Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1943, p. 5

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THEE 0R01 CHARLES TYRRELL Prescription Specialist Phone. 68, Orono RADIO REPAIRING New, modern test equipmnent en- ables one we make fast, dependable repaira to any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. . -PARK ST. UJNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 28 11.00am.Wrhip Series "The Uiv ersal Gos- Subeet"Palth.e greatest convert to Crsint. 2.30 p.mi-.-S-Sndaiy Seh!ool. A clasis for ail. 7.0)0 p.m. - Worship. "Love." "We praise Thee, O GoA, that the Christian way is no un- cýhartered road, but a a y 11arkýled by the procession of Saints -Apostles - Priphets- R.S.M. GEORGE MicKENNA MANAGER 0F VARZIETY SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Chauns. Shiaw and famlily wllniove firi lorGueon the lst April and take iup residene la owmnvileso that Chaýrles can Le narr is woik in Oshiawa. iM4m. Shaw, iho lhas con'duicted a Lunchi comnter and Ice cream Parlour hasi sold out hier business to Mrs. Harry Meycer who will take oer he-,s, on the lst of April. We are n&yto ]ose -Mr. and UV[s. Shaw imdi family from ur »midst Buy your wedding ttinr here. Miss Jeanne FYorrester aimd Miss MagrtFlinitoif, of 'Toronto Noýr mslsent the jweek-end at their i e spriehomes. Mlr. Carl Teunant hasý rented( th' apavt'ment now ocupiedcib.y-Ml Chas. Shaw and wil1 tak-epseso the Ist cf April. Pte. Job,, Lowery who is taking bispreimiarytraining at Ottawa, qlpeiit the week-end with 'Mrs. Mis. Lowery anmd famiily. MT. and àMrs. Hlarold Awde and family and MUiss A. Meneely, .R.N., *of Toroïitô, ,;penýt Sund'(ia.v ith Mv. ýand 1 s C. F. Awde. Word vwas received this wekthalt Navigaroir Johin Grady anmdCroa Bruce Tenant, of the R.C.A.F. have arived safely in Eng-land. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and dfaughteriýssesLois snd jean, v-is, ited with -Hr. and -Mrs. Fred Nes- bitt, Newtonville, on Sunday. Orono Tinshop This Week AImost Ready for business at New Shop R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre / , St. Orone Phone 80r16ý I Local News Mr.O. Camn ccmaidb 311% 'Charliie Birch annd Mrs. , llu spen it the week-end in-, Hamiltonth, guests of Ar. simd Mars. Roiy Br.ysonr Mrs G. »Jones, M1,s. ]D. Cvsae Mars. -Cecil Powevrs, iVrs. J. Egeo sid Ms J. Turner, were amn those who ihav-e fad suceussili quilt ings, IMv.- harlie Birchl, CarievaIe, S-asýk who bns been vi.sitjing Orley anm Percey Chapinii and friends in Ken dal, !(nft for homne tbe latter ar o the week. mr. IA. E. Mortonl was in Tov-ontc ai few days last week, attending thic Mutual -Vire Insurance Untderwvît- ýrs' -Convention held in, the Kiing Ed- ward Hotel. Mr. .and MUrs. E. Patterson aud Jiii, AMrs. G. Jones, Ma-. Clifford cnies an(f Miss Eileen Jones visited with Mv! ýand Mars. Larence Allun An Osh-awa. The xegular monthly b-usiness 'meeting cf the Orono Branieh cf the Red Crosis will Ibe held neýxt Thurs- ýday, Apa-il Ist, at 3 p.m. - in the Orange Hall. Pte. Bruce 'Mercer, Ottawa, whýo is at present talkiug his preliminary training at that place, spent the week-end with his parents, M-r. simd Mrs. TH. Mea-cQr Mr. anmd Mrs. Russell F. Cruse samd fam-ily, cf Sotth Monaghan, M and Mrs. Wm. D. Fcwlea- nnd Reggie, cf Petenlbcro, vi.sited Mr. asud Mvrs. Jas. Eaglescn, recently. Ma-. aud Ma-s. Ernest Patterýsen and son Jimi, Newtastle, Miss Elleen Jcnes simd Miss Eleanor JMIorre, Of WIhitbDy, were guesits of Mr. and Mrs-Giddus Jones recently. Orono Main street at the prosespt time presents a very drab pictureý 'with ail the dirty ice that is: stili a -,-lg- the curba.- Another couple cof ,veeks, -\with warm wýýeatber,, Old Sol shouldi be able te make a transfor- miation. We hope so. Sixý tenders 'were received on the' pi-operty cf the, late Joe Rebiniscn of the scuth wvard rwhich ïwas offea-ed for sale. The tenders wea-e opened on Ssitu-rday, a iMv. Arthur White, who1 is workinig in Oshawa, but, eccu- pying rees-us in dVIr. George Cowan's bouse, was the ýpurochaser. ?Mr. John !MacRae spent Friday cof last ,veek in Cobcurg for, medical ex- ainaticn for the arn-y, ami cn ac- count cf the ice storm i aillbus trans- portation to the w.est was cancelled, and lie had te 'spend the n'ighitin, the Bfitis'h Hotel until the foliowinig mcrnimng wýàentransportation ws restered. i'OJOAND HELP SMArGKmTHE Ame! The next time you are frying or roasting "J somethmig, ljust imagine the satisfaction it would give you to pour that hot fat IIj. right down the back of Adolph, Tojo or You oa eveni do better than ht.Ft ICý nake glyerine, and glycerine inakes ~~ high explosives to sn their submarines, destroy- their aeroplanies and tanks,. Bones produce fat, also gluie for war Every spoonrful of dripping, every ounce Of scrap fat, and every bone, cooked, uncooked or dry, must be saved. f.. 