Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1943, p. 8

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_______________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIIURSDAY, AUtJ'GTF19th, 1943 eW bis M.KENDAL ld M.Wmn. Geary, Aja, wtb 31, mit Goar.y. as Miss Ada 'Wi1lo, jasportt f in we-n wi'th Mi. R. Wilson. m-11 Mr. Claren1ce Bell, 'samspei *on 'the weeik-end rwith hilis parents. ile Mi. Alec. Little ROAF, Toroni ev. wvitb Mis. N. Little ove-r the wee-, he end. re- Mrs. Aý.Meicer, Garden Hll, sp S'u a couple of days at MvJ. Richard Wi bhe son's. eft Miss tGeorgenra Daîliigton, A j a '1y spent ýSunda-y withrM. A. G. Da. .iingtonl'. bhe M.NnmTetell spent tý asI ý wee1k-end mith Mis. Thertel i a o'-r 1*amily. ne Miss Norman MIoxon i s sm with Mrs. T. Huilditch for a mc Mr1. Reg. ardy and )Ir. Ro)beý liilditch sport theweek-end at 11 T.Hiic's- QUite ainiber ,ttend(edithe sr Fair in'omnvleon Wded ne, evening rof l'st week. Miss Agres Wlite, of Port Hup Mrs. Allen-,Hall anslVct ,Mi.Joli t Luxoni with _Mis. E. Luxon on Sur day. 'Misses Hazel, Ru(by ansidor MIcTagga-,rt, Toronto, spent a fe, dayvs with their aunt, Mis. B. Aie:> in Mi.and Mis, George Gordon ar gsMiss uMary MoLeinu, Torcito, ar ic spending tbeir holidiays at Miss Mf r7- Mr. andi Mis. Wmn. Meicer an [et Mis. T. Huldiitch uriotoresi to Toron t ýh Friday. Mis. ýMenajies retuirne, homie with theur. n- Mi. and Mis. D. Vannatto anq -Cecil attended dhe fuineral of Mi inLouis Bowven at Wesleyville l as of Wednesday tfterýinoni. in Mr.i.ard Mrs. lAïf. Gordon, Wib arýd famîl1y, and Mi. A. Curtis anj [eWultcr, Peteiiborough-l, wee uestI of o Mi. ail Mis. SpencerGod on Sdaiaty. - A icee cro'ýwd turned out to th( birlgo a11ddnc on Fidaý-yevnn Th'Ie prizes for. bing1-o went t0 Mv, Buhaan iss Jerry DouaIsoni, Mrs lierb. Meircer, 1Mis. F. Stokýer, i E. Wil1linmson, Mlissa Hazel MlcTag- gaît and 'LIraeercr uigth( intemisson~ Mis. J.'ebgin îand is. T. 'Hildi'c(h dauce'd the Iris]. Jig anaid Sailors 'Horupipe 'wbýlich wmm gr-emtly enjoyed. 'The suai of $12.50 was made for tcigte fund. W. 1L Meeting- Thc Au g-ust meceting of the W. 1, wms l'eidin the iibrary. The presi- dent, Mis. Reg. Eliiott was una'bi Vo) be piesetit on accort of the sick- niess of ber childien anrd the vice- president, ýMis. JolUr. Patton took charge of bbe meetinig. Mrs. R. MLýer. cor and Mis. W. Mercer wveîe elee- , d in chiarge of arrangemenlts to-)hold a cocert sore Fiiday ia Septemiiiber. this concerýt'to Ibe composed of mnov- ing pictures and mu-ýtsic by 'Mis. Disher of Torýonto. A conlliÉttee mas 'Oîm'ed o,,f Mys, R.Mlercer, Mis. W. Mlercer anid Mrs. Luxon to be i charge rof the jaill mlaking and houiey n2cessary to fil] bbc case for tbhe Redl Cross. Mrs. R. 'Merce(r remd ani arti- cie on "Sicily, onve agaia treioot ball" whch as veiy interesting. The pe~uiaionis ,conspjosed of a few nationalities an'd sis îten-se'ly reli- glous. Miss K. Stewant spoke on t hat sac ommod)ity "uar" A conltest mas ýiagd by M.ýrs. J. Patr Emch milenither vvas given a n arbe nd wcee qUlested to ins- wer a question indficated by this num)ber. TPiis contest ma very mlub ejoyd.There were fourteen meies plesent. The mieeting, .closcd 'by the singinug of blhe National! Antheur. Thle Xiill>y (W. A. mietln the chuî-ch on, Monlday, Augus-t lOtb, in theev- ing, ýwith the president, Mrs. W. uthetfor,i bu i charg-e. The mneeting_ o.pened miththe sîngiug oet' 'a lhymui Gnrry, of Peterfiboro, were Su'mday ,ueslts of her parents, MNr. and Mrs. Robent Morton. rMr. and iMrs. 