Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1943, p. 2

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Worry Nazis On Guiernsey Troops Cannot Cope Wh Tlieù Dignïlfied Resistanco Granmotersof Guernsey are waging a war of nerves agnint Nazi occuppationtroops, the Lonidoni Daily Mail learns.,. Wiuh ther Sssand daghters deported in thousainds to work in thlljeich,7 gray-haired and whýite- haired womnen un the homeis wich have been broken up, Ieek after thieirý grandehidren - and defy theGras Thiat pictuire of' hf e in Guerii- Sey was given to me Iby Chaninel Isands refugees at an reunion held in Manchester over the wueekend. Nthing has cheered them more in their exile than nesnow t'filtering through about the fighit of thle gadote ,who are aettinig anl examnple Of resistance with édig'nity more cin- setigto the Nazis than oipen rebellion.ý Iii the streets these oIdwoe shun the Germnan soldiers. Tney keep their homes spIotleSssly dean. Thiey seap ogethier w h a t riney they can for a vieto,ýry cei- ebratien. And they keep rurs of invasion cire ubtinig. Bot h Grman marks and tde Slrnal amiounIt of Eglimoneýy SM!IR etinthe Isba"dsgo lWt% te reunion funds,ý 1 was told abjout a typical figliter, Mdm X,58er-l Guernrsey widow. One of her sons; escaped to joi the iiis armly three years ago edy n- other son and two daugliters were depjorted. She is looking after 12-monjïth- old twin granddaughteie whose motheî iA dead. itlhber she lbas a dagliter ,xho was allowed by thie author- tiet remnain at homle becaus-à of ïll iheaili causiec by worry and the food shortage. This grandniotIhe-ir us a big house and a kitchen garden as if the Germiaas d'id flot exist. Sise had a letterfroni a friend la Britain a f ew days ago. MUnce Jeremiy dyinig-will be a happy reese for aml" Tbe friead told mie yesterday: Un1cle Jeremi1y is likie t1e terni we jalners use ta ind(icate- the Germans" News fromn the isins is get- ting aace.The exlesbeleve it is a siga thiat the womnen are wvininng the iaerveés war ainiithat tLie- Germnans are scared about the chances of a Britsh attack. Thle Channel Isanders in Bni- tla ntinkil their Manchester reý union ,,wIll be their at in Eritain, "Th)is timie .niext year we will b)e back in ou lr own hms"thecysad MEDAL FROM MONK mena: doue." Liig almid the ruiis of ,-o, Sicily, Cor-p. Coy Col- Zavahîs, Texas, r-eceivues Medal frein a mouk who in die bown throughout Iber fîghting. Said the 'The oil f Ceod bas beeni Urgent Message Whien the Japanese were Merl- aeing the Australjin maîlanud an R.A.F. adIvanced post was ma- nmed only by a LAC. and AGI. Between them they pessessedi only oas .3»3ifle and five rounds of ammunitins they mst a signl te HwQ: MWe have only one 3803 and tive rounds of ammiunitien. Un- lusa you send urgently two mnore ,U3)3's anid another 100 r-ounds,, we ce)anot guaranbee bo hOld this By VAL GIELGUD î 03'ueI ani a i fiiky perauhi, lasisways 1 nI y be, 1 am puntul, I in neat as far- as clotes r oncerned. 1 approve eoftiod. I 1disliks untidiness. 1 know tl ýiat nowadays aIl tbese Idosncacesare regarded as eithsrlabsord or old fashioned, Thiat 1 cannot help. And,;liowever ridienlous a sloppy-mîinded youngei genieration may consider it, 1 hadl had whalit cati only bie deseribed acuaeyas the devil 0f a day! I ws called late. My wife bas nesense of discipline were ser vants, are eoncerned. She says they are bard te keep). That may bes.It la not my business. I psy t'liir a - which is Then Icnt mself shaving. The fanît wýas not mine. 1 be' leve (d til- akrsof a brand ef safetKY rzo. i ay bave br-en unly redl onsbu threif wife hat like hloters. I have beeneffredkipersregularly fandc