Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1943, p. 7

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China Has Great Army 0f Civiians pretpuvery erson, onraOld ;Mees age yinbh WMargWdr% arytise worî ias ever knewn, 'ýýc anys he Kusa Ciy tar Chna i Thia nl n cae if peole, ii areinly ve ersont , frompa -p! sm ind cý ýfL w.awrk.Tullldsoid- 700 avee nisa nsstreice- berr baS bbc spýawfm a rod 1mArea. his areaula sem plaes 00 ile.epstetebe aeleg au,000mil eot from norof te sent'- Ail rouia ormeriy aco Obusetetfte mant i anbaîf yeu ae weuCina' iitryledr eciet on ba snygy "efenc Iain bc Jpersepbscsirveti v la's crmi s Bt teas traei bandicapp er u' icul ele ate labbclac, sd wentedsol Cna repors Chha cîîhi 8ýth rm 's Vehicles I-lavc h be 2,042tons 0f supplies daalfeliveretiuntci-the mosi BritîsbMUtiarmy geiug ou ils 1,~00-ile divefo'uM E lm Corps.m figwtlg mca, be sait Fohebc mowel,200 ae irsmust be sue !iy tles.M rca dtoüca s kiapi nansinrdiisio oirb M~te FA"l tWar NmFrance 11-1tnspdily er eeu-l fr d 'vision atl bc!,rae hati wumwnsdu teIbegnied ehn ?WCpurenEtic forMb e lug eey6plaes iofftesupn Ue AieraIwt aise tanaportet Covering Protecta Sol1diers From CGas j e l lhane whj(hieb te- pl ever thmeseivïes ila us utcat T'l, -be vnPehop e S, wbii ch eau jdp. iieto bpenket aiz,arc transq. paetat ie top -e permit ui3uoli- ,s-iructviio, 0n by tbbCa ercr Aperexosunre td as.-,Ii"en- 7z~s w!n- a-fez5 ___~i orkt6em ùfZvfr *SERIAL STORY BY RENE RYERSO-N MART DREAM COME TRUE C1HAPTER XVII The uis seemet e crawl oýn il wýay towton tlmmig EKnit lnctat hber watch ýýaai aniagain. She bhat bugbIb if she gelte the staton eaniy eneugb she anti Tom couléi bave b1reakýfasýt tegetber in bbc tationr r.estaurant ;- anti Ibn she'dbel hlm ahý4e wawligte aryhm Anti then, four bok rs autmoil. b asa iner col-a lision, but Eniti knewbleeout belmn nue tinlaargumnent, ant taking '.the,- inmes of w nse.She slipped off the usî atisaeite xalk. Aý thbbcfinltereto h waitet unlil the ulne oef witing cuapa'ssetianilien,dsegt- t!i in b gi, startet acresa, She bb',cener until it lIws almnost upon lber, Sie tbnew tup beroamm Enitiop1ei-ercy d.nt movet anti a pai pietihemite. She cauglit ber lbnleltal ni wim peret anti a wht.nfme niurse came e ý1O r mung of nurse expluine, butyou're gong te be al nglt.Yen'7e gel a coupe!o. broken ibs. on'b1 wVorryno" Enii dgeat'eti hlsbit of n es sloGwiy ïas4gAIEeiscioenanasa -cai bai nti eony fittet picesof bbc acid1enýt ogether. She ne -. inememetnow -Atbe( ctii. screaming baies. She ibat been iurnying, anti oh, yem-Tom. "Wbabt time is l" b nk î "Yen mwean l10 -in bb-c mmna Mais gene. "You mustn'tgel xiet e, tbc nurse cntnet1 , iyg a e- ive gel youm .adtiress fremyour purse antiwveetiedt tecau you 1home, but ne one nnswers. Wi yen ell s bo tereacli you fnDlorsli?" i"u,;youn ub' try te rendUU them. -you uit Iwaan)'tbuy GceDingline cm trlt te bbc ospibai f-c iori bt v ng,Enit xpaiaugaablin alie iitwantber parents te "WVel L, tenyeu n muai letl m do wbut 1I enafor yens,"Graceý Enit thanket ber. "Therc'a reuly netHing to be dons. IJales --if lb isn't teemci l ier, yen jwoult stop at MY bouse oncelu a -bleani b.ing imemy ai' "'lbc. gladti l," Grace aid a ntci in uccortunce wii ta prmsSaturtuyafeno ab b iuhll nitsfirastacu l- tien of lelteýrs. Enit sorb e emqnicily',be heur quckeingwben abe sa'w Tom's bntwvnting on one ofbc anvelopes. Unopeneti shc lippet ii uAnder b er pillow, neluctunlte reditla iiGrae'a presence. Anô ib was whbb a surpnising cagerneas' that ahe timew iot haler. Cnini cneugb Tom isait nobig bout ber failume tte sc hlm bbc m îiorning lic lefI. If be lut becu isup ho.ti le at gýotteýn over il. "l'Il write ian tell him wbat buppenet, now Ibat 1 umi bettr," nit houglit Sbe meut!on.Tom wroe bb 'esOf Lbbc camp antimnind thtiDais.yAnannBt'ai- ber, bt omýe teworn lbc tw nearthe amp.She ýbat an aun- mnati Bcd ani be spenit their SUENo. 