APPLE PJCKERS NEEDED APPLEPICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED Last week in September and first two weeks in October, particularly in Bowmanville and Newcaýstle districts It is the duty of everyone who can spare any tîme for this work to help save this perishable crop., Where there is more than one f arm hand on a f arm it is Jîoped one will volunteer; Make up a carload in your district. OOOD WAGES WILL BE PAID- Applications will be received by undersigned E. A. SUMMERS, Bowmanville, Secretary-Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham Aplple Growerls' soito RED & WHITE STORES SPECIALS IThursday, Friday and Saturday QIJALITY RIIGRER TRAN PRICE Cooking Onions, 4 lbs. Thrif t Soap Flakes, ige. pkg. 29C 35c Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 IL bag 69c- Eclipse Pastry FîQur, 24 lb. bag Celery, 2 large heads Rubber Rings, 4 pkgs. Certo, bottie Certo, crystals, 2 pkgs Crown Gt. Gems, doz. $ Boneless Round Steak, IL A good variety of Beef cuts for roasting Bologna Sausage, IL Fresh Ground Coffee, IL Coffex, lb. 71c 25C- 25c 25c 1.19 38C 23c 39e 35C ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TrIIURSDAY SEPT. 16th, 1943 Last Fiidaiy night several peopfle W., A. IMEETING Lad thýir front lawns rooted up) with pigs Tunnling at large. if pigs h oe' slcaîn hl are free commiioniers He, Police Trus- the ptebr metno us teesshoud blld ig rougs aongdayaftern'oon wtha good attend- the sidewalks ani teed thle poor pîgs a -Me, iMs. Tamlynvi extended ' a so they Mwo't LannoY i-people.hetywlmeo headspret _______________ ftj a twýo imontbs holidaiy, their engno me-ieting duiýng July and ~n L August. Miýss DavýeY had charge of the dle- c~DOO~S vtionLpei-od nrend a passage, sirng message fo m a n article, written hby Madame ,Chaing Kai Shd-k. :Five, dollarýs was donated to the local Red Cross to iboy articles to puit ini the Christmas boxes for the býoys overseas and the ladies were Li 1ged o attend the Red Cross meet- Mng 0on Thursday aftern'oon. Due to atoigthe W. A. fiîod it impossible to) raise'fonds Vo carry on their work * *a"s in former U'ars, SOc it was decicled to canva s eac aiy belon:ging to * ii *onur chUrch (flot for' pies and cakes) 'but for-a donation in mioniey so la,,',1 .thaýt the good work may be cai oný. A vonaýl duet ýby Mrs. Littl, wood and _Mrs. CobblejIick was Veýr7_ * . .. . .meh eiijoyed ýas wa a humorouw * readingl by lMrs. Walsh. The meeýetin- closed by repeating Apply at the the Mizpah bee) cton ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono O ntario AIl accidents in the Cana2dian Armiy are ca 'efully studied Vo deter- mine the cauise and prevent a receur- rence. D'e wili Eag Ar) ing pari mot dal' Mrs Pen med hoi Vo1 eas Fno A1 who Ohe 0 day * att WMil seji Clul Smý' ,ler disa A. eexT Vhse AV Doi Fc TU Local News sta in~ En A.] diul on npi mao a 'nol fli Ver nai vIiii PARK ST. UNITED CKURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood SUNDAY. SEPT. l9th 11.00 a.n.-Wýorship "The Bible and Education." 2.30 p.iii - Camle Vo a Live Sncay Scbool. 7,00 p.mi.--Worship Subject -- "Johnii Bumiy-iim". "Alcohiol neyer pays Vo thre Goveramentîwihat iV steals fromi the people." Lard Snowden Mliss Sherwîyn, of Win-nilpegý-, is nlow ying withlber boheMr. Rbr lerwin. 31r. "D'k otnis away elp th frmrswitb thleir hnrvýest, Wester,,n Ontario. Miss MaryEglsn of Millbrook, Visiting wdý-th Mr. and Ms.Jam)-es gleson thiswe. A..W.1 C1hristine Maivckirnon R.,CL .. (WD) hats left to ireskcmie ber ties at Paulson, Man, 31r. Wmrý Robinisýon, Antioclh, left i iatuirday last Vo help with the LrVest in Western Ontarlo. The Red Cross work r*üopm will- re- Sn (to-daiy). Thurstay, and the ontbly business meeting helsi. ,Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.,Fralick bd famîly, of Toronto, visîted bis other and aunt on Sunday last. M r. Jas. Eagleson attendedi the lu- Sal of bis cousin, the laVe Jýas. ýgleson, Oshawa. on Suýtndagy last. VIr.' Os. Gowan is having a faim e andi will retire fromn farm 1Ide. ison, Brooks wili taike over the rm. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt of En- rprise, will move into, Mrs. Wan- ri's homne in'the north end of the lage. MIr. and*,MÉs. F'elvin Saunders, o+ troit, Michig-an, visi'ted recently Mi their cousýins_ Mr. andi Mrs. J. 1gIesoni. Bruce Mercer, of the Canadcian m'ed Forcýes at Wellandn(, is spend- ga couple of days visit with bis wents here. MIr. Arthur ThomPSon and his other, Mrs. Ella,,Thoapýsýon, Ken- J'visited raecently with, Mr. and ms Eagleson. Dr. A. F. and i-s. M<oKenzie andi i'c. Lurn spent the forepart of the Bei et the Gatineau River andi re-, St a good catch of llsh. o, has been on furloîugh to bis me. here, returned on Frîday last bis base at Da rtsmouth, N.S.' vlr. Wilfred Froste left for the ,t ;coast on Wednesday laýsV alter ending over a mnohth visitinrg with p arents, Mr. andi Mrs. C. H. AUC.'.2 Neil Woodi, of the CAF. oc has been i Montreal for epast six wekslft mon Wednes- c last foy Calgiary, Alberta, to re- ne his training. MIr. Ormie Gasby is invited to eri'd the marrage of Effie Best Vote iliani George Cunngha, RPoyal sain SienaIs, on Tbiursday, pteml'bei-1 Ïlit, in Emrmanuiel Bnp- ;tChuircliTorofnto. !\i. Orme Graqniby was anmong the itedc g-uests ýof the Oshawa Ro',tary ub luncheonl on, Monday last and is a'sked to make the draw of War cing-s Certificate,ý. Pive in num- ywere win.ners and 150Y somewhat liss jean Harland lin1gs, igbter oî Professor and Mis. lir Billiýngs oï Philadelphlia, Penn- 1vania, mas marriesi VoMr' Curtis Grundberg. 'ïMechani'cal Engin- "' 'New York City, on Saturday îfoifrteenth of August, in St. orge's Spiscopal Ch'urch, Aidmare venue, Philaditeiýphia. Z E PAR )you% ,r RADIO Now oa't. wait until parts become srarce. For your convenience we carry a comnplete line of JBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS, If uipbIe to bring your fadio to< the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 Congratulations on your editorial re cburchi attendance in lhe last issue aI your paper. Ywu admit that the lack of attendance is general, but that we should not be ecom--placent on that account. You also miention the cotribution of the church and its message to the individuel aidtd o the ecomxlfunity at large. AIl this is true andi there is much fine talk about he imnportance and need -of religkion, among leade-rs and through the press. But unlessa me do sa'mething about it of wbat avail al thîls talk, ansd the sacriiees mve are moAing in -the second ýgreat war. The something we cati ail do is arrangej our turne sehedule ýansi stop out Vo our respective chuirohes. We have timie andi ener-y Vo (do imost everything me -%ant to do. There is no valisi reason for stayig- away fron cbuich unlesa we disbelieve in the ùhurcli, or we pretend %we hare no use for religion. Who is going Vto stat the movemnent IoVrw"ar-d 'Vo-clnrch. Why noV Oronîo staît it ? Oronio is an enterprising community anid carnies- itself witb a certaii niouint of riglitful pr.e But this pr-ide nieesIs Vo ie carvied into the relation of the commniity rwith the chùi:ches. IV is noV a ques- tian of obliging ,tub e 1minister, or srelling churcfi finan-e. but the fact that ah -people need the spiritual tundng that ýis iiýmparte4linl the wýoi- ship aitGod in cinapany w\ýith fellow membes.loit the commnuniity. 