Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1943, p. 1

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NO ES 0 PN.OT. HISAY A-.l8h 93 Subseription $1.25 Per Y, 'armers Fgrom Ali Over Cnty Attend Durham Se-ed Fair Durhamn County Seed Fair Was a Succesa Djespi,%te Bad Roads, There Were Forty-five En- tr'ies Fromi Seventeen Exhi bitors Dur-ham cutysfîist seeýd Pair held at Oooon StraMardi 1,11h, wae cons'idered a markýec su- ceSs. There were ovr one htrndreýd andtw tyfv far-mers present ini spite of the fad the imajOr-ity -oi ithe side readse wc i mpasbe. S,,een- tceen xhiitr mde forty five en tries and eveýry ex ' as backel " at iest twenf-fl,Ive hush~Is that -would be availlable for seedA if tbere -were demand for saine. Teewr iaine five-bus-hel lots of registered seed which were sldbyý aucti,i. ThejdgsMr. H.'U. lParnieli, 'Do- midnion Seed Br-anchi-, BicIand MNr. . H. Winter, Agricuit'uaal Re- ,pres enta t ve, Lindsay, commentedi \TLery favouraly on the qiality of the-,éexhî1iis. Duriag. the afternoon MUr. R,. E. ,Goo)din, who had erected an îiter - '-sing xh-i fromi- the rops, Seeds and Wes Brauci, Toronto, spoke briefly cn better crope. Mr. . F. ~.Vorwk, Soil Specialst, Guelph, gave an inteesting address on solle and fertilizer. J)riug- his discourse he intinated hat artificial fert-il- ïzers were not a cure ail but should L~e used to suppleiymn mnure and ~ploughI-ing dowNn green crops. 1He aise spoke briefly on the recent soil survey that was completed for lYn- ~'ham county during 1942. S The Executive and Directors of tjhe Durhiam rop Improvexaent As- sociation a-re indebted to the Durham Central Fair Board for its financLal support and to ail others who as- -isted to make the firýst Seed Fair a s-ucceSs. The secretary, E. A. Surn- mers, made arrang.ements to have ail prize money and settie-ments for grain paid nt the conlusion of the proýgramme. Next year it is expected there wlhl ýbe another seed fa-ir a-ad Ne hope te at least double the numiber of ex- hibitors as well as Uhe numaber of ,entries. Let us ail start planning inimediately for our 1944 Seed Fair. The classes and prize wuinneic are as follows: lass 1.--Spring wheat, Harold Swain, Nestleton R. R. No. 2. lass 2.-4Fall wheat. let, Robent Armstrong, Ida; 2nd, Garnet B. -Rickard, Bowmianville 4; Six!, [Farold Swi;4thi, R.ussell K. Bragg, Be-w- iuanville 4; 5th, James T. Brown, Newca,-t'le 2; 6th, Clare E. Allia. Bcowmanvillg 4. las3.-Barley, 6-rowved, 'Hirold ~wi;M. A. McHolm, Port Hope 1; Carlus Diekinson, Port Hope 3; Ruseil Osehorne, Newcastle; GC'arneti 1ilcd.Jamies T. Brown, Clare E. Alia. lass 4- Early oats, Ruisseil K. BrgGarnet Riekard, James T. Bro wni, Robe2rt Armstrou1g, iarodd -wa iaiGrant FrisoNesieton R.R.. 'Glass 5.-Late oats, Hlarold Sïw'nain, Ru.sseil sbonnre, Cla1re E. Allia, Ëobrt AmsrogJames T.- Brown, B. iekrdRus-seli K. Bra1gg, J. H. 'Glas 6. Bukwhet, st, _M. A. CLasa 7. -Soy1¶yeans,1st, Monrt. Bckleý, Port Hoýpe 1; Gran1tFeg- Glass 1.- Rgsee al as GintRic-kard,; James T. Brown, Clas-ý '14- Rgsee aeoats,ý RoetArmistrol-g, Garnet Rkad JmsT. Browni, Fe-rg-us E. _MoriliL 'Glass1 15.