Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1943, p. 1

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EE LY TI Es 'Vol. 7. No. 33. ORONO. ONT., TH-UR-SDAY, SELPT. 9th, 1943~ Subscription $ 1.25 Per Yeai Italy Has Surrendered To The United Nations, Givinwîg in Unconditionally This is the First But Not the Last Break in Axis Tyranny Maay hearts tbrougicout the Unit- 'ed 'Nations wecrs made happy in Wedllesciday noon last wheu Word %va, _flash-ed iby radio across ths world that Italy had capituiated-incon- -ditionial surreuder. This is the first ~breakinlutics axis groufp, but net the 'fast. Wbat a blow this nst Ibe to M[ussolini who was responsible for Italy euterlng' ,,tVbe 'war. Thie Italian fpeople neyer did or neyer will waîi't te hear albout a -,ar again. Wliat a ý,,orry piht e to a country te give -in unvouditionally. This wiil mean 'a shorteniîig cf hs War, but there -will be m-iucli blood shed yet befose ths Germnan p)euple are broughit Vo this saine state of mmnd.. A year iýor -probably a ya and a haîf should ~see the end of hostilit-ies in the wrd Wlbat thrills tVils wll give the 'taly Vo know that the ItalIans are -'niîshed as a ination, that these îla -nao figt sfV in tbier, asud fï'om now on ea lii pence sud qietie.ss, or ecau they Italy iit beoethe battlAfeld of Europe. ri-,iS m'igît [be thce place Whese 'Gerny wi ýý11 make bier standl, or eue cof ber stands. iNow tInt Italy is eut of the war the eothecr smaller nations, Buigi- -u- nliania, Austria, Hlungnry andclFiin- ,inwe believe, will soon belo- -ing for a 'way out of fhe mess theyý alre i asud if thatshoid ha1,PPen. V then Geiaýny would fihe finished. _$7hat country could net stand up again'st hs miigbt cf PRuss-ýiath c 'LIJuted States and- ths British Emi- pire sIoe. They niust ses the Wsit- ing on tihe wall, that they -are fac- 4ing their doeni. If these sm-aller, ecouatries shouphi surrender uncondi- tijon;allyr, tben Gernibany would be ~raVically surreunded and Vthe Unit- ý ed Nations could strikýe iu a doze, two dezen or more different places v-'l along the roast 'cf Europe, ýwhich Gei-rmany-. could net hope te coe -çvith. The armistice was sqi-ied betwýýeen ïtaly auj the Tnitedi Natieus on Fn-day of lasV weekl but time was given te, th(--Italin goveru.ment te unake uesayplanls hefore hs peace ernis-were given eut. After Tlon, W. L. MeKenzie Kin- gave bis; address frm ttawaý, hes beils at Otta'wa couid be lisard peeling eut the glad tidliiugs tbirougbo'ut tVhs capital city, and n~o do'ubt many Pûelebrations were 'beld thsoughout h Unitedi Nations, celebratiug Vhsiý first breaklu Vn hs Axis partusrship. LINTON-BOYACK On Monda>'; September 6th' 4945'. in Cobourg, b>' the Reverend S. J. Cffe>', iHathlee.n lene RWt)Býyack, Wa!hlng. ton, DC., daughter of the late George and Mrs. Boyack(, to George Meredithl Linton, Orono, Ontario 1 MiIk Can Situaion Considerably Better Consideraie imîprovensnt ia the m-ilk,-cau s-ituiationi, whidh gave cause fur seme coudera a few nmonth.s ugo, is