Notice There bias been some near acci- dents of our citizens being knock1ed off the sideýalks by boys riding bicycles thereon. The sidewalks w-ere buliit for pedstrianis and flot bicycles. There is a by-law p)roiiting the riding of bicycles on the sidewal,,ks and the penalty for the offense is quite severe. Let this be a warniiing. ATTENTION Fruit Farmners Increase your production by renting- bees during- fruit bloom, Apply For Rates CHAS. R". KNOX Orono Phone 42r2 1 r ccYf.ý2ï IN 31EMORIAM BURLE'Y -- Il ving memory of a dar fher, Jamues ;Burlley, h1o ÏO 4 l 0Paýs1(ise -aay Jujne 4t'h, 1937, amid a dear nohr Mrs. Jamies Btruley, who p as md c!suiddenil'y way Jurie You'r'e not fcotede fathier Apply t theand mother, Appiy t the or ever slilaii y'ou be ORONO TIMES OF'FICE As long as life and imemory Inst, oronlo --Ontario We shalli remnier yo.u 'oth. -Lovngly remembered b)y their faliýy, Riazel, 'ciaweince, Roy, Penrl. REËD &WIITE STORàESÙ" Thursday, -Friday and Saturday QUALITY lIGHER TMAN PRICE For the time being our deliveries will be Tuesday and Saturday mornings. It is a great help when- ever you can think of it to phone the day before enabling us to, have those orders ready.I O. K. Soap, 8 bars, IT Shoe Polish, bottie Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. Dixie Cups, 12 in pkg. Sweet Heart Pop Corn, pkg. Red & White Cocoa, IL tin Olives, 8 oz. jar Lavoline, pkg. Rinso, large pkg. White Serviettes, 70%s Round Steak, IL Sirloin Steak, lb. Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak Il S mail Link Sausage, lb. b 25c 15c 23c 10ec 5c 25c 42c 1lOc 25c 15c 37c 40c 44c 24c Tile W. A. of ïParýk st. Chulrch a eu on1ceaaiapeln to the peo'ple of this cistrict for "i oRsi" Warm l >sed ciothing and quilts ar-e st u rgentlynedd. June 22ýnd wimark the e ýCOnd jailiivrsar'y of Rusasmagnificent resistance. Let us make that week a "Thanks to Russia Wek" 'andj give ail we can sipare Of ocr used ýclothing. Kindly leave with Miss (Mabel Davy bef ore -he end c0f Jiinie. W.A. -_MEETING The Womiens Ass9cîation held their regudar meeting on, T'esd'y, June 8th, Mrs. 'Tamlyn, the presi- dent, welcomed the ladÈLes present. Mrs. ýC. Wood had charge of the de- votional period, reading the 90th Psýalm, and in nmaking helpful com- ment'ss poke partioularly on the last vePrse, "And ket the beauty -of the Lord hbe uplon ts and esteblisi Thou the work of our lands," epplying it to thae work of the Womien's Asso- ciationi, Mrs. V. ýPhasey singing the Women's Association theme song to lsethe ldevotionai pem~od. It was decided to disipense with the Tcily and Augusýt mevetings. A young lady l'rom the iSailor's Mission, addressed the meeting, tell- in~g of the good work that hias been aecýomplished and iusing as ber text "BlQýessd <ire ye fthat sow beside al w\aterýs (Isiai 832). -A donation was given to helip with tis worthy1 The correeponding secretary read Jetteras of 'appreciation for cards re- eeived from Mrs. C,,,,seadden, Mr. Fired Tanillyn, -Mrs, Bullock, Mr. MYeiLi-en,!Mrs. Littlewoiod, lMrs. Ndble and Mrs. F. iCowaný. Mrsý. Delve gave a reading and Mrýs. Phasey favored' with another sýolo, both being greatly ppeitd The meeting closied with a hiymn and the Mispah Benedlictiom repeated in liaison, Millbrook Spring Fair was he'id on Saturlay last anid was lavored witth gooid weather, -odA attendance and fgoociexehibits, esýpcciahIy la the m heavy hoslblses hse in al- tendance fronii titis locnlity were, Mn, and Mrs. Thomas Gownn, Messrs. CarI Billin;gs, Os. 