Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1942, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT.,'TRUUSDAY, Do. is o tiç and Newcastle, Gradually Nearing High Ave rage At Fali Holstein Special Sale At Brampton Thursday Last rty-'eight Femates SoId or an Average Price of $300.00 With a 1large crowd p resen-ilt froml ail parts Quec eand the UnitedJ Fal Specal Hostein So Thurs'day, Octobex' 29, a ýOntarlio, under the ýmai A. R B. ubacher, was al sucess. The 49 fenles presenting a rssec best Ontarioo breeding, s average cuf $30,0 with 2"9 aging $309.88 and tern ý$25S.50.. 24 bulls, niostl, of, buyer's of Otro S tates, t he- agemecnt of uiiqualified offeried, re- 02n of theu ldfor Ml wais 1-yland ronsigned 'Woodstodk, new oiwneri Iles, Québiec. the $5000 h'b f -iol, she wsa ilwith an 1-o bull was fifomi the hor ~Streetsville. Ch ai and r Clarke Township Council Clarýike Township Council met on1 Novembier 3rd, wth ail the m-embei s pr es ent. Tte iClerk %wa-s instr'ucted toiwnship pro!perýty. t was d(ecided, to isr th twnhpbulildinlg iii Orono., ' 1, ,l The floigbis were ,ordcieed paid: C. F. Ad,142 taxes on tow;n- sip pro.perty, $4G.47; Mrsý. E. J. RadlR vs IF., $32j4-I\fis. H. Mor- ris, $5.0,0; 0O,0no Coal and Lumberý Gýo., Supplies, $15.50; J. J. -Melor, postalge, saiary, convenition xplb ses and selection of Jurors, $85.27; W. E. Dsavey, taxi to Oshawa. B.O. H., $2.25; Alex. Prout, slieep killed by dogs, $40.00. G'eo. Stapleton, shcep killed ýby dogs, $16.00; Orono( Weekly Thiiis, Iprinting-, $6.50; Du. A. F. McKenzie, B.O.. $8.00ý T. A. Reid, selecti1ng jurors, $.0;J. LFýall Lowery, secle-cting juuors, $4.00; Clinton Brown, sheep killedl bydo, $12.00; 'Clarence, J. AllUn, 4 trips as valuer., $1 '0. 00; E. L. MlacNahltan, 5,9 per bcent mntce hospitaliz-ation, $45.25; Road VoLIcher No. 11, $981.- 25;ý R. H-. Wood, care of town hall, Juyl 14, 1942, Batisille IDaiy, wae ýele biated Iby the Fighting iFrnnh troops in Cairo at the Xasr El Nil Barracks, when Britishl and French decorations -were awvvarded to Frenh muii who fought so heroically at Bir Haideein. Pi'ture shows: Lt. {4Mlral G. W. Stane, G.O.C. British trops in Egypt, prueentingl the Dl.O. to ýGeneral K.oenig for his gai- lantry 'n ooi-nmiiaiing ii-the defenders û:f Bir I{adheinmi Canadian Newspaper Editors 'Visit To The Briîsh Isles, District E. Has Now Contributed $105, 900 With $54,000 To Go OnIy Three Days Left to iRED CROSS SHIPMENT Reach Objective of __ $160,000RED CROSS SIIIPMENT $1000Thie follcwing g ocids werc siiippedI from the Or 0onio Branch of the Rej ThLe latest fligures available up Vo Croýss Society for the m'onith Of Weclnesdaiy iightt for District K E. ctbelr (Clarke Townehlip aci tN e ýCls tile1) 2~5 se(eveless sweaitersý, 10 pair of shows that the suin of $105,900 hasgovs 10 aJltrnlate caps, 10 trl been suibscribed for Camiada's 'hird 'ceck swe-aters, 410 pair of' service Victorly Loan. This stil ba-ves a sook's, :20 pair vwliole mlitts, "0 turtle- balanlce of $5,0 o be talen ir, by reck ttsck-inis, 3 helmnets, 17 pair ûf Saturýda,-y, N'ovemijber 7th , wliih seamýtlan's lonig sc Z, 5 mother's would mean ýthat atroumid $18,000 will vii-n, 25 lbaby igownis, 71 hanidker- have to be suhacýribèci oci? dy- thalt 'hes 0Vwl,274-inch baund- is rmaiing Thrsy to Satuiciay., eges, 1 eriib quilt,2 u, boys (eoat $18,000 a day dees not seem ai and pants), 2 pair pants, 5 shirtas. l'arge anunt for five canvassers toi2 pair bcd socýks, 1 suit of under- seetire, but abaswhen the drive is wNeaoe (childs), 3 pair socks, rs' nearing the e.nd only a f ew are Ieft dresses, 2 blouses, 1 throw, 2 baby- w'ho have not tbeen ealled upon,' so sweater]>,, 1 Pair Inlitte, 1 bonnet, I this is why it je becomling har-der 'to1Pair hbeottees, andi 12 cmoetbags lreach the objectivTe of $160,000. But fori- -ibors. it can ibe done if ail thcse who al e able te will contritbute. uiug Chief Draper 'There are three provillees in- the i 1}oi-inion,. Maniitoba, ~Bitish Columi-J For $83,000 Damages bia and Ncw uswc whichi havei j passed their objective. Two of the In Pa statement of dlaim filed at ' rovