Soviet Workers Rapidly Trained Womren and 1Youthis Relace K0 Per Cent. cf Men The)suc -s ' o! tsSoiet Un- loui's war idutr as been at tineil despite tae maximum mn- bilizaflon o! Russian nmauhood fýor servicei fIe iu-,a5med freEdgar, 'Snow wifes lui'PIe Satuirday Eve- nln.g Post. ines June, 191,5 thons lias pro()bhly beon a iepia,celnutý o! 90 per cenlto!f te imen by women and youtlsilu îndusLltry, Rocrulits are dîrawn cîliofly froin pjeacetime ocpainow demii- ed -superiliunus. Tliey inld eolsandhueie, tdns domtie su d retired wonkersad adolesýenits freslîfroini dn One o! ýthe mafinterestfing ds covenies tas Russiaus have mndec lsa hf wu0si-illed wnn3eMsare trainable moirs rapidy than w as !oreny uposd.A famous faýc- tory miana,,ger tld nme tînat le eauý siale a good wurker OLouo!fle average louýssýwi!e ilutwn wveel-,s. In a 1mouftli aieeau mors I1hlan ui- 1i he tas orm. MAany youngsteîs wiliù begin acory worli at 16 exceed thleir quoanfotuigîtafr eÈ pnnfinlg for won.k. ThPlieo is a vey xtenies- item io! tradie seboljsud fc ehuîdPfren uow go dlirectly froma fIte elovenîli grade mb ovocaionmal- tralilng (centres., La-bon reserves or ùrganizsd and tnndyouthlone inl 191wens mre flan 8000 andlu j"l1942 mul iglier Hiua- dreds o! thousanda o! atm, unsiled wnrliersarbegtridlusp, where rerut ae uckytaugli trcao! thle fradle. Manuy atten siglfclsesfo evm I murs aftsr a long day O!flabýon., Reveals Secrets 0f Sl Dfec -Chn Jah" Effective When Delivered By a Tiny WýOM$P Major W\VE. Fairbunu, fie Brit- Ish Comnd'fo wlio for Imauy yeaxOS lustucted the Siangliai uiî a Puol ieslatIe artso! Mayemns senia ame etariaiyfre l scrt o!f e f~efec for womelýi n lu is lusw booli "Hand Off!" says '"Youn -Life" Magýazine. FOrInstnce ter i latfe ."cia jal. Pls la, a blow deiversd wita capables o!rinku amnuen scion eve whendeiienedbya tninywmuv'i ii ba- slent aIfI lhow, palm ope wward mwuel as if, - ou wenetakiug the oafl lu courLt. Pen the palm isý Lient bckward asWfan aspossbl, âinersa nud thumbaopep, some- thing lire claws.Now 3yn'ne eady don tas d('1ia ithIee -lel o!yo1r palm, dciivening a ic-nsiu 1blpow with folleow-thlroulgh fîtrnia the audo.Am)azing;, thefore, mite ! a omaucan eiven with thïs b1wc Adifillpen lingerawll gongs tus euemy's eysshoulid tas it uatin ioom Matraf ti. Spoesomebod.Y seizes you by the tîoat wib h wo bauds,!oriug you bnci againt aa l. Hou pp thoe tviitess(o! yoor eys (fat willj Ilt hlm oi-f giad),en u'ei shoot UP bth your hauda luside his arma IJn a double chia jaî,,li, an 4alitfe ambulance. Anofber use- Y'on arond fhe watst lu anuunwel- corne ,bear isgl l ua ed Skinus utoiouslyvaylsodî, b41t tas dfaiaty head o! a ýiwomala euftirelycaalo!rdsnutg an assaÏlinfl"ftrs wlea bang. ed mnIls fc.Useyurhed as a bttenug ram. Message Sent To Find "oivter 's" Pup bar ual-ushfour fîrougiliem,- THE WAR - WEEK - Comntaïy on Current Events Britain Puured Millions 0f Cas h Dollars lInto American Industry By Lord Halifax lni The Amerîcan Magazine Tîwo yearF 'liefore the iuni the Briflali Gverninent was Pour-, luïg millions o!f l dlasInto Amje-rican nusr-t hemaliers o! irc,-raft nlusadpropeliers, teels mnotor eils ndsis Thelie oal tAuns pen nco eSeP- tomber, 1931, las bween $3,20,- )Most o! J> 3ascnieal um wotfor pirceliases, btful4200,. 