Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1943, p. 5

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THE OROJNO WEE[KLY TIMES Local News After gargling with MI-31i Antiseptic, your mouth tastes clean because it is clean. MI-31 kilis harmful germs quickly. It is economical be- cause it is effective at haif strength ... it is not injurious at full strength. Like so many other Rexali Products, it gives you more for your money. Sbop at your Rexall Dr&sg Store for Safety, Satisfaction and Econozny. 16 oz.8 Boz. V1 47< 4 ox. A25e When shop-. ping, look for the familiar red end blue Rexali oval sign. CHTARLES TYRRELL Prescription Specialist Phone 68, Orono RADIO REPAIRING New, modern test equipment en- ables one to make fast, dependable repaira tW any make of radio, Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. Onle home out o0 e'vry five bas been destroyed or damaged by air- raids over Britain. Over 46,000 civi- liane bave been killexd and over 53,4- 0" 00injured. * Mv.R. C. PRo ýborougli returned to bistechngduite(-s at Orono Coni- itinuationl School after a couple of weeks' alsenieue ý,(2te a severe at- tack of inï9fleza. At present he je onfly aitteniding -sclhoolpait timie, rot being fuAlly recovered als yet. The 0Orono Tkphe Co an repair men are now .busy repaijringl dam-ages caused Vo( their liues around Krby from M-àonday nigbit's sto)rm. Owinig to vin a nd iee a few poles were broken, sorne wires clown, and quite a number of the cross arms that hold the wives weve broken. The ramn of the past f ew days hasý takeni a lot of snow fromi alonig the roadsidles, and flelda., in the south o the twsi are nearly 0'er swbut ini thk-northiern ipaýrt of, the townshIp juet arowund Kirby an Kendal, the snew alortg the ronds at places le five feet high, piled heîrc by the snow plough. The Womie's W'ar Work Commit- tee in the local Redi Cross, is mnaking a request of ail workers in our dis trict to make an attempt to have their sewin.g nand knitting finished and turneci ini, if at nîl possible, by Marciiýh 3lst. Would nn.y who have any bits of yarn nrounid the house be kind enough to baird them in, as yarn is getting very scarce and we must not ,vaste e2ven eninîl amcu uts. COMIN,", EVENTS An Old1-Tiie iDarce will be held in Newýtonlville2 Commiunity Hall on Monrday evening, March 22nd. Bar- ýlaý's Qrcbestra. Admnission, 35,c. ,Proceeds for Russian Relief. Oron-1mo Tinshop This Week Almost -RMady for Business at New Shop R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR [Centre St. Orono Phone SrlOi E Local News MrS. C. A. Wxighlt, wavle '%as the we-edgues.t of(Ms.j win Bragg. Mrs. Frank Bennet and daughtele Joan isiitd M. nd Mrs. Wmli. Stutt over the weeýk-end. Mrs. F. W. ýL. Tamblyn spent thl wee-endc with hem sister, Ms .J lloidge, of ýLindsay. Mi. alerCarneton, of Ajaýx. spent the week-end wt Mr. and imrs. M,,ac Carleton. Chr-issie, Jordal, is spending thîrý week with her- parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 Wm. Jordan, at -Ajax. 1Mr. J. F. Loriman retui-n- ed homeu onTudy after spending the we-n in the city. Lt is ibeginn'ing to look aýs ifa Fih and ilunt Club will be formed .ýn Oronio in the near future. Mr. and Mlrs. E. G. Hay and sonl Don, Toronto, spent Sundaiy withl the lattr's arensIr. and iMrs. R. E. Miss Marion Cooper andj giLl' friend, of Toronto, spent tbe week- end with the fonner's par-ente, Mr. andý IMrs. F. 0. Coo)per. On Wednesday night lnsit n nuni- ber of o ur 'local Oddlellows jour- neyed te Port Hope where tbey ex- emplified a degree in Oddfeliowship. Mr. Stanley jSeymour, of Tovonîto, has been visiting wiith hie mother, Mrs. George Seymour, at the home of Mr. Wm. Seymour's for a few days. Miss Kate Poster. teacher ef the sýenior room oof Orono Public School is confined te ber homne this ýweek, the cildreni of ber roomi having a holi'day,. 