'Cowan, George -Bofwen, W. 'C. 'Cros*aley, Jas. EDgleson, Art, Lor-ne andI Ross Rob-ý '1us, IMilton Co-nish and Ormne Gamsýby. Ail were welpe -dwith the different evonts. The ladies o the Prû%fbyteriaa chiurch servýed in liier and supper hin aitseif a well wortlh going that frla ar take üf. 07- SUNDAY, JUNE lSth Il a.m. - Worship. "Treasure in Earthen Ves- sels." 2.30 p.mi.-Suiiday, School. 7 p.m. - Woprship. "Prosperity of the Right- eous." '%,od shal! supply ail your needs according to Ils riches in glory through Christ Jesus." Philippiams. large bottie 25C. Loin Pork Chops lb. 35u Wheat 2 for 23e.g Ilerrings i Toïmato Sauce Local News FAGAN - COOPER Ceiling Prices Well1 Sunday School The mnrag of Marlon Gwenl- Kept In Toronto Anniversary Jine 20- Decoration DIay alt OLonLo Cee-l dolyne,, of Mr. and Mrs. mýst li(r tery, Sunda-y, June -17[h. F. O. Cooper, Ocono, to 2ndi( Lieuit. A group of 8'5 Tororalto housewves, Par St. i telhrl udr 'Mrs_ D. 'Car-scaddený is visiting Owen M. J. FiaC.AC. ('Cam11)I)LIpLprpsiy se1e'ted f1>om-'ai pr s o ý il ý hi in oroto 1ji weàk.Borden), son. of Mie. ndMrs. 0. D. 'the citY are voiuntaiiy keepinig '(I.Cservicon Sýunday(, Jn 2,ati frieds n Trono tis eek FaanBowmaronvi!le, took place lacak c to r ics thhta e. r (a.1n. ad 7ofnu.the ho iil o Mis KthlenSiliPson hassecuer- Toronto on SntuLiday, June 5thi. d frspecifcfoii tes fecuw hai fth e orniag eric ed ýa position as sechool tea--her at The )bride e a streýet lenjgth conIstanllt prie e chUkin:g o Ur along wt h etri tedne aeaa.dress of cheeni pinik sheer whpeeiiod, tilese woe wiil teklyu_ fla thie eveniig tuepeio al speakeir matcbînug teffeta halo bt ndo- ha t Toroniito stoîekeupers ae a in -wili be PRev. F. Jolin o ýf St.1Paui's Col J C.Gaey Kigson,~pntsage of buitteilly ro,ýss ad hova taining ceciing 1plices. Cch1, Bowmenlvi1li who takesa the wieek-end wi'th Mrs. Gamiey aial dia. Sie wa.s attended by -Miss 0f seýven d ifferent f ood items grent linteeest la yoýunig people's daugiter Glen, Adele Morton We aning a twilgtchco l% ct-wiep-eesuvywork, aid wos adrs will bc The grass in the park is nOw be- biue sheer dress and corsage of pfnk Vyfihe grop last monti, not offne eal y însîring *to oug and ld in~g eut, and fa a couple ýof weeks 'carnations. Mli. Denniis Flag,an, xvas fou-ind to be seilling aihoýve th ie .Acor0yunpepe if henc wfi bela i 0fd the groom, was thle bestciin pri'ce il, the various stores s"pi 'sca hs'eVice. man. ce. We antici!pate a great daiy, so Miss Joyce Siatnh,0f e Tic reception 'was hid at tie First -rade ereamiery butter wî,lQi'th you ho on hand to cnjoy lot Upuper Canada Tract and Býock So- home of the bride 'whJeee hec mLotheir the avelae se eid p ice ___us____?_ ciety ýwas la our mi.dst last w eek. received ia romnance crepe ',e la c ronnd 42e. 1l. iti Toronto was, nv2 lms"o oke a Mr. ald Mrs. En:ri D. Fowlei, of and eorsage of aprýiot. For ,traýve]ibougît by these houusewýýves *t frii 01120o )k(san OF1jaaviiedýit adMis . ing the bride worie a beige dea 8.t, 42c. lb. fii city stores. Mx-cskr are norw ailowed Vo ho Os'hnwa, itd Mr. and Ms.. F.lso maker suit 'wit}h cocos a ace-muni -May price for i-ikfelJd dressed miaaufnetured in the Unîted King- Keely. nn1c.ndIM1 J aleo sn adcosg 0 oss icciken5s was 45e. b1. Duin'iigtie domn, as coimpared ivith 680 "Unres» eeny.h4sppy couple ief t by oo for their mnonth, these womnen paid froini13c,. before the wac; an'd they miay nowv iss Lenona Wood bas nctirnied honcyatoon. to15c. 1b. 1be p'ac'ked oniiýy in bu'lk. homne froni Toronto after ' compieting ()'lne checker reported buying n a Il;___ fier course in a Busin.ess College la OSHAWA PRESBYTERY oz. glass of e--i tacted hoa'ey for 27e; Ke hyn arSvns np tint it yYOUNG PEOPLE'S PICNIC aium lpeice orihîngpince îs Ke )yig'VrSvn,,ý 3tiii Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and baby, of Teyongpol fVi atr et bY t'ie Pr ices B oard at 219e. Pas - -_______________ Kingston, spent tic week-end wf i section of OsiaLwa PebyeyUnitdtuizg'tededioeyonw imatoeS (choice grade) witli a maxi- the, iatter's palrents, iMc. an,,iMes. Chureh gtetied foc- .their annual tic cilinig is 40c. for 1 ib. in, was m uni price of 13.fin, iwýeboa-Lghi S. E. Allia. picai n OooPr nWcns'y bugtfc3et fromn 9c. to 13c. Cainned peas June 9th. Seiventy-five sat doý,n a o Womien fa the pniice chiecking- witi hingprice of 13c., cost lMi-ss Jeanne Forrester has iccept- supper, repres-eingrLý, YoungPoi' group paid froni 40c. to 45c. for tiese h ousewives froni 11ý to 18e. cd a posýition as teacier in a two Unions froni Newitoniviile, N ewci!asý- éhceddar cheese hast mnonti; -Vie ccii-Bane sold etthVe eiijing price ýof room school a't Bui1gessvile. eleven tic, Mepnle Go Blackstock, Bow- i-piei ýta 4.ýtii, o e b miles soâti :of WoodstoeJk. nmanville, Kfrby, Orono, witb mcmi- n rc sste 5.Cnc o 4.1h bers of ticexýecutiune from ian a_______________________ Mrs. Clifi'ord Chapnman (nec Hleleni and iClaremonVt. Case), Aurore at'tended tic Fegan- Foliowing tie sllendid repast, wcv( Co«per wcdtling nuiptials la ToroLnto'iarranged ourselves ia gcoups of ourNes ee and tic reception given la Orono. unions, and unider- the direction o f Te orld's Nes e n rougii 'Mc.Artir Bel, o ticGienna Wilsoni of Osana ur cap-T E CH SIA S IN EMO T R Mr.ArturBel, of heGoodyen, aile rececation convener, valjous V EC RSINS IN EM NT R Bowmnviiie, is iavinig na ce'sgames ,,were playcd for which ticý An interna tional Daily Newspaper holiday, and ila oonpany withi his different uioniiis coatestfng ccic is Truithful-Constructive--Un)biased-Free fromn Sensational. wi ean to ildra rcviitpgso may points. Tbuýic gamesvere iin - Editorials Are Timnely and Instructive, and Its Daily f an tis distict. ar, linhmorous aind pro)vokod manich mer- Features, Together with the Weeidy Magazine Section, -Malte ri hsdsrc iment. IMbple Gr-ove Y.P.U. ivoaitihe Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Mn. Cliflord Jo c visitcd is most points la tic contesut. A seav--- ------------------------------- paretsMcandMns Gîd'ds Jncs nge hut ws ildseaingticThe Christian Science Publishing Society onr - on andwhi Cit foI on- Syounlg g poups a 1 i l Iý 11ove tte Onie, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts onllna hleeult ri o-village ad ibeyoad, gtcfgu Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $ 1.00 a Month. treal Vo assume ils acw duties et suri things as honse he1in, plastic Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. London, Ontario, Iheits, Orono Timles, a minnow, a Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents frog, an autograi, etc., etc., etc. Namne - ------------ T ic Oro o B ancli of t ic W .C .T .U . F or t ic closii ag exercises wc at - e N't will entertain tic motiers adLit- 'daonî cm iefrn ig drs.