rsiportsed by hs Wartîme Prices sud Trade Board. Mre progress bas 'beau macle iu the Roard's pro- g-rain'te previde a sufficient ninniber of these 'containers te meet ths de- o-us'f inere-,ased mîflk productiocn called for this yeas. Leslie Bur- rows, admninistrator of Metal Con- tainers, bas macle kuown that ar- rangreents have been made Vo sup - PI>' sufficieut steel Vo exteud -the quota 'beyond he present onîe ocf 140 ;per ceent eýf 19-40 production, if V1iLs s-bo;uld become uecesa,-ssy. TRIO TO DE TRIED UN SEPTEMBER 9th Maistrats E. A, Ges, ef Liudsny, redinglu Gobou1rg ,-police court ilu Vhse abe o f Magistats R. B. Bx er, cf Porit Hopeionolidzlys, se- maudeld Normanis Spmnce, 17, and 1erAld Gouidby 17, te etme 01) ouchangeýs(cf breakMIag ad s- tering sud teft ton hs Crseap-îsTy at Os-olo ilu August. Ileury Peter- soni, 18 Wlico is, fres on0 $5000 bail, aise secu,.red 51an ad 'journimieutunutil Septenler 9 olu hes saie 'charge. Ail tbree acecused are, fronfulTes- ente and wee arrested there sre- ýenViy. Th1e adjeurum-ients 'were mnael at the request of Cr-ewn Attorniey Hnlrsy R. Deyman, wbho asked that neo pies be takenl. Speuce objected tate sadi-ousui- meut, stated lie lfad bad ne part ilu ths thoft, wsud protssted bliat tVhs $51t1 bail set lbY _Magisýtrats Baxter is toc hligh. Cost 0f Living ln Ottawa Tbey say Vhe s o f living in QV- tmaail reuli>' big'h, but hew -doesa i compare with thinga eut your way? Hlese are a fe-w average prices listed by the Ottawa Citizen hs day of thiswrtng sirloin steak 1).:b round steak )8.8 lb.; prime-nb v-olled rosat 42.2 lb.; hamn, boilsd, 67.5 lb. -sud muediumi bacon 48.1 l'.; gra de "A"egs 44.3 dozen, creainier>' but- tes 38.5, Canadian cheese 33.4 lb.: oranges 40.6 'cents dozen. United States anthraceite stove coal at $16.75 tont; veg-etable shorteairug 19.1 '11. I do know restaurant eating, piece by piece, is 'igh-buit if one shopsaraound ýoff Vhse main by-ways it is possible Vo dine reasouabi>' eveni if net lu fancy surroundinga. Soldera of the Canadian Arniy who efflist la he United Kingdcom 'haive Vhse prefix "U" beifore thleir ire- gimental nuulber. Port Hope Plans To Spend $130,000 On Flood Control Port Hoqpe after the wvar will cil 'was advisedl that it would cost ap- oav ne 'worthrwhle project, that i)f po maey$j30,ü0ý0 'llwo years kcoitrolllng thie Ganaraskýa River ago another sus'vey -waestatd I fromi fle.eded par-ts of the bown iii the seas spolnsored 'by two commnittees, spring and of preveting erosioni of one provinicial and one federal, and ,he 'Soil. an exýhaustive study 'was made of luI past years tLiho'usandsý (if dollars the flood problem. Last Novemiber, -,amage te property has bcen cauised ameigwshe1 nPr oe t ~ lod lugthe~ser ndc~tendedI by officiais of the Ontario XrWalton St, along G naloS. oservation andI Reforeýstationas aisoe te other pr'operty- aloeng thle sociation- and others, wben deývelop- river's couirse. Erosion of thesoilnment of the suvey ý'te that daýte ha's ruined a huige area neïith of