay more or less even cilis- tibutLi 'ion, of sugar for -homie eu ihg was unfair to thein, ud thle niworerws iseued l rci ni tion of that claim, and to effect n- more neariy eqluitable aoa lion of inetpras utise Iîlist of rosl icircumastanlces.ý Tise nxorder iimnu, lu effeet, sugar for tise rural folk for t!!cir fai]t apple sauce il)dJmore prc uiarly sugar xitis xvhicis to sweet- en those pres.,erves witi ey put dowu eniier xithiout suigar. Tise newý order mreans t isat xvhen they open those jars of usveee fruits they v iii have amlple suga"r xith wich tIlo svete ltem. At tise sainle tim-ie the urb-Ianl folk hav-,e thleirprms I)to usethelir couplonls to obtain tieir jamn raptionls at tise City store. Txvo "D" cuosfrein itise nexv ration book become(- good encli - motsl and for eucis coupon tise purclisser Sas tise chioice of: 1. Six fluid oun11,ces of jam, jiiy aîrmelade, extracted honey, appie butter, uraple butter or honey butter, or; 2ý. Ton fluid ounces of molasse% or rmeple syrup, or; 3Tan fiuid ounces of 'canned frit, or; 4. Txvelve fluid ounces of comal syriup, cane syrup or any blended table syrup, or; 5. One-hiaif pouud of mia-pie sliunr orcombioey l suaes As an alternative te ayao tise'se omdiisthe coue may obta:in for 1his "D" cuo on-afpound o)f suigar. TreeîBlears Fuk pits ikie gmoving orange1 n lemjonj trees to ad.d vaniety toonee. hiouse-p'lnl s !bY no mauin but gonn a grapefrit tre which produice s utl. Froin Tilbury cornes tise stoî-yr ofsui a tree. Hoxv 12 feet isigli sud 10 years oid It isto bc se ep in the garden of Mrs. Mary'Aude- son,;xvho lives juet nortis cf tise M.' C. R. R. station oniigwy > No. 2, Tise fruit aï,ýre owaou tise ze0f an orýange. Tiss to die'prove tise theory, ta tl feesr o t dnser dîme tree fringarden ito jbousýe lu isexi tom as maly isoticu'iturist»see abus ae doue femmeinLy. WMoumoe tMun a millon dollari rmle ady dvl ped plns das o lii fand reierys,V :Newvco)r Miing Iefinilng i itedisoffering a gnin pprunt ormnywho have sieer bfïore hWd the chance-Mte obiuars (at a groimd foor Price) etthe startof an Imporit 67 yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, ADeI. 8514 Complete -information re- garding thse neymhn aspects will be maied upon t-e ques±. Pease ume coupon. !ewcor iining &Rt nng Limted 67 Vosuge sireet, Troronto Wiihout obigatifnu nl trarI~npcadtal eeuigyour Mmue ........................ ............ Address,....... ............. ........................... By GENE BYRNES WISE INVýESTORS PREFER STOCKS TOcASH11,1 It is beginning to dawn oANimay investors, that hoarded capital and unp)roductive boink accouats 0ee pretty poor ads n meeting increared taxes and thie high cost of living. Purticulorly 2ow, when it is possible t. buy mnany sounid common stocks5, at bargoin prices, which possess subs3tanic tie rt pprecîotion possibilities. Nevertheless, this is no ime 'ato jest buy stocks blindly. Most le- vestors are ini possession of sd meage information on security velues, thot il' is purely a matter o -f luck if they happen ta mokte any profits at ail. Not only is it im otantet know what ta BIJY but thot which is more importantis ta'(Dknow 0wben ta KOLD or SELL. PREICTNGTHIE TR'ND In March cf this yeor we went on recod heca Bull ariket & major proportions wos in the making, and we furthfer predict ta tbis powerful Bull market should corryithrough ta thte year end.> Right now American buying of Canodion securities is at ac w peok and -good buys- are becoming nresngyscorce. This is one cof the mony reosons why we are cntuolyan Oh*e1lookout for low-priced îs$ueu- thothave unusual poi-oigpsiiiis EVEN NOW WE AREUNESIGT GTH4E MERiTs 0F SEVERAL LO'W-PRICED STOr-CKS, WHICH, IF TE MEA- SURE UP T-DO f EPCTTONSHOULU OFFER v-OUT- The.se recommcndatiFon.s v bcl L fsent ta you itou cost byth "seilsirVice dearmet"ofClifford Reilly Investmnt Cu)seMo1 wnedant-opratd-y Cliffozdrd eilly a nd Compeny. WCe feel that with a rcorJd beaking st sock mre in popc vie confor, eyou a ielgn thcnest and efficient investment service, but we expect no business unless and until we con con.- clusively prove that you ffeed ouâr Ivesimen.t CounsÀel. THE WAR ý- WEEK- Commeritary on (2urrent Evenpts R"ecocrd 'f0f-our1Yeas f War Is Ful 0f CIGeLr man istake î 3îMALlL CARRY OUT YUR, ORDERýS ORP.FRUSH N U THE ATTEMPT! i, .............................................. . .. . . . . ..................................... . ........ - ... . ......... . ..................................... . .........

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