Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1943, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TII{URSD-AY, AM1UST l9th, 1943, Local News Miss Doreen Mogaipet 'a week' (Mrs. Dunham, TIornto, visited with Mrs. J'amlesDils. Miss NraRnhryspent lher h'olida;ys wibh hrstr in Oshlawa. Frnkin Tan)ly-n of tAie CAF, k~orat, pet he(' eknda hom. Mrs. Ouif. Cooper and family are( spencing a fe days ýývith lber mother and sister ilu Port iHope, Mr. an-d Mirs. Turl'ey, Beileville-, spent the uâe-nd~ih the latter's motther, Mrs. Jas. .Diclkson. *Mr. W. H. Brown, M.A., is -,pend(- Mng some bolidays at th(, homn-e of his R£EPAIR Your RADIO Now Don't wait until parts becante srarce. For your convenience we carry a- complete line of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and- RESISTORS If unahie to hring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R KNOX -pnÊk parents , Mr. and Mvlrs. R. H. Brown. M\,r. J. F. onna and daugiÏhter, Mes. ~Ellis and son are spendiuig a K.voek o j (ýr t Un1,1 ays b iToirLnt i aud Feiigtus. M1:iss Vehila Morgan andMiss Dan- une ldbbsOshiawa, are spndn thirhoidwsat Toreonto nd Ham1-1Ilý iltlonL,lso NiaigarLalls. Mn. ad "Mrs. Janre-s HIoy nd lMi. aind Mnis. Plercy Morgan spenit tbe wekedwith VMr. and IMr-s. Tattei- jo'l at tbleivisunmer Cottage at Star- geon LAIte. On Mna eveuing- last fiveeco, six caal.oads of our yoLung imariiedi culsjournieyed to the lake -whene theýy ld a coirn roast. A very plIeasa,,nt eveflumg i was spent. Mrs. AdolpIl Henry wili hioîd a comrplete ,ale of household furnitur£ on Satun-day, Septensber 4th, at bei residence on Park, Street. See bis laVer for the list of articles. Recent visiton's with Mn. aud Mns R. E. Logan -werýe, Mis.s Marýy an Lilly Lo)ganl, Twveed, Mr. and Mrs. J. Steajk and daughiter Shirley, N - wood, and Mis. T. J. 2Milien, Torenito. MnL. Air~Ms. Fred Froste, cf Tamwor-th, left (te-day) Thr'a for IHaiilton, affter: spending the forepat of the week wiith the f ormi- ersbrother. C. H. Froste andi Mnrs. Fr-oate. TMrs. Ordu an ad Miss Jermyn, o sedeligitteti the cnrgto cýf Park St. Cfhýu-ch with tirii sing- ing last Suniday morniingatna te ev eing sric tHamptonl Ohurch on Sunday cveniin.g. Besid a ýfine duet, eeelh of the ladiies Con- trlhuted a beautiful solo. Mr% Len Gamisby, ofHaitn made a flying tnp j)to O oao on Wedc(ncsday of last weok visitiag> for a few hours wiiih old friendcs iii town and repoâred that business in the restaurant stand at the beach thisý year is thri-vinig, feedinig over 10,0W0 over a three day ,pei-iod of Civie Holiday. * ~ . lihe Duiham Central Ag-ricultural Society held a directors meeting on i * Monday evesilng last, and ail plans were made for the concert and danrce ê o.0 on the last nig-ht of the fair, with Rouss reighton. in attendance. The - . prize lists are n oientpieted and anyone who hasn't ahready received Mr. M. 'H. Staples, Newcastle R. R. Apply at th and oe will bee or-warded. OýRONO TIMES OFFICE The Orono fremen lhad a trial run on WVed'nesday afternoon, examiniing orono - - Ontario the tanks to see if Gihey were flled, then goimng to -the ýpark -wheve the engine was 'ested out. It has beepn RED &"%WIIJTE STORESlý SPECIALSn *Thursday, - Friday and Saturday QUALITY HIGHER TITAN PRICiE1 Wonderful Soap, 5 bars Cooking Onions, 4 lbs. Celery, buneh 10 Ripe Tomatoes, 2 lbs. 19 Mustard Pickles, 10 oz. jar Sweet Green Peppers, 3 for Boneless Round Steak, lb.' Sirloin Steak, IL 18c 29c and 15e )c or less 25c 10Oc 39c 40c Muffets, 2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. Alil Bran, lge. pkg. Shreddies, 2 pkgs. Soda Wafers, 2 pkgs. Deliverie8 every 19C 23c 23c 25c 23c and Saturday mornings s9m -ne tim-e ncw since-fhe fire dcejart- menut 1h.as been caledot, and we Newv that thewnteieuýjl be -grad;- ulytuing c- older te ctzn are asked to cdeua o-Lt ti pine an hmymnd destroy ay o1id pipes Hatd(o inot look sriebe aýs Phese pipes a re 1he caueoi grf iefter on. The eoùmbineýd m (eiof teW.A, andW.MSofEniskillen (iChuîch was, hýeld at'the ho cif Mrs. R- sai 'rmiszton on'11August lith. Mrs W. Hl. Rcowe, Orono, addressed itec meeuting on the worký of the L.T.L. (,ittie Whlite T#oes)o hc she is superintendent. -Mrs. Rowe gaean iteesîn nd