- Registered b1Aley, lIst M. A. MHl,2id, W-allace Mc- Kiiglit, Bowmanvilie 2. Glasýs 16.- Early potatoes, New- ton Taylor & Sons, Burkleton No. 3. 'Glass 17.-ýLate potatoce, lst N(lwtoa Taylor & Son. Junlior section 'Classa 18.-Late oats, Donald Jo)se, Nwcastle. Clase 19.-4Early onts, Grant Fer- guoNestîcion No. 2. W.C.T.UÛ. MEETINü6 The Maneh mh ieetinig of theWo man's Gliristian Temperance Uniion wýas ield -on Tuesda-y, Marci l6th, with the president, Mrs. H. Walsh, presiding. The mieeting, openaed with s-,ingping ihe hymui "Oh what shall 1 do may Sa-viouir toa-praise," foilowed by pray- er by Mrs. Littlewood. The scripture readi-ng anad commennte -were taken ýy -Mrs. Littlewoo>d, tie theme being "having mnusil' in the cou!." The cor- respondiag secrctary read a- letter of tha-nks a-d appreýciation for fruit sent to two others who were i11. iMrs. Raiey told of the milk canteen for the soldlirs of :Ontario that was he- ing sponisored by the W.C.T.U. of O>nta-nie, ai-Mrs. Rainey was ap- pointed to canvas Orono Union for f uadsto help in the workc. The 'Geld Medai ýContes-t was dis- cussed and it wae decided -te hohi it on- Mlay 7th, 'Mrs. Beet ani Mrs. Rowe ta secure contes-tante; Mrs. Raqiaey ta pureha-se the miedals, and thprogramme committee, Mrs.ý *BtMrs. Rainey and -Mrs, Little- hecorres-poading -secrtary was ine'.,ýtructed to,, write a letter to Mi,. -MaAcnzie Kin,-, tlikb, ing l for the.( steps he had takýen in the cur tail- metof hîquor. Tfice -eting c los-ed With singýing a hymniýi aad prayer by 'Mrs. Raincy. Liberal Convention Set For April 29 and 30ý Theic a-ie Lberalcovnint choes-e an, Ontario leader wihh take place on Thuirsday nad Fida.y, April 29) a-ad 0, aitich Kiig Edward hiotel, Toronto, ticmaagmetcoiice,( Mf thc assoiationi decidfed on Saituir- day la-ct. The imeieting quickly iurned dw 4~suggesienby Hlon. Peter Hlec-ar that ther c-cc sonld le appoint'ed A policy commiitice amoag -tic conve)n- tion cmîie.Dlegates ani fie ,ieeting stated tic-y wer etemn ecd toIreep doewn aaay deie on thýe hiquor questi 0 n which might eplit týicpaarty. Tcconvention dýcidc-d thrai caci prvnilridfing will 'be entitled to cc-ad four delegaie. "Chi-iletic saine reprcAttin ndoptcd fer ti last con.venition in 1930, Two o? f tic delegatesim-a-y bce womenp. -Amo-ve te, have three dlegates fvrm tic(- proinia aadfederal iding was defcated hwas pinýtcd Ont tic 82 fderal ridinge rciacndodl i 90 provincial ringe. Delegates w-l as re-preseait tic Onitaie Lib- cmal associati, the '2th cenilt uryý lu b. -S elt r s andi embe s f t ic Ontairie egeltue ill as be dole- gaies. MRk. CUGILWRN XS" SHALL USE AFCA O COETO GLOiSER"GIPS Pitr sos. r intnChIlu tch i l br.a!(,sting from D.wnngSt. on ovebe 29 142 evew.*gthewa situation, heoe of' the2 Geran efets n te US.SR.,inEgypt aind in North.Afrcaof the enormnous danage done, .~F ide on supply bajses iii Northern Italy. Compacrng the gro Iai!r st rengcth cf the Allis wt'nthe eclin- ing Gewra cns lutihewýarned Fascist Iayof the cmigordeal -"W(, sIalh use, Afi>ca aýs a arng- 1)oarfd . . . to corne tu oe grips". Speaking oýf France, he said"ro the flames of the explosions, at Tou- lon Franc n ie again. Ller of Appreciationi From ' Russian Relief Comluitte Recently W, j. Rîddell rceîved- the foIwng etter from HF. H. 