'Geoirge Stapleton and family and iMr. Geornge Srmith¶ uýpent Suniday wij;th Mr. and Mis. Bert Ci'weiToronto. 'ýMr. and Ms.Lnon iMilîson and Dor-een wee ,Sunday g. -Ue-sts of Mrs. Oliver Turner and M\1. and 'Mrs. Mr. and ~r.Jrames Paynie , Tor- onto. whp restayingwithf is.W. *Smti, wreguetsof Mvr. anid Mrs". Conraultins to Mr. Brocký Pethirck who '-was 90 years old on dauhte, Ms.Edýgar Osboîc)rne New- and Jean took tea with r and Mrs;. WAter Smithi, Port licppe, on Sun- day. Jean assisted with the Tiaud, conicert atc Pont lHope. Mr. J. W. Lncaster pasý!ed a.wa.y at Bwanil early Sumday ini- ing. Vis :pass-ing was a gireat shock toy his 1many friends amned lbus M-t. Lancasterws an ardent chiurch woler and rwill ibe gvreatly missed in the United Qh'urcb. The coni- muinity deeply symipathizes willh bis sorrowing wife and family. SMri. and -Mrs. FHoward GCampbell, Toronto, visited his parents, Mi. and *M rs. George Gianmp(ell. Hlowardl, w1ho hras broca sltaying aLt Hart H~e blas i(oin'e(l up with :the avy and il a Petty Officer. He miii travel wiNýth the navy shuow through Canada and the Uie States, iy4. in their- bandi. rrs owrbapeilas gone' to New Yorik on selc uesr- viece work. .' Tbie W.M.S. of thie United Chiurehi meiýt iliiithe cur bas;ement on Tie- daiy, Auguistl ' tfh.,.wîth -Mrs. Cecil in riey jrthe cair i l the absence of tbhe president, Mrs. J. MeLachian. The e etiing opened -with hymun 384,. "Go Labour 0O1." The minutes; were, rerd mid aotd It was decided Lo chnetle time, of mneeting w\hi,,h he'reafter Mili egn at 8 waýr timeu. Thbe rannual entertainnient of moth- ers and fbabiess discuqssd and it ,mas decided to, ho'id it October l4th, the re-gulai meeting da y, Mis. C. Burley to 'be min dhargo "f the (pro- gramme. Mis. S,;d. Lancaster then took ichige of he 'program, eonsist- ing f sourtv rearding by Mrs. 1.Morris. Hýinn5'00), "Takile time to be Holy ." An intereting readin- Nwas cýiven from the LMissiomairMohy by Mrs. ýS. 'aosefolloýwod by a elruldiseu-issiion o n th e tofpic, 'CritanSewardship of Time(." Tle story o(f 'Mary and aîhacamne in for som-e adverse ciriticism be- cause ( he didnIt do lier si-Iare ofl bourse 'work a-nd it mas sLuggestedl thaýt nmà-h vrdhave heen dam, he-1 'u-(ehand in k1peuatinso tfhat Mar- tha colld 'A, lilsten. IWe f we of- ten puit the emphmila >sis on togi for food rather'th'an foord f or thlouglit, just as Mrtadid. Th e imeting, clos'ed wîtýh sileuIt pra-yerI and the miz'paih beýnediction mind as we wend- cd our wmy Ihomne me ould plaily' sep whiere omist eshad 'been, in our erwn 'attitude ard what we can 'au<In( wiii do abolit it. Duringl the Battie of Britain one n'ut of ever-ysi afI'-rail mardensý Forty. thousmnd British wmorn wonrk wfole or part time in the Na- tionad Fire Ser'vice. Canadian mon-ron speed Canadn's NEWTONVILLE~ ýI Miss Laurnra Pearce, Trntwas home Sundady. hoi Pte. Erd-ir MilLson, Wosok ,S brome on11six week's Ieiave. ni M ir. and Mis. Sid Hiiehisoni spent Sundiay \vith fri'ends at Buike2ton, :o, MVrs. Saur Smuith is visiting lier ek- sister, 'Mis. Marks, Penieloru Fals. M.and Mrs. W. A. WihTy- a t rone, visited ber sister, Miýs. J. A. i-Brirecently. Rýay s'IllderIs on, Eiîkillen, is sn Lý,ig his cousins, Mi.