instructiýve t'ik te aIbout fiftylaif presenitAI contest was hld for te cîr o f whom ten tood par-t, eah rceiving1 at book and an L.T.L. pin. Ail con- tesztants signed the L. T. L. pleIg e card. CMrs. Rorwe O'seasacopne by Mrs. John Brown and tbýey -wera ontrtanedto dinnen at [lie 'hom-e of Mrs. A. Werry. Dr. Floyd Qutteil, of Buffailo, spent 'f ew\ heurs in town en Friday of at week. Miss Aimva Gutteli sýpeit ithe woek- endIf in Preston visiting with r.and Mrs. Wmn. Jordan at son Sunny spent Tuesday iii town. Sunny is ne- mlaiaing for-a'l ongeùr visit. Mr.D. Baniines ni son Davidi, of Oshaaselit Su-nday at C. L. Pow- Miss Jean lAllison antiMrs.Jiml Poiwers, of Ohwaseeweek-end gýuests at the homie of Mr. ande Mrs. C. L. Ptrwers. Wa nertn that Pte. Norm-an Allia has 'rented te Ed,ýwnrd Morton resýidence on Main street, and vwill Volte possessin the first of Scpte-,ýn ber. Mnr. John ýMofftt, of Enterprise, had ibis righft leg hrodten on Wednes- d'ay ntcrning 'whiie woning at Mr. AI. HalWs sim, miii. He aws inn- ning the piannen at te time, tha huard ha was putting through the planner shot bakwand -with terrifie force, stnikillg mn.lMOffatt'S a -i't iag ihtw(eaii thae knee and hip, break- mrjg ithe bene. Dr. !ilVcKenizie was im- mye'diately caleti and gave medical aid, j thn ushed hlm iito Oshnwtýa hos- pital for, an X-ray ant iid te bona set. AW LOOKS AT Ottawa: By JIM GREENBLAT Racant diplomatic changes eccur- ted in Ottawa w-,itilhi te arrivai of Ray Athenton, the na:w Unitedi States minister Vo Canada, and the first Swadish m-inister te titis country, Par Wijkman. Thay presentedtiiar credeatliais to the Gojvrnor-Geai- arai shortIy aftan arrivaI. Mn. Atht- ertoiiý who -gei hene, on la Sunday, fia- ishedth ie last Itg of his'j ourney front Montreal ýby cair se as noVte distunb off(iciais with te ne(cessity cf a -for- mnal raceptien ut the train. Ha e wl ha a popular minister hene. At hris first presis cenfeience ha seent over Mbg -with nawsmaen by telliag teni Vo give hlmi "the igl-ibal" whan they mat hiat on the streýet anti ha failad to recogniza hem. The white 'tone, square-faced United States lagation with Old GIory hanging ln front, dinatiy facirsg the main gates of thse Parliamnent bu)tilding-s. te me alwnys Vypifies te two friendly na- tion-s witqlh "hantis across te streat".] It saemed like a tnagedy in thre fnniy-anttin was msin.The bifriendly edock highup lante Pence Tovsee(r tck a holiday for a f ew days anti stopped. Habit is a quean creatuna. Thousands whe rush Vo workeby that clock just kept look- mng and loeingii1 at te tinte, regard- less of its avideýnt inertia. It flnally get going, Vo tite in-mmnse relief of ail of vus, thouglis most people carry a -wist watch anylway. Shotrtag-e in fruit cropis. E'ýepected igliter pnices ara nasponsibie for the ceiling ,te be taicikati on peirs-, peacit- as andI plunts when Vbey bit te atankiliet. Stocks cf canniet fruits and vegataiblas, with exceptions like Healthful Fannily e Ns" XYOMEN everywhiere accLaimnt-o "' Wrk to~Wi"*,authoritative new booklet that takes ail the guasswork, out of good nutrition. ît:s practica ... time-Snving .. . easy to uise! And rhere's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities renlize the importance of nutrition for henlth, as an aid to Victony. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians isi deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high moraleý-to help keep them fit, on the job! So learn the easy way to "good-to-eat'e meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy TNB ~ of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today! Spotisored byI THIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as au aid to Victory. Menus for 21 breakfasts ".« »21luncheons ... 