the(~'5dcusd Findings and re- tco'wn andi if uinchecked, thriýeatene ctanatos are no, a matter of te destroy thousands of acr-es of rec ord. ,choice land. The lasýt coiile oT years there bas -In 19-36 the Port Hope coun it-'been no s i, fnsoiVo ohe ,authorized a suirvey, aud anthier en, -grja ua thawiug, but the itizenS (of was made the folILowinig yens to dle- 'Port Hlope that is, those ou Ontarlo termine tihe anieunt of nioney needed -iand Walton streets' will breathe 4ýn complete the worlç, an~d thew cou- seasier if the survey bringe action. 1 HIGII-SPEED DELIVERY 0F 'SECRET INSTRUCTIONS TO BRITISH WARSHIPS AT SEA ~Pcuesdiows: An intricate 'Laval operation carried out by units of thie British Fleet at sea. The destroye 4 i.S." Ftlad"Comles alongside- the ibattleshiip HI.M.S. "Nelson,", to recei've dsaes by une, %ybile carrying out operati'ons nt sea. l 1 -Ii bak-ou are the, battle.ship "PRodney", and the arrftcarr-ier '-Purious". KENDAL Miss Helen 'Mercer, cf Toronto, ]was homie over hs e ekl-endi,. Mr. Ei Busi'ey, Peterb)orýo spent Vhe ee-edwith bis parents. Mii'itar1y police Gro atnî visited u1t bis home oves SuInda>' speit Vhsieekedwith bismohr Mr. Nornmn Tlerteil , T)oento, spent tbe week-end with SiUrs. Ther- tell. 'Miss Mary Watters is -vi4i tiuig Wa1tters. MNiss Marjri nud Audrey Patton, Peteriýbor, spent Vhs eekedwithî t-heis Parents. 'Msr. Ro'hsrt Alexander - sud -Ms'. Moore, Tosento, spent f Vhs eek-endýf att Ms. B.Aead'rs Ms. sud Mss. Aylward Little, Tes- onto, arie speniag'uý a wee1lQs boliday-s with -Ms. Neya Little, 'Mis azel Ther,ýteillsudMs Glas- sucse Therteill spen1Lt-Vhs week-end wýiVh relatives at Peteiiboro. Ms.asud 'Mss. J. Glover sud Miss Georgena Darlii-ton, Ajax speut Vhs ekea with i Mss. A. *G. Dar- lington. 's. RougIl>', who ha-d be'en visit-' iag with Mss. Thorne wsrushe2d Vo Oabaiwa Hospital on Saturday sud passed awa!y on:Sutnda>' seveiug.l- Miss Violet -Mercer returued home, to her auntsMss. Arthur Granti, Rxbridge, after spendîug iber sum- mier holidsys wilàblber parent.s, Msr. sud Mss. Wm. Mercer. Msr. sud Mrs. Murvin Kent and Jimmiiie, 'Mss. Mamie Van'cý,lrurg and, Ms. Pelkies speut a few dap,, aIsat week with Ms. anid Mss. Milton Rob- inson sud, Mr. Fred Robinson flrom- W'uýie~siy te iMenday. A binigo ausI dance w11il el'd in Vhe Orange 'Hall, Kendial, on Wed- nesday, Septen-sher 15Vb. Prizes given fer bingo. Admi-ission'ý, 25 e. Ohildren uncler- 1-2 'year of age frnes Bingo Vo start at 8 -o'clockr sharp. Mouey Ve 'be ussd for overseas Christmas boxes, A lar1ge crowd turned out Vo tice Orangýe Hall on iMo,,nday evening te Vhs presentation and showsr for Ms. sud 'Mr,'. CLarsce (,ýAllen (use Mas- ioris Farrowv). The young people were presented ýwith a Ibeautiful Dianette Suite from ths Kendal Orange Lodgs anc Kirby young peo- ple and aiisei.ýdaneous sco-wer fromi Vhs Starkviile young people andI fri-uds. CLARKE UNION Mr. aud 's. Silas Souý,)Lcb visited ait MsW. Fred HTilîs on S'undal-,y after- noou. MsMurayPtte"rso(n visited a t Fenelcu Falls ad bis uncles cotta.