Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943S~ The Orono Weekly Times Established January, 1937. Published every T-hursdlay morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Subsciption, $1.25 Subser-iptions to the Un,-ited States, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt, Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher edCross Blood Clinie Need Mlore Donors At tire rogular mionthly meeting Orono Branicl cf the Red Cross, e president gave us some very ins- estng reports on thre \wrk af the nadian RedI ross. In the recent mpaign, Canada garve l(% of s ojective set, -which iirdicates tire eat interiesrt taken by Canadian optle in the wantidevfuil help givený aur prisoniers of f war, Bitish mlâb vi,tinis, bloocI douai' clinics, Oiur local blood donor clinie is at hawa, and is spansrred, for Bow- anville nand district hy the Lion, s1 àb of Bowmanville. Many Cirke ,wnsirlp ritizens have aioeady bieen rnrs, somfe sevev7al times, but lre is n a ua at present for mor-e cId more donors, eit[ier men or -wo- en, s0 tint a lylood bnl< ay ho lit up that will save the lives of v- own mnen anrd women in cases of ýe. Mr,. C. B. Tyrrell wiil gladly ve anyone interes'ted, dletails of ýe pýroceSs lneeSSav-y inthe (donat- - of blood, The large quouta of hospital sup- ie,s uni-dertaken tsy ouiBancUlas oni ýcamipleted 0and rieadly ta ship. rs. H. Dean still is asking for- atera as wo are f ortunate in ha- gsamiie yavi n anad. A bill for $1.14 was ordeved paid vY iaî ndr labels. The treasu-er ýported $403.96 n1 the treasýuvy after With The Bomber Press In Britain ' <Continued from page one) effort ta tell them 'Whatit lagaing on in Britain. And so we leave our Canadiane and ther-s in Britain, with a feeling of confidence that rwhen ithe timne cornes, thay -rwill aeiquit themnselves with glory. As general McNaughton taid us at aur lat conference with him, "The-y ave holding tihe autposts in the defeuce cf iCanada." In Lincaln Cathedral, )theve is a chapel dedicated ta the heroes af former wrand under isame aid battle-searoed agheM k1together4 with nietting, I founcI these wards an the rwalh. "A moth-eaten raig, an a worm- eaten pale, Rt does nat seem likey ta stir a nr'an's soul 'Tis the ceeds that were dane, 'neath that manth-eaten irag, When thx-pale was a s;taff, and, the vag was a f1ag." havig frwarded $1,100 ta HeadI ffitfom the Natianal Campaigni. Quilts have came in from aout- side ulits cduring May - Starkville 1, Cirloe Unian 1 and Leskard 13. iiversity Courses For Students With Matrie- ulation Qualifications .h F'ivst Canadian Army Univer- ,Couvise >ut Torranta Unirversity irs ýa Military ýCollerge." The ' 3- rihîîecI as being "like a wartime ,ks course, just completed, aso5 e ssful ithat il othev unii- itires rwIilgive similar ýco-irses nig the 1943-44 terni Total at- daiwce is lianited ta 1,270. dembers od the Active Army and. ,h sechool students between the iý 17 and, 20, rwith matricU1latian irfications and "A" imedicalet- îes, ave eligible ta taktle t1ic [se. They shouiljd iippiy at once the ýuniversityth-ey wiýsh 1taatten-d, 1must ýenliast in tire Active Arny bre iAugust lst. Tire qualificaýtions similar ta, those neccsisary for 'ance to the ýRoyal Militavy Col- ,inpeacetime. 3tudents iare housýec in Univer's'ty idences, and wcar regular avmiy larms rwitû flashes with, "A-rmy iversity Course" in white letter- ýThýey reeeive rboy's :pary up ta age of 171i/? years tand regular my ipay ralter attaininig that age. books rand university suýpplies provide-d fvee cof charge. ire studnts iarle given credit for r termà's wark if thery wish ta en- the uniiiversity later. They leavn reyngoemetevy, mathematie,, igihting, eiecetricity, engines.,, and sica. GradJaates wmili go tas-pe- zerd b)ranches aùf tlie Arnryiv- en- sers, artilrlery, airmoured corps, rntry, rordniance and signaIs, ta the ovevr-încriaýsinýg for train- nmen ýn an ever-more mechanized Army. Pte. Allan Knox, of Toronto, rwho had completed halisvst pear in me- chanical engineering at the Unive-- siy of 'Toronto before taking the Ary course, saicI the new course would equ ai a year and a haif of egular universqity work. Sgt. W. L. Waylett, of Taronto, who had carm- pleted a year af finance and cýom- mierce hefore elistîig, added, "We get instruction in essentiai things. HOUSE FOR SALE $1,950. Eighbt roomas, ýcentre hall plan, eentraliy la!ated] in Orono. Leta McElroiy, Charlotte W est, Pebexrborough. c-2-3-c. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sutnday Sichool Anniivevsaty Ser- vices -will be hdd at Kendal Unifed Ohurch an Sfundahy, Jin 3th, at 11.30 a.m, and 7.30 p.mn. Mr. J. J. Melloir, Oronio, wiflilhave charge of the muoring service(, whîile Mr. Gifï flth, Bowmnarille, will have charge of the eveni-ng siervice. On Wednes- 'day, June 16th, a 3-act *la,"A Ready-tMa!de Faýmily, wiliI be Iprte- sented by the young p)eoýple af Sha#'ýs'. Ad'mission, Adiults, 30c.; Chidren, 15e,; childiren un-der 12 yeairs of age free. $63.32 Collected for Navy League in Clarke The Navy 'League of Canada h'ad a very successful Tagý Day last Sait- urdiay in Newcastle and Clarlke Tofwnsh'ip. In Newc'eastI, Mr. HL ýMcCoil bnci charge of the avganiiza- tian and together -ýith his helpers coiIected 'the sple!ndid suim af $14.89. Ini the village of Newtonville, Mr. Frani MaMllenand seýveraI sichoal cdhiilden raised $8,52. Kencial vi- lage, wvith Mr.s. iilildiitch- in charge, callected $11.60, an-d 0Orano,under 'MT. J. J. Meillor with the assistaince- 'of the Girl Guides, coilected $28.31. 'This is a very creditaile shawing indeed, and indicates the apprecia- tion of aur people itn the wvkthe Navy Jjeague does in hel[ping the, sailors who are g-uarding aUIaeaýnis. The total amanunt coatributed -,as Ail the frills have been rýemarioved. It is easiy to realize tJhat every1thinjg we ýave itaaighitwil ha of great výalue ta us àfwe go in the Army. _____________ M__________M____M___________________________A_ 1942 INCOME TAX RETURN * MOT LATER THAN JUNE 30T1 lE SINGLE and your net income ecee 60- ..I[MARRIED and your net icm xedd$200 For incomes niot over $3000 get two (2) copies of simip/*ied Form T. i Special. For inco mes over 43000 get three (3) copies ofIform T. 1 General. Income Tax dollars are flot ordinary dollars ... they are Victory dollars ..necessary dollars to help win the war. Income Tax is fair to all. Al are taxed in proportion to their abilii Under the new system introduced this year, Income Ta-x is now on a pay-as- you-earn basis. The reduction of the 1942 Ta-, made this possible. In most cases the larger part of the rcduced tax wiIl have been paid by the 1942 tax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-third of any balance must be paid b, 3th june and the remainder on or before 3lst December, 1943. You must file an Income Tax return and pay any balance to establish your right, after the war, to the refund of the Savings Portion of your tax. yto pay If you are a salary or a wage earner, your 2ýmployer can probably supply -you with Incomne Tax Forms-otherwise, they are available at your local Post Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax. Over 2,000,000 Canadians will be fiing returns and- paying. taxes avoid the last minute rush. If you wait, illness or other unforeseen circumstances. may prevent you from gctting your return in on time. Avoid penalties by sending in your return NOW! FARMERS You must attach to your retura on Form T. 1 Special or Form T. 1 General cither a statement of your gross income and expenses, or coxnpleted Farmers T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes aIl formas of farm receipts and exenses, and is a guide for determining your actual net incane. Forma May Jbe secured fromn your local Post Office or District Inspector of r iCOOSE TA- Incomne Tax. GUIDE To hclp you til out your incar-ne Tax forma a bookiet T ("Farmers' Income Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to cover the special conditions which apply to farm 0 rations. It can be obtained free on requcat fromn your District nspector. If you don't kn-ow his address, just mi your letter to "District Inspector of Dominion Incorne Ta5x."' #tdýý ý1 . yoiet attni Vûwl/ Gok Pu.te DOMINION 0F CANADA - DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX DIVISION COLIN GISSON, C. FRASER ELLIOTT, mhistr of National Revenoue ' commission.r of Incom. Tex miw Classified ANNOUNCEMENT The Oroiio Brandi of the Wo- men's Instit1ýtes n.