Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1943, p. 8

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GItONO WEZJ<LY TIMEb the Germans tried hard te destroy it. The L(omIb damIagýe arouind thîis aterlincludes someu of thewot in England. I1V k one of the 6rst places visited bysrags looking for~~~ bal aao realS. E1ery- thing' is demolishled for, many blcks ail~~~ arun. h .cthdal -now to-- ers up in plain vIro il anges whv-lereais it formerly -,as closely sur- iLoCunded b.y buildings. Thie climib up tIo the gallery outside hedome is about 6)50 steps but the e-ffort is well wokrth while. From this elevatiun there is the miost comi- preensve iewofl le videspread damage in ta part of London. It impre,(sses onie mohre and m-ore with the conviction tha't the way in which St. Paul'.- has eseaped destruction is really a mniracle. It did flot escape entirely however., Two bombs . actually, struelk the building- and another -was rem-oved from the g'rounds just outside be- fore it eqloded. F E NUTRITION BOOkLET-l! Nutrition made easy!. A "can't-go-wrong" guide to healthful family meals - - md for I Jt's here at last! A really practical guide to meal- planning. Ail yon need to know about nutrition, in an easy-to-follow, interesting, authoritative book. This is important to you.; for recent Goverrument snrveys show sixty percent of Canadians fail short of good nutrition, even t1hough. seexingly well-fed. Perhaps youiýr fm lacks propeýr food for vital good heal!t. .. stamina ... high -morale. Su get in line with the "Nutrition for Victo-ry" drive. Send fer your copy of "Eat- to-Wrk-o-Wn",NOWýý. Foilow THE the new EASY plan for serving TH E delicious, wel-balanced maeals.- Sponsoed by f Pensions awd Sýp*sorc byNational Il-alth, THE BREWENG INDUSTRY (ONT-ARJO) Otawa, for the ON.!TAIO in l the interests of nutrition and health Canadian Narr7i- as an aid to Vict.ory. ena rgam. NE WTON VILLE [Mr. Fred Gibbs and George ar visiixg1 in Oshafwa. JVlrs. Wilbert Hancoc(k spenit the wee-en inPeterboro. iVrs MMuray Jr, and family have mloved'f to Port Ho,,pe. Mr. and Ml .VWmi. Wlh Oshawna, visited rwith ÀMrs. Rold ,jGibbs. iMrs. iMary Armrstrongii, Toronto, visited MCr. aifd Mrs. S. R. Jones. MS. Bruce WhIitniey spenit theo past week withi friends in Osharwý%a. Mrs. Wm. Smith spent the pasti wieek wibh lher son, Mr. Frank Gil- me_1r. Congrýtatulations Vo ç r.Patrick Cotter 'who celebrated bis IOth birthday. Mr. Lenlnox Vasey, Port 'McNichol, s:pent the week-end with Ms Betty Staipleton). Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie were recentb guests of 'Mr. andl Mrs. W. A. Wiglht, Tyrone. 'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gibbhs, of Bowmoan ville, viie her mother, Mrs. Roy Stacey. dVlrsý. J. Meahîuwa t chiurch1 Sunday iv en1inig orthe first time sincIbeing h1- ler ankie. Master Boblbly Leuty,, PortIHûp, spent the -week-end wîvth his grandl(- parents, ;Mr. anidMrsý. W. C. Laný1e. Mr. and IMrs. Wmi. Wilkinson i nnd Roinald Ellis, Toronto, wreSuidaiy guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Denault. Sorry to report iMr. -George Payne is quite ili iii Port Hiope hospital. HFis Son Illarold, Cayuga, Visîted hlm- last weeh. Mr. and MVrs. ýChas. Welsh and( fmyBowmannville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lancaster spent Suinday wj,,th M a nd Mrs. Sid.Lacstr Mr. a'nd Ms W. J. Lancasteran Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster visited Mr-S. iSon Munday Nwh-o was in Bowmanville hospital withi pneu- monlia. ' Rev. J.MLchn attended a spe- cmal meeting- of Presbytery com- mittees in Ohw recentl y. In ac- cord with deekýiions reached at theý_ meeting be ik conducting a church memibersb$p class in the chu-rch basement on Saturday --fternclons at.1 2oclock. Pasare being mde V carry out a go,-to-echureh campaigu, asis in- donie in otherplcsi the Presbytery. Tbe srisft sermons on thie 23rd Psalm just concluded in thie United Churci-h have heen well r-ecei'ved and have been of great spiritual uplift. Durin.g Lentei season the minister %vill deliver a series of sermons on' notable characters in connection with the trial ýancl death of Jesus. Son-daciy eývenng Rev. MeLachlan. delivered a touching sermion on the part played bl-y Judlas and Pilate, after which Mr. George Gam--phell Sang "Jesus is standing in Pilate's Hall.'