-------- tic Wihite R>ibbioniersin i Parik St. çsong ad worship.. Steve Laiy- SAMPLE COPY ON REQU71EST Suniday Schooul oni Thurrsday after- well of Oshawea -nd Rev-ý. S. Little- noJune 17Vh, et 4.00o'iok wood anno'unced tlic two summner camps meeting at Oak Laike Vie lasV _________ _______________ MT. Jas. Eagkeson, IMn. and Mcs. wcek od Juiy andth Ve firast wekl of GiddVws Joncs, 'Cliffoid and EI-leen, August. iese camps ý arc riaa aIio [Mis Moore wcre fnA ,Ajex on Youn~g peoipie for ieadership. Monday ast. Elleen 11nd1 Miss 'Miss Doris Dudley led la a very Moore retucn'ed Vo thiri positions af- hclpfu worShip srvice,. Ais ter spending [lhewek-n aOronl-o. tic biit gl1ow of tic fine, the 1Mc. Roy morpcster, Jr., spent tlic bands la a circle 'cOmml--itting- our -______________________________ week-end lan Toronito, enld whfire selVes Vo 'God, wfila Ris mecy ad visiting the 'fNav-y ncut office guiven as a good day. antd heid ifs, mdical extiiiatiûn. IfIT 1 A j C II Vie X-nay plate turas eut satfsfac- I A ýD T A A . toriiy,hle wili tien be sworn la tich e PA fiR Y umhns21riad7p iauinNavy. '. P IXPoe 1r1ad7 Tic Orono Chantbier of Commerceaaaà wili hoid their annuel imonitilyneet- ' î.l. É-. ing lan the Kuni ite Inn on Monday1 evcniag, June l4th. jA full attend- Don't wait until parts beconue srarce. We hope you will co-operate with us until aice is requested. Arrangements For your coniveniience we carry a this war is over. This store is short of are being made iVo try Vo seeure a cmlt ieo ep logs u ie r eryw speaiker for Vie eveaing Vo talk oncopeeneohealogs Ou tisar naryw r darm help for tifs siunnmec. TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- out. After this week we wilt deliver only Tic Grand Lo4ge of Ontariao, o SERS and RESISTORS one day a week which will be on Saturdays. tic Independent Order of Oddfliows If unabie Vo bringyour radio to We know you can flot buy meat to your wîll neet la tic Ciby of Toronto tie, the shop, Phono Orono 42 r 2 OWfl advantage over the phone. Your ra- week of June l4th to l8th. Bill Rid- tion cals for from 3-4 toi 1-4 Pouinds, and d'al, beîng ciosen nrepreseatativýe of C. R. KNOX fyusewhtyuaebuigadw a Orono Lodge, wiil attend tic sessions ___________what_____are________and____ 0f tie subordinate hody on Wedacs- the gIovernment says you are entitled to, d'ey TursdaY and Friday of tint Ti sh p e kiiow you will be mnuch more satisfied .ek rono n h i-1 We also know that the person that shops Inan Toronto Evcning Telegreni gets goods that persons who phone do nqt. of lest week Viere appeared a pc turc of 'Air Vice-Marshah Wilfred S es-to ihtewr Austin Curtis, Taronto, Air Vice- I hd_______________________________ Maesial, D.SiC., Deputy Air Officen l w r a r seas, 'was meationed itic King's Crosse and Comfort Lux Ïhoor istandwasmae aComnuan- 'der oe tic Ordeir of tic Britisi Eni-- Fo j coration Bîackweîî's Soap Toilet Soap pire (Mliiany). He is a first cou- Kthpbr sin of Dr. Wiifred and Milfred Sien-D yKecu 4 bars 3br viand secved la inte leist Great botti War. Nihtad tipinecel ci >ePLEASE ORDER EARLY 20c. 23e 20 e la for Dr. W. ISllerwin s services it______0___.,__e different prs fth o n nd ho e i tFresh cannot keep Up witi tfic business. H1e hais secued-ier-lv-es-fDe.,ohnr E. LOGAN Eclipse Trf iSauslagený C J. J. CORNISHj Deliveries .v.ry Tueaday and Saturday mornings