Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1942, p. 5

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THE OR( ings of butter in esan reamnerie', to 75 per cent of at the saine date 1110unceC111('14s'aid thu ppros- of consumptionl is abeve st year ;but ad4ded thatth (IjeV(eS thalt Wi'tilc~oea Il pa rt of consumers it ssible to maintaîn an nde- piy Vo meet normial de- r1danLe çwth thre poliey es- last Api-îl, maximum butter will increasc on 2by 9i. ef a eet it apound ale and une cent a pou'nd on 11- 1IIno-ep and V o pro-v said the dic need ive winte! Sfor stor-1 o0- ýTEINS AERAGE OVER $2900 otal ofcd ,0 et the 'ipra erci of, rthe lute MertînM- -foýrd Centre. Forty-flve f e- afiA ages, e e eged an even \vith Vw-o of the,,i m biajging adi Vith bbycaîf a tfo ot. huls soid forp an avergeof ývith Cenitre View Ptfne g'hVe sale et $465 on the bld H.WObber, Ayimier. Hue is oýf Vitra-egAppiebredng U1 beinig a daughter of ýiFloien ppie Wh a three-yearoldre- ,f 67( i bs. fat froin i17,40,3Ibs. lis sire is -M onwi c Mono- a son of tic femous M1ontvie ider who sired the 1941 Ail conGto-Sre and is fromi iüCiramnion Ab riWho es.erve Grand Chamipiont and he ceveted prize for the best d ci at tde recet Dairy Cat- gre-se, Waterloo, Iowa. tbdree of the affnimais sold- lett o, t'wo going te j. L. Guilbert, es, Quelbcq and one te the savood Farim of J. E. Cliand- Ldsn eigîts, Quebec. Manley Littleýwood expeets Vo rournd tire middle of the for BrocIrville we-hre he viii, n Officers course. ADIO REPAIRING modern test equipmeut en- me to make fast, dependabie ito any make of radio. Chias. :x, 42 r 2, Orono. f THITE S TOR ES ovember Sth, delivery will be ,nd Saturdays. We are short Spublic to co-operate with us an again give normal service. Thank you. 'owder, lb. tin 28c and Carry) Bread Flour, 98 lbs. $2.89 23c kgs. 19c 25c 25c 25c 19C ,3c. Ilb b 27c O iy about six more weeks until C~hiistmias. Do your shopjing eaiy. Qu'eun Piebe Creator, a pwure-.bred Holstein froin the 'Cectar PDale herd of F. W. L. Tamhlilyn, Orono, lias junt comtpleted a Rtcordc of ?erform11- once test of M68lub. fat Iom 14,63 Ib.milk thatgve her a. lifetime total production of 123,362 i;bs. milk 'ontaining 4,070 ls. fat. Stated on test as a trèya-lshe has-1 be injîkefitweedaily during eight of her ihne lactationis and li-as quel- ifed for the 315 day division six tunes, lerowiinerhas received. re- cegnition of bier exceptional produc- tion 'of Lntm Production fi-om1 thie Hlbstein-Friesiasi Association o f Canada. île Orme Gamslby has been priv- leged to attend iremetly a vouple of iy njoalbeone in connection with theic initial opening of tihe Du-iram lub of Toronrto, of rwh:ch Il(,ieisà ne lmbre the other was a banquet, tendered to theinereently appoinedl OntariD Premier, Hon. Gordon Con- awhh'Waýs beid at the GenloAl Hotel, Oshawa, on Friay eer ng stnndpointih somie 30i ted àaH (!e. For 1his age Orile cePlrnA t 1)e able tVo fit in at 11111Y functin \uhicli are worth while. IIALLOW'EN IN ORONO Hullowe'eni pased off firiyque in Olýro. Tire young uhildreyi vwer, eut eariy vstigtirehomnes, eeiigcanidy endf appl'es, even thuiËIV vas alv-et 1niglit, wvihiýbcli di net dot,'er thein at ail. The older bioys sýtarted1tbiri pranirs leter on in the eveingl, tek- mgl avay stoýpsý, imving ýsmeali build- i.gs emoving wag-ons and signs Vo different parts of the villag-e. Fromii ail reports ireceivcd ne one suffered ývery leavily. o- 0 - CANADA'S 3rd VICTORY LOAN