Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1943, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES lhe Orono Weekly Times vSstablished January, 1937. every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subscriptiôns to the United States, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher FISH AND H1UNT CLUB POSSIBILITY Laist week 'we rani an article for the purpose cf flnding eut hew tbe sportsmien of thic community feit about orgaizing a FisI anld Hunt Club in this district. Up to the present, timle theve bas net heen one disseaiting veice against tihe idea. Nearly fifteen people have voiced their opiionais and ail are 100 per cent behiad the move te formn sonie kind ef a club wbeveby eur streames wouhd be replenished xibh trout, and our- woods with pbeasants. At the present time our troiit streamis are nearly depleted witî this finny tribe but aboffund with chub aad shiners, wbieb are gradually driv- ir.g the f ew remainitig trout freim these streams Wiich are veguhar havens for- trout. It would lie up to the chubh teo vercone hs pvoblem, and at the samne time safeguard tne phleasants, Now with g-asraing redulced te a mnm ,few people can ýenjoy flshing lui the lakes and stre-ama tlffty or sictymie distant. 'We have env owa treamns here aald with proper care this locality couhd becomeo a paradise ýfor people who care te spend their spare timeahu the creeks la ',his district. With prýjeer supe)rvision, yeav after ,yenr, our rising generation can enjoy a e orsfsig Wbco wud enjoy ginig te a streami and catechiing a niice brvwn tront, twvo te three pounds, taking it home and having it in the fr-ying, pan a f ew heurs later ? Net very nmaay, we presumne. A ml-eeiting wil be caled in the very near future for tbe pur- pose cf rgaiin a club e f seime kind te Ielp build up VIe game life f our ceinmuinity. As at this meeting laws wilh bave te be drafted for the sfgu oin f ail flUb and gamie. The treut season is only a mentli and a balf away, se -wili someone caîl for a-meeting te lie held lu rthe next couple cf weeýs ? Start now. Do nt leave it for seine distant date or nothiinçg at aýIl wil be celne te ýbring good ftsin and huatîng teo our. district. 2. * * 6 AN OPPORTUNITY The shortage of faiml labour bas becomne one cf Canada's mlost pressing prolemL!s. Illa Vs emierg-ency Canadian Japanese should noV be overieoked. A great mi-any Japanese, especially skilled as voorkevs on the land, are availlable. Last year, thhe Goverament experiimeajted with Jawtanese labour. The success ef the experiment Justifies a mud!li vue opper-tuity for Japanese te -work on the farms. Last Septemlber, TIe Chathami (Ontario) Board cf, Trade ia a mneeting- at whicb rep)resentatives were present froml the Chat- bamn ity Coeuncil, Xeaty Couty Federation of Agriculture, To- Laeco Growers' Asseiation, Fruit Growers' Association, The Cani- ada and Dmno Sulgar Company Ltd., and others passed a unani- mous resolutîca cof apprecintion of work donc by the Canadian Jap- nuLesteilatlbat aiea. Thiere is still prejudice ini certain quarters nginst these feilow citinenls of ours. On Ie Chiurchl rests a responsibiity Vo, break dewni this 'rjdcnet by pas'sinig formlal resolutienes but by appiying the Christian spirit iilu a tual situation. In somile places w11ere the Japanese labouired last yeav, Vhe Churcb nlieasuired up te its t'eeponsibiflity and privilege by making VIe aew ýowners welcome la the congregation and comomunity. L"tters ieceivedl, soeaof whici we bave publisdied, show bow dceply this gesture efX good wil was eppreciated. A short timie ago, an expert sawyer xas needed by anl Ontarioiiil o-nev. A Japanese -was eecured for the position. There was somie opposition in he- comminunity. But ns the weeks passedl this prejudice -was dissipated by VIe deportmnent cf the Japaniesoe. ,ie sent for bis -wif e and two cidven; they, toc, were well received The resit lias been that farmers in the conlmunity have askedi for and reoeived four Japaniese families, ýem'racinig sixteenl persons, anld the ii owýNner bas takea on ten individuial Japanese workevs al cf w-ýhom-r are giving saisfactery service. The prejudice bas brokýen clown and the Commulltnity is well satisified with these aew famnilles. Aillof this stems from Vthe action of one man who lad courag2e to go niead in spite cf local oppotsition., During the past f ew monthe over four bu-tndred Japanese hiave found s:uitable jobs in Western Ontarie and are gvn satisfacVion. This presents; a challenge te the menbership cf The United ChurcI (Yf Caniada ýso many cf whom ive in the rural avens. They mnay inieet Vo some extent their cwn labour shortage by welcomiing Jap- anese workers and, at the camne Vime, belp VIses who for, ne fait of their own, cave the ,accident cf birth, are in need cf encourage- ment as, tbey seeuk anrieppotunity te get veadjusted Vo a niew situa- tion and becemle reinsVated laVe our 'Church and econeimie life. This ois one way ln which he Canadian isin can do 'concrete miission- avy work.