000,000 was speat outiglit touce- landfactoris ansd buiid newunues, -toverýy fcore wi today are Iaigproducersùo! amer1c's arsealo! democracy Theisaipianus industry may be talen as an example. . . . WhuIe Ardcloan apacity for eoustruct- ig airpînne frames was fil a,ýdequate to meet te nceas. needs, thers wns ladyauy ýar plane engins and prpllrindus- try at ahJ. It lhad no lbulîtfromf tSe ground Upm., 'P'lie Britiali beganfuashn te onyfor. plant xasinad U000,000bas gone luto capitalas- ssan)e - wie'hmeants land, bulig, aud, most important, machine tool. Six faumu Amen- eau c ,orporaýtions rcl, dtebulkt o!',t-isasitne AmrcnAdvantage But týhis i.s only a d, pin theý buclret. Atogethen Bitislhxpui tur'l-sawith theAmran icnf lndue-,try total. anme$1700,0. Wýhle this May notïseeoir sag geng smumin tMe Hiitqf sbse quenct1 Congr-essionIal prora fions, It mns tIam Arnen ald an arin uutybltu n ,perating heu shie reahizef ber pei-ninduistny tht ouldhav talion a mueli longer Jie tM buid p la if n !ot been fo"r Bn- tanaearier assistan;e. ..- Or jet us consdor taks. TPlie UndNationstoayhae a fies ank lt lu ewrdti toCeneral îlierman It is 1I euaýtom ninrbofi aries'o tii o'f flua Genera Seana s a,ýn Anican product, and nin oas seis t v se butlu arother it is Tliesforenuhe Wo! t eGenerîl Shernan as tan fIeMnei, ain lad lie Mak V, whidi we isisvd f le a matcjîh for ,auy likly ppoentuntil it went [ga li te inm sluthe Battis o! Franice ,aud w-vas dcisively lient- o.Ws stope.d makiug flicMark I vt once aud sent oui expeniente- les e.Piaps y«ouenaimagie aur dismay lu tanne dnrk wseks nats DuoukirlIto discover thiat the Oea- orlLenad ail the faulta nud aialusss !the Mark VI. Thr n time f0 build an exsnflrey inew týank. Britisli and American nines sat dowu to- ~etler lthourmon whn l ad benin France an adechne lthe Gnerl Le. Even whuvî1le fhywene muig reiiur skthe British rmey was blug epsa turebildAmnsiican f',- tois n quip 7them with .ne;w te l.Out of! this aurgeofo efo -t wihproved aeuaef0o d h flerancinste NortdiAfnica in 1940. Btsi Itwas unt gond nonli PutIng Together lu heensuing wesnation1al- EngishenCandiasScotsmsn wcerKied aide liy side eîgig moaey and Briij- mney eut ever the same counters. And out ,e totscame teM e w GmeeMl Shrunn, vwhnic, 1aPS ery nue knows,ý: was apoteut fac l iii Brtai t ry' hhin ieýk- torýy ove-,omlavane fi laKorpa. I a elstioled mcietos 'Ple oralvolume o! ý)ýthe is $25,000,000 U a.Long bofoîre the -United Stats bean itsar- ment -progmami, G rie a Britil laundched a prgarm o!,foa r ders"la inthe Anieicanfatrs . . thfe offset o! whlcli wa-s 1f0 form a pool o!; standardmahn toola from whIch bnth Brif la!I aud Amenican f irmaý couid draw. By mîd-1940 this pool 'wns an accomüî- plishsd roaity-and the volume o! the iadustr.y lad lissa raised f0t By the Urne of Pearl Haîibor the annual volume .clad nsa to û$7,50,- 000,00, ithree l1imes its pre(,-war size. But itaý-n morImprtntwas fhe fncat- I ndsena l a- chine tools îwere on 1-iandtfomar possible theoeniltcu'oso d! macine bI i -meia.l nxeci fï ea i $( 00,0i,0s otinlitilBI Itish Inpts Cenicerning ShipaS Befone we bav,,ýe 1the induisîtia) phase co! Bitaui's c-oortie ar effowrt, ltus eaietle mtter of sijpsý. SBoIteupeuple wouhd lie SUrpr»ised tolenýru that tho lib- erty silip leig ursdo t l th ULnited States fda! a bsiiyo Britishi desig% a and hatît wo;o!thle s!hipyards uw heîgprodxjuc- 140, whien -fle Bil edn Sh1ip)buIling Missýion am n a îJuiteilStatea -«--,place ordensfo 60ü caguessel-s. After surve-ýying the fieid, fiey c_ oubd filuAn sip yar orgr'oup o nlpyarda cpa ble of burildinýg te aih.Te docidedherofore, 1 bilfi the Sites wn eetdaud ï,rdhas- eat RcioiCal, 'an',iFort- huihdte yars ad fIeýslips,. One laid foritspeietn sr o!Mn. Kien exploits.IHo buit the hîpardaufi 30 slip)s uiap kn'ownl, but hrdyleýsapcaclr lu 22 iuontlis. Thle entire projecf cos7-t the Britini $125,000,000ý. Thle moat roent figures IAnia ablse tof ud shw fliat rent it ain's wrpouto e edo population la siihi grenter than that o! auy oter ation on su arth. Tliat does't aound hue bus",iness as usual. .- Populations opae Britain lias naî jpulatiou o! Jý33,- 000,000 bstween the ages o!14 aad 65. O! these, 22,000,000 are work- lug *ful l ime lu eIltIhor iudustnAy, hous. 'Pi-0ýs l qiain th6e mobiizaion ! aout60,000,000 people u heuniisd SÏttes, Women btsuteae !2 und 30 are hjale ;tocosrpint tas armed srieaald -while ail women lietween -ý19 aid 45 av liosa register-ed ,fo, ml~ot those litween18 aud 30 maiy 0oly lie eigaged. thmougli tasoffceso! Non eanait liesadwtaytrt that BritaJinl bildngup sok Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs, pïlies ! rpls atrilacfw whilî3c tiiG t aiewlia sh eau reintkoUnitd ltate. l ether coeumties, and seUt ont A5 Urne'jS as rna1àny tankllîs as wýetei 17j ,. Anid thus Y wrrvea h Whtsoine Aeias Ëe or- Vfjroks iboli a.Si'pflies ur pirto anquing tho nvaio e!'j" Notl fi~mybe ctdas an ex'ýampîle. uigtals i moueîths' o! 142 hesesupliesreC flt ie tt ed.Tley rao An importat Guft Typicalo! te sprCto!flense- lend, I'thli, '2is anincdnwil ocpredlath lstfew dysbe- fore theinainwhnAecn Miers disovered they neoed!radio equiument o! a new type. Tliey had nio suclieqimtamn their !supplieS, but th R.A.. liý $OoeWithout ëan uttsar- ment, R.. ir srppdteir ùwn lanes asvd h0lie le îin s ta 11 thehr appairatils in tlioAmerican mcie.Beside thIs it sems aï-~ miost riieuonsf0 netion tha t ,an rop 'with2,000,000 IlAnkets 2,000,000sets of underwear, and 40000pairs Co! wool soclia.. . But Pechapjs cthe story can be, ua the language o! dollars n cents.InithelOstwar the United St.