NEARS OBJECTIVE Following la the latest informe- tien on thre Vîctory Loani. Witl four dloys of canvassa-rmaiing Cannade's Vhird Viýctoiy Loan iras i-eaec $715_905,800 of Vire minimum oýbjec- tive of $750,000,000O. Provinces of Manitoba, Brtish C<o- lumubia and N.ew ~Brunswicrk have al- ready passed VIe rquota and ]have reiscd tiroir heights. W. M. S. MEETING Tire Novemiier meeting of tire Wo- man's Mission-ary ýSocecty was hieid on Tues day, Norvemiber Srrd, in Piaru St. Sunda-y School room uwith the presidont, Mrs. .ittlewod, prosid- Aflte-r tire epening exeýrcices t-i J business \vas dealt vitir. Tire presi- dent arneunced tirirty-six quarts of fruit and a quantity c!f clotiring lad been sent te tie Fred Victor Ms sien. A leter cf tlienks sud iappre- ciatien vas read frein Mr. Hunisett for saine. IMrs. M. H. Staples vasapite de-leg-ate for the Sectional Reliy te ,be ire-id in Tyrone on Thui-sday next. It ývas decided te have a sp(ecial Chistmas programm-e et tire De - cem'ber W.ýM.S, -meeting, tire group) leaders te arrange for it. A nomin- ,ting cormmttec, com-prising ef Mrs. M. ;H. Stapies, lMiss Davy and M-rs. Wal-sh, -was apipointed Vo brin- in a slaVe of officersi for 1943 at tire next meeting. Mrs. Porter, Mission'- ary Monthly iSecretary, urged tiret more nme-mons subscrihe for VIe Missionerry Montlly. Mrs. LittlPweod Thon gave a very interesting and informatiçve tali on a. rirp sire andMr. ULttlewood lied talzon recentiy tliroulgl thc John Inglis plant ini Teronto. Tire W.M.S. 'hi( meetings tIree evenings a -week, in tIc recreatien rooem at tire plant. ~Mrs. Walshr gave tire Bible readinig witir comments on qirayer. Tis vas f olleowed viti r 'ayec- hy ,Mrs. Delve. Tire remeander ýof thre meetingva given over te thec diridren. -Mrs Littleweod spolie a f cvi words on tire, I'Mr. ýMac Smith, 'of Torento, j spellding' a couple of days in towil lMrs. United visit. Mr.s. Orono. Gordon has returned to thtc States for a feiw mniC-lthils' Wmi. Jerdon, of Ajax, spent of Iast week with iensini Mr. Clarence Allun is 'siowiy re- euperating after suffering a r-elapse? of the 'flu. élig-ht Seýrgeant Ronald Petterson of Birampton is spendiag - a few days in our villaige rvisiticng wit:h friends. Orone 'Chaniber of Cmerewill h.old a dance on Friday, Dec. 11, in thch town hall eseive this date2. Miss Sexsmiith, a formner teacher at Or-one Continuation Seheol, was a rcecnt visitei wilh Mr-. and AMrs. J. J ilfillan. Mr.GeogeCooperrtrndhm onl Saturýday alst afte"r speindinige week wýithi hie danghter, Mis. Mar- ahni, alo is son Laverne. Mr. and Ms F. J. Brimacomire, o( Kliuby, nd Mrs. S. Tantiblyn, of Port,! Hjope(, vere suppergust of Mr -1-.d Mrs. J. Eagesýonrenty Mr. J. 'aeadoof Bcm vill, Ms iaelGarseaddecn a! id Mi;ss Padrker. -, T orto c cilo Onl Mondty atroo ieYoung M!ission B'and of Parýk St. Chur-ci vias gýiven a liallowve'en perty. Prize-s -iere g-iinand candy vies served. The mqintirly bus3ineýss meeting of ire Red Cross vii lie reid tins (Thutsrsýdey,) afternoon et 3.45 at tIire Orange Hall. Sewimg suaid knittinig wvill beceie and given out as usuel. Mr. and Mrs. ýC. H. Preste recels- eà wýord firintheir son ÇiIfred in- f erming themr that lie lias airnived enfecly at Halifax frorn iiEagland. IWiifred rwas sbip-wreclcýed on iris previous trip te tire British Tales-. Mr. end rs.SId. Tathai anrd three boys, of Toronto, visited Sun- day vith their aunt, Miss F. M. Cobulediek. Mrs. A damrs, whe lias theen staying