-ext meetrng w'illi bu held an Wý riday, June18h in the council chamber of the touwn hall at 2.30 m Proagrami, Histarical Re- seareIh. Rail Cal, "'Mly wediling dress mith pictuvýe." Tapie, "Itemns f iRis- toricai Initerest." Conrmittee irn ehargeý-Mrs. J. rEagleson, Mvs. R. H1. Brown, Mvrs. O. W. Raiph, Mrs. F. Ba'wen, Mrs. iC. Awde, Miss K. Poster, .Mrs. IF. Cawan, Mr-s. J. Powers, 'Mrs. H. Hooey, Ms.J. Thampsan. All ladies wlue COMING EVENTS A Dane will be qheldiLeskard0 sehol rom a n Friday evening-, June iSth. Adissian 25 cents, b-22-c. Crooked (Jveek [Home vand School Club wiRu hold a dn)nce in Newcastle Gomnri-iunity Hall on Friday, June 11. Charles Hannigan's Orchestra -wîl be in alitendanýce. &ongs by Jimmi Dobson. Adm-issian 50 e. eaeh. WANTED TO BUY House, in goad condition. Appiy to HoadLini, 0orrao. C-21 -p. HOUSE FOR RENT Comfortaý,b1ehouse with conven- iences in Sauth W'ard. Available June Ist. Apply Lauise Cawan. tf. FOR SAÀLE Grade Shothorn Cita', freslien Jiue 12. A. H. Kea-nie, Phione 511r3, Oirono. a-20-p. i I FOR SALE Eigt-ramFramle House, cen- trally located ini Orana. Ail modemi aanvenenlce ,garage and igarden. Mrlis. A. 11llery, Ovonio. --p PAISTURE FOR SALE OR RENT Ninity acres, Lot 34, Concession 5, Claike Tawn-shlýp, wi th running. Appily to W, J. White, Claremont, Ontario. c-2:2-p. FOR SALE Small quantity of mmcd ]stove wood, 12-inc7h; also quantity of pastsý at $25.00 peur ed dliveued. A. Carscadden, Phione 25 r 9), Orano. Local bsrpia agent. Part timle. Comm-1,îissionr. Either mnan or womrani. When applyig state ,vliat eveie ou have hacl. Apply "The Farmier's AdIvo(cate," Londanlo, ýOntario. c-22-p. Auctio"n Sale Tire undersignred autii'rneer lbas received ntrciosfr-om-- MISS R. GRAVEL tase v ypubi1lic auctian at Lot 30, Ccea. 9, Clarke Towvnship 5 miles rnavt.h of 0vono and 1 l½ miles * ort fLekrd telcýlipirane 62120 Thursday, June 17th, 1943 the tfollowing valuaible Fiavm, Stock, Imip'lemenýýlts, and ther articles LIVE STOCK 1 Oraîy M~are, 6i years olrd, a -real beauty, with gentie dispasitian. 2 Black Ileavy Duty Horses, 9 and I12 yeurs. 1 Purebred Hoîstein Heifer, due july L4t. 10 Bîarred Roek li ens, yeav-olds, excellent layera. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 ýMcCormdiek Mower, jtist 1like new. .1 Seed Drill. 1 Larg-e Ralle-r. 1 Sing11le rPlo tghl. 1 l1ay Rakýe. 1 Haky lRack. 1 set Drag H-arrowe. Sleîghs. J1 Cutter. 1 Buggy. i Grîndinýg Stcre. Largging Chains. Harse Biinnikets. 1 Table Creama Sepavator, used one year. 1 Fonce Strete!her. Wire Feneing, and inanyý other ueu article,ýs ail in perfect condition. Steel Wagon, McCorm-ickh, useûd 2 years. HOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE 1 Whaiey iRayce Piano. Com--binia- tion Desk and Bùok Case. 1 three- piece Sunroaom Suiite. 1 white Eiameled Kitchien Snk Chairs. 1 itenStorve arid i 1Quebec 1Heater, tised ;ane year. Chinnware. Kit- cirenware. Shoes. Diresses, size 14.1 1 Man's 'Suit, iigiht gray, size 36, ail likýe new and many other articles ofspia interest to ladies. Sale to commence at 1 p.m, TERMS CASH A. E. Morton TED JACKSON Clerk Auctioneer Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYlSICIÂN ý'and îSURGEON Offioe iourps: 2.09 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.". PHONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARYj W"ilfred W.Sherwin BV.Se., VETERINARY SURGEO>N Office: Main St. Oroue Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. G.AMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-. bile and Liability Orono - I -Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Couducts Auctia-nSaes iof a,,il sizees and at reasoniabie rates. Gammnunicate -with hlm at eort Ferry, Ontario, or see Ms Clerk, A,. E. -Martan, at Orono, for date. GEORGE KEYES Auctioneer & Valuiator Pure BrecI Live ýStock, Fatrm -and[, Furniiture Sales a Specialty. Nonc ta Largo, rnone ta Siyall, Graduate Reppevt's School 0cf Auictioneeving, U.S.A.., pius saeveraa years' seiiing exiperience. Rateaý Reasonable. Write R. R. No. 2, OrnOntario, F. F. Morris & Son f Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers ABwrnANvillE- RonoE Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 -Night, 7â4 and 573 Orano, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and' Modern Funeral Service in Durhamn Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THIE NEWEST Our PiesTELOWEST SBOWMANVILLhE &SONO E. E. PwATTER'SON Insurance Agency FIRE. AUTOMO0BILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 41-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING Borne of the Largest, Strongest >and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared to quote you rates frorn 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building Phone, writeo better stili, cal. 1 will be pleased to quote you rates on your property which will sur-prise you. Britains go in for Gardens BetAveen two and three mîkilion pri.- vate gardon owners in Britain con- tri'blte ta the wair etFo rt by produc- ing £10-15 m-1illion ($44,c;00000- ýGi6,40,000) worth ofveeabes thus reloasinýg land for or-cps whiqkie privato indlvriduals ea=uot grow.

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