--Uaited Chiurch Observer. DRIED EGGS FOR BRITAIN Before the war, Canacla's largest expert cf eggs te the United Kingdoml in any ýone yeav wvas 1,000,000 dozen. Biai n t anxious for eggs ater -ooar was delaredr. Eggs naturally presented n transportation pioblem. iI'le need for somi-e eggs, however, and tle desire cf tIe poitry people in 'Canada te supply thern resuited ia the expert of 10,000,000 dozen in 1940 an-d 15,0Y00,000 dozen la 1941. Inl the 1942 plans, the BriLtisýh Miniistry cjf!Foocl decided te give eggs a more imlportnt place, aad Canada w\as requested Vo sta-te -wht she could supphy. Encouraged liy wha't they lad douie and being anxious Veo do ore, Canadian poultrymieni were advisedl thbat increase in poultry prodluotion should be macle by improved ef- fiiency withia VIe captity of exieiag1 faciities, and an) agreemneat wans made, for 45,000,000 dozen eggs foir Britain lai 1942. Alter sbpet were stavted and eggs were roiing te cea- board la volume, VIe, Canadian Goverment was informied Vînt l eggs would have ýte be died. Canada'-, egg -drving facilities at tInt time consîsted cof tlvee smaiiýll plants tînt ladI been procducing about 100 tons of dried egproduýcts a yeav. As tIe conitract called for zh_1out 7,000 tons and eg'-gs wevre colng forwvavd in largeu volume, aa emýeîgenlcy ýproblem peseteditself. Ail plant facilities, îacluding daivy equipmient, viere pressed i nto serývice, eggL's were tranisferredi to storage, but sufficient stovage wnv's noV available se arrangements wIIee mace for beakingtuVte eggs and storing ,them in frozen forai. The, dring priocess lad te l)e standïavdizedI, Vethe uadrtaia suevie, ueprod(uýe packaged to stand shiipmeint, ail arrange- mentsfor ransprtatonIlld4evn-pameatcf egs sudeni JOHN C. ELLIOTT John Cj . Elliott, son of Clarku Townsh'ip pinerwas buried o11 Suaday afternooa in 0Oronev-)cerne tery, followinig a service at the hom of hlis son Mýitl, J. Elliott, Con- cession Street, eBowmnanville. Rev. J. E . Griffith. ýpastor oýf Triniity United xIiere the deceased attenided, offliatedi. Born June 9, 1855, in CLarbe Town- ship, Mr. Eliott was the son of the late Eliza Carseïaddie nd Wiiaý-m Elliott. fbis father aud mother -were both bora n Irelaniid and camie to canada in 1837 and -w-re pioneers of Clark-e. The deceased farmed in CI-arke util 1903, when he hought the farmi on Coneession Street, wbich his son Milton nowocuis and bh, farm-ed there unti1l h e reired in 1912. A conservative. hie heki different offices in the old WeAlst Dur- ban Coniservative Association. Aý%t one timie he was a moember of the Bowmianiville council. Although eighty-seven yea-rs oef age -Mr. Elliott enjoyeýd gooid healtb until one year ago. On Fehruary 2th he slippd and broke his hip, wvas takenI to Bowmanvihle Hosital and died on March 4th. bis flr-st wife, forerl Mss Mary MecClung, of Midh'ad, d'predlecea"sed himi- in 1921. Hie is survirved by his second w\,itfe, formierhy Miss Effie Cars7cadden; a daugliter, Mrs. T. A. (Laura E.) Reid, Cak Township; two sos -Milton J. Elliott, Bow- manville, and rld W. Elliott, Traverse City, M-ýichian; four broth- ers, 'George cf Ssaon James of Brandon; Daqvid of St. Petersburg, Fia., and Wesley on the old Elliott homestead ln Clarke; and two si:s- ters, Mrs. James Taimblyn, Orono, and ýMrs. Fred Brimaicoilbe, Kirby. Paibearers 'were, Johnf A. Reid and William E. Reid, two grîandsons, Ernes T Patterson, Russel IBragg, Weslev T. iCawker and'NeilMutton. From a distance attending the fu-neral ýwere hbis son and daughter- inlwHarold Elliott. and Mrs. Eh- liott, Traverse ity, aad his brother George Elliott, of Saskatoon. Amiong the nany and beat(1 floral tributes were flowers fromn relatives anid friends, Jeruisalemi Lodge AJF. & A l. ublic Utiities Com--mission, Bowmiani,le; -Municipal Staff, Bowmianville, and Traver-se City Rotary Club. Sth WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Fridaly, Marcb l2th, Ormi-e Gamsýby receiveda card from-- Mr. Bert Hlarvey, who at one tim-e used te visit Orono audiences as a conie- dLian. Mir.and Mris. Hlarvey have