'SAl- kirk,Prmto Dfieetorý of the Naý- tional Commi-ittee of tic Rus'ian Pe uc- Fund, as f ollowev: The amlount of rnoncy wiihei citizene cf Orono have contibu1>lted te tuis campaign prompts mie, on hehiaîf o)f the National -Com-ittee , toecxtend te you and your aseociates ouir wamcst ihanlçs for your splendid ln rtc-w of the continuing and evcr growing nec-d of the Ruselans, we hope that you wili continue your in- teret ilutic Fund and particularly dlo we hope tiat yen will organýiiize a clothing section; net only -will tus- kecp the 'Fuad alive la pouir corn- muaity but it -will be helping to fuil a very urgent and desperate need. Fourth Victory Loan Will'Open April 26 0Ottaiwai, Ma rci 12 -- Canadaie fourt Vitory Lona campaiga xvi gct under w-,ay On iMondny April2, aadC closýe onSaudyMyli. Titirid vitory nhatautumai had aminimium objec,(tive Of $7,50,- 99,0,and Slsiciptionis were jusi short of $1,000A000,000 ina hre iw-dk-IlampnignÏ. Lai year twv c t0 obanis we-rc e ld, )ue la ticý spingl" and o-ne la tic faîl. LIo. J L.Ilscyminisier of fnne ~siacdtotal revenu--e duliug tIc ficlyear 14 4 eiangneýxi April 1, vwiIh bc 275,0, a0 nd total expeaditur-es $550000- lenving anl imtd eictof $, 748,000l,000 to becoed pbr Onec of tic duties of tic national var fnacecommijtiýce dulring the( omiling fiscal pyear,lie saidl, w old eù "teo rganlize nnd carry oui iwo Vit011 Ory bn c ,maigS drc pariiclarly te ic obilization for. wn -f theic-iproal savinge of tic people on a vaistly elre ch. lau icathe of Britin-tlie flireti decisive setback to tich aze-tic victoieýus R.A.F. dceiýn-oyed 2, 375 Germa aircraf t la les-s tian tire montheý-more tlian tirce urnes tic ilumlber cF British planles 10-3t. Save Fats For1 eojldicr's, airm( d-pend uponl tusý S.O.S. and Crease Orono0 Girl Guides f tic Uniitcd ,lNations' en and sailoreý moetly tic( speedJy response te Fats and Cils are tic îý aw n- teniais from wiich glycerine les pro- dce.Gly-cerine is the basic -ad indi*spens;able ingredient la tic mn- jority of our. explosives-. If everpyone in Cainadcla îves as littie as t wo ounces of waste cool- ing fat la a wccek, it wiil pr-oduce t-h-e Gly-ccrine i equired fer the gun ipow- der te smash Adolpi, Benito a-ad Tojo. T1-icer e is enougli explosive hîddea il, ten pouads of waste fat te fire forty-inci anti aircraft shells. Fats in tice'past have co-te front far Eastern sources., no-w -et off by tic Japanese. Our prolen isl to re-; place al of thiis lees. lýt ie bcing ie- pilace(d partly by sorte importe froin our good lf ric-nde hi Central a-nd Set ieica but tic bi-ggest scturce of ail has neyer been- fully ta-ptp>ed. Tint source is iae1ouj Wn kitcena. N1eedîcs te Say, tus C11n- dawiecamipaiga depende ,almosi cnicyonftic IHome Fro)nt-on iithe coatisnucd efforts of everponîe in Can- ada. Tlis le sa challenige, t,-every Canaian ihousexvlfe for it le thieir joyb tc e cc tiatItifs fa1t is saved 1oui o-f Carada's fryVing ýpane anmd broil- ers'-from Hie dripping , f s tea ksz Ind hcos eef a-ad