1vr. Gordon BruLtoni, front Trinity Colle-ge, Toronto, sýpent a couple ofJ da«ys this week with hie miother, 2Mrs,. L. Bruton, w%ýho il quite ill aifter 7a serious faîl last week.t The filrst Durham 'Cointy Seed Pair hield at Oroino on Saturday of Inet week was a succees and many were present. A fuill report apjpearýs o-n the front page of this issue. The grcsund hoge are now out freni thýeir winter hibernation. Some places they have dug-houht1hree or four feet of snow to hask in whLat - ever suns'hine we have. Spring must,ý; he near. The creek jus;t west cof tlie village wae roaing on Tedaduc, e t th heavy ra,-ine, and in, OvonO commu-L-I ity Park the water was ne-Irly up te> the booth. The cold wveather of Wed- nlesday relieved the situation. Mrs. L. Bruton v>eceived worid f Eng-land this w eek that her son, Cccii, bas b)eln promoted te Piloý)t Officer. 11e is sevving witrh thae RJC.A.F. overseas, and we congr>atui- late him non rcivn his commis- Sion. Miss [Mildmed Towns, AC. 1, Ne-w Bruinswick, Mv.n and Mre. Gog Towns, Misses Loretta and Gladys Tovns, Betty Behan, Mme. Garnet Towns, David and Allan, of Colourg-, visited atl .Wm. tanonson Sunday. MHiss -Maian Mahood, !Mv,. Byems, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mahoedi and son Allan lMahood, of Bowna-n- ville, ýMrs. Hatty Patterson, of Ot- tnawa, Miss A. Cuttle and -Mrs, D). Carscadden visited with Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Engleson. Cvoeked Ceek Hlome and Schiool Club are holding their annuni cance in) Newcastle Commjuity Hall on1 Fm-iday, March l9th, with Chanhie Hanuigan's orchestra in attendance. Songe -wilh be delivened b-y iiei Dobson. Admission, 50c. MI'. aýnc Mrs. j. D. Partridge ard, littie son Kis'by, Sask., sport a few dIays ast week with thýeir unche, Mr. Wm-. Stutt. Mr- Partridige has been.ý in Sackville, N.B,, tnking a course in the R.JC.A.P,. and will finiish bis course in Chatton, Ontario. Mr. P. W. L. Tam-iblynt & Son, of Cedar Dale Stock Parme, sold one of their prize-winning Holstein cows, ,ase a good year-old sire at a gojod pricee, te ýE. S. Emb & Co. of Penn., UýS., being part of a icarload shippedÀ nut of thie coumrty by A. J. Tamblyn, (5) Funeral grants. Under. the proposed measures. every Can-ain wonid receive miedi- cal and dental services, hospital came auJ drugs as necessay at a cesu of flot more than $26 payable by ench adult every yenv, and about $131,- 436,000 per year ron public fundiý. Health insurýarcýe was p)ut forwamd1 as a jo int dmno-poica meas- ure, with the provinces administer ing sechemes prvd by the Do- minion and cnor gto a natienal pattern, amd the Dominion m1akiug financilIgrants. The plans advancecl by the minis-J ,er called alec for. increasedi positive mensures directed te the prevention of dîsease and the improrvem-eint of national bhealth. To -particîpate in healtbh insurance as proposed, the provinces w7ýould a]- so be requimed to provide free treat- ment and cave for pe son u'ffering from tubercuiosis nnd mlI-ental di- sease, hincudinig mental defectives. In return they 'would receive grants fromu the Dominion 'towards carrying on this work and townrds construc- tion of additionai hospitalildns Cost of the insuran"e Plan od ho divided almeeot equally between the public treasury and adult citi- zens in receipt of incomeus. The total cost of health ineux was placed at $256,186,000 anc was estimatled the contr-ibutions lectale undler the cmpulsomy tributor'y featuies of the plan w yield $124,750,000 or 48.7 per cen the total, keavdug -$131,436,000 51.3 pcvr cent to iho met from p, f und S. For thie itizen needing mlec attention t!iere wo"uld net be ny chang exc,pt that instead ofüe pa' the ýbille iiiself the heaýlth mnu fund would pay thei. fIe choose hîs n doctor ordett to thýe hospital cfl bis chice f docterreomeneda seih speialist would be obtained. World's Day of Prayer 'The -Worlds Day of Prayer observed by the Wo -nsMissi ary Society of Park &S. Chiureh Friday, MHarch 12th. There was fair attenda-ncep of the womren of comminunitY anif a very impress ,ervice 'was held, with the preidE Mrs. 3M. IH.Stapfles, presiding. The printed program wý"as folioy throughout, the five diffement8 tions led by different miernbers, , interspersed with hymj-n,,. A vg thugVfuldevotionMal addmessv given by MUrs. Litle-wood ani-d a e tifully rendered vca solo "Lord1 US ~Iv Peace," was sung by M O., W. ,Rolph. The meeting c, with the National AnIýthem and Bei diction. PARK tRf-. S. Littlewood Pastor m SUTNDAYj, MARCHI 21 The Universal Gospel. "Stephen - Gifted L.aym-ian^ 2.30 p.m.