- ORONO W,ý7EKLY TIMES, THURI Vbiat air raid slren biew." We of r'he Orono W eekly Times -the iActive Forces are depending on yeu felioiws wbo are at homle to de- iEstablished January, 1937. tend and protect oui, famnilles anid urhomes while we strive tg keep) 1 every Thursday morning at the Times Office the woLf fi rmlndn on our shores, OiýoioOntaio if he sho.uld slip past us then it fi5 ~,rnoOntrjouqp to the boys in the Reserve Armyi ng Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 There w-wisodowa o erni ibscriptions to the United States, $2.00 and thait is Vo ioin the rest ýof the osin your local piatoon and be- >ritin Wil Rceie O r Pomp Atenton lieve nme you wil1L e glad you Cdid. rintng iliReceve ur romp Atenton believe it is only one nilit a R. A. Forrester, Publishier ýweCk you have to drill., That is flot asking 'veý,ry imuch wheu you consider __________________ _____________________ _ Wbat tihe 'boys 015 Active Service are goiîg troghday and night just tlie case uniless wxe al g-et in thlee or yoru. i i.and do our part.I have heard it Let; us see every young feiiow aind to the Loltor said ýby sime thait if we join the Reý- iman in Cirke Touinîsh]iq3 who lsaùe serve they wili take us for Active ýdo b-is part and ;ha ready. iservice. By no means wiil yen he Signedi taken for, Active Serice. You wiii sgt. Keane, R. H. YOU READY? be tra.iine4. for homte fonce and R..A.F ýer of the Active Forces home defence nione. Wihy should__________ m-uich disappoinlted Vo o Y wGrry wlhether you are 'aitive -orDAC Ida paiper the appeal reserve as long as you kIow rwhat t DNC Our young fello>ws to do, 'wlien and bow-, to do it -when the A dane 'will be hield ln the Cora- rve Armly >o'el h1 time comues. Horv much nicer it:would mu.nity Hall, Newcas'tle, under tbcý pla on hih lreaudy be if every 'young fellow in Careausîpices o« Newceastle Baselil tiiarmuris ii ron-.Townshiip, yes, even every man, ýClub, on the eveninig of Fri.day, May te krorsi r n ewjs wa odoi heeey28t'commencing at 9.00 o'clýck 1should not jubeha t d ices-ney ifyu aebe e ioo- shouild strike. Rluss Creighton and iis Variety Band if you ave bee look-in.attendapnce. Aýdmission Vo danlce. see what the fuiture - Wy leaive il to a ife~w of thet young 50 cents pe .persoil. Proceeds for if Hitler takes over. 1 fellows to train and -prepare them- icomforts ifor boys overseas. snot a mlan or youang selves to, dcfend tbleir hiomes wbile Iarke Township -who thle resi_ýt of you sit b1ck anldlook For, the big offensive our boys their faniIiies,, their' on. Tbe time xvwill coilme fellows wheni will nieed plenty of coliapsibie as- lheir eýountry destroyed Yeu will say to yourselves, "I am .ieit boats. Tbey cost $225 eacb 7a Nazi goveirum-tenit, giad T, joinied the Rescrve Army, be- and your Victory Bol-dC investmients ryT to Say such rwil be cause 1I ]mew just wbiat o (do when xili buy thein. STORY DEHIND aweapon of war, and we must share- our supplies with those who -ting to keep the war from our shores. AftLer ail special wvartimne .s are taken care of, only one haif of the meiat produced in wil be available for ordinary domestic consumption at home. Ltioning is the only way of ensuring equal sharing of the mieat available .i consumption in Canada. Those with losonoe i ltgVmr rshare-and those with less money will be assured of getting siare. will help prevent local meat shortages such as occurred Iast year fromn widespread and continuous throughout the whole Dominion. The for panic-buying which empties butch-]er shops early ini the