Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1942, p. 6

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If l'iea StrurgIlethfat Is new go- taig on lu ths e ou iIslandse la net alraady a n par engagement, it Is ging te ha, says tche INaw 'Yorkc HeraltiTribuine. M I haJapa- neaeara net thera in sufficIaut itrýentgtil te recover pciasesin, they may withdraw whiat they e"ýna salvage. But in]thiat avent ;they 'wMlliebaehakwith stil' stronger foi-ces, te, malte a stili more des- pertaeffort; ant i t seains likeiy that thay wlIH keep ceming baclt, if tbey muaI, until they bave ne nie power tban enough te tefenti thir lhomne islantis !larýft.Ltwouldý appear, indleeti, thnt 'they have- de- cid(ed te malte a test et thair (ies- inly iluithis 1lîfttîeC gro np, fe elling thaý't if ithey cainnet 1ecovar anti ihel I the.ia btls ef terrilery which thay have incorporateti ili thieir gatnaw enippîre 1yceuet thapy aragoing le loeseit ail, b)it l'y it, at they might as weil HO11W CAN I.? Q.How can ilmaâte an avein brveak in a glasýs bottie just belew tMe neck? A. Wrap a piece or twine thatý fiasý been satumrateflft ib urpen, tine oür kerosene aroui the boctti at the poinit where the c break is dteasir eti. Ignite the twinie anilet it hum uantil cnsmti heýn pour colti ater on the bottie andi it WiI break where the twina was tieli Q. How eî-au I hoileggs se that the whlitas will net be tough? A, To soft-ceok e-ggs, put the-m into a pan of water that, isbolg hot. Remeove the pan from!i the fire and 1et the eggs stand a fit from- eight te ten mninutes. Whanl cooked in thîs %way, the whfjtes ef the aggs do netbecomie tengb, Q.,How eau1Iprevent crumýb- Iing of- plaster wben drivilng a nail linitinvitm wtate"r before driving iît in)to Ja plaster waIl wiIl lessenl the danger of it "s crm lte plase. Q. How ,caqn I1ame l'air thlat is teeoilHy? A, seat the wite ef an egg stiffas possble anti rb jute th hair uIntil it is wet âaIl sver. Allow this tc dry, atiter whîcbl thac egg wil-1l ruisb out like fine Wite pnw- der and leaveètne bair fuffy and hright. Q. îHow eaui m)ake ,furniture A, This eaiu bc.doua vore-y e,.sily h!Y mnixing ;twe parwqts beiled lin- iled Oib andtoeapart turpeutine, Anexelnpohwilbthr- Life 0f Synthetie Tie.3, 000 Miles auu an atomoble tira wears ont it isa' Usaly an occasion for an1 itemina nwppr vnl thaa tay whn iresare etten ïlrraplaceable. 1But oire whîlb waVA wVMoruot on the streets of Ohicago rece3ntly Umaltes as It wals a tire mnacle largely o Svnthetiosich~ Have You Heard? Two Scots ment, into tha Stel- bourme RotaI, in Dublin, and In- quiredt thacost ef a ngtslodgîai. - Reolis on the fIrat floor," re- plieti the clark, "are two guineas, ou the second lowoeaguinea, the tIrti1101,leer anshillings, aaInl ve shillings fCr thatop Hfoor." 1 Thli two prospective guIests wltb- drecw fer a conferenica. \Whea theY returnati, t hacrkinquireti.chear- lly, "Weil, gen tlemen, shall we beolt rooma sfer yen,,?" 1"Na lia, mser replied the spokzesmnan frtie pair, "ea a fine hoose, ut it's inae naaeie eneueh." -0- ,As Sandy went over the weekly housekeepin.g accounts his face grew gleemny. "Look bers, Mary," ha saicl severely, "mustnrci plaster, oeashiling, teotih extracted, five shillins. T here is six shiling-,s spent hi ena wveck entireIy on your pri- vate pleasure.» -o- TJ'liefflicai'gazad tierrly at the pri rate who hiad 7beau1 broughit be- Morshlm. "Didl.yen ralil't1e sergealnt a iar?" ha tiemaniet "! titi, sur." "Anti a twister?"