-Sundai-y Sebool. 7,00 pa.- Worship. "lForgivenes" "The Loord is the strragth of m7v life, of -whoin shall l ho 1 it col- 'ould tit of o r (lcal ying rbis 01,D RATION BOOK COUPONS NO GOOD APTIER MARCH 31 Butter couiponi No. 2 in the new vat ion hbook becomles goo ' rpurc-ha Saltday, March 20 and No. 3 or Mý aich 27. The fiist three bfi ttc co'upons in the neýýw boc'ks afreaýl 'ood uintil Apr-il 30. EacUh e'coupo: may be (2x(7haniged for, one-haif' pound oA butter. Tea. coffee and sugar c, oupons isn youv old Ration Book becomel ndvidi the ns of conisun' M!'. Roy Power and son Gr;U< T'oronmo, spent the wee-n Mn.asd -Mrs. C. L. Power. Woring time lest inlb puteý-s in Britalin is about hiaf Proposed Social Security Hlealth Plan For Canada Dr. Leonard C. Mlar-sh* eeac adviser to the Dominion ge_,vern- Inenit's avsoyconittee0on rcecon str'a'îction, eae by Drl. Cyril Jame2s Prinicipal of MciIuniîvevsity L, dranfted a plan !for social s2curýity in Canada, and if cri o ut would cosýt $1,000,00(,000 a year. The re- port was 'prepared at the request 0' Hon01. lInnli ceniTinister «o' pensions, and national health,, and it compar-able to the United Kingdomi's Beveridge plani. Its twoý basic re- commiien4lations are for national heailth ineuance nsubstantial in - creasaes in unemploymient insuranice. Lt calîs for : <1) National health insurance. (2) Revised usemploynient insur- ance. (3) ChiIdiren'saloaes (4) Extenaded ohd age and retire- ment pensions, FARM ER s Fertilizer for Spring Seeding is now ready Thie Departmenit of Agriculture urges ear-ly delivery because of the scarcity of materials. Prompt delivery of later orders cannot be guaranteed. TO BE SURE 0F RECEIVING DELIVERY ORDER AT ONCE ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 Orono ARMSTRON G'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 HOSIERY ln service weight chip- fon crepe, at $1., $1.25 and .... .... ... $,0 Ladies' Lisle. Special, 39c. and...... .. 5c. Ladies' Cotton Ilose, per pair .... .-..20c. WALLPAPER In latest patterr loc. to. .. Also few remnar ,on- on OId Hickory N flv, Sodas sive pkg.- lent, wved 2c sec- ___________ and ery Neilson's wa 1t s Cocoa auil Let Large tin vireý sed 2e Loin Pork Chops 35c. ROUND Steak lb. 40ec is, from 40c. nts. to.............oo SPRING COATS Ladies' Spring Coats, in A wool tweeds and plain cloth. Priced from . .$16,50 to $45.00 Ladies' Spring Ilats, -in ail new styles, i Feits and Stramws, fromn $1.95 Rol Pot Roast lb. 30ce Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Choice Rie 2 IL ,2C. White Beans 4 M. 25e Fancy Cakes lb. 25ce Sure Good Choice Puipkin 2 for 25ec' Fresh R1-am lb. 35,ce Sirloi Steak ib. RED &WIIITE STORES Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY luCHER TMAN PRICE Eat more Fruit and Vegetables Çalifornia Sunkist Oranges, doz. 45e, 39e and 35c Grapefruit, 4 large 23c Large Lenions, 3 for 9C Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs. 29C Wax Turnips, lb. 3c Fresh Carrots, 2 bunches 25c Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 27c Fresh Iceberg Lettuce, head 15C Green Celery, 2 large bunehes 29c Stuffed Olives, 8 oz. jar 42c 6 oz. jar 34c Sweet Pickled Ham, lb. 37c Side Pork, lb. 27e Pork Chops, trimmed, lb. 35c McCormaeks' Salted Sodas, 2 lbs 29c TOMATO JUTICE, 26-OZ. TINS, 2 FOR....25c. TOMATO JUICE, 105 OZ. TINS, EACII...45c. LARGE TINS CHOICE TOMATOES, 2 FOR,25c. CANNIED PEAS, 2 TINS FOR ... ...21c J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings heur per wovker per yeav.

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