Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1943, p. 6

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Lawn IlCare Bufilçing Ugp S tr on gROot Systeme I s Important Proper atten3tïi to the lawn lair tise faîl wil l elp te ensý'ure a goodl growth of grass the followiag year, says the Ottawa Fairm jour- naLawnis should be allwdto g-c jfite the winter vwith a2 onierb iy longer growth than ýs mi i-tai1a- edf durving thie snierTe eut ting bar of thie imower shou.-d be mou edand ciiggshouldbcdonc less frequenitly than dun-iiag C e t>arlier part of thse seýason wh'ea growth is more rapi&. Mowing gbhoid cstop) aliogether kbet-ore h(e IVeathler tIUras Cold, Tise use 0f a f rtiier iture Containiag a smiail perentage of nitrogen but considierable amiounits of potasis and phosphorais ýree- enmmended at thIsseason, Si treatmleut wiiI hielp to buliid up strong root systeis. Ail fetiliser soubi hbe watered inimditl artel. application a-s othlerwise buraiiag of tise grass May osit Uafless thse weather shioujld be abnormialiy dry, waterinig f tise )awn shold be dsotiud in thse fail als rainis nor-mally wili M"ppy enmoghmoistur o permit thse grass to1 areaoff for theý On no accout should eovering o!f stmaw, lae bruish or nunre beapid to proteet ithe gra.Dss during tise wiater. Thieetu-ent- inents usuaJly doi mere harm than good A0 tMe grass. WVhencver pos- ibie, attention shouüfld begiven te drainage so as te prerent thse accumulation of ~avMer on the lawn ai thse late falo 01 y piig ON OUR SIDE tierce Norih Afr'!ian Berber tribe, Fherpenls is Amlerican bayionetu for future attacks against the Axis. Enlisting on side of de- mocracies for th~e sheer love of fighting and for the money they get, these mouritain tribesmen belped Allies lean up in Sici. Farmers Urged to Cut Wood Now The Government of Canada vili have to deal in a serious mianner witlr the fuel shortage la; Canada, says the Hon, Duncan, M(arshall. The demaind for fuel this wvinter is goitng to ex-,ceed the supply and maniy peole ar jgoing to live in homes with loWer temperatures this winter, The èutting of Wood on farmls can relieve this situation to sm x lent. There is no labor to eut .iveed with cross-eut saws, but that bas been a thing of the past for sonie time. There are days followin-g a raifa when farmers tould fell a few trees and get, tbeni trimmed so that assona t~he ground freezes they cnb ,kidIded' out and taken to somne place near the buil di ngs ,where tbey can be eut inito stove lenigths bya savv rigged for that pur- pose. Dead trees should be eut first but good green hardwood will burn pretty well if it is eut ansd piled properly. Farmners for one reason or another have hum-ý ed greeni wood nin winter quite Irequently. If you have soMe dry Wood to) mix-about liaif and jiaf-it makes a goed fire, Nuni- bers of people niay be glad te kae reen wood to bumn before nexi winter is oveËr, nd every tord farmlers Put up wil!l help tù keep, either theiitselves, or some ene else warim during thse cold weather of which Ontario gets e far r lse. CeANADA PACKERS LIMITED REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS In this IReport, 1. Calendar Year 2,Fiscal Year, 8,) rpYear 4. War Year FORE WORD at vioastages, four time periods are ue: -ofite Company; 52 weeks. Endjin-g last Thursda-,y la March. Deintdby 'year of close. e.g, Yea'r under review is Fiscal 1948. -Or Production Yca'r. Beg'ýiinning nonth of flushs production. e..Flash production of H-ogs begins ia Sep- tember. Thrfrthe fHog Crop Year is fo Sep- temiber to following August, Designated aiso by year of close. 