atat once at montli ever silice. Ianont slffCiîiunty lieartless te corrct (-'ber. Tham ri n was laie - abomiaby lte atLondon Bridge, thougliI hadthd f0 lun andril te iaof (ydgestion to catcb[ itaIou' taio. ost iinconsider- aIe. I iues e tlia( notliing slîoî t o! a letertolie "Tlires" cati inak an imresionon a railivay VI)pan. T cowu ail, the car- in kepig Igi e i oning. PScaSE MEno IONtud Cuxss proid ra Mage was ovecioweded. Everything Wronrg And se il went ou. At mýY office the staff seemed for tlie moat part te liea4way hil, or gressly~,incoin- petent. 'My secî'etary was on ber honeymoon - demonsîration et lsck 0of persona] loyalty whicb 1 fqund hliadte endure, considering that sue1,lîadwoi'ked for me foi five yeai-, proliably tlie best ie years et lier lite,. My chef was suffering troinoneý, of lis periedical bouts of asïtlimaý -periois doring wliicli li is coni sistently onfair t10 me, and indl- gent f0 himselt. My fauie pipe had disappeared. My cte made by îny secretary's subst, itute, was aimuat undrinlkable. Anli portant fila had goue astra,. Dîiur y lv unch-bout 'lad ar. :agi, ss is na invaýî1lable, cto n, an apoý,intnn il aolil ad. I anfba to ncn nîy ovin nî ains. o ebv thefin crf y olert tsuon n gneýi agn al, te a placer off it my ssy fli ýfaro, fe lt(il0 Mae.iss -olli udi hv aw gaou ther iCeJ . ere.Plý aud I lov-thek p2s bl; meý. Ad rispoct doif a1 cai'fu l'que Slie affctr adni'b tio.e that Jler features l ack animation. Her eyes, fine itheu velaek iiparkle.lier -expression tends to monoteny, hiew conv ersation te generalities. Shle hadad, how- ever, thte suipremle and ( compeni- sating virtue of 5bsolute relia- bility. Imagine nmy isia-I ha]"d al- Most wr'itten m ay Ihorrer!ý-wh1ea on this day et ýI aildys MAiss Col- lfins, havingapard lrugit her routine distraite, finattentive to mny frienlY coniversationial openings, uuitaterested iia such e); My persena1L affairsas1I elt it might amuse lier, Without unreas- onable fmlartte he-ar - when ýMiss Collina sliowîniig sheýer eluinsiness in the uise 0f the e olaý of lier rade, drew blood frein bIse fourth linger of my left liand! A bad Day Nom did it end bliere . l is brusc that seexpmieissed'regret_; bt it wass obvious tbiat emetionally she was unmioved alike by my pain and hber eown sliortcomning7. lat tact, shie almnost ilimnediatLely ex- eused hrefand lIt t he dubqicîs- on the pies et anargnttelephonec ail. It was shatterîngly clear thiat lier mind was not, on lier work. My lne bled freely. Miss Collins ýdid not retur,Iýf appeared te me that bIlie liit h, ad enpliati- caly b Ieenl reiachied. 1I rose frein m1y chair withý a dint lat flttr ys elf waslnet ipie by the towl wh7h I faiad t wemember was draped about My kniees, and sougI lit eut tbeMan- agèr lan lis privat1eofie I began'.temnperately enougl, to express my feelingsý. 1 regret te have to say fliat ha seedany- thing but sympabliefie. 1Iloat niy tempeî'. Mr. Jones," 1 saidï, " ihave b een yotir client ïoer years. 1I have brouglif you usoi. Imliaxe e- gar dd yourslioas n oaini t ihee nssof 1my1)bus inel ss filis, and Miss Colins sîamost as, a Persnaltrend t>1I' ve had the de1vil of:a dayi beteenen tLiLg and aniother, anod Iths is the- last! Kiudly urebokeMssCollins in suitabie teimmsfui- lier behiavieur te a dnsfomer ofmny staniniig or 1 go elsewliene fori o aneue te iîny per1ýSona1 ncneiec Mir. Jones r ýarded ecurions- ly, iitlî an exprýession! thalt 1 can olîly eu lelniatie. He clajsped is hands tgte, efd -bis ci]ws n lie top o0f lis desk "Mi~ Colins sad i~ei maried at te a} of iglieen o a of lad deslped tuberco(sisltsa wili lMUyearslie lu-d died la tiing lier witb a deicae dil