> Next Suiday -Mr. Mr\ILaichlan will speak on "Piýlate's Wife." W. M. S. Meeting On Tuesday, 'àarch 16, the WîM.IS. meeting of the, United Church was held at the p)arsonage(-. During the bsiness period plans were imade for1 the quiltinig Tuesday, *March 2,3A. AIse it was decided donations for the bale were to be broughitin next meeting. ýMiss Laing and Mrs. J. A. Barrie were appointed delegates Vo the Presbyterial in Whitby, March 25th. !Mrs. MoLachlan hadl charge of the programme. Duriing the wor- sbip iservice Mrs. J. A. Barrie led in prayer. The leader read the ýcom- mandments,' follo-wed b.1y the mem- bers in 'unison after wjhMrs. S. J. Lancas-ter rea,-d a poem. Seripture reading, Uirs. M3ýcLachlatn. Rev,. J. MceLacll9- 9gave a very interestingS address on commiiunity nelighbourli- ness. , Mr. MLachlam closed with prayer after which rfesmet were served, W. 1. St. Patrick-'s Tea On Wednesýday, DMarcb l7th, the Unite-d Sundlay Schn'ol rcom was ýsuitablydcrae for the annual St. Patrick's Tea of the W. 1. The re- gular business -was attended Vo first when it was decided Vo send socks te %bys ýwho have gone overseas sii3ce the Christmas parcel w as;sent. Splendid resuits were rep-o-)rted from EVERY DAY LOW PRICES On Proven Reede Dodd's Kidniey Pis, box of 35 .. 43c. 2 for .. 85ec. Backrite Tabilets, quick relief, boxc. 39c. 2 for. 75c. Gin Pis, box of 40 .... 39c. Bottie of 80 .... 69c. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, box of 60 ...,......ý. 60c. Bottie of 180 for ....... ......... ...... $1.50 Certified Minerai Ou, 16 oz ... 39c. 40 oz. .. 81c. 1 gallon for.. ..... .......... ...... $2.60 Phiilip's Milk of Magnesia, 12 oz. bottie ...... 39c. Ceritied Milk of MUagnesia, 14 oz. bottie for. .. 33c. 372 oz. bottie for ..............55c. Fruitatives, small ...... 22en Larýge ...... 39c. Pinex.................32c. Sai Ilepatica .......... .. -......35e)â., 59c.$1.15 Alka-Seltzer Tablets ........ .... 29c., 57e. Bile Beans .....417e. Kruschen Saîts..... 69C. Certified Milk- of M_ýagnesia Tablets, bottie of 50 25c. Urasal, Urinary Antiseptie, 4 oz. bottie ...... $1.00 10 oz. bottie'for ........ ............. .$2.00 Certified llealth Saits, full 16 oz. tin........ 59C. Rexali Orderlies, box of 24. . 25c. Box of 60.50é. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pis, box.......315c. Agent for Jaekman Flowers. Prescription Specialist C'harles T,,yrrei%,l Phone 68 ORONO, Ont. First Shipmen-t Flower an-d Vegetable Seeds, 3 pk-gs. f or ..... ............ .........l10c. Men's Overalîs, Rivet Pants, sizes 32 to 42, pr- $l.55 Heather Linen Envelopes, a good quality linien finish, 25 in pkg. ........... .......... 10c. Diamond "S" Bluie Black Jnk, bottie......... e5. Robin Hlood Oats, quick cooking, 48-oz. box 18C. Marvel Br-an, 3 lb. bag ........... ......... 12c. Morning Glory Rolied Wheat, 5 IL bag ....... 22e. Corn Meal, lb .......... ......... ......... 6c. Champion Dog Food for ail breeds, pkg....... 10c. Crabapple J-elly, 24-oz. jar ........ .. ....... 34c. A. & H. Washing Soda, 5 ibs. for...... ...... 15c. Campbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 tis for ........ 23c. Velvet Tip Brooms, good quality, four strings, each .......... ...... ... ... .. ........52e. Maple Leaf Loaf Cheese, lb........ ........ 37c. Pure Cocoa, full 1-lb. bag.......... ...... 17c. Popping Corn that will pop, 1-2 IL pkg .......10oc. Maxwell, House Coffee, 1-2 lb. pkg, 1 coupon. . 25c. Ready-cut Macaroni, lb.......... ..........6c». Rinso, large pkg......... ... ....... .... 25c. Giant pkg. of Rinso for ........ _........ 50c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directorg and. Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the meut reasonable charge as well as the largest and Most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Colleet rx I1N G CANADA FACES A WOOD-FUEL FAMINE NEXT WINIER A EYOU one of the Canadian householders who burned fences, doors, a"nd even flooring to keep warmi in th;s winter's sub-zero weather?