ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TJIURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943. Fhe Orono Weekly Times Established January, 19137. everyT Thursday mo1101rningtQ at the Ties Office Orono1, onitarjo ---s on request Su1bscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Trhoughtful of Our Fighting Men 'Gonsideraible interest aad admiration have ýbeen expressed with ,ard te the collection cfphogah appearialg in ir'he widow of ocal store. The idea -\as doubtiess cenceîved by som-eone with a ihinatica of vision, genlus and art. Ocoupying a cenitral position aîbove the group la a piebure of King and'Queeni. The Midland Regimeiint also l in iludeýd ilaa g, shalow group photograph. GIol. Gamey, the regim-ent's well- ed commiander, jr portrayed in another splendid picture. Ahl of three armed forces are reprerented here, and ail of these appear- in the potraits are wearàing tihe uniforni cof their particular ýnh. It is a sobeing- thought when one recalîs that the mna- ity of tîhe circle comilprises these erst-while youagisters, who yes- year reanaed our streets an-d attended ýour schoel with carefree adoa. Many of ihhemr are neow overseas. p~ons Cal Citizen tells us th'.at froni tim tle time he rends ste these lads \0ho milst somnetimer find then- ,h reward cornes in retura for such kiidliness ln Lapprecîative letters. Our friead îin question re- e "thank you"' messages lai one weeik. The exten~t Diy f these young peciple is "hionored in the land Is emitirely uponi those of ius -whc mnust remuain The Awakenings of Christianity lRecently we attendtud evënsuing, in St. Savieur's 'Church. What extraordinary about thlat ? yen asic. As amte of fact, the ongregation assembLIlecd witIiin tthe chastely beautifl interior of St. ýavour's 'war smalal ia nuinbers; two smal, we feit, conýsîidering- the ize and population cf the village. With this thought ia mmid, we 'enidered whetber aufter ail, we -\Nere doing thie extraordlnary by eiag there aise. 'We jeined' in the ture honoired order ýof Evening rayer, culmrinating lin-what one 'writer has termed "the famriliar nd lovely succession ef Cardinal Newmi-an" - "until the shadowr rrgthien and tihe eveningenes, and the busy iol is hushed, and he f ever cf life jr over, and or wook is done." Indifference la the mnatter of churfch attenaance ir net local by wy mneans. WVe are teld that, pronct'ned( tîholigh it has hoconie I ur own country, it was 'even more so lanVthe Old La'nd in the yoars rior te the wvar. With the coming- cf the 'wur and the "blitz" when hu-ches and homnes 'were boing destroyed, a spiritual awakening ok place amoing the British people. Sunaîl churchos lil<e thlose in an. own midst teck on a new s;ig-nifîcamnlce and folk saw la their pas- rsý a soure_ of comfort and ceunýseI hereofore nrocagnized. De- 2mintieal iffrenns wro orgtte in the knowledge of a cern- Ibefore iin tiifies elf stress and strain, peopie er Pe'wer, and it ceulci rw-ell be, that ila the los buildings, grevusÙoughi suchi lors may prove, egatiens 'wjll rdicvo omething fur rxpore * * ** The Post War Period Thero jr aaturally mucli specula,-tioni as to conditions vwhich 'lwil ;tn thie closecf this present Wcnld W'ar. As a farming crn -iity, mmny of car readers -will beloin at the pro&pects fren' farmlers' iwpit Oldier mnwill recal the eolapse cf farm luce pricés foiJowinýgWcrld War Nuniiber One. 