sils'lat, i, Coficsla bogi rrp a tn eucafedeui teyott fiti dition, ontank0fflose resourcs Mis Colinsliaskep auy ;ta mother; tat thelatte liia vek ago t'w t iss ol.r .17n sf nt sly se pt ei'se- neil i 9 lagu, cu li a-n h be ý:pain lle b Efi u do P~~?JPJCESS PATS 2 eggs U 1btaspoon baking powder 1 cup Ms!e brown sugar Y4 teaspoon' sait 1 tablespoon mutlted butter 12 clip Ah-Bran! 1/cup Sifted fleur tu~ cup chopped nutmeaîsý Beat eggs unil Hhgt. Býeat in sugar and butter.Mx fleuir, bakiny pewder and sattoAgethrCrualAil-Brnfinto fine cmumbe, mix wibb filour. Gradnally stir dry ingredents into egg mire Add niutm)eabs,. Turn inito gesd île pan and bake i modem- ateiy bot ovea (425' F.) about 8 inutes. YIELDI: 32 bars, 3% x 291 ately b-.ob oven (425' R.) about 8muse YIlL:32 barsý, x '2% inIs aîdMiss ülohms camue intothe reora. Rer face ne riongrLacked ex-pression. If shiowed sncb JIrelief and Ibrouih lbsud lieai ty, as J nexýer expeet fo ses atgaîin. 'Tm 0o Sorry, Mm. Lattenth- waife---" she began. "On the contrary,-Miss(o s, Isaid, "lin se glad!" And 1Iiimat if. Biutlooking at bliat tailomeýd fgrwthle care- olly powdeýred Iface 11nd darm- iîîgiy wvdblondelbain,, I bond ail thefticity isthe wrdin believ%,ing Mi'. Joueý s ', stoy. Yst, d i eoug',i-for I md if hybsies efind out--every woî'd of if Was t1; rue. Lits ýis reaIly very qoaint! -An swer-s. Bo-mb In 1194-10 EBitz mýijssed deabli by inches whien a Na-zi boinli demolisbied the Treas- tiry building next door te 10 owngStr-eet, killinig 19 peo.- pie and srmashling part of the TClicStory vwals Ineer published, iniinn bui t lb was fold iin Que- bec hast week by an ofci cloe- ly conuected wibb li Iýincident". One eveuingý in Nýovem ber, 19)40, during tlle German blitz on Londoïn, Mm. Chiurchili, Bre-n-' dcii B rackeui, BiihInformation IMinisfei, sdAir Secretary Sir Archibald Sincla.ir were in the dining, roomn aft 10 Downing Street, tie PieMinister's1bo(rnet, A bombý feil on the Treasnry building, demolishing thàt strucý- ture. The explosion blasted eutl the kitchen wall in the Chuirchill home. Nons of thE, Britisb Cabi oct min)iste-rs hadic gone te the boîub shelters. Two dot siesties, lu the establishmnent were ordered te go but refused flatly because "Mn. Churchill needs- bis dinuer," fhe informant said. And so 'bIe dinner contintied. "The cool, seryed Welh rareblt," Strip, Seal Acts In Wilbur, Wash., the spinning rod of a reaper caught Riancher WýalterWynhoff by the overalls, gave bimi a spin, tossed h.im asîde earing only bis shoes and Peo glases 11n1narmlymaour area in Tc-en-,e a boit of ligb t. niiig ,st ruck the zipper of a sep inig bag,-, welded it ailthe]a aroundý, sealed up sodie in We Canofoten blame nervous tension for miserable feelings and fears. Aud in lIsse days, thousands et nenveus people long te gel a real grip on tlain- selves .,.. hey yearn for quiet nerves, Many are taking Dr. Miles Ncrvine. This is a scientifie combinat iorit eff ec- tive sedatives. Nervine belpa melieveý general nerveuseess, sleeplessnss, rervous fears, nervous headaclie and igervous îrrîtabîlîty Il lias been osed for this puirpose for sixty years. Take Nerv7ine according te directions sud lielp things along witb more rest, wholesome food, fresh air and exer- -Du- ie. Effemvescing Nervine Tahlets- 35e and 717 Nt 'vinle Liquid7: 25C and $1.00. 'Whab coukil be a iiore apo praebearr ofgoodt news tIa fI coo Mi famihy teapot. TIc- Ration\ Beard saysbIc biaispply for, Canda iassomcl i m prove that w s an uowenjoy a laIt-a- poun eyry ix ieeainstead of oCry sit. The miiillionls of hatve mat 5bcause forie.iig 6ý 9Mta ~ ISSUE No. 37-48

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