ý "Yegse i." 'Anc4 fit You j'O on to describe hlm -1& apo-aat, nockknad blaclt-blighiteti stooge?" The private hesittati. Then With a uso t fregretlu insMvoire, ha replieti: "No, air. I forgot ta! Mme. Modern (calling to bus- band upsta re): " iiiyeu &hig clown my bat, dear?" H-usband: "Welli 1don't knowv the diifference between your, hat aild your hnbg which ise whieh?"' NIrs. Modern: "The rmna Without any Money ilu l My bat, darllngs" The younig wiUo was feigani looklng gîoomy-. "What's tre trouble, dear'!" ber friand, a wîf e et tan yýeaVs; tand.-~ iag, lnqnil'at. "Oh-sny buaband blas beau out~ ail tun eveniug andi I havent tMe f'ainteat Iden whaerehlie s," "Oüh. vou sbndn't wnrrr abouti .What lite ret manniler ef jioug a tîp? 2. la a bil blot In a social lat- 3. Shonld a gucat ever ise. fremn htuambheore tetuenss ses? 4. Isn'7t it imlpreper fer Fa girl te wa ber engagem-,ent ring la public before tue engagemnent is anneunceti? 5. Has a beast the privilege et teling bIs gucats wchan te stop tirnking? ,3. Wba amanl aniaà girl ara Inlner dancing, wheo leada the way frmthutable tethtu ance floor? 'CI fflj r-ras- 'cati Au~u ~ rea Bitan sks maiecheese which miiay ha etender-. For NMorE Cheese ad exot"hedprmn Gooci past.urýe cnditionjs ani, The aigricuilture - cepartmient an- better prices wýere blevdto have unei pst wveek tuct tde Brltish enableti the agricuJlure depart- od Ministry lias advised that ment to mn ahead of sehedul in is prepared to pLurchase an ad- thaex_ýpert of cheese in the pe iona1 quantity OF Cheese above sent year, and it sas understood * 125,000,000 pounds provided that several million ponynds hi tx- r in an agreemexit eowerng Ibe eus of U1MY00 ,U4>cld pro- ulontha ending Maureh 81 n ieat. bably be shippeci if produiction re- "The additional quiantity which mains as in past mionths, e ninistry bas agreet to accpt The price for the additonaTï 11, it is believc(!, permrit Of ex- shlipment wi be the samne as that rt to the miniýtr'y of the greater for the ainotrat2 et et, anti prQbably alk te October a Po oun i b. steamer. c ASH-ilon YUl C MPERA If It's of the Type Lite uelo1w Send your Camerasin tei EATON'S anti weý willi 1im1edfiately let yeTfu k-now the ami-ounït we wilI pay as OUTIRIGHIT PURCHASE FOR CASH, oýr >what we wiLI. allow as a tae-non another camrera. The f-ýollowîiag is a Eist of the camneras we require-- Rolleiflex Exaicta Movie Cameras, Lothi 8 & 16 m.m.u Rolleicord Weftur Cin. Kolaîks, bcth 8 & 16 mai,, Fothf1ax Weitinî Kodak Recomar-ts Foth Deýrby .1 -1 Voigtlandler Roil Film and Filmi ýn camnera 1condition,. a'a stike, riglfit tirera, antird h uoanti taire te hace hicis euch a couswtemaHn udicttas French Pay Nazis $7,500,000 Daily Germian c'cupa)ïtion reostasFrance $7500 tail Y, the ù Flghiag Freneh ialëegatio1n lat bigo reportetirecentîy. Tisa cost )f cevary heur of oc)cu- pation la enough te support 500 P'rench failliies of thrae ,,per.soas foc tr au sienlcyeanrthe tiaI uM, mU1îiiiuu aauy, C, "vas reclucedti t sa diay. i 10 miillin t Isas-o ebr trGopie 'hae ethar 200 ii- e) bny Freach aýgri- sets, pluntiffering resorcas tebuly came rubber-cMesclous. As Durable As Rubber TieMter Gond ph ýeoplear cerictimw that tlié parîlcular, experimnriautitiaprovati just as dual sthosa m1ae entiraly aet natuiral rmuhber. The snhtetiresý baýlng ns Dby tire ý4-ceipany haýva' seoma