't ni- i. zeen peinted ont that a vaistly difforenlt situation exi5ss ýnt time. A grecat djemi c f Euirope's borst farming ceuntry during the-c last way. IHerds, fI cicr and farmis wr in- thrQngh Nazi conifiscation and rhi-otage cf feed, large this otherwire fine ocld werld livosteck hais dira,,Ppeare-pd. and direase will nender m-uch of the surviving numiber edin]g pur-po sos. lhe challenge then, te warieulturists on this ridecf the water- ). For hundreds of years this continent has looked toeiTHume ie foundation stocýk upon 'which our own great herds ar-e bared. ring-h fldcol' ordor, wve ourselves will be called apen to prov;ide vesteckI and seeds, the fertilizer and niao.hinery which will help allish our famer fniends se far mway. There ir one aspect inl mtter -whiclh gives rire te an-xiety. Supposing car lown land r'ovince faiced several sea-sons srech as the one cf the-,'rese-nt Such seasons, with lig¶ht grain yiefldas forice a ciatailnit la wn donestic livesteýck cmryever. This is particuimrly truc in g- raisinjg inlustry, altli-hg, aevery fariner knows, hogr efiairly quicily, mnd easily gotten back "into circeulattion-" seý mk. 0-Lr ability to assist la the European dilemina wil ho [red lmrgely by car o-wn ciances of keeping upon cou feet. llewv- in the liight cf these2 foregcimg conlusionls, prospeets for -stable- ýn aire brighter thanl those mmking the finish of the last World wet-ieyemrs mgo. The Opening of Our Schools ia f 0Wv short ciys in someinhstances perbmps -weeks, reheels, Ls, mm-d vrosplaer of leajrng will be re-openiiug thiroug--i ie cemtry. There will be anticipation la the h-earts of huail- cf yoang folk. Thlis jr particularly true of the very young; ittle toctdlers"ý just star-ting ont. Adventure and expenie-n;e, id sorrow are stangely intermimgled la there early aecol and problerns assumne trciiiendeus 'proportions la the mninds cf- olk -whco m-urt see jn thieirteces a source cýf almîost inox-, hIewirom.The slîppig away te school on thelicpart of a ter alse frequenitly proves omthn f a tnag-edy te: the r, bec!a-se it snplyi--imarks the beg-ianiag cof that brief period rS When the ýchild will comne Lp tic ouighi the schoci age mnd folcw long into high school mmd later te nniiveirsity, or else orbed into reinie brmnceh of the bury -workaday world. We bury workaday 'worldl" did wve nt ? ad y et. nly a lew vears go jnany cf car flwndst amd best edu- you- men tramied the country, and rode tice reds, in search ploymelit whidch retiety apparently cou[ld pot pre0vide, dy a war, the nsot disa 1 trons war in hirtony, coald Icee blile purre stringsanmd cfer theneear living-, and that .- la thourmnds of cases calîr fer- the lmyng down 'of li'te ifslt If ieh. Yes, oui, yoiing people m st fight the country's batties, -they have done la other pions and if there is a, gliimnor of md comsolation, it lies in the fact th'at niaay of thenî have Ces te, the hroadest mmd l faest educatienal facilities the comm- Sever knie-wi, f-acilities, which null enaible thase -who reburn te ie mmcc ljeis of rchabilitation, mmd the estalblisliv1wmoaf nobler LOOKS AT Ottawa As thir jr wr itten Ot1aiwm la isbu2n clipped.rnanicurtd and waved mnd deccrated for President Roo(soelt'sý visit. Thore jr intense Q,-cs c. the part cf usumlly blase officiais mmd certminly the mutue cf civil servanits, temupcrary 'ar- u! bers and the theuýLsamdis of others whc ia1ke titis capital. (ÀIiulchull, Edl i, Mad- amn Chiang Ke SeGironud mmd nexý lieryp pu1lmr F.D.R. lmlý- se1%' will be an istorie occýasion, one cf ,,he ce\er incremsing evidenees e'f U.S.