in Oronio for sü-nie mirnfirs returned to tire eity with thein. Permission hbas been granted by tire Ontario !Ilydro Commission te pcopie Wiro ve tot decorate thiri Christmnas trees witui ligirts. Tis la one tie ire autirorit'es are gecIng Vo e a ittie lenient in letting tiere be ligit at thre feýstive seasen. Two offlcers froin BowmaniviIie visited tire Orono goxtinuation Scireo'l on Weduesdayý afternoon and gave niilitairy instruýction.s, one teaiehîng tire boys and the other tire girls. If vie ave ever attack1ed by aIn enemiy, girls edbcys wilile( in the eruky. Instead of tire veguleýr sermon oni Sunday eveningý last at ParkL St. Cirurcir, pictujres viere slirwn on the "Foywer of tire Press" i Chiina,. vihicir vere very interesting and in- struetive. Misses Audrey iBilingc a nd Muriel Tenant sang a duet. A good number wr preserit at Vils service. On Tuesday of last vweel, the -Orono Continuation Scirool elotd tire offi- cers of tire Ltr Society for th( suhlfl terni as follows : Dan Ghmara, president. Doreen Cornisir, secretary; Joyce Lowery, treesurer; Bob Cooper,' editor cf OaCiS; Car- man Cornisir, Ruth ILunia-mI Auna Staples, group leaders. On Saturday ýcf lest 'week !Mr. Fred Trulil anded Vthe editor, a car- rot, or five carrots in one, which- lie cailed his; Victory carrot. Five ecar- rots on on-a stem mýakes thre numier- ai V. The five carirots aloise ake five V's, and V. stands for Victory, and -ie feel sure MVr. Truli lies nanm- ed tlie carrot rigfi-i-V. for Victory. On Friday afternoon of hast vie-ci Grone Puliie Sdbool chlild"-den ere given a lialeowe'ea perty by tireir teachers. Many of Vire cildren viere in costume, and iprizes viere oiven. fohilowvec by apples and e~andy now but (By Sq'uadrlton Leaider, G. L. Gr-ced, R.C.A.ýF.) Buy boffnds for Vcýtoly! ..the pr-ice Is well wor-th -anly arfe For if sith us yuu may not fight, On1 yorldepends ou amore1m1- To.day thene's ne alternative, Unless you have a life- togie The cost in either (:ase corneshg- Puy Boùnds for Vitoy r ie! Buy Bonlds fo,)-Vietory! . .. thait ie WPho stake onr lives to keqp you fr(ee May nmeet on equi teris the Foe ih o sceels you Freedomi tooe Give us the tools--we ask no more To l<eep inivielate your, shore... Fo yn e sail and filit and. fiy-_ *luy lBonds fo~ i. tr-ord Buy Bondls for Victoiry! . . . the lait Is yours f)-rm Viose Who gave thei? al At Siga ve I'oruk, llong Ko)ng- DIoJppe .Li. n over-gowilig thronIlg Who forl your Libierty today With blo<od have paid - und stii mnuet ply . .. No loger my youwondýer hy Buyconds 1fer Victor'y - or dlie! . to Toronto to see abou NlOTHýING MAiýlTTERS NOW BUT ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Ayear ago we had six people working for us and we had gas, tires and everything to give youl good service. That is past. Starting the week of Nov, 8th, we will deliver three days, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday miornings. WE HOPE YOU WILL CO-OPERATE Fresh Liver lb. 15e Eating Grapes IL 29c- Fresh Pork Shoulder lb. 28c. Prime Rib Roast- lb. 33c. Robiln Jood Flour 1.00 lb. $3.00 Lamb Chlops lb. Cooking Onions 6 lbs. 25mce Shoulder Roast Beef lb. 28e* Rounâd Steak lb. Sirloin Ore Fui on Centre St. 11.00 14I 2.30p 7.00 Lc Chsf -Vthe Teth Hie I - Peas, 2 tins tini ILb Pri 2for Eagle Band Condenised Milk tin 21EC. Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c Porterhouse Steak ib. Fresh Ham lb. 33c-

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