ýatea W7ar 1)D2part, i (enit alono spot ore t1ian $,O,0000for suIpplies in 0Grea ý Bnîtaîn anIld Fîranceý. Tis htim, up to Decem. ber, 194, ail United States forces together spept oniy about $1000- Lest in Alantic 'letoi]o!0oÉ oedUn-.iteùd Nainssips1s) l, submanine wafae nthIe Aiannie la oî n1y one in 200, Adir i Sm Percy Nolhead o! the Admiralty delse- gation at the British embassy ln, Washington, said recentIy. "Only7 one-haif of one per cent. lias failed te reacli port," lie toid Ilie'Welsh Society o! Phladeiphia, tLike our ai'ster -provinces, Qu6bec has loyally geared alLier energies and reanurces i 'o henngCanada's war effort. Quéhiea a elvin tho- gondIS, in ualiyad quanti4ty, pro.mptly and efficientlY. er on and daug.,hters are di-stinguishiaig them.selveq by fîghtîngj, serving, worhiing in ail ph2ases cf the Allled baeIle of combat, convoy, and pr:oduction Quzbec isý- a vital factor iný the productionaof war maieial and weapons. She produces of n the United Nations volume of alumïn-um, 0 of the total suIpplynof asbestcs, 25%/ of the wiorld's newsprint" (70% of alnwppr in the ,Am ericas depend on lier for papir). Lumblerlng and mining for war pàurposes have reachod vasr proportions la inFrenchi Canada, ThusProinc supplies enormaous uatfiscf foodstuffs to the United Nations, eSPec-ia!iy to Bitaini. Mendint slips and wrvses tanks, art lùzey, shelis, aircraft, parachutýes, Suppiiep for the for-es, mmuitof ail ldnds, depth l crges, Lanuiïmerable wood and text'ile war producta, -1cmicais, explosives, are major items cf our1 ouput from a va'si nmuactmding comiplex -powered by enormeus hyýdre. electric reseurcos. War clemancis on our industries and agriculture, and our icesn participation in the Navy, Merchant Marine,, AIr Force, Army, sund Women'-e Auxiliary Services, are absorhing a)l our rnan and woman power. Quéhec Esu-pports ta the imit erery war and Victary Loan asud ,verywa campaign for funds, overtopping ai1l objectives. Educatlion ta makzing- great strides anid focnssed on war noeds. Québec la keeping faith!ý We warmly wecmeaiE uxy fsl ow Canian rs m.w1-ose husin-e ss Jbn-ingQasthemn to QuébeProvýince. Tog our people ted uîight and day for eur commoil Victory, our hospitality te visitors is as warm as nf oid wilie thec quaint Charm and sceic b-eauty of Qébe rmain unchianged. We cordially invite THEI-I FVIN OF QUiBEC TOORIS? AND PU2BLiCITY BUREAU, 200eRy SE EPSoo-io rGjée iy "dWhich is yus rt? Buy Gurney, (Asrlia) Blritish C(lo>thinig Coupons Stretched Brifons weref- oid hastwekta fhey imusf strefeh iieirclfin rationus sCHl fuher as a second cucssv utluncurreuitraon was annouuced. HghDaiton, Peieto h Board o! Trade, toid fhe Houas of Comnmons that 48 ration cou- pons ý'schieduled frdsrbto Aug. l wouid ,not be miade avail- ile unfil Sept. I The 60 o. pous issuedMadi16e 1942,fr one year nom, Must lie atrtcîedý te cover 15 mouflis. 'hey airady- ad lbeen efedd frm 1 MMMoatef014 months. Twsatyc-ix coupons are re- quired fora ma's suit and 18 for a w'Vnmanýs suif. W'hy Is It? Wly lY i the average prsocn e:au distincfly hear a d!ockfiel acrosa 'ýthe ron yef a' os fIe radcio firoin a distanjce o! seigh feeti i i sn'f fuirned U 0£hg c&ajiag volumle?