11og Cmop Year, 193-is yenr from Septeiyi- ber,ý 1942, to August, 1948. --hevar began Septemy-bfer, 1989, Fimst W'ar Year-September, 1989., teo August, 19)4 0. SeodWar Year-September, 1940, to Augupst, 1941. Third Wnar «ear-September, 19,11, ' Aug-ust, 1942, Fourth War Year-September, 1942, te August, 1943. NoLe-'War Year' is therefor-e -emnu with 'Hog Crop Year.' Tise sixteent.ih year of Canada Packens Limited closed Marcis 25, 193In respect ýof wveig-bt of product -sold, and glso dollar v;alue of sales, new records wer csaise- Weight of product soLd 1.2,.6,80..s Prcvioua higb (fiscal 19412) 22,299 sa. Increase over peiu îi Dollar value of sales ---- Prerlous bigli (fiscal 1942) Increase over pevious high 14 4 ,- 09,21 i2.4 1 $J169,1l4 1167 0 ,71 Net Profit (after WVartime clniventory' Reserve, Depreciation and Taxes) was----------------1, 611,417.6 8 On Saleýs $19,141,000, to----------91)ý On Tonaige .1,328,616,000 lbs., to--------..12.1c per 100 lbs. Net Profit lai relation to Sales,- 95%-wasthe lowest but enei in tise iistory of thie Company. Iu tbie depression) yean 1932, Net Profit was .4%o! Sales. Tise regul1ar ividend of $4.00 per share ($10 uauvterly) vas paid tblrougliout thie year. Tise year wmas thre tourtb of the wav peniod. (la iscl1940, there weve sevenf war moaths, September, 193M to Marcli, 1940O.) Tise foilowing table sets up Tonniage an,ýd Sales for the four war yeams la compas ison with tise four pre-war years. TABLE 1 Fiscal' Year 1936.............- 1937....... Average..... 140 1941 19412 19413 Average ........... PRE-WARU YFAR1,S 65,706,573 lbs. 7741270,7 761;7,790,377 -bs WAR ER 1,01,26,35 1,14,29GI,321. sales $63,586,883 72,699,519) 7 7,2 2 5,73ýi2 $74!,414,50j7 , 1, 3 71 Inicrease (average) 78%-2% Increase fiscatl 1943 over kiatpr-a year (fiscal 1939) 66%19 Tise lasI columa o! tise aboxe table sostise avemage pr jpound o! produect sold. la tise last prc-war yean (fiscýal 193,,Ibis price-pen- Spouaid was ......... .--------- .------ .-------- ..----.-. For tise yean under review (fisca,;l 19413), tise corne- apoadý,ing figure w --...................... An increase of............................. Il la intenestiag 10 set up a companIisoî, of farnipnices sainie twvo yeans.'T'ise tloigtabie gives Ibis companison mnain farm i producîs, TABLE 2 OPAIO F YFARM 2NIPRICES, 1939-1943 Wiseat, No. 1 Nor., Fl. William.i Onts, -NO. 2>cW., Fl. William . Barley, No. 3 GWFI. William.- Cheese, f.o.b. Factory, Outanlo. Aerage Marcis 11939 29'/S Creamery Butter, Toronto-------------213/ Eggs, Grade A Lairge, Toronto, Chiiceès, Milk Fed A, Tornto. Good Steers, lire, Toronto. H4ogs, L-1, diessed, Toronto. 24%~ .6.78 12.25 .Average Mau-cil 1943 97e 51 c62 ½ 20) 11.77 17.12) Average per lb. i.e 10.1e 12. 7 15% 32% 9.6e 12.7e for lise Lfor the 1943 76 109 100 53 39 74 43 maSa ive, Toronto ............ .... 9.10 15.191 76 «Subsidlies. Fedemal plus Provincial. Rt la not possible to arrive at an.accumate- weigbled perenlmage o! inicrease for ýd ah fim produets, but a glance over Coimn 3 la tise above table -weuld indicate that 630% jincreas;e may be taken aýýs an. approximate avcrage. fia-ia 1ddition 10 tise companison o! sales volume (Table 1). Share- isolders (suid tise public geacmaily) will be intereated in a. comparison e! profits as between tise wam and preý-war periods'. Unfortuniately, no records are axailable for tise Packîing Industry as a wbole. Buit tise following table sels up the record for Caniada Pacekers. TABLE 3 Fiscal Year 1936 -........ ..... 1937 .. ... . 1938 ... . 1939............... Average--------.. Ne Net 1 Profit PRE-WAR YEARS - 1,522,662 1,100,559 - 1,238,786 WVAR YEARiS e't Profit expreýssed as-- Fercent.age Per ýo! Sales 100 15e. 2.0% 2.1 1.8 1,6 1.7% 19.5c 19.7 13,1 15,5 168c 11-40 .-- >..ý,..--..... 1,66-7,809 - 1.ý% 18.2e Tise profits ited aber. are net, afire 4ductiol lt ênd jmi.. est, % tm nebr éLre Dp.lto, n uIu The principal dedutction is that for Taxes, In the four pre-war years-, Federal Taxes totnliedý $1,384,004.19, Ia the siagille yenr under review,, Federal Taxç (Incomie plus Excess Profits) is-----------.. - $1,843,6J64.65 For the four wam years, Federal Taxes(Ioe 1plus Excess Profits) total -..---------- $ý5,997,682.30 Ia war tune, volume expýjandsanad prices Advance. These are tise conditions most favourabie 'to profits. So- profits (la war lime) are bigis. It is the polîcy of Goveriamieat to take back thie langeaI feasible share of these profits la thse form of taxes. Sucýh a poliey la fair and nccessary. The cost of carnying on tise war couid be mnet in no other way. However, at somne stage after thie war, a reverse trend is bound t0 occur. Volume will decline, and prices Nill drop. Tise profits o! wnr time wiil then be replaced by unavoidable losses. To provide a buffer nlgainst these losses, tise Excess Profits Tax Act provides for the setting up of a Wamtime Iavenlory Reserve. This reserve is limiited ia seope. It may beý set up onl1y after tise minimumiii tax (40%) has been paid; aise it miay be set up onfly in respect of a volume eqiuivalent to that of thieLiat pre-war year. The nieed for sucis a reservýe is iadîcated by tise fact that, to couvert this ycar's inventory to thie pre-war price basis (that of March 1I139) -would require a reserve of ----------59000 In the year unden review, the Wamtimne Iniventorýy Reserve set up was---------------------............ $ 650,000, Tiie Cnoiae Profit and Loss Acconut teisý the story of the businiess in the simplest form. Bacis item lan ths tee atis express- ed as a prcataeof total saleýs. Tlie following table sets up a9 comparisonï for thie fiscal years 1989 (last pre-war) anid 1941, 1942, 1943, TABLE 4 Analysis of Profit and Loss - Years Endied March ......... ........ 7 7,225.,7 2 chiefly Live Stock Cost ofmteas and packhagesý Wages and slre Geiiemal Ex-penses Bond Interest.. Wartlme Ilnventory Iteserve . ......... Depreciation.... J10. ,29 ,839 $ 14 4.50, 2 9 8(1.5% - 1917% 'rotai cost of produect, plus expensesýý 97.7 Writtea off Investasents ý... Profit baf ouetae 2. Taxes . .................. 7 INet Profit....... 1943 814% 83-64% l1 - LI8 *s3.6 1.4 1.9 1.6' Il w-ill be seen thlat, la tie yea u""der 1543,-out of eacis dollar 0f sletiere was, paid for raw .82 .23 .9 5 materials,- prîncipally live stock ......... ............................ .... 83.64e This is a uew and vely importanit record. Tisepeaou higis for, lire stock-in fsa 1942,--was ., 1.4 Comnpared to fiscal 19319, the increased pewrcentage to tise produceris ,83.641 .5. ...... ........ ......... .............. 3.14% Expiressed1 andollars,Ltise extra suiù accruing to the puoducer -is (.1 o f $6,4,61...............-......