pork aaid lamrb reas, chicenand tukey dcks aagee-muet <cume fat fLor glY- cerin so ugc-n lee-nccdcdto 1ma:ke explo!sives for i's1! aa1d bombe anmd deptý',i cagste win tic 'war-and thai itadds uptededl)poprton for Hlitlcr and Company-. crese icsuply f 'a s, -Cana'da msy vbu acdwiih a*e viecy of ti a DU fpons fglycerinle Tfic Oronïo Girl Guides ii la uhir di-ive for faits hv collectcdi 175 lic. wihtlicy eu,,)11 for $7 5. Wa thywa-iie thiouýsande of poainde! te turn over for thie purpose ofma- ing lceîe Their necllection, wilh be bid on -Suryiac 2)thý, and antyonc wi-emeb ats or grese otiy ube MieW. E. AMm- stroLng or MesMîA. M'oe n ihey wVilh >sec tin1t it ýle ciedfor. o1 Satmrdany. Damages Amounting To $16,729 Is Awarded Against Chief Draper Q Aftermath of Accident on No. 2 H-ighway On Sept. 28, 1941 ia a JudIgmnt cdelivered in open !ourt ila tic auto damges actin brougit by mebrùf teMle famlyPetribroagainîlst Guecra D. C. Draper, chie!f conistabie of Tor- onto, Mr. JsieKelly mad(e tic folowiag awads : Ada Mille $2,- '278.50;Mr. ilanScnie,$- 485; Ethel AMiller, $61&5 Normani MHleractg fmo -e sate of Bur- ton O. Miller, $8530. Th-etotal o these d (amnages le $!,',729.'75. On sept. 28, 1941, a calrdriven byl Bturton Miller and cary-rig also hie' threc sisters, namied as plitius, coddon, No. 2 hgha near New- TRUCK STOLEN FROM ORONO MAIN STREET Hrdls trck as on in the diteh atti fotofti bill ai the souiLi enid oýf the village, and' it is stili a rnetrywo was sonibefor the accident. Ai. wac awa rwith thetiuck on a.m.on Tiesdy mrnling and ieft the trucýk Ï1n front of Deanl's Bnkýery witi tic keys la tic igriitioni. It is- believed that arn i-X o'cloCk so-rne iransiet going tirough the vilage binig wenry-,cuitere(d the ca-b and -wae goiag ticeresi ofhils jour- r-ey ln luxury. The ronds A thfat tonville, wilhia car driveni by Chlief t urne of thc moring wc-re iey iui Draper. le'touhtthat whleln gugdon-n Tie civil damages cas-e started at miliilhilihe lost Contro l 3tet Pe-terblor-o on Marnch :-3 as a jury trial, but witi consent of both counsel thie jury waes dispenscd with. "Short- lyý after the trial 'bga , îated ils lordship-, "defendlantadmtd liabil- ity, so th e case res-olved iscîf into one of aesessment ofda ge" Tic, evidenice concludcd, thie case was transferred to Tor'onto and c argum-ent heard Mrci Sth. Justice Kelly noted tiat Buirton Miller diedý in July, 194e-, and re- akd,"According to theevdnc bet'ore nue, Burton ýMiller's last 11- ncss was ret caused or contributed to by the accident." Ian'Mrs. Lillian Schnieider-'s awardi the court inlu ded $435 for the car -which was -owned 1y lber and diven by ber brother, Burton. "-Evideace before m, said Justice Kelly, "le that the car could have been repair- cd for that am-ount." 