% and Mrs. Mrs. Cliraton Brurley and Doni, of tlOshma, visited at rMr% Wm. Bur- Mv. n( MrrrS. C, Rolbb0, Caroi and Noel Brýooks, have retturnled to thcuix :'s~\UIa MiswWifedMimyma in Toi- ornto lasrt meoli ith bler daughiter, rt;M~ Vra.ceCoe 1r Mi S ilmm n IProuse sporit the wek-nduih(br- arntReeve et mdMr. . Pusýe, Osacea. Maýster Do4uglas Pa iy ne, Torýouto, -puoit iast wekw1,01 1*,5grandpYar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P.ayne. in Mr. mu]id Mrs. GoreDymock and Sgirls, Toronto, were week-end lguesbsq of Ms Dymocek's sister. MIrs. D. D enIulit. hy 'Mis. Poster mand Mr. 'snd -Mrs. eWUjbbr anud Jyc ootwere' Î uests at Mr. Wm. Staipletonls on Monday. nd Mr.nd Mrs. Lloyd MKýiGahevaud E Prescriptions a Specialty Charles Tyrreli Agent for Jackmnan Floweis Phono 68, Orono i___________ -m August Variety Stères Stamp-ede For Victory SAVE FOR TO-MORROW, INVEST EN WAR SAVINGS STAMIPS TO-DA'Y Habitant Vegetable Soup, 10 ounce tins Kleenex War Baby Box, 300 for Pure Grape Juiee, sweete'ned, 16 oz. bottie Walnuts, Ounce for Rinso, large package for Pimrentos,-, 5 ounce tins 10c. 25C. 5c. 25e. 15e. Herrings in Tomnato Sauce, large tins ........i8C. Salada Brown Label Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. and 4 coupons.... ........ - 40c. Lens or Glass for 2 Cell Plashlights , each ...10e. Glass Cutters, each.......... ..... .. ...... 15c. Tooth Picks, large box for ... .. ........... 5c. Bread Boards, oblong shape...... ........ 25c. Hawes' Floor Wax, 1 lb. cartons ... ......47c. Granite Tea Kettles, Cream, iRed Trim, limited quantity, each.. ........... ......... $1.35 Are you doing your BEST for the boys overseas? BUY WAR SAVINGS STA-MPS TO-DAY URONO 5c. TO $1.00 STOREI YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTREI M Motor Equipment PIrivate Amnbulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KIN DNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the Most reasoinable charge as well as the largest and Inost e1a4cting Telephone: Office 668- Residence 523 and 726 !elephone CoUleet Bowmanville, Ont. i i. I Summer SPECIALS Certifiedi Wax Paper, 50 foot roll .,.... ...... 15C. Charme Noxema Cream Castlle oap Feel it Heel". Perfet for Casiffle SoapSunhburiland XViid 11Burn Large round bjars, 3 for.....25c. jars at 17c., 29c. and 39c. Large Economny Jar for .5 9C. 1-pound bars for ............ 19c, Noxema Cream Soap........10c. 2-pound bars for ............ 35c. 3 for .. ... ..._..............-25C. RELIEF FROM1 ASTHMA AND HLAY FEVER Temnpleton's RZaz- , Actephedrin 50c. Gluco Fedrin mah Capsules, for Ephiedro-sst Jelly, Quick relief, 1 oz. 50C. and $1.00 for..............50Oc. doprbti,8c Allergitabs, bottie Rexall Nose and of 20 . .. .... ........... $1.00 Throat Relief with _________ Ephedrine, acts Kenx Tsus quickly ......... ...... 25c. Ilaytone,' the Brit- Kenx Tsus Large iEconomy ish Renxedy, 25c. box of 300 small ýsize for. .. 50e and ......... .....50c. Tissues . .......... Dee-Tee Moth KAIer, 1 lb. 39c.j Fruit Kepe Tablets ....... ..... 25c. Tat Ant Traps ..............35c. Aeroxon Fly Coils, each.2ec. Il e PHOTO SPECIAL Have your favorite negative enlarged to -l" x 6" and nouinted iin an attractive Studio Folder. SPECIAL, 2 for 29. . We are a littie hehind our quota for the first week. Just a little more eff ort will Put uis over the top. "LET'S GO"

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