-ge -i few ( dsys lasV wcek. MiEssa Euid Bcw-eui,Bwun le ,peutths holiday with hes parenit, Mr. nnld Murs. H-ecýter Boweuý. School upeued Tu-sday sud eus nsw teacher la Miss Tran'k. Ticere a-re alain eme 11w boginniers. Cou-lgrat'ulatiýons to Ms. and 1Mss. Gordlon Leckliwood ou hs ars-ival of a baby boy lu Bo-wmainvdlle hospital. Congratulations te Ms. and' Mrs. Mt0iyBulLsskard, ou tbes ei - cent nimriae. Mss. Bail wns eur 'or-mer teachesr for hs past two yenrs. -pital, lbsving bad anu-ryfor. ul- cerS cf the stoac Isd is aise ha- ing treatmen.W ibbe sed isecovery. A cuii~ f tVhs farmers Àin tais sýctinhave scrd osw t eir. Lptanis at he stonie cili at th îel gr!aveI pit, lb-hMr. Gordon Pw c-rs bas opeuned on, bis fasm. I Attend Orono Fu-ir, Jfriduy und Sut., Sept. 10 f Rural School CompeitMon Clarke Township Council 'Clarke Township ýCo)uncil met lu its regutl'ar imeeti-ng on Tuesdlay, Seiebr7Vh. The minutes wr readl and approved. The Treasurer was autborized to psy Vo Crooked Creek aud No. 9 schooi $5 sud $3 respectively as prizes lu the School Gvound Imi- priov(ieent Contest car-ris-d on, during the last sehool year. The GCouneil 'went over Vthe arrears of taxes in hs Township and Vhs Treasurer mas instructed how te pro-1 ceed lu certain':cases. A resolution was passed continu- injg ýC. P. Awde as Tax Collecter up Vo sud in'cl'udîng October 6th 1943. Another resolution given -permnis- sien Vo police Park,- street and Centre streets on the V-wo Fair days, Sept. 10th and lltb. The 'Clerk, repoerted be bad sold the 'barn an'd bouse on Lot 1, 'Con- 'fcssion 9. The followintg bills wsre ordered paid : Proyvincial Tr-easurer, 13.0.H-1, 65e.; W. E. Davey, taxi toOsaa B.O. pnei(umiio reflîls, B.O.TI., $1800; Mliss D. MVU. Smiith -, schiool prize moue!y, $ý5.001; Mss. G.Rhbnsoo prize moe,$3.001; BcwimauvillePubi Utiities remenving trees in Oro)no, $28;J.'J.. Mellor, snlary and post- age $6.11; Ms. H. 'ors 510 Mi-. E. J. Rauda1l, PR vs F. $'20' Clar-enue Turner,>sboofing egs fui K R YOrono Weekly Timies, minuttes n Mr. n(J Erne ByI cf hr a-il, $9.511; Hober Soucli, 1 se Mr. u4'Mss Brue Byse viit- killecl lb>'dos $10.011; 'celi GlaIss, eýd fr iendas in Port IThpe on Fridsy. '4sbep iled byý, doga $67.011; Gso. Miss YMainnM cKlvyR.N., is IN. Smitùh, 1 sheep kilied by' vdo,,ýs, nclriag ùMs. Thios,. Somerville, Oromto. $'20.011; Laurie B3.'Cols, 2 sice&p kilI- Mr. evic Eliott oCFiosîida, ed( by doga, $40.011; Everett Staple- spent. the weekc-end wt lssister 1t 1.2sb,ý illed b>' doga, $18.011; audbrobesin-nw,'Ms aa -Ms.Hectos Milîson, 1 ahesp killed by Fred Bsimacouebe. ea,$0.1;A. Crcddn h kîille'd by o10- $48.10; Clarence .. Ms. an-cl rs. Sid SootV and dsg- .limi, 4 sheep killed biy do'gs,$48 0; Ver. Mss. S. Masoi, 'MssF. Jewus l Carenice J. Ailin, 10 tripsa as values, sud Misa Gracie' visîtud at hs Bimi-1 50' Road Vo'ucher S, S204*3.04. acoeeaocn ncuusy uas. A number frcom hese attended Vhs preseutaticu lu Keudal for Vhe uew- l-weds, -Clarence Allinandu bride, Marier>' Farrow, ou Mondsy eveuiug The uexý,t meeting of he W.