s OILONO WIEKLY TIMES IURSDAY. JULY 29ti UANCOCK-COUCW sage of red carnations. The grooms- pretty ibut quiet -wedding was 'inan was Mr. Glen Hancoek of mnied u te Uite ChrchOronIo, young-est ýbrother of taiel sonage, Newtonville, wheh MNary Th ap ope eto oro n Couch, only daughter of Mr. te Mushkapp eaffd e itorinayoirs- MNrs. J. H. ConcLýh, was united initi-Mswlaai ergaiBi nage ;to L.A.C. R o Ss lwtittebride travellinig inigoIld bcï'c (R.C.ASF.) youniger son of o rw esysl ihmthn anid MauS. H. E. HancoLý(ck, aït 7.00 acsoss On. Thrdy u 2n.TeDEA TIS J. lViaba.etNworîl,1WKLE nClre nStr foried (lthle ceremlony. dyJ-12t,14, ae 'h briýde, wha webecomingly at- Keiveý(y, sloved wife of Hugh iH. ýd lu pink chiffon with ma-tuhing MKOlVy, ged 174 year-s. The tlu- bar anid shule lgth veil, and njej-Ialtramth amlyrsiene [rig cesae I pni amaW- Lot 220, Conicession Î, Clake, on -îs, attended byMh y lnt F.ar- Tesa, July 27thl. Servie at ', Necslin bHue chiffon 3.00 v.mi. 1Inerment Orono Cerne- i1m- cin aesIsoriIes anaI ICol- teiy. Flole s ýýgratetluflly declined. E WEDI The people of Ontario have much to gain from the Prog. sive Conservative programme, outline by the Leader, G ge Drew, on July 8th after months of consu tation with farm rs, merchants, dirovers and ail classes of citiz1 ns cil ovirtAýrvnce. the ProgressiveCnsPTiefovrm 1Bstablish county committees of leading farmers to Plan 6 Introduce sucli vocational training in sc production and distribution of farm products to meet imbue farmers' children with pride in domestic and foreign demands on a profitable basis-to agriculture as a basic and honourable ca assure for the farmers a fairer share of the national them to make it in their own life timie a income. occupation than it lias been in the pa.st. 2 Elirinate speculation în livestock by converting stock 7Euaetersn eeaint ant yard int a povine-wie pulicl ownd sevice andmae the iion ewea.nt er h 3 Relieve farmers and ail home owners of one-half thean ketiro wy school taxes. 8 Improve the health of children by furnishi 4 Revise the whole provincial tax system to stimulate home adequate medical and dental care. uflprovements and bouse building. 9 Increase mothers' ailowances and oldo 5 To provide for every child aIl the education that can be usefully absorbed. 10 Reduce the cost of electric power to farn The rural population, which in more senses than one have their feet on the ground, will approve the note of authority and confidence which animates the Progressive Conservative platform. The farmers will welcome the advent of a strong aggressive administration to Queen's Park-an administration which will employ the most advanced economic and scientiic methods to develop and utilize the agricultural, mining,' forest, and other natural resources of the Province, to build up a strong provincial economy, furnish steady employment to, men and women and establish social security for ail classes. - The Progressive Conservative Programme afirms that the moral, spiritual and material welfare of Ontario will be best assured under British democratic institutions and within the British Commonwealth of Nations and Empire. THE ISSUE US NOW UN YOUR HANDS «. VOTE FOR (1) The Progressive C onservative Candidate--(No Party in the history (2) We want and need a change-vote for a chatj of this Province ever attracted amore representative group of candidates). facts. Don't vote for a party whose aims you have ne is pedgd t cary ot eerycomitmnt gvenin he rew would destroy individual property riglits and everyt The Party spegdtcrr u vr orten ie nteDe dear. Drew's programme is clear and sound. Doc 22-Point Programme. Drew lias faith in Onitario, faith in its people, will set Ontario back 100 years. Vote to assure Geo faith in the future. Only Drew can win. working majority in the Legisiature. Take the necessary time off on Wednesday, 4th of Aigust, and mark your ballot for the Progressive Conservative Candidate. MAKE ONTARIO0 AND AV IOID ANOTHER COSTLY ELECTION PubLished bf Progres-ý 01VI VIA mâm»mý n I _________________________________ ESOR9-UGUSI 4 mnt III chools as will and love for -alling; and fit a more gai nful iir own living iing them with age pensions. mis and homes. nge-but weighi the tever studied or who ything cise you hbld cn't cast a vote that ýorge Drew a strong dýve Consevative Party of Onlorlo P'AFfOR DURHAM FOR SALE One 31assey-Harris Corn Binder, in go'd conditio. Iquireat he Times office, Orono. e,- 30 -p. Willbu held OnP CivcHoliday, Mnlay, August Wn. One hardbal and' tWO sfb ae.Fo ae for chidieri. Rng will beu lae n. the - ConnIity H 1aill rd fioni 7.:>0)tou9.30, f'ollo'wed liy the anein the hll wthRýs regh ton's Varvieiy 1Dne Bn.Ams scon to gromidîsF 25U. (ChIi dweýn 14, yerrs and nnder free. Adm-ission to dance, 5M. per person. FmOR ERTAX SITTER INOE VOTE FOR 1 NOTICE ! I'be Tartblyn Beauty Shop will be cloý,d lfor two weeks hgmnn (and inclpinjg~SatUrd(ay, ugs14h NOTICE Owing te theCe(anytatfe il be serethecties re dvs[ S th a t, it ill I b e t o h ei d e n t g e t secure woodfl'oir u elI as sean Ias posibe. 'ehave sashbsIoseIlibut ondty drety r ite saw. Sceire as ' mchwood as Yen ICan fomout- rid Jealers. Phone te, Orono 10f) for siabîýs frem-ii i. A Hall. d-30-p. Classified FOR SALE DrigBinder, 64foot ceut. Chei. A. H KenePthonle 51-1-3, Ol-ro. FOR ISALE QuebeicC Cook St(eve, Apply et the Tiies 01ffice, Oronio. IIOG SUIBSIDIES IIogsnisid'ies paid by Thle Ontario Gev eri lent frein ',May 51,h, 1941,' to Juoie 30% 1943, aneounteci to $144, 901.50 for DLiý-i:n4i Cbnn-t, Profesional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Office H1ours: 2.00 L(> 4.00 p .;830t .00p.L PHION"E 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wiilfred W. Sherwiu_ B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEO~N Office : Main st. Qrono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- *bile and Liability' Orono - . - Ontario& AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condutts Auction ýSales oi al gizee and at re-asonable rates. Gomm1run!icate with hinm at Poi-et. Perry, Ontario, or sec. lis Clerk, Â. IE. Morton, at Orono, for d«te. GEORGEKEE .Auctioneer & Valuator Panre Bred Live ýStock, Far= &ne Plurn4ture Sales a. $pecialty. Noue to Lasge, none tbu Small. GTadnate Reppet.3 S8chool ou- Amýctioneer!ng, U.S.A., plus aefvral years' selling experienee. Ratm. ReasSmblie. Write IL R. No, 2,, Orao, Ontario. E. E. PATTERSONJ Insurance Agencyf FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY-AND LIABILITY Phonte 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING sone of the Largest, Stronigeet and Alost Reipble Insuirac Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared to quote you rates frorn 40c. a hundred, Buildingî Phone,~ write, or better Etili, cali. I will he pleased to quote you rates on- your proporty which will surprise you. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Director8 Furnitur. Dealersj AMBULANCE SEH.VICE Bowrnanville - Orono Phones: Bomnvi lle, Day 48ü Night, 734 andi 573 Orono, 27-1