ý Or perhaps you are one of the lucky onies who iust manfged to scrape through? In either case, you will want to be prepared for next winter when greater hardships 1oomn unless you cake immediate action. The shortage already has affected many communities . total stocks o! dry wood are nearly exhausted . .. in somte places the small supply of green wood cut for neice winter is being used now, to meet the present emergency. rhroughout most of Canada, fuel-wood is obtained flot far from where it is consumned. Its production and distribution are the business of local citizens. The Domin.ion Governmiens, recognizes chat the wood-fuel shortage is s0 serious that even with the full co-operation of everyone in affected comn- munities an adequate supply is not assured. Accordingly, it has-been decided to stimulate the output of wood-fuel by assisting those normally engaged in its production and distribution. To this end. the following measures wiil be adopted iA subsidy of $ 1.00 per cord wiil be paid to dealers on ail commercial fuei-wood contracted for and ait on or, before lune 30 1943. and held to dealers' account on that date. 2 he Coal C)n(rlÀter has Deel iàut-orized to arrange in his discretion for ffhe paymnent of such portion of the transportation costs as he considers proper in respect' of fuel-wood, particul- arly in cases where dealers, to procure supplies, find it necessary to contraci tor tuel-wood at locations outside the area from which they aormally derive their supplies. In order to obtain any such reimibursement, dealers 'must obtain a permit from the Coal Conrrotler before contracting for such supplies. 3 e tual ontrolier wîl repurchase from dealers ai deaier's cosi ail commercial grades of fuel-wood on which a subsidy of $1i per cord lias been paid and whic-h are stili in dealers' hands as at Ma4y 31, 1944. 18 Assistance wil be gîven in providing priorities for necessary 5Farmners now on the farm, and who leave the f arm temporarîly in response to ihis appeal to engage in fuel-wood cutting, will bc deemed by National Selective Service to be carrying ont their regular occupation as tarmers and will be given ail the righîs of deferment of iitary service whicb snch an occupa- tion now carriPýs. Such temporary absence should not, however, interfere with agricultural production. Municipal councils, tarmers-, fuel deaîers, individual citizens, service clubs, and ail other groups ini communiies where wood-fuel is burned, are urged te begin cit once a rapiîd survey of their local situation, and te toke imme- dicte action 'o relieve the shortage, THE DEPARTMENT 0F MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY h-onourablo C. 0. Howe. Ministe, V. F. 1 Bewmaa ville, Ont. 'I Home and Schoo-l Club Meeting Our Home and School Club miet on Thursday last. The mieeting opened with the singing eof "O Can- ada," followed by the Lorid's Pray- er. The readiag of Vhe minutes of the last mieeting andi business deait with. Mr. Gordon Power, eonven,,iý then toeh, charg-e which was in the form eof a social evening, cards and crýokin-ole heing the gamne-.-Mr. Ever- eýtt Cain favoured with a -couple ot' accordion solos. A dainty lunch was served of' sandwiches, cake ard cof- fee. A collection was taken which -was turned over to the Red Cross, the 1amount b-)eing in the neiglibor- h(os of $5.00. i hlave been visiting wvltdh their daugh- ter, lMrs. Reasor, at Markham, have reburned home. Mr. and iMrs. EarI Osborne, 'Mr. axid Mrs. Clara Allen a-nd son Roybert were Sunday callers at MNr. and Mrs. Fred Blaekburn's. Mr. and Ms Bottrell and fam - iiy, Bownianvîlle, have rented the form'er Marchment farnca aow üown- esd by a iobaceücomnpany. Mr. and IMrs. Silas~ Souch,Mr and Mrs. Heber ýSou-ch, M',r. and Mrs. Hlarry Bailey and son Wayne were dinner gu-ests at _Mr. FrLd His on Sundlay, 1V being thle-ccasionl of hiýs hbirýth-daýy.

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