13-43 free eveninga thene. li fe encloýset a napashot 0o t hbree e f ithem. ft wasbbc srt f snapsboit of.. tnposed bTY young people, tha thne ith a"nms inbterlocked about gilin the iniidile, But was smil. mgat the camera, rDais;y anii Tomi -ierIsiling ' a eacb therj. Mitlooket ut the anapsho,, aiIwhenïhe-lît tdonShe knew there was s letter asewod neyer Writea letur teling Tom why ade had'beebn at tne station for TomDaisyroultimke hl So absrbetwas nid in ber Iraleroiter thoughts that son putilotte attention wben a nuirse bsieinni got ler reatiy t were goingP to tke some noe picbres-justa qroutine cbheck-. up te besureut evenytbInIg i ail right" thlee l cant ,\wnitg te be taýken bnc tiwn e br oom that ,omne- thr.ubc opital tiocbor wnSsay- ing te lie nuire penetratet bei words"apuine" and11,1"sp2ciahiat:' thnt sbe woniti beua nipp9e f.r life Suemigt neer alk agai, ImFe ~finsu tUme luber bosi mibasa,hvwls giad tesec the igbt nurse come in at 6. S h. Wbanlwnys thougbt the eanly hou- piti fce-nabgrituai usab- soti Nw t v\as a weoi:ccme e-~ lease fromthprion f 'the ngi anti ber own togltAnd! ft, hem face ad ben wsb andi asl'eepfou be xasin HoiitAY ants tci e an exan- niiShamon." Eiti tunnet lber neat. l wastram;iirg o telius Maini senitDr, utr wy sayag e'dconsuitwtbhlmý à tl.ie1hli Eniti's hanti, pme- teniing te tie her pulse, sud feling ne ene, mne n %thurs AI ditn'brua aura"It'ws lips Lp -remem -be-r1I oy nentet lb apartînent -for aà menth." Shemat a elpesageýstuire with er fee hnt, I-I1tiidn't blini l weuti maten teYou.Th janiton sait yeýu were aaywith your moîen-antiClme Imeaun 1Miss Atiama," Eniti eiosed lier ee againat bbe neamnesa of bis _face. "I fer- gt-bocnmblt o. "On what?" "On yeur nanage," Ris bunt closet frmy o brs "Say, whut are Yeu ravi.ng about?" Eniti stumblet over the woeds, "I saw hem picture lu thes paper, the announemnent oýf your en-. Suttienly Rani began ta, mugh, a long, cleniging laugh. "Ail nilt"be sni.d. "Clare'sb rit ynglthe itdes?" waa te be yeur Wife." Ha rowued witbcocntato my methe001r bat picieti erfor m acetwife, tiit b1? Iree1 î b er 1n0w.> Ris cyca gonneti ai piktber. Mthler id try her- dandabeguiled mce on that tivp te Ný.ew York, ro-, teiiing meý, until the lasI t ue tat larfe was going alnng, and ail that sort oCf tripe. But it was 'no go. "You see, il, founLwhat wantd, a girlwho ikes chdren -and dogs. A girlwhcacok an fraw children'scs . Yo u do)n't now anynelke htd you?" "Oh-, Hai, dnlîg-"Itvas Some mons b efore she couitý say nntigmorc efrsoew bis mnouth got tangled np with bers. A ýt at sbe pressed b'er bad gainist b'is face, pushet i away. "Bu, Hnk-oudoni't wntIai "Who said nntbngabut a crippie? I've looked at the SC- raya. Tbere's notbing wrong with your bac k.Wel tapec you up and in a couple of weeks you'il he as good as new. You'd btter hur bout it, tcocunilesyou wnt to go to your wn weddIng Eni'smdsveemed tFe mninî iý rut, "'Oh, Hanli, daring? ,. wsail ,ab-e couÀidfind te aanyiý THIE END MAL E -B. HABLR Salads That Are Dii ferent Salad s are attractive -ýformainM wbich toc serve eîtber veýgetabesý orfruits, ra r coe, Mn ahlrn ad genptoo, ik naw vegetabies better than cooked maipber salad dnressinig at homeC and feqenlylaable to use up-ý ail lctovrveeabe (with aP few iexpenive dditios) in a way tatlaplasngand nih inig foxthe hoe amiy away br odds aded of vege-. tables and usuaily rushecs Out ut the hast ý4mi-nute te buy somecol b-ana forjlnch or uer Mýîrs. -Economy'-, Lunich Lu7h (o1t baminbought eooked4 Fedpotaîoes .... On3 paid. three tmeý-s nrmcimoney as is.Ecoomybut ddt not ,oh- tain thn.