1May we bar-e nmore ýeditorials likej the one inentioned ansi people who respond. S. Littlewood. New Price Order Controls Potatoes Pinces of potatoes in Caniada wl1 be kept at about the Sam le els as pievailed last year aceoding Vo -an aninouncement made by the 'Wartimpe Prices' and T-rade Board this ýweek. These pices becamne effective on Sept. 6 andi will reniain ucags until jan. lOth, 1944. Mter that date inereases Vo coyer sto-age andý sbrinkage will be perm-ittesi until ýJune 1 oit next year. Maximrum pruce-s are establisbd for growers, wholesalers and retailers. inceallses ot one hall Vo thrue quarters of a cent have been perm-ittesi on certifiedi andi foundation seed potataes OUrono Tinshop- for ail niakes of Stoves' and Furnaces R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. Orono Phone 80rl Mr. and IMus. ýosborough andi daugbter, Niaýgar-a Fails, spent part Of l'ast week visiing ,>.with iriensinl Oronio then jouîneiiyed on Vo Peter- ýiboro. The achiool whîe r. Robor)- oughi is tea-cbiing lbas closesi down fOr anothe-r tWo weeýks. Lionel Dent Reported- Seriouisly Wounded Word fias been received. by Mrs. W. R. Dent * (mother), of 237 Del-a- mare Ar. Toronto that bier son, Lionel Ronald Gaýrdon Iras Ibecn c- ionsly woundesi while sew-ving over- seas. Another son, Gibet Dent mas repoîcted n-issing somne months aga. These two boys received their edu- cation at Orono andi enlisted fuomn rhere. Thore fathber is alsa ia the R.4C.A.F.1 WANTED Occasional hel1p to unloadJ Cars of coal, lumIber, ce- mient, etc., for a good sw,eat and goodl pay. SEE McLAREt4 Orono Coal & Lumber Co- Th,ý3 all Fair concert and dan-e were -Very sucesaful events. The dance brought fl $181 and the con- cert $ 178.42. RoLss (Jreight0n's ar-- tists put ont the performance at the' conert whch lcldedtepdancing by ti!wo young girls, ceomediaxi, Ha, lwiaiian nausIc and song, sleighit >f hand ticks andI piano playing. Tim hall iwas .packed, every seat beine aken, even to the galleicy. 1IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 .LADIES' COATS LADIES' DRESSES In ail Wool Tweeds, la Smart FaIl Styles Chamois li n e d, and Colors. ln waool sizes 14 to 44, also and Rayon, Çrepe, in plain cloth, black Seralwo.I brown, green, fur one and two pièce. trimmed, priced Priced $4.95 to. $16.50 from $25 to $49.50 _____________ LADIES' GLOVES In ail Wool, Kid, LADIES' RATS washable, Cham- CalI and-see our Ladiles ois, Rayon and Rats. Now on dis- WooI ixture, seil- play. AIl new styles. ing at $1.00 to $3.50 Quick Macaroni pkg I13c. Sait 5 lb. bags .&2c. Fresh Shoulder Pork Wax Paper 100 It. Muffets pkg l0c. Rubber, Rings 4 doz. 2 Fresh Side Pork 1W. 30c., Fresh Sauisage 2 lb. J. J. CORNISH Deliveries will be made on Saturdays Only Réady-mMàde Menus for 21 Days Tempting .. Conivèiiîent ..YUR. Nutritioitally Right! 1TT'S easy to serve healthful me ais, ifyou follow FI Lthe timiely menus in "Eat-to-Work-to- -Win"--'. Sound, practical, interesting-- this clever new bookiet does ail the difficuit, time- Timnely... inferesting . .... taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. helpful! Let this origi- : s Neye wa it oreimpotan tha yo p~ nal new bookiet bring Nevr asit or iporan tat oupr0-better heulth to'your vide proper food for~ your famiîly. For good famlly. MAIL YOUR / nutrition is vital to Victory now-to health and COUPON TODAYI ~ . happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the riglit foods, even though seemingly well fed. *The Nutritional ,tatemente lai- to-Wok-to-In" re acceeptable tGaý Learn the "ca-nt-go-wrong" way to temptingNtronc, meals that fi every food needthCaaanNrtinPoanm. - --- - ------ - - - - -- of your family! Send for your e FREcoyofEt-oWok- 1 NUTRITIPON FOR VICTORY". FREEcop of Eatto-Wrk-o- BOX 6oO0-.TORONTO. CANADA. Win. ai te ouontoay :PIeaseýsend memyFREEcopyof"Eat-to-Work-to-Win". i jNme___________ INDUSTRYSponsored kv o THE BRFWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO)iAdrs____________ 04TAR!0 ini the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Vîctory. ICity-Pr.________ ______________________- -- - - - - - - - --____- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --__