Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1942, p. 3

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Graîg heur ay tlog %le hottlaneck ilat às Egypis Ala- MaiU bnite Mn, Briiins e«osro- puaSUi Arniy la n lnlaced thc evet iagicma of île North Afrian gnihchlins sean bliood saeil-p by7 îlewi- blown,, sandsCý of lhe deserij aibîe way from El Aglelin on the Bay of Sire in wiili 80 Wies of Alexandrin. The, fiuctujý-iing stru-Cggle thu21s has r eansi ansI esi ao a sirai,,îgli lin of 800 mile, ecl Succinrg capiavnry-ing only île palos This the,îe ('tb Ary 18confident, n, na Liut-Ga'el. BnadLaw Mont- \-gomnery's or-der. to "dIcsiroy Romi- Mal and lis, ary, s am for '~the storied sblores of lIalian Trip- "V3e, cloýaring île dar1k uciiniei's noieashores to tic h border of Ation firsi broke ou on îte dasr in lthîe fMi of 1940. Theý French Nori African1- ,trmlïy was immohqilized1 Aer île Peininisi captuatonand _tIin arShalJ Gîazinni rnarc 1ýedars t'àc iigluly held Egyptian-Lilyn bor- de, Erlit1sil units feli back toý Sida Barai on le Egyptiar coasi aud Ume laid up île Il- ia advance-aond bld up, iou, îl1e lorries loacled,( wýitl usoln status whcl wre to lplaicde la Decembaer of 19,40, Ganj. Sir Arcelbd WavalI sent li Army ef ihïe _Nuinto tia Jiaan unes and swept wasiward nround tle Llbycn cýOa'S to B agei ndrive of 400 mieSorna quarteis feel 'Wnaell migh,:!t l1ave c'eled Uip al 0', Nertlb-.Afric:a lut frtwo ra son. irsi of ail, Wavell lad te weaken lis forces f'or île il1- faied camipaign il, îleBaan and île avaporatig Foscisi coil- una underwent a lack-hracing operation with Roimel's appear- ance la île fieid. During îlïliewntr rd Early sp Îg, he C r)api ga 1lbopgCd downiWhn RoimElýs Afrika Korpr were rnd for hatile, lie 'et loewiih lis f irst famuous drive ni tle and of smac, 1941. Cue ýih Army,3T such as it was, mioved ek intO Egyýpi f asiev tî,n ht had. gaune to Beagasi. teni tOod fast finsâda île Egyp1tian-, fron-tier. 0f the Lbyn con quasi, only Tobruk -', îeds thorai in Romnel,,Ps sida, Tîrougli île laie summner and eanly fail, tic Intie-front Wnis siteonce n,ntin and thenE a l enmd of, Noveilber. lest yenr, île 11eviîtlized3 8tI ArrMY struck ânew wii levy eqipnni escrilcd in London ns Putthng île armies mn an equal basis for île firsi, lime. Romme suffared lis firsi eCafeat. Ha w-'vs d1rivan oui of Cyranaia beyond El Aglaia on theî Bay o4 Sirte, andi île herole (ieef Tobruk wnslftd Tcfflcanîpaîigr was lauincli- ed by Ronmmel lasi Janunry afiez a wiater mnrkad only ly occas- banal ringforay-s, Thec Afrula Korps 'M", lard, But île Sut Au-rnIy siLîl wns sýtrong aid île nleiy driveQ wnsld afier iý-rOgreSSing hau f wny_ ie]->ss Cyrenaic'a, or: île "lîumýkp" of Lilyn. Teie figlhting onc'le morej' narantle-,y la,,d logged Buit kn ibe iu of aeMy RoMmeis Meaniza Umes n a11rmoed clua agai simuck etwards, fils tanks lii- t'ie Bni- Mer posi Mu tIen SWapi into ~,s.Twoý other' hrutens fqilglt hc'ig bi'rds off before HateU "0 1 E A BOY SOLDIE R fe% la Pussia Lalandstsowe elî how ha mat oneutlifle vtrn Pea E upuioBs AM, an orpiai Tl h oyecae lrfotfronm came. He ad scea 1n Fscss humto litdeaý,,t!li bstth w toehrwith ad1ilîle esand faîuiilis of guarriills tley could fînd. _-New York Posî A4D INFINITUMI once upon a urne île average mian couid doli w hokep ing TIen he ilad tolire a !secra- tary to keap lup with ovrrnn forilis. ow uetonie and formýs (to mý-ake oui for gas and (loil and .food