-,CanadýIan M friiilnds i p mmd ii+ernatoncc)-ordination. The vast ce4oreoflhutfy kept lapin in, iýbnt (cf the Penci(e Tower, Wher1e Mr. R'ooseveît pil sca frern will it is (,stimmqte(-d acc -ommiý od1a te 20,000 pao- iplie. Thie S.R.{). riga piuîl rarely hi( eut emrly. Hlir talc, gcinig oeer the air rwoves h at high non-whehl lways herad ee by thie boom cfa cannon. We hear a lot io ut rnanpowei, but iwhat about Canadian om - power?, WVell, there are 4,240,000 womon over Il yemrs cf go iin Can- ada. Hene are mýie ilteresting fig- ures abeut thieni. Ar cf Jmnruary 30, 1943, of thir nuanher there piere 1,- 15,2,000 in industryammd 255,009 di- roctly or in-directlyil a wr industry. Farrn womean nuinbemed, 830.000; wc- mien students 209,000. There piere more than 31,367 'in the armaed ser- vices (and that figure must be cen-_ siderahly incremased hy this tîrne). 300,000 are con sidered nnreîploy- able. 'Canada',;egtaleoilIindnstry is one of thora reVolutio«ized, in a senso, by the neersitier of this glo- baIl war. This inidustry jr, cf c.ourse, agicul)ural. Taýe fa01e, f which 5314 cf that uised ýwis ian- ported la 10ý39. In 19422, hwvr al of the 3,'88,195 bushols usýed were df dornestic' rengpin. Our acreag-e ob-: jective :for- 1943 jr2,492,000 or an astcunjding incei-sae ova(r the pro- vieus year of 67%ý AI] lthese chan- ing phrases hvngte do wth our agrieultumal mm ad nndustriail ecomomry wili hoe part eof thre 1pst-war prob- Is it mîl1riglht te lend your rationi bocik te your farfiner fiead who ares a great dleal cf tom, wihile yent useý very Jlittie ? The Picaýs Bo ard rays ne, anuj Thehua Craig cf the informi- ation lrrach answered me thir wvay: "ýRationlniig jr for the equal shaning cf crancormoditier which are' la short rupply. it deos imot mnean that Granny, just because she likes th e extra ýpot of tea, should be able te b1aveL double the ration of the wornan next deor, ner doea it provide for: the swm1ppirg 'of tom mmd razugar by two neigilhoauors whe live acrors the romd frein each ethe:r.'? Fimt of the miatter la the whioe rationinig syrýtei jr set up),cm the banis that the major- ity Wiull conserve their use cf ration- cd articles te eJtual amd hmediate Har-king hack te the Order,-in- Council which made it an offance te warte coal or heat owin~gtc the sr ions fueqI situation fcigCanada, it jr lnteresting -te know ,,that cur inor- mal peacetimue coal eedr are about 30 millioný tons. This year, gem-red te snch a hiighi war temjjpo, rvso must be Mmde fermabont 47 million tons.Cadis can be selfish m individuair mnd sneak excessive lient, more than neessaiy, or they cati piay bhail fer the good cf mil in Cani- ada. It's remlly co-operationl for naitionll[con'servatio-n inrteadocf ocer- aiea hat is ratd Tlkinig with a ne-wrpaperrmn back frin Wshing-ton the other day, he told of tryiag out a, meat shcp right clore te the main drag; wihadvrtises lhorse -nient --cheice ý stuff frein "yourig wild western heor- ses." H1e bcughlt a romat mnd thougmht it quIlite msy.Coatlf s tan aî Classified Orono. ~FOIJZ SALE Russ~Best h e51 r10, ORONO FAIR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1O & 11I Agriculitural Exibits and, Denionstrations; Do- mestie and Fine Arts. New'Classes have been add- ed this year, along with many Special Awards. SPEEDING IN THE RING $300 Divided Among-st Classified Races, Second Day DANCING A Dance wiIl be held in Newcastle Community Hall on Friday Evening, Sept. lOth, the first evening. RUSS CREIGHTON'S VARIETY DANCE BAND CONCERT A Concert wiTll be given the Second Night of the *Fair, Saturday, September llth., wivth Russ Creigh- ton and -bis Artists putting on the. perform~ance. jAdmission to Dance, 50c. To Concert, 35c. Admission to Grouinds: Adults 25c.; Children Free; Vehicles, ý5c. Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHlYSICIAN andi SURGEON - office IHours : 2.0to 4.00) p.ni.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Today there are representatives of 921 nations a1ways in close touch with the Canadian govern'iment. The 'hc In ortag-e in Ottawa creates prilmtoe, for n1umero-,us Comi- mueial and military atachs Il ther tafs.A very intenational fiaor r xhmued henone cre acrers 71the flgs0f United Na1tionsý in front of Varions homes and bu;ild- ing ý scattered around the city. Rcecently a .gathering of nmemnbers cl sheep b 1reedeis associations., at the Centraý,l Experimental Faim 'here saw a. demnonstration of the drug- pheno- thiiazinie, in tthe latest inethod devised by scüience for cointrolling sheop) para- sites. Dr. W. E. S3wa1es, Science~ Service cf the Departmeat ofAg- culture, siuowed how the niedicine a tiwo-inrlh tablet, is pleipped into the throat cf the animail, using a tongue depressor. An exý4pert can do 60 amsan heur. One reason for the imîportance of the drug at this timie ir that [parasites destroy the animal's mntestines-- which are se valuable for the ma ox f suria utures need- cd on the battleifield. Chldren in the country, here's a war job for, you. The National Re- search ýounicil aieeds l00,000 poumds or moe 'c f the comnion m-1ilkweed, for- experimenting in fbleniding with certain type2s cf synthetic rubber. It 'will be pqîd for. Farmners who have goodly stands of the weed ca n ut Zith a binder, leaiviing a long- stuble et at least 8 ice and mnaking snmall shave. iDied shleaves shijpec((ol- lect te, Ottawa wilI be worth $30 a ton. For furtiher information write Dr. Harold A. Semi Division of Botany, Central Experimental Fan, Ottawa. aiga ;chat in his office one day recently with Fred MGrge, hief enforcemient officer for Canada cf the Wmrtime Prices Board, T had a look at sore o f the couaterfeit g-as ration coupons seized when Elack-Market- eers cýfa ring were roped ia. Pretty clever imiitation they were, but even- tualîy the law caught u~p with the racketeers. Enfomrcement in control legisiatien is a bigc job taken on a niabion-ivwide acale. W.M.S. MEETING The' Septeunher maeeting cf th e Wemans Missionary Sclety was held in Park Street Church reheol roemi on Tuesdlay, Seoptemiber 7th. As the president Mrs. M. IL Sape wms unable te be present, -Miss _M. Davy presided, Thie meeting e- pened w',,th a hyinn and prayer by _Miss Davy. Miss Davy announced the Octeher net ing would be the Thank-offering meeting at w*h MissShri froni Winnipeg would be guesýt speaker. She, also annojunced theý lEasterni Sectional Rmly wvould Lhe held ia Orono la November, vwhea Miýýss'Carol Stapler and Miss Mm jorie McLaren 'will give ' their rle- ports on the 'ISehool fer LLteder." The wcorship peiid was taken by Mrs.. Little-wood wheý read portions df scipture witih response by the meinhers. The thine ef the mieet- ing war 'Christ for, all the world and Christ for al life.", Thenew study bock "Feroi, lof- Life" was iatirod'uiced. A sketch en- titled "They are finding a way" w,ýas guV1en by 1Mors. N. Porter, Mrs. Delve loweci ty a reading on the sane themne by Mrs. H Walsh. The imieetin clesed xith singý,inig and 'prayer. ORONO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETERINA4RY SURGEONS Office Mlain St. Oronc> * PhonV 56 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Cas-ualty, Automo-. bile and Liability F~ORSALE 1938801OIàï"oI)ile - edan, '"excellent condition; fi f e r.Apply to Kx 17, Oroli ~ a-3c FOR RENT Apartmient in Kumrite Apart- ments, O-rno., Apply to R. R. Wad- ~LOST Liight Red ,teIï with -\hite head, short horns, age743/sý- years. O.wnei, Arthur Thompen, ---!,endal; Phone 6 r 18, 'Orono. a-3&.c. ANNOUNCEMENT The Orono W . 