ýM.S. sud W.AÀ. will be hbeld onW1b1sdy October 6th, at 2 o'cieck la the af- eruecu. Everycue 'welcomie. The regular mieeting cf the W.-M. S, sud W. A. was 'hsld lu Kirby Sun- day Schoci rooi nu Weduesda-ýy evening, Septemlbes lst, at eight p.mi. Tics presideut of hs W.M.S, Mrs. R. Aluin, sud preaidient -cf tics W.A., Mss.ý W. RuVIerford, 'were preseut. The theme of hse MS meeting was "-Christian Stewasclship of imne," whi-cb aas rend by -Mss. Lowesy. The W.A. decided te ac 'boxes for hs boys everseais. The meeting clcsed with lymu sund pray- er. Staff Member Honored Iwas with reg-ret that heStaf -f Park' Street Sainda>' ScýlIiec lea1rn- ed that -eeof thieir menibers wvas accu te sever ber- connection wiVh Vhs ascheol, owing Vo les departuqe from ons couimunit>' Vo take up sesi- dence iu Preacott. 'Mrs. H. A. Ciarke has been a faithiful sud capable teacher cf junior girls, alwsys -willînig Vo 11-p whsueves edsansd lisr inspir-ation at staff meýetinigs will be gsreatly missed by nîl. Hes m1idren toc av b'esu depn-ahe1 s u d reg ur in thieis aittendaiuce-and lhave Vak en sui aýctive part lu everyýthiag lu nus1 1e- tien wihVsSunda> ' Schoc. TPui plac alo wil le bard Vo f511. As ia ýoen of 1appreciatioiusIfsw mendira -c Vhsstaff i, e-t at tics bornle cf Mss. A. Aý.DumodVh supesinteudeut sud pr-eseutsd - Msrs. Claske -with a gift, eicpressiug their estceem for a valued co-wolker, andI -isugher happiness and prosper- ity la ber rnew home. Hof. P. Vivian to Open Fair, Ou Saturdla>',Seqptemiber lîth, Vhs laist day cf Osono Fais, lHon . R. PercyTVivian, Mîuli]sVsr ef HealVb ln thse Ontario P-rovincial Cabinet will openVthse'FaisrlunVice aftern-ecn. Thisý sicould prove Vo be a verywsh eveut as Dr. Vivian la faýirly well- knewuv in this district, bis hon-is hoi ing in Port Hlope. Aftes Vhs Fais h as been officially epeuec ths iludg- mng of hs differsat classes of lve- stock ill 'commience for Vhs eatof thep afternou, along witb bosse races sud entertai-umeut wlilch will bie given in front of VhV gsadstaud. On 'Friday sveuing aduewiIl beP held lu Newcastle 'Commiuuity Hall, wvitli Ru-as Cssigbtou',sorhs tra in gttendance; while ýon SaVrday eveuiug- a concert wvill ýbe given- lu the.-towu hall at Oreno. hs alent lieing sýuppliscl [b>' Rus CreizicVon and bis asti-sts. This shoul-d be a Thri( ural .iudgiig (if 'Couuty or TI- spec-torate wnnrs lu the Rural SCIhool Cirounds Improvemient Coin- petition blas bhe en ricoiipieted a-id Buinker 1Hill, S.S. 9, Hlope, bias been declared the winnier aud entitled to hold Iýthe J. E. 