natural ubber lan their rm-alta- up-Wt bs seti e L? ati coton f ah,- rie lu the base, but the tboadihl anStiraly of thise SynVtee ma!teri Noqw the cempancy --epe;m3t lug fu;rthIer. Pasaengars ou city bussneyer drnm that tlheyma ba riiingOn tisa n1ewptrlu prdcbut 8 tires with Yn- thll imbber treD,tis are hi use- an-rg, r ete maCIticage atý t1isepresent time. They ara beia triateut l!a ail par'-ts o, tha city, Alrpaaty aboudt 15,000 mailes h-ave beau traveleti b7 tisaÊ' sylthetic tieTisere have beau ne ýablew- ntonepuncturas. DiessnY tisey a site bandean wet pavemeonts tisan th2eoceventional typ E. Destroy Two-Thirds of Italy's Shippin T'we-t-hirds eothf rchanit ma- Dnue Ital3y brouglit into,. the war bas been Akuocda ut of te con- ad--a review of officiaireports shows. 'Befere ,June, 19410,Mueln' merchant.ien aggragated8,0- 000 tons, Thne UnitedNain hava choppeti 2,866,000 fre-im this total, witb 1,500,000 on the de- stoytiLt Britain's Home Guarci "Tise sanrity of ourisi aut mrin InvasioDn icautet aachiavtiwlh out tise part played by the IlI lion aat tra e-quarter me'u or thie'o Gu'arcti, wise(de their rglrworlt, andi, althtie samf, t1inia, are avail- abaatthile shortesi oti'e tpe de- ten-ad heir hearths anti hmes," Pimne Minister WntuCaell .Return of Supplies Fer HngKQng caniadi "i Red Cross sujpplies whvficb hadi beau intende-ct for dis- tiuinamoag Canadian soldiersq held prisoner mn Hong Kong, barred ia transit ',-y theJpns Govemnument, were dischar-geýd e- qently at a Canlailan- port from a m-:oto)rshrip flying. a neutral ïlag. The 1,600 tons of supplies cou,- ssaiof f lour, augar, blank:ets, caeti goods aMd iedical essen- tiais, The censignment had been load- ed for shipetot the Far East,1 but was re-ro-uted ilen the Jap- aniese dIeclined,ý to gua"i-itee its de- liver-y, WORRY OVER COAL SUPPLIES is UNNECESSAR'Y wln toSc, an1y peeple order- lnig ail and soetimaes rmore than, thepy neatifer the se1,sen, ceal d- 'Iele re bard ta malte on schedulti.,Den't maLte this situ- ation- werse. Be patt anatil îtheD prestnt rushi is over- Then sw-p- plies ehadltribuîtad eaqualiy and ne, ena will suiffcr. Anti -when yen do &ierai' ceaialte sure lt's more comfort andti more eceomyv lai every -ton, Ylour inearest 'bMue ca'dealer wWl gladly help you te solve youi. coal probims. Phoa01e hlm today WOMEN (yr8. od) IIEED THIS ADVI CE.2 1UyLi're cross, restiess, xRvou7-. su .r 1 ashies, dlzslxzss-oaused by this pex'led lu a woman's .ie- try Lycia E. Plnlchai-n's Vegetable Cormpeuacl Macde especially for women. llundrea.s ef thousaad., se- markably liep-,j. Fülow labladitre- tiens. Madie aada. SALE r. M. Riteluep, D VITALITY ri olr.Wo- several yealrs enoshealth flks God for TONI CS udthey Li mited. 25t0 A C maie Ail- 1\1inri lIte medijes, 946 RitLoos Street, Vancouver. Radio Cus-25 AMAZINO OFFER 0F eform ara oeedyou nt the' grrllyredcadprîca of $2>.511. T'his iu every ,wayT Pref)Pîred For Homne Study TR coursýes il, 0ea 1) Eîle :111' Practia1)an iAPlie Radi o; (1) dvaued rainng.Order non'. PAYETE &Co. LTD. 9)1 BluY, Monitreal P.Q.. .0,hemntV ains orl'Neuritiýs shOBît cit r y Dl!n's emedy -'J roYDrugStiore,1 5El g I itaa.Pstpid$10. PERSONAL QU oR le ; iï Idi asM u - 1a Box 254, ask. - beSTISM lu leaSing îing Coin- i. AS-H Su- mps Box' Diubois, >,74i Clar eaStreet, 0Ot- SM-AL, B!STATE IU OMlOT ablebrkhmewtgad. i 1 SSUE -,15 -24 2

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