'Strainail drippings throuagh an ordinary '~ q ~strainer into a cdean wdemuthed can. ~ When you have coj!1ected a pound or ~~AgLpH______more of fat dirippings take i t to your ~:. _____meat dealer who will pay you the \ .established ýprice for thie dripn and the scrapfat. Or you can dispme'ýosef Salvge omnitte celecionsys- ____ tem lu ---,% hiyeurce- I every day, this easy viFy, kee ýp workin1 Ifor Victory by savinq ery roýp 0ffa drippig every piece of srap fa't, - 4..every bone. This campa-"in fafor Lie dution., DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL WA SEàII NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION Mv. John Morris spent Tuesdaiy in Peteiiboro. 1Seeing the liglIt lias 'burned out in the town dlock, why not put som,-e alumrinum on the figures so we cari see the timae at nîght as we can't tell the time by the strîkea-. Mr-. and ýMrs. George W. S. Wad- deli, 'Bethany, Ont., fo'mry of Oreona, last week reeeived a cabie- gram fa-m their son Alfred, who is now stationed as pilt in the bomber oommand, in India, having won, his commission in the field for leader- ship, meritorious service anmd effi- Cienicy. - -~ I _________________ RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENîT INSURANCE BOOKS To ail Employers: The 1942-43 Unemployment Insurance Bocks expire on March 3lst. New Insurance Books for the fiscal year 194.3-44 will be exchianged by the Local Employ- nient and Selective Service Office in your area for expired Insurance Books., Do net send in your Insuranoe Books withiout completing forms enclosed with circular letter 625. If you ha-ve flot received this circulai- letter, get in touch with your nieareýst Em-ploymenjt and Selective Service Office. Where ;t is uiece-ssary to quote the Epoe' Insurance Number, use the number with hie prefix letter shown on the front cover of the book: example P-49247, E-224154. Do flot quote the book serial numiber printed oni the inside Pages of the book. Proteet the beneflit rights of your em- ployees byfoowg closely the proc-edure eut- linied in the circular- letter, and prevent delays by acting now. XJNIMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION HoN. HUMPHREY MITCHELL Mllnisïte of Labour coernnis.nen: LOUIS J. TROTTIER R. 3. TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL ARm STRO NG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 BlOUSE DRESSES New flouse Dresses just arrived, in sizes 14 to 52. From $1.59, $1.75, $2.00 and....$2.50 COATS and DRESSES Just arrived, smart styles, in one and two- piece, in plain and colors. Priced fromn $4.95 to ....... $13-50 Coats $16.50 to. .$15-OO Sure Good Choice Pumpkin 2 for 25c. Large Prunes lb. Loin Pork Chops lb. 35e. Fresh Side Pork Sliced, lb. 30e. PRINTS In colorful patterns, yd., . .25c, 29c, 35c, 40c,. Broadcloth, in white and colors, per yard 25c., 29c, and 35c. RIATS In Sraart Styles, in Straws and Felts, chu.- dren's, Misses and Ladies. Pricedl at $1,59 and... ý... ....$5.50 Rol Pot Roast lb. 30ce Robinhood Flour per cwt. $2,9 Crosswell Ketchup Bottie 20C. Robinhood Oats pkg 25e Interlake Tissue 3 for Ewîng 's Pudding Powders 3for Fresh RHam lb. 35co- Freshi Spinach Mb. 15c& RED & WIIITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY 111GRER. TRAN PRICE Sani White Toilet Paper, 4 for 25c Fresh Ground Coffee, IL 39e Flaked Wheat, 5-lb. bag- 22t Quaker Oats, large pkg. 21c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, pkg 15e Cream of Barley, pkg. 23c Brooms, each 45c, 79c, 95c Wax Turxiips, lb. 3c Fresh Carrots, 2 bunehes 25c Ripe Tomatoes, IL 27c Fresh Iceberg Lettuce, head 15c Stuffed Olives, 8 oz. jar 42c 6 oz. jar 34c Sweet Piekled Ham, IL 37c Side Pork, lb 27c Pork Chops, trimmed, lb 35c Hard Head Cabbage, eaeh 5c Soda Wafers, pkg 10c ,,TOMATO JIJICE, 26-OZ. TINS, 2 FOR..... 25c. CANNED PEAS, 2 TINS FOR....... .. .... 21c J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings

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