just eerated their fftieth weddJýing aiiniversary. Ila1the card hesanys that ffty years ago to-niglit (March lth) lie was singinag in Orono with the Bosgrove family. It was on a Satuarday night nnd our old friead Charlie Ar-mstrong refussed $25.00 te drive me te Newcastle se 1 couhd get the earhy merning train for Toronto, Vhe reason for bis refusal wstInt thie ronds -wel' eSOba'd. Mr. -aad, Timber, Barn and House Sale Pasture Farrni for Rent; aiso a Beautifuli Trout Stream for Reni This, sale w«ilhb he ild on Loit 24, Con. 8, D)arinigtoni Township better kniowni as thie Bueech Farm, / mnile c ot of Unliin SehIool, 2 m-1iles west cf Ennieýkilea and -a iýttie nonth, on SATURDAY., MARCHI 20th at 2.00 o'cloek sharp 10 ACRES STANDING TEIMBER In Quarter Acre Lots (more or less), consisting of Beec, iViý-apIle, Elm, Cýedar-, saheable for both lumber and the choicest of firewood. Purchasers ,vihl hav-e one year from date of sale te remeove tinmber. An A-i rond for truuks direct to bush. Witl fuel shortage se neuVe, IMr. Man, you liv- itg in the ýcity, this is your- oppor- [tuaity to put your spare moýments ini- te prftbemoments. ONE BARN 30 xý 50, 16-ft. posta., steel roof, new; bay fork rod, niew, cempiflete; an endi uahoading drive; wel stabled; stone Classified FAR-M FOR SALE îSix,-ty acres, Lot 30ý, Concession 3, Clarke Toywnshîp. Apply to G. W. Bowen, Grono. a-S-p. FARM FOR SALE The Estate of the late Wmn. F. Paittersoni, Lot 16, Concession 8, G1i ke Township, 125 acres (more or less). Water on the prmises. For particulars apply to J.oseph J. Met- lor, Orono. c-10-c. GIRL GUIDE PRESENTATION Special open meýeting oi Orono Girl Guides Presentation of 2nd Cl1ase Badges will take place in Park Street Sunday Sehool Room on Tuesday e%en-ing, iMarch 116th, coin- miencing at 8.00 P.mn. Mr.Hbs Girl Guide Commissioner,ofO- awa, will make the presentation. There w%,ilI also he- a demnonstration of Girl Guide werk, pie niaking con.- test and enrolling of Tenderfeet. Gomie out and see what the Girl Guides are learning. FOR SALE BY TENDER to>uacation. Thîs barn vwas erecteaj Ten.ders will heie reeived up Vo completely new thrce years ago. ac on March 20ti, 19413, for thé ONE FRAMEIHOUISE j-ht e Js pl binsn iproperty west Will be so)Ild in twc divisions. This side Malin Street Seti, Orono. This biouse well cared for, contains a tre- le a niee home overlooking env beau- meudlous amount of cloice lum-ber tiful park, five roonis, receutly slin- wich could be used te iuild yeurseli ghed, cemnent celIar full size cf bouseý, an up-to-dlate comfoirtable homne la fine well witI jiron pump, woodshed. any nieaby ity. tMr. Man, witî the Opea fer inspection, or couisult the lumber and hom-e quiestion ,seacute, undersigaed. Termes Cashi. hs le your opporVunity. Onje year Iligleet or any tender net neces- from date of sale te remove eîtier savily accepted. building. Dater Mlarch 4t1, 1943. WiVh the choiecest ef pasture land and beautifuil runing creek vwilli be offered for rent as a pasture favm. ONE TROUT STREAM Approximately eue mile long (more or less), will lie off ered for vent as a fishing and sporting proposition. With your gas ýbeiag- rationed, this romnantie holle.'w would make an deal spot for your little fnmily Vo sce tie beauties of nature. At 1.30 o'clocic sharp, buises. trucks anid slilgîs vilîl leave Vhe Village of Euniskillen, makinig it possible for you te leave yeur good car on highsv%,ay, because of Vils tume cf VIe year, coun3try ronds are doubt- fnul. PFree transportation. Be on ime1 E. A. Werry, having liougbtths farm fer- purely vaaching purposes, desives te seil the above items and vent Vie above said property Vo de- sivable tenian)ts. TERMS CASH F. W. WERRY TED JACKSON Clerk CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Rudciell and Family -wish to exlpress their appreciation for thie kinidness, symypatliy and flowers ex- tended :by frienids and nleiglibours duiring thieir recent bereavemnent, and aise wish Vo thanik Rev. S. Little- wood for his comfortîn.g message. Mrs. llarvey are now living on a elal f'al-miat Broughiaml. 1o encan talcs your fat drippingis, scrap fat and bones te your meat dealer. He will pay yen the establisbed price for the dripping sudâ the scrap faet. If yen wish, yen oaa tura this imoney over 't0 your local Voluntary Salvage Committes or Registered Local War CbarUty, or- 2Yen can donatle your fat drlpping, scr:ap fat and bones te your local Voluntary Salvage Committee if they collect them ma your cern- munlity, or- 3You can continue te place ont youx Fats and Bones for collec- tion by your Street Clsaning Department where such a system Orono", Ont.' c-9-c. Notice to Creditors EN THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPH ROBINSON, late of the Village o)f Orono, in the County of Durham. Newsmnan, deceased: Ahl persons ha-ving d:aims against the Estate of the said Joseph Robi-- son, who .died on or about the 12th day of July, 1942, are hereby noti- fied toa send to the und1ersîgned Exe- cutor-, or his Solicitor. on or before the 3.rd day of April, 19ý43, their namnes and addresses and full par- ticalars of their dlaimis and the nature of their securities (if any) held 'by themi, duly verifled ýby statu- tory detelaration. Immiediately after the said 3r'd day of April, 1943, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed aimeng the parties entitled thereto, hia-ing regarýd onfly to the dlaim-rs of which the Exceutor or the under- signed Solicitor shall then have -notice. Dated at Orono this th day of, Mac,1943. J. E. RICHARDS, Orono, Ont., _rxecuto. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Executor. THE BOMBER FRllESS IN GREAT BRITAIN AiT CANADIAN MILITARY HEAD)QUARTERS (By Walter R. Legge) After mieetin.- the men who controi the destinies of Cnd' overseas forces, one becomies convînced that e-ach is the perfect man for his par- ticular job, and there b-egins Vto be a felling of admiration for the judgmient (4 the, pow-,ers that selected themi. This seemis to lie particularly true of the Sernr Officer at Can-adian Militaryileadquarters, MjrGnr ah the Heon. P. J. -.lontaguie, C.M.G., D.S.O., 'M.C., V.D., -who was maclePa ComIpaion of the lionorable Order of the ýBath in the New Year's hon- Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICL4.N anzd SURGEON officee lure: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.0ý0 p.ia. PHOJ0I E47r1 ORONO VETERINARY, Wdfred W. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:- Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Out. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuajty, Autom'ou bile and Liab,ýility 1O ron o - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and ValuatoDr Coniducts Auction Sales of ail oise& and at reasoniable rate.. Çoxnmunlieate with hini at P«-# Perry, On tarjo, or see bis (31.rk, L. E Mrton, at Orono, for date. F. F. Morris &'Son Funeral 'DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVI CE Bowrnanvîlle - Orono Phones: Bowinanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durhami Our Service--THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST.1 Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE ORONO E. E. PATTERSON > Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CA-'SUALTY AND LIAI3ILITY Phone 41-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largeat, Strougest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared- to quote you rates from 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building >Phone, write, or better still, eall. 1 wiIl be pleased to quoe you rates oin your property î which will surprise you. er l Motague epaszdthat there was not an ouncee of polities in thie Canadian Oversea--s Fores. 1lie also praiised the hiospitals la this war. We ethl ccuaferen ariaIMontagne was boraI at Dunaivihle, in Euýgland, and le became extvl 'emieîy Ontario, on Nevemiber loth, 1882, ~~ pcpuhair with tic two wsely editors and is a descendant thvoug hlis wien le remnarked tînt he oncIe usedj motler cf some cf Vie eaviiest Uniit- te pye type for Bill Fry la the Duinu- cd Empire Loyalist's in VIe Niagara ville Qlveoniche office. H1e w on te District. Educated at Upper Cain.ï,da say that he wvas glad te vielcome Vie Gollege, ToronVo )UniiversitLy, and Ç ýs- weekly new-spapev- representativee goode Hall Law Scbcol, lie emnbraced ,ibecause lbe tilï wer by and noV at a cemlbined legal and mlitary career, the weckly newspaper-s. Witho ut and ine ascoliluissio)ned a Lieutenant tlem, le declared, thiere would e ne in Vie 4t1i Field Eattery R.iC.A. atý listovical recordis, and tîey vepre- Hlamilton la 1905. sent VIe. real pow%,er, VIe mca freni Moving te Winnipeg, ihehle now1, Vie farnis. Hie regre:tted Vhe lbas ef enlsluies home to"w, lie Vansferred ' Vie files «f tle Monck- County Re- te the 18Vh Mounted Rifles, and when :f,ûrm Press and tie Grand River Vie firet -world viar broke out le wae Sachem. a Lieutenant in the Fo)rt Gnrry, In hie tai-k with Vie edfitors, Gen- (Ccntinued on~ page eight) 1 4- Auctioneer

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