-ee times theame-IiUnt of good teeýtb ant géoodbhod As Mns, Etraagace idnet obtai as many of tevtmn hc are the substances necessaay for goot gmowth 1aniwihcoto the fonctions of the odW AI-ý moat any "leftovýems" su casnat fisb, hr-bie eg rve- tables, may bc used withfresh vegetablesto mae ttaciv salna, The nmuber f dfenn and maPy be quite oiinal. Hesornsme eonm:a i Cabbage and Peanat Sa6ad Un lbeabbage,- /4lb, peanut.s, là cup boilet SaSadtressing Shrcd the cabbage fineiyCbop nues or gind y using a roliig pin or put througb foot chopper. If pean-uts leave on7the akins. Mix rcabbaàgeý, nuts a niïsalad cardinal Beeýt SaLad 1 packagc e lemon jelly pýowtier 3takbiespoions ;vinegar e up tdicet or cop e ooked 2 teaspoonis grated. eni-n icup ticet -celery 1/ teaspoon saît The housewives or' Canada, evier an-uions to provide attractive and xiourishing meals for their ails are "ilousoldierýis". Theiýy lhave lened thatdhhfl esrs maýde easily and at litîe cost vwith Canada Corn Sîarch, are a welcome addiioa to mieal; pre. pared iii accordance ýwith Canaýda',s FoeDd Rules. They knew zthe high quaty of,-) Canada Comr Starch ensu.res fine, smoût esis a - -p.. Foflow Canada's food Rules lCr Healthi and Ffnes.. C AN ý,DASULRC A product oe f1h. CANAASARHCMPNtimited The. Gospel Witness PROTESTANT ADVOCATE Pub,lihdeklyfor thorpgto fteF ithonefr ;ail el, eedto the sainsnd foi, the ,defense ofcithe princi- pies oýf the rtsatRfLain T. T. Shields, Editor, $2.00O a ycuiard, dte newsubseibr, thebook, "Behind the Dcaos yD.Lý . WLehmlann, fre the papacy Jin war-torn Euopeand ia. Special trial effer, '9 issues ( nont0)foir $1.OC, wtotbook, stenlj)ograp i)ical ly rporedseronpeched !byvDr. Shie1lds f roui jarvis Sstreet pulpit. Mi hsavrieetwith niamle and addLress for -freesapl cp contaninug verbatim report of Dr. Shîids' addrers, Feb, 28th, replying ta Premier -King anld other criticîa in Doiniwen.Parliament, Feb. 23rd. Cnaisalso analysis nE "Religious Abpeet 'C4 Sirois Report - a Svptoin ot present Trends i aaiemu"an te ipratartices (Yunay' vneglect îit if yupotoe niltmrrw utti out ndmaltodaýy.) THE GOSPEL WilTNESS 130 Gerrard Street Easte oqt 2, Canada 1 ~~ dabdespooncIoppe i mmeapoon sait sing. Toah ihliwt oi Sala yd Dmesuînmi 1 1/o tespon utr 2 babeapoos flur 2taispeons ua %Pl fesor bersuit pan 1la cu mii, Monem o ubeik Mix ry nredeLs. Add u Dr, thci.Removgew from hea wecthathioîN witnmi At uble meneuse le t 3 ubie If sant tiMsALn busan Map-" pearcanc e axlu peor cr tngai- dhý isap er l hs wie feivea fcw umnawb he -ooing on tý,aeples fo hr eeiumn, ani! always r weaute ite toyeIan,'"et speeves." Rg eSucets fier eelpeýýste, of jul ens cfre m ote'. Att yes, ad temi t e "I) atin B, Cheber, 7aWst or ielsiie t. a. ig!libail or Ltwo athoet e anti mmdiatel r!eplcerelax- 1 'adsa Pr" ieTh 0 erera minet by a physicuian of ijuîigment, pla C. Coentingon Dr. Agnew's warning, The London iee presa p Miaes 'chuis sm5 tous toabw A-e oeny essene, nniy lof me cal widom:)ut cf common sn& t~es ppeais for l'e dpin 'Wyntdecide teo pimoe and tù nd nlot fora ae;1lar ake a forune-for estate dulle ta sMMwaiiw en we PMsI o0W won 100000frncsin190 ib eniriig heEiffelTowerina "1KEEP 'EM FLYINIGý Survey SosWmnTk Aspirin for Headacha Relief Wom "o me fi jghtes/'no woýrkig by mil a nwar plat withthirwok me nt (eVenl ahead.. This questionaie ssued to women revealed ththycosie Asphi mmoneof tetree mosthbelpful drug items, for miatainng healtk generaionsit as prov,,ed j t8eif de.ý pendale, uick... esing literaay neuragmin, 4whomt npleasat aferefecs.Infac-t,.Aspiriis ýrated. aonofthe saf est analýgesca, knwn hcoats lessthan 1 tablet, iii the eoot ote .e it handy, yourse]f 'iAspiriný , ae aCadi thle trademark of The Baýyer Cm pariy, Limited. If you douý't se* the Bayer cross on eari tablet, it isu'tApma < A

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