day, .P.nated. our meat production in Canada has incrcascd. So, although onily YditiQon wil Ix ayaihabie for civilian use, it wil mean a reduction t, 150/ to 20% in the average houschold consumption. d ration of 2 ibs. (carcass welight) per person, per week, has been thie country's leading food and nutrition audiorities, as ample for id nu~trition~ standards of' everyone-regardless of age or o>ccupation. B, £ * *a, :e'i ~ FOR SALE AI] kinds of Perennial Plants, Gladioii, Tomiates, Calihage, Geler'y and Aniiual Flowers. W. J. Leansien, Orono. c-19-c. DANCE A dance xili h hld in Newtoun- ville Coimuniiity Hall 0on Monday, ,,%y 17Vh. Barciay's Orchestra wiii :upply tlie music. Cowanville M.an(] Mrs. Hlairry Gowan visit- ed w'bMr. and tMrs. Hl. Sîmupson ou Sunday. Mrs. John Lornwery and baby visiteti w iti Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowani on Sunday. There is Vo be a meeting ait Clarke Churelb for the: men of the o ommun>. dýty on Tbur:sdaly evening aut-~8 o'ciock. Mfr. and 'Mrs. iM. Chatterton andi ,amily, Mr. 'R. Chatterton, Kingeýton, visited witb r.andi Mrs. Weýs. Stringer on lSunday. Mýiss Kathleen Simapson bas re- turnod tVo Poterboro Normal. Kath- leen- 'vas stutient teaci4her ait Stark- ville fromi May tr o Ithi. Miss 'Gweni Teunant oif Toronto Normal Sc'hiooi bas been the student teacher at Cowanwville this past 'week af May 3rd Vo the 7th. Mr. ilectior Milîson and Miss Ad- die Mlillson, ýMrs. B. Milsoan anti Har iyBanîdy vîsited a(t MI.. and Mr1s. Elmer MWilbur's, Ha 01nonSunl- day. Mrs. 1H. McKinney, Mse Evelyn Emiiburiy, Jeanno Porrester, Gwen Tonnant, Migae;FlinitoiffandiRuth Goode wero entertained Vo, tea Fri- day e'veninig by Miss Dorotby Simip- DEATUHS CAP.SCADDEN - In Orono, on Tbursday, 'May 6tb, 1943, Thomyasý Dean Cariiscadd,(en, aged 88 years. The funerai -will take place frýomi the United Cburch, Oroi-o, on Saturdny, May 8thi. Service ait 4.00 'clock. Coiteg-e to leave for rnoCemietery. S:TAPLES, M1ary Louisa- At the residience ofbierson, J. B. E. Stapes, 4C-2 Oriole Parkway, Tor- onto, on Thursday, May 6tb, 1943, Mary Louisa, rwif e of the laVe Williamn Staffies. Restinuig at tne Truli Funeral Homie, 2704 Yonge Street, for service in the chapel at 12.30 noon on Saturday. Inter- ment Orono Giem-eter-y. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Dean Garseadden andi family wish Vu extend thoir heartfeit Vanks and alpMireciation,, for the acts ofï kindness, miessages of symlipatby, and beautiful -floral gfferings received fr:om their kind friends and i nigi- hors during their recent lbereave- nient in the lossi of their ýbeioved h-asband and father. We esipecial>y ,%vish Vo than-k Dr. A. ýF. McKenzie for Lis faitbfui services rendered durinigibis illlness. COMING EVENTS Learn of the evaicuation of Singa- pore andi IIong- Kong, ais well as worlýd wi!de stories and experiences iftom Ca4ptý . ALM.Goddard, Virty- 5emen years ait sea, preceded ýby a short programmiie, facrngLaur- eruce Morton and Glenn. Taiblyni in d'nai piano nuibers. Newcastle United CbuncJh Sunday Sdjhool rooiui on Friday, May 2lst, at 8.30 p.m. Adisýsion 2,Wc. andi 15c. Under the- auspices of Mrs. Brown% sg-roup of GARDEN TO RENT In Oronio. ~Apply M. E. G. Waiddeil, 72 Madison Ave., Toronto. a-17-c. FOR RENT :Stone IHouse on Fifth Line, V1k milles east of Orono. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono, Ont. tf. FOR SALE Quantity of Buckwbýeat,. Apply to A. E. MorVon, Orono; Phone 14r-16. FOR SALE Oriental, Rug, size 9 by 12 feet. Mrs. Chaies R. Knox; Phone 42r2. Orono. DANCE ~A dance will be held in Leslcard sichool rooni ou Friday eveninig, Mlay 21st. Adinission, 25 cents. ib-18-c. WANTED Nýuiher of cattle for sommer110 pasture, conunencing froin May 24Vh. iRunning -water. Mr. FranTk Broýin, Oronoý c-18-p. GOLD MEDAL CONTEST Plan Vo a'ttend the W.G.T.U. Gold Me2dal ýContest in Park St. United ,Church, Oro-no, on Friday, May 141th. Eigbt cointestants and otiher pro- programme. Lunch served. c-17-c. TEACIIER WANTED Qiualified Proteýstant teacher for S.S. No. 8, Antioch, <Ylarike Tofi- sbhip. Duties to -ommiien-ce SepIt. 1st. State salary. R. E. ýOtto Goatham, Secretary, R. R. No. 1, Orono. c1-p STOVE FOR SALE One Second-hand Quebec Cook Stove for ýsale. Aipply Vo R. E. ILogan, 0Orýo no. tf. LOST ýBiack Hound Dog-, with tan bead, e ars and logs, -vithi dirty -white chust 1'icontiiluinýg tunder tlihe stomncbe. Apply to Jîm -liRutherfoud, Phone 58r10, Orono). -a-17-p. MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIA.N and SUR GEON Offie boure: 2.00 t,( 4.00 p.nm.; 6.30 W o .00 p.m=. PHONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY4 Wilfred W. Shierwini B3.V. Sc., VETrERINARY SURGEON Office: Main st. Ono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-, bile anid Liability Orono -Ontario AUCTIGNEERS, TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conaduct.s Auction Sale@ oif ail eisea and at reaBOn2able rate@. (Jommumnicate 'with hlm at Part P'erry, Ontario, or mee hÎs le Yrk, A. EÉ Moirton, at, Orono, for date. nu' F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Director8 Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oronoo Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham 0ur Service-THJ-E BEST Our Lloods-THE NEWIEST 0ur Pricea--THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILL - ORONO E.E.PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE *AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, C¶arke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to quote you rates from 40c. a huadred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, -or better stili, cali. I will be pleased to quote you rates on your property which will surprise you.' B "j R. C.Rosborough Coing ToNiagara Falls AM.R. C. Rosborough, Principal of Oroino Continuation School, hlas tendferod uhs resÎination ito, the echool board anti will comnmence, his teaiching duties nicxt September with GJligiate Institute aV Niagarc. FaIls, Ont. 'This wiiinake two va- cmnes in the Continuation Sch(ooi, tbe other beingi Miss Basinet, >h tendered ber resignation thbe begin- nîng of the year, Vo take a position . in the xireless branch of Vhe CAF.No other resignations as yet have been receivod by the board. Anotheor reason mliy it is wise to save gasoline andi buy Victory Bonds is thait wben, a 1,00-boiber raid goes over Germnany it consumes 3,- 5W0 tons of Ihigh ctane fuel. "SFMS1 CAN'S SAVE ANYTIIINC. . W E MET on Main Street. Jim had his usual ready smnile, even when he got telling me how hard up he was. "Seemns funny," he said, "I'm earning more these days, but 1 juist can't seem to keep it. "Taxes, Victory Bonds and ail those other things coming off my pay." lie paused, then went on slowly. "At least it seems as though 1 can't save anything. Actualty, of course, those war bonds are my savings. I'm glad I've salted away a few of them, And you can count me in on the Fouth Vie- tory Loan to!" Thiis advertlisement contributeil to the Fourth Victory Loan campaign by Dominion Textile Comnpany Limited, Montreal jý 7j lý