nndpaîi-, hae bas to lire a secretary for bis sceccinry te keep aven witl the gaine. ANI) 50 IT GQES Courtshi Hoirodesi. haeîiCenls ila. H0oneymCoui She Hraesi.fe listons ila. New Tlcy Ioacs.Tha eneighlor-s Windsor Star --- WHY HESS FLED Possibl1y Rud,(oîf Hess skipped to Enigland t'O -gt awa.1y fronil is3 wifa. WMe don't know the alady; but froni wbat l'Cwa knoýw 4of Ru- dotf we'd le hetter able to Undar- stand Lt if sie lad dLona île skip JUST TOO BAD! front in R'ussia, comp1lins ,la oaa dal,-y, we nUsi figit for ail ovar ;agaîn t1h c nexda1y."Now,> isn'itîthjus, too lad! -HanileitSpectator You only get tîle fudto o your aducation ai coiti wvorld pgivea 1u ila aducation proper. _-Quehec Cîronlicla elga LIFE'S LIKCE TH-AT ByScouts fKugto On sumamer cmp, and turned 0\ver:îlea nlet poces,$3,0 thîeB-a IbhneiJp Anad to aid Britsi-Bo'y Scut bo have losi thi hor Patrol eaderAlan MCRoleni was-padiig is baý7t long î'le seahor ivenlie sar.' a oyal Air Freplana cml-:into Iîle sen onv - -oaengina on ifire. Thcp, o r~i bato fr-ee îeffrom îlej ïlnlurried to île resc!ua suppaonth îe pilot on liscmi cmi e brougit1msaeyt shofi1, , . Oaa false 1110e On île cotspnrt wOU1d lav-e cpi île bat. To ni in île food produect in progrMam in Grant 1Bitainào Scouts of île isi Lyons Troop, DuAinn, lave ail ACidA o ee ad miserabhits Becanse The Scout Leader ofiiiPublication of îile Boy- Scouts Asso ciation of Canada, h1 iatlcled in île ruliag forbiddin<u magazinles over7seas, aapiai being i-nnuguratad acroas Canadaý to lava Bloy Scouts write regu- lAry to leir former leaders now sMAig with dle arnad services la G;rant Buitain nnd on other f'ronts. boy Scouts of Rirlmiond, ng laad, jouraayed to their sunir Camp by bonitounvoid creaaiag fmura' rohlaiinsfor thie awys Boy Scou*ts OfWrcstrEg- land, mkethaemsofoprtn i tiaes. Tley lave operated n toy ,-.1of) nad have baili sýcores of toys, frorn manterial saivnged fromi htadbuildings ia thaîrcty Guadalcanal Guadaucanlal, île large slndin file solornions thlat is îleu focal, pointiof île present' fightiag tiar, acoringto îl Ntina GeogaphcalSociety, wsnra lai 1568 Iy a ranigSpanisl- adveturcr for blis home toWai, a silver mna vlaefifty miles nOrthwasi of Seville, ýpaîný, The oriianmie, sn-ys a lui-L 1ei of the society, namy have seiammed froile Morisi or îie Spenisi word "aa, ea ing "clnnal" By Fred -Neher "lYoýl've gt ewrag arden-. , -,-Th(,ddri.fr hs lim-.bin' oses ! For-ce of ?rayer 'Mltn's long rasisiance againsi ovarwheunng Axis odds was at- tgbtd dhîcciy Éleîle force of pryry SrWilliam Doi1Wbie, fomrgovýernor orfiîle island,> ilu a boacaiak. Du Il le tw,,oycs of ',le siee,' sid aneniDoblie, " wa' very coascious of île goad ýlld of God pon nls. I anure 11-thie cniudsafety of Malta wns uliimaely due to Ris divine DPobie, bà vuo lcld iilly Bible sur tntle i ot aoein bis conv'icition-Js. "Manfy otbers sînare hi -itb me," ula said, ndw r uI rn oacd tMntGod d11("s siîanswar pîaya'r, I halieve tint rceogniuioa of tus faci was île ecret of île spirit endurane n-nd fCotîtuda slowut by so miany perzsOnS ha Malta. "Lassonjs WhCh w eaidaw aStout Icart stili p rodulcesgra rasulis; secondly, co-opwraton ha efforts iJ an daiemiluanion to lelp enchother is vill mport- ant, epaiif- in ures of strass; Aod brugh Christ and trust ha Hminhasnow , as avar, tîle, thing wicl matters ms. Wood PulP Used In War Pwe Siokeess powdar is île pro.- paîl"ent Lun iiavs evary thulai aa- sýielI of mdm wraa Ta nrmalurn s smokele"ss podris nmmdc from Cotton Ilin- thrîe short faÙ17 rn2, agon île cotionsced afar île longer, san'ableleibers arerenoved lan îde gin, But today's wnr de ni an aa :(-segrant tînt tha cellu o)Se of woýîod puip aislelp out.i. t i S ýomringp frorn itue spiuees of Maine, île spruces and lamilocks of the PcfeNonibhwest nd tîle siîs pes îe 4',SouLtI. MIj ul p- wýood, nýs weis prepared wood- p"uip, also is impi-o'ried fromi Can- ad.Dar-inglýzte firsi ai of 19542, mfore tilan a thirdi of tuea celuIfose going into -Aneicamii!tar-y pow- daer wasfrom1- wood-pulp and it la eStinied ilait ha 19413 thus pro- por'tion, will le 60 par (ceai, Nazi Loszses Sai,,d To Be_4»000,000 Four imilion Geran risold(ier's l-ad Ihac i lbed or 0put oui of ac- to îlhe end of Aguiof ihis yeAar, Eduard lBenes, presideni of the C&WciGovnmntinlaLoindon, M ld is people hia adio brad- ca-ýst on île aeof Czecloslovaki's ladependeece Day. Ha sai dtie"efigues lad heen btained tîrough a "usi statement direct from Berin fie descriled Grmeny's foodi r osuitinnecomspralle toatMnt of im-parial Grnn in 19117 and saidhier interniai trnisport -"'as alamen table c-and worsenling dnly." Bancs dpciared tint Italy was ha îe ole Of tle lapsharg Emt- pire during l",!'e insi GreantWar, and lad hecorna île weakasi u!Pk ldîe Axis U. S.'Navy Savez EmptyTin Cans Wi'il no boiiled drinks avail- ala roops nnd s;caunen ahoard -n tanport huy ibousanris of "ais o'f pinleappie, g-rap"efruit annd to- miato mjica' d(niiy, Every arnpiy * The ship's taxecutive o-,ffcer re- pot tn O,000 pounlda c'f imcml 1 iamS is sae cdi round înip, Ii's ail drnedonto ilstsrap leap eachytue the shïip oce tc naainn, THE WAR - WEEK U orenayo urn tEesJ There Are NO NewAn Easy. RodsToeitoyIn ThE-isWa ,A-ftr e wiftconquest op Pi-). land, Nrwa, he Netherlnauïds. ro assume that Gormany had soma- of wrfaa. Tey elievod u l a- causeet te appicatofot te gas engne ternîltary ssin iha air amdi n t-'e gontagreat on flict w (,jd e woor lost s01ely in terns 0fCerma "Bilz," To- dayu cn rconie ilt usis na, cucpin Boh ib 7çîdaehave nawer aiidds ie waosta they Ciad la 1939 anàid1940. But treaeno ae-w and easyrod tvioy.Evýer'y proseni, frghting frnt sh110ows tînt waiPtIaS eiy a lw and ns-i, fcita conlic la taenpl-aice la NoI. Africa, Taksvthora ave pluniged back an forth ers"s a tihoGiland miljjes of îdesert laa bewid-,i i comlex0f anouvrs. Yet is say lent te encrantbattie rninis "asointense fiht l hose of the Furst WorldiWar." The a ta proWi-sses from slit trnc tnc). Tlin Russia, wlJichthe Ga- nncfirs i inaded with heema speed tînt parnlyzed poland, tie ai ie's h'ebeen saldforý more intw ronthls beoreîl ques ive aconquracistreatai mocsi cthe ceimportance th:at ilyused to gi7e a conquerud provin. For seven moniths la île Far kàasi Apnswept averyihing beoaher. DBut sinCe triln ie o)[) posngfoces have arlychang- jmi posiin. The £iîgtin hasla cesd aintest;planesan c3hips hava been fungin rdii ly, u Scetr Ko ow ucal1s wht ie irai Wold W aws. TIhe reýason, 0f course, is 1ecause both sde aeapp',rJoaciigan,ýi equaiiy of powar. Tînt cbarnne: will >no, abuckl usel u tîl rate f inceasa ow tlefinitaiy faosibe UniedNatons TAe tougine2s of the confliet waîs cnddby ail thcen Who Arnricns avecorne to eac tu onnedespsd Japanese fgt ii- , mqoa a, cuagoslesouirce- foe. liaslnndElsita liemigit hot confu1S!ingodr b~~~~lC)S AreiaItopHawl x pos hrnelt1 nchn-u ire la order 1.irveal1 thelctin0 tic machna gun o hiscmrds Ho îliusan fag ù0f truce 10 lure' ilis tasinto amtbus-i. Halhasisk- mnoeure, sndn, Iib cas lear 10fihip thïe darir. To) beat h"rPlm cas for ie 1lest lu Aeia TierJaonee anrst to regain Gudlcnl aibean n ch ,- )e d beond tC Solomoas. No longer waere îe he tsakes aýn rfal Culagi, forn wlüh Japanase puas and submaines couldmn- aice convoys bound for Amurlia fowlivocs Amarcauld aunci futue ofensies.Tinsaaes p lun flic nited ') ain aii T a frnransord ia I vjaw i1i wit u nposi ai Midway. Tience, movag soWu-esah rua tioui icAmUn)ca»bses inth Caeonaad New Gines, with1 forwrdpositinlihe New Hb rides nnd uthelomons. Ilis a !0ong, locosel, 1y gure rnlr '11banines ena slip iirougli it ensily, but b»Yond us principl tralia and New Zealand, Lihecost helps rainsone cf thle Jpne steghaied lat, In(ia and C1ina luf!the Japanese, il a decisiV Vîctory la the Solooans r an can s sau aseps in itue SruibPau- their rewaî'ds wHvil, begreat. Ans- tralu WndNew Zealad wHIl tad isolated nnd in mortas danger. Tho coasts o;f Soail neica wïll lie opnto Niponee rid. It wiý Ll be'ome ýi'nivJ'iearaly trile dii cuit for. thecUitÈed Natim' ons to su- cifie ar mn ut. Fr Japan0-,i was the o0pcaing o of nw phase,on gan Leintaie they inadf iheld been folloed by five montis in We wihsethacks andIstalemate hl stopped ta Jpanse ush Strigwith te surprie taKM on11 PeailHrilad h lln Pri]nc(eeof Wlaeff Snga1pore, i toyfoi, thie UnitýedNainws oneAa f ettand daenmt. Thea, -was hleroicdeyigato in it: the defen e fWake IsiAnt yWh Marne, ta ong à1nd bitter',e sitc f the ArneWians anid Lii- pinos on Btan.ButthUe iiia mromnentuimof th01panese ad Oth lakof pre1aaratio)n b'y theUntc Nations w'ere too !oa'ncd.l Mfalaya, Burma, the java Sea andi in the Pilppne le Jpaas Poxth le IJnited Natiis-oiy time asgaînlCd to fighit ew ýbatties ThaJaansewon da ridli world. Wben tha aggrecsor's fores came to Z ahit, they ,ware sradoe mnore itian a quarter of tie _gl'obe. phase 0f the etrugglethle'Jpn sti lic he lte ofnsvbut this Arne the results wara differCn A le CmlSea ,and at Midway is- 1lnds, Jain)seeffrt , o axend their cnust eadacisively ~defade.d in sea-and-aii battiesý f.ouglit ovr unîds of ilps of bine ater.la ,Juli nehNipns ga~ed fothldia the far iealýý- tiants, -fa Auigust United Nations for-ces tooýek tharofeniveadlodgl- mosi Solomeons. Itay'sFasisiregimte celebrat- cd the 20ih sunivesaryof it duso to power on Oct, 28, nad as, h id so ail the ingiredients of a first-cla!ss revolution wýCee a Thýe Iainreord was -e7not in- praSsîv in iwo and one %auf years; of conflict. WTitb tile death f Ga. Orsi on Cle Egyptian front Oct. 18W tha ltalian Armry has bi82gn eras lsinc e outreak ' wr, The Itali-tn Air Forýce, oniLce herlde asarnong tCa hast ié Euop, aslo.si ai c--lsi4,000.1 'planes. Preseni production lare- iy rachas 500 outntoded 'planes The submarine fiepet,whidh re- por-ztedi'y lad; more thran L50 craft ai Ole sutnof war, las losi at lesioa forilof lis original strengl. WnrJSJJshp wlaking ohj and in need of iepair siay in port heýCause f Bitih nvaland airý "'Pg culs" are supplýyinjgih Britih hardru tlî àmoreyn 7,000 tREG'LAR FELLERS--O1d Stuff - By' Ç 4E TOOk OFF HMA AN' qUE35 W4AM?1E RV UT A CUPLA SIAE$ AN' r 1,EFI 1 iE'Y CoiME flOF e'T! RF-Av. momnEY. 1 : V.LP-Oie -g5~ em [P1ERE WAS EUl COME OUT WI'}I A 1<ý MUSTAC4E LÛN 'fA OucI-IA SEE PIlI DOTRIk

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