'laime ia the case as iota-lIed front the pleaclings amnounted to $91,419. They wcre : Ada Miller. $11,134; Mrs. -Schneider, $28,665; Ethel IMiller, $41,117.25; N o rma n Miller, for Burton Miller estate, $10,502.75. The awards te Lillian Schneider and Burton Miller -were lese than ha-d been voiuntarily paid into ,cour-t on their icha-if anad on tint accouai the court -did net allow [full ces-te to plaintiffs. '41 wlll -ilow pla-intiffs two-tlhirds' of tax-ed costs lu is disbursem-ents", ýthe leo0urt ruled. Ia the judgiment Justice Kelly re- ferred te tic fai that Burton MI- 1er, after th,- accident, had paid il -the expeuce cfis- sis-ter-s incltidenltai to the accident and upon fhils point staited, "I cannIlot aIgr-ee with t1ie- dlaimi- of defeace that tbis was h ii thre1 -phuaged down tice, teep eia mlenlt, trtigo-ver on uts side, ýd, ag-ing the ca-b and doiag ohrmi da-mag-es. Tihe Provinicial Police- in'vestig-aiig the calse. On Wednesdlay mo(rning la wýiti a,'couple f fhie mmdre-w 'truck -aek up the -embanmeat isFondj truck, whi'ci a heaý 'loaded wlthi loge te iold the pl truieck te the rond. - - n - Former War Veteran Passes Away Sudder For r.Samnuel Bald-wjn, Orono, pass- cd away suddlen'ly aroundf Wedýnesday iioon Iast from a heart attaek w-%hile fixing the kitchen door. MArs. Bah!- %vin was out at the time anfd when she returueil home found the door locked, and upon gaiiflg enitraui-ce, fouind bier hmshand on the- floor bY the kitchen door w,,here hie had bées working. The funeral will be held from B owman ville to !Om ,Cemete(ry ý)-n Fidaiýy under the auspices of the 'Le'-ion -of which he was a hmember. il-e was a retumned war v-eteran of the lmet Great War. He le survived by bis wife, one s-on who ie in the Armied Foe'vces, aud oxie daugbter, nat ure of a ýgif t and that Burtorn M.iller had not intended that hie be comippneated býcause the eiec was llhat he had ýenit the accounte to- hie-, brotherNa, whio is an accoaintant, 'and he aýTýllated them to the païrties for whom thley wýere ;Ilculrred." Applicatons For Cannin g Sugar to be ini by April me atin Acnminîsrtra'uoa orfrthe jeny makingmeanas any n-cea pcv- Wartme Pices an-d Trade Board ishable fruit Ft il in seceon be-. racattention ofliýoncehlolde te twece Junle ,tian Oioert i tic application for caining engar àlAU llincude ecitron. tic No. 2 Raýtîin Book juet distrib- Ttle adsed thai jars and sealers ued. Cann Guides have heen muet -be tmien into acuiin eti- s:ent te ahi biousehiolders te aid lanaîing the seasnemcamig. Those tic estimiation of sugar waii C H wihl have not rueccvcd tic Canning beý, needcd 1by Canadlian women dur- Guide issned by tMc Administration ing tic 1943 canning cea-son wiich mny, appiy te uder poctoflico or opens June tsit. rual ail Carrier. Tiese g,ýu id1esý Ia addition té the application for contain nîl directions and conditions cnnning' sugar, tic newioo-kaIse, for vbtaining caaning sugar. cuontains a guide sheet te-assisitnire Tic compleic-d application f Ar housciolder in ctiaig requircd cal'n-i% sugar sieuld be mIaied te muar f-or prcscrIng of seoa tic nearet -Local Ration 'Board neot fruits. Thc guide stipula-tes the - itrtha April Ith. Those lu ainoit f s-,,r tat uy e a&elOroo district cena euîd tdr appli- anîuxn o suartin my 'e ppledcation crete Mr. A. J. L.yallý sec- f r wti etaid ainounts of fruit. rietnry Local Ration Buad Bwnan- Tic fruit uscdüý for eaaaing, jami or ville. Vol.7 \. --,~ kw 1 a a q

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