~53108 ,AnoherIemiia Table 4 wisiihllnges tten11tionlatis atfor- Expr-eýssed a1s a ereatge0fsales, tisere is a decline year by er.Thiisdoes lnot melan thatwgeraites are lowver, lantact, t1iscyhave advlanced subsltantially. But the perceutage 0u f advance la rin elisas bee n les- than the per(etaeof ad1vancie in sales, At tis e eadof fisýcal 1943, workmen at aýil 1 plants but Oue had been gsanfed tise fulli coat oflvn ons 45peurwek iad nlaaddil- tion, indiriduatl adjustmneits whiicisapproximatçly 4e peu ncm,. (At V1ancouver, for, special maoî,tise cost of living bonus was sligistly less.) Over oand abore tî1stlise Regiona;l \War Labeur Board(s -t ai Va- couver andadidonou lhaveý recetly 1vgraated a turtiser increas-e 0f 5u per boum. The Comipany decliaed to join laintise application for isese su crease s. 1Followiýg tISLts-atiOni by tise £lritislî C oILumbIi,,a andAberta Boards, il wýas felLit tis emiployecýa at otlier plants were entitled 10 equivalent advances. Tisese have been granted or are niow anderdicson Thse decision of tise Britishs Columibia aa.d Airta Boards has îim- posed upon tise Comipaay ran additional cost forwge of approxinmately $750,000.00 peu leur. A reter>eace to labour would niot bc comiplete witisout miention of fthe train whicis baus at limes been pu, upon pflantwrke by readson, of war conditions. The,, appeal1 for 1increasýed live stockl producýtion lbas muet witis a sýign1alrespon1se from tise farmiers o e a-of undenýr ery difficujIt cni ion arespect o! miaupow-er. The menusure o! ltt rsosetisown la tise live stock dlrne (reported Iter ta Table ». How-'ever, owiag b omllplicattoals resuIlin1g from iceiling regula- tinthe inicreased d(eliveriesý, especi-1lly of cattle, h1ave cousieitiaa quite irregular tlowv. orer considemabie periods deliveries have been eIxtreelýy 11,01t, witb ise resait tisat certain o et iepatgangs have lisad vrryslort boums. Duiaiig tisese periodsý,,tie at'tation of higlier waý,ges elsewhere bas duawni off nuaaly key worltmenl. Tisese periods 0of short deuliveries bhaveiin tura been followed by otlier periods 0f heary delivertes. At thesýelmstise stmaina upon tise reduiced gangs luas been Very seeve. Tise preseInt monitis August) la normaiilly tueise montiS 0f mimumrti delireries, of cattie plus ioa Ancid eea at tise preseat timue tise prob- lem 0f processtng ise live stocký is by no mnenas lig'L ist, la tbe comng E U, giaaiiing mid-Septemibev, tise a -ppeals o!ftise r ast tisree years for icesdlive stock ýProduction %wiil begin b takie thiefufll iefee. ilta epetedtat la October aud November, record deliveries of cattle, hoga, and lamDbýs will arrive eontise makets. Hlow tisese record delirerics ;are te be proceesaed is a proislem wiih is causiag imachI anxiety., For tise finsctlimne iilaiïsrisoy tie Canadian Packiag niadstry ma ind itacît1 unable to band(le il tise lire stoçk. Plant facilities :are aniple. Tise sotaevill be that of skilled work- 1 Tise Council f C2ndsaiii Mi vent Palckers ubasbad Ibis subjeel Up urgeatly wis tise National Selective Service,,Drigtise past twyo moutiss, defiermieatlbas been "equý4ýbetd for' al key men. And someic coasideration isas beca gLivea 10 isese requests. But maay mca bave been taken. Tise only posýsible mto f aoliiug a inost selous crisis ista tlt National Selectirei Service sisould lirovide replacements la large nIuDI- bers, and sbiouild assist in turung back to tise lndustry, (a) isose key mca wiso have gone 10 otiser industries; (b) peianso, for limited perýiodas, certain kýey mren la Ammied Services wiso) have nlot yet left Canada.,1 Oaly tisose enigaged la tise Lire stock Ia1dustry eýna rea1lize isor Senlous would be tise criais, 1*1 lire sokepeil oga, couild not be precessed