'Carter Treýphy for a year. Miss 'Margaret H. Pollard,. teacher, ber pupils and the trustee.s are to 'be eongrntulated 'upon the eni- epiealld co-oper.atioii wbicb won this Provincial recognition. Therýe were tan entries, wiuners iu five ceuuty an(,, five Insp-ectori conipeti'tlons, in thIe Provincial Coi- petition. These ten and ail the others represenrted ia the snialler comlpetibions deserve ýcommeinndatian for their efforts att he beautifîcation ef their scbool grounds and prein- ises. Iuistead of our scheel1 premx- ises and groýunclah eiînig the least wanted and most ueglected spots, as would 'appear 11,om- the condition ini svhi'ch imany are left, they shourld ha exainples settinig the stanidards for the cmmuntiesavhih thy serve.A lawu mi)oiweri,, a rake, somiie planta, soerliome mete )Illoe seeds balcked by -ecterprise, imaginiatioei sud wiîlling bauds eari do imiic!h at fIL onI thle prize bt uth)[le impreve. meut; the game la thetbiug; Vthe prîzeis- tnglîbe rchgnition of a johx RICKARD--PEDWELL '4ay, Sueptenber 4tb, Lfor ths- pre % veddinîg cf Muriel 'Eva ¶3rae F wsl dug'hter cf [Ms. sud lMss. Il id( C. Pedwell, Nswcastîe,, andI Stp le>' J. W. Richkard, son cf Ms., Ms.W. J. S. Ricbkar-d, Bewmanv[l Rsv. R. E, Meýlrton ffciated, asi -cd b>' Rev. [R. H. Ricicard, uncle th" gr oom,. Music aras pluyed M ss. E. -C. Fiîshes. The eburch ch( ,s ang p. Given away !hy her fati Vhs bride wose <agowu cf garder white sbeer ieith filtted b)odjice a aterf ldt.Fromn- ber hale shirred net fueh a fu11 lengtb v He(r cascade bouquet waIs cf wxv roa;(s. Bridleamaid aras Jean Be- than, w ari g 'gwn of pale bi taIffeta with mscighale and vc Slhe casried -a uosegay c, f rosu 0,1owergr aras Do,(reenYaunglob nieice cfi the [id-i(e who wore sag -cf p)ink ýnet oves taif-eta witic m-atc iuig headdcresa. She carriecla s -c blue swess peýas,. 'Bestinian w, Baýndaman Breudn Rikard. Tl uishers -crs M-urHs. Pedwel cil Gasuiet B. Rieklard. At the -ueception Vhs bid-e's mot er -Wore 's gIown -cf bIne serwith red rose corsage and black aca l es. AssisiigIller was Vhs gacýoly niother., wearinr a gown cf ro crope -'vitlb a iblue cornflcmw-r corýsà. sud blac:ik accessori-es, gond fais sud it is honed Viat Vhs tendlance will 'be large this yec Colle al nsd meet yens frieni sund hrnour friends te Osono Fa on Saturlda>', Septeniher llVh.- Dogs In Çlarke Township Still Wobrrying She There is stili 1no Jet-up îin thesbe would seem that the tîne lhas kilngepdmeth-aýttbaus-truck thie for the- township counicil io Tewnship, wihis showni-ii thiý ocne nsw law that will prohibi m thscouncil inuites. The coun'Âl fromn runigl at 1larg-e tbr-o on TuesdainLst paid out thie granld thetonsip or to finid ont total oT $2'73.010 for sheep kiiled duLII- dgaae oîgth kli1 mg,2 the past m-lonth, aud $25 for the the owneý(rs do the payîig. valuer rwho niade ten trips, bigigis()oly the total for the ,meu] Itîbe total to $298.O0. %hr-ee mionith period, and frth At the Juymeig$280 a îgh-t monithls the" total is at paid oun uaep lisw il J eal bihr A i u g e t t h a m o n t w s $ 3 7 0 0 , T h is ml o il e y t o p a y h s maYcking a total for the pastt 'dim onsut OTtlie Ptta montbs of $8.0tabou fromîthe(and'one would in'ktt tbey wan tfo cbek is Was[!Ïe f "Xpayers nioney te pay sheep loe oi~raeteV rate is htbleÎte beaissd ash Sat wnsl,ý ock, crIse ýe of ORONO

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