21 * dinners. Balanced.. e nuhc mtritiossal statemclta in Ett-Wr-O is araepItable to Nutrition Servces, D- r e nsions and aonlHats Ottawa, for tiie Osesadlan Nutrition Pro>gramme. MAIL THIS COUPON 'NUTRITION FOR VICTORY",à BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA.z Address ~City -prol)_______ t ___________________________________________------------------ -jams -and jellies, -were2 frozen onnVise national sheif just frisesan e- -on hotiseî ;fe leaves her cellar sýtock aloieeWhule tkn advantage cf the fres,,h stif available, Coldj and wet -weathier earl.y thlis year kili- ed off' a lot of peach trees 1in ea-,stern ý Cauada; late spring kabrt srwer aind raspierr-y crops. Bluebernies wore lieavy but facedI a labour short- age; cherries wýeire poor. Tise Cania- dIian total for apples will likely hae dowin, with a 23%' increase over last year in Nova Seotia, buit reductions fromi 2 to 29% are cexpected l i New Brunrsiwick and B.C.; about -100,000 barreis less. The ipear croîp loo'ks like 250,000 barrais leçsh; prunes and piums ýonly sli.ght1y off' Peaiches siewý a dlrcqp cf around 67%', affect- ing both fl.C. 'andl Ontari.o cropa. Gr4pes are exi,,per(ted Vo ha 22% -c e lew 1942's irecord harveeýt, but thé currient estimiate is nearly a third more than the fi've year average from 1936 to 1940. Plans. are being miade, we ere told, to nee that some of the crops are canned. 'Some people are irked with the nûws that Canadla'wl not follow the U.S.A. in taking coffea off the ration tiist. But it is poiated out we have only a four nmnths'I supply on hanid, which is not so muh here 's a noýthe r angle. Because of our low tea ration andi relativiely h i gh coffee couipon valuie tlie later's conisumpýltion lS ýuP 15% over pe-arnormnal wh ie tea, is deanvi by a suIf. Tt would haj difflouit to eliminate one witLhout the, other, the-y caim-. Wandering around services infior- maetion office- yon pick up interest- ing items. For instaince a -Wren, the first dlay "hadsip has a talk Orono Tinshop If you need a New Furnace ýyour order should be in before Sept 1 Covernment Orders R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. Orono Phone 30r16 PARK ST. UNITED CI$URCH Rev. S. Litttlewood The following arraingenment bas heen miade sor the serviceo during Vthe ronth of August. Ser-vice4es will be at il1 a.ni. oniy. Aug. 15-m'r. J. J. Meflor. A g-. 22-Mn. J. J. Malienr. Aýutg. 29--Mnr. J. J. Mj\elo. You are cordially lnvited Vo Gonie wIv'i your childran. Corne with your yisitors. 'with a trninied *bauty spýciLisit aboifut lhan bain, etc. Iaceidentnliy, site pays 'about a third of civiian prices forshatpo atiwave; ail of whiich gues bj)ac-lt into the funid for "sbip" beuty parieur equiputient. The g-irls do look well goocmad aud smnant. Food seemas to hava been ini the spotiight arounid Ottawa -- with man,,.y aynonenemenits conceîning an item, whidhl takes about a thind of every faily in icomie. The t hr as put a big stralin on our lounltn-y's priuctiva capacities. This is shcown tby figu-lras ht fcod production is aew more than 25%5,,above pre-war la(vais. Eeg marketings ara ýup 69,, cheese 5 .Feed grain acreaga shot riP 25% te meet liva stock and dairy producets increases. That mnas our producers h-ave tW work harder and ha ingainious. '!%e departiment of labour statîsticash4ow a net decrease- la maIe fairm vorkers turing te jieni.ot ài iMarch 139 tO Mrh1943, of 35O.,000. Ait tiselatter da-ýte m,.aie c f'anily help. ordy vrgt 121 wcrk'z-. ans panr 100 farnms. As te straîn on oui apoe incereasas 'a shortag-e of ain-crew haý also no'ted liy the Royal Caniafiaun Air Force, aocentuated hy tte steady aeriai -pouad'ing givan Germiany, A potantiall and gnoing peo, ofý couirse, organizad 'Ia mosit centras of Can.da is the Air Cadet League5. with sonte 22,000 lads front15 tVo 18 aathusiastically igindiiag'thamseivas Vo play their part semae day. Ongan.- izeatinl 1941, already over 1.455 of these ladLs have joined te R.G.A.rF', But te inimeiata need for aircnew ,s u rgent. AMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 7d0 r 1 SaleIPi ces On1 Summer Goods Ladies' Two-piece in Wash Dresses, regular $6.50, CLEARING AT 1-piece Wash Dresses, sizes 14 to 42 CLEARING AT $2~95and $3.95 Ladies' Crepe G owns $ 1.25 Girls' and Ladies' Print Pyjamas S1,25 to $1.95 Children's Crepe Pyjamas, in few sizes CLEARING AT 85c. Girl's Wool Siyeater in different shades SELLING AT $1.75 Girls' Print Dresses in diff eren floral patterns, 36 inches 3Ê9 Metal Rings for qt. jars, doz. 25c Rubber Rings for qt. jars, 4 doz. 25e FIy Swatts, 2 for 19c Thrift Soap* Flakes, 2 1-2 lbs. 25c J. J. CORNISH'

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