whiea tiey r-eacised mark,(ýj weigists, Tl'iseUacliiig l1udusýtr ta an elemeat (anim 11portant onie) la tiie bteademte Lire Stock Industry. Tise ky elenient is tise Fammier. Ilta s e w1to dtmmnswiat quant-1ty et lire stock ýsha!l be produced. Siace Jul1' 1941), constaat appeals bavep been mnade bIotise fariner tpincrease production, particularly o! isoga and cattle. Hligier prIces, Mpvýe édded turliser ýsis. Toe ise ppeals, tise farmer lins Uade ntaleilpose Ir l %ocaçted Sa tise following table o! langliteringa,,i Inepected Estais. (Continuej On Next Page) Don't Kili Bats: They Eat Incts Theyre sMoeAid of You Than You Are of Them If bats ýget in1to your b ouse thes sumereven1ings, 'it îsn't necessary tocaî the cops or fire- men, as sonne resMiens have been doing. Open a door ur take off a csreen turn out a' the ights except one near the exit, ani-d the, bat vwill be happy to ho'on his way, Don't kilI the bat. he bas a useful appetite for insects - flismquts, beetles, -moths. Ina maniy parts of the xoi he is protected by lnw, so n~e an cnt the coddfling imoths ehat injure, fr-uit's, pests that damage cottoni and othier copand nmosquitos that spread malaria. Somle grate- fui states erect bousesfo bats. ýýcientists, i-N-e'stigating vwby cer- tain Florida k eys bave mosqj-ýtoes and otuhu ae no"e, found that the insects were absent where bats were prevalent. Hibernate AlWne Watcb n 'bat at dusk as you finsh work in the garden, He darts about as fast as a bird - an elusive shadow grabbig mos- uioson the wing. Hoe o' get into youi hair, anJ h dosn' harbor any more parasies than other animiais or birds. H!is wife is a careful mother xvbo often carrîes her twin babies along as she hiunts food;~ or she imay hbng thiem psdedown on ;s branch to ait ber retLurn. Somle triop)ical bats liv e par- tially on fruit, but in thia region bats eat onfly inseets. The* fly- ing aiinimais corine out at niighit and iibenaae-usuailly in a av -ail winlter. The bat is mrore afiaid of you than you ore of bum. If by mis- take hie gets inito youi boûuse, let hlm lie to muake your life pleas- anter by redcing the number of Still Another Use For the Hlcpe. tion to PFire Departmecnt Almot eeryday some onle ls- cover newusesto whichlisicp- ters eau be put hays the Ritchener Record. The greuat axnaeof helicopters 15 t hat they eaiUtiad aniywherec and týake off frcom any wýherie and -can hove\ ttinr in the ai. A crrepeneatto the ChJ-icago- -Daily Newýs gives 12reasas wy tLos particular type of plane wlýouild be a valuable adtintoaay filue departm1eat, Hepre they ae L A heli-optýer cau get to a I ireý faster than goud ppar'atus 1.Could1 land( on roof with crýiew eqnipped with chemical extin- guishers. 3, Couid quLickly lift hose to any hleiýght. 4, Could be particularly useful in skysncper fires. 0. Could renom ope ~0 from windows by une of underslng nets, 0. Gould rescue trhpped firemnen fron roof or uppe floors. 7. Couid ply back aind forthI fromn street to roof or to sites on 1bujildings adjoiniing the fire, 8. oul carry inarshals aloft fori, nformiation as to scope of tho 9, Coubd! uckyreach z boat tire on the lake. 10. couldi geï 10 iselated cuty side tire's Where no service exi>sted. il. Could rapidly go to the ,assisntance of 3neigh1borîng ciila case of need. 12., Couid pertfori- va'1luaie sai- rage work of an ]insiranice arl Probably the tume is ýomiing ýwbea a fire r-epartmnent isn't e sidered complote withosst helicop- 97.

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