1. îwill, holt, their reg-ular meeting ' FrIidy , ýpteM- ber 17tih, at 2.30 ni a/ or Commnitte-e in elhae~ge'\%,Theýý are two quilts te malice ulp. ANNIVERSARY SEeICES Leskard Unitffi Clh hwill hold their anniversar-Ï sey ices on Sun- dlay 'Septeii-l)c-r 9th ýiat 8 p.m. and 7. 30 6 .-i ;RI. ehl-n -iVULabian, NewtUnville, wili LÉ the g-uest speak- er at both servces. b-31-C. FOR SALE OR RENT 'One hundred acr.es, $3,500; Con- cession 6, oppQisib p scçoo1 'endal, Oint., Clarike T,çýVntshýp. p1ly to S. Thomas, Ajaxr PO.îWl,4 be on fdrmi froni Septeiifab'èr l,3lito 1'7th. a-3-c FOR SALE Twe acres(2ý More or less) on theý east side of Man Street North in the Villag of, OroÏi' , on which fý's an 8-roem br e honuse- ,in good rwpair, with large vé,!ýndah and rua fiporch, garage henih<ks\ andsevera/i other biiilding-s, goqd welk a ýd el*.tricity. A,ýpply on .premses.R, Bon Orono. q33p. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tendiers will ýbe received u~p to neoon on Septen-Lber 25th, 1948, for the late Samiuel Cuttell property on the -west side of Maini Street, Orono. Tis.property ýonms!sts of two stores, centrally located' wiiih residenc'e of 7 roomis ovýer the stores, sqiparate en- trances, two-sIorey brick modem, conveniences, garage and wvoodlshed, storeus well rented. Inspection by appointment. Teinis Cash. Higllrest or any tender not neces- sarîly aceepted. DateO Saptemiber 2iil, 19413, AL.MA E. CUTTELL, Oronio, Ont., Administratiîx For Bricks, Lime and Cernent SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumnber Co. Naval Board flag- flying 'beside the usual naval ensigii. - - Ontario, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer andi Valuator Conducts Auction Salles of al! a4zejrý an<(j at reaseonabie rates. Commnilatewith himi at Ponrt Perry, Ontario, or see Ls Clerk, X E. Morton, at Orono, for date. GEORGE KEYES Auctioneer -& Valuator Pure Bredi Live Stock, Farxni an,& Furniture Sales a Specialty. Noin to Large, neone to Small. GAdqi e tueri Scheol if Aiuctine"rin-, S.A, pus everal '$ears' sýelling- exiperience. Rate& Renonabale. Write PR R o. Oro.-n, Ontbarlo. W. F. Ward BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTÂ,'RYV Phones Office 82,5 - Residence 409' BOWMUANVILLE -ONT. E. E. PATTERSON' Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOMILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCAST'LE P. 0. REPRESENTING soute of the Largest, Strongest and . Most Reliable Insuraince Firms in Canada Farm ,Property a Speciaty 1 mprepaureijto qo you rtsfrom 40c. a hundred, according to élassificaticrn of Building Phone, write, or better stili, cail. I will hW pleased to quote you rates on your property which will surprise you. F.F. Morris & SçonÏ Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phenes: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 Tho Oldest, Largest andéMosPý Comptete Fur mture Store and Mo4ler Funeral Service ln Durham 0ur Service-THE BEST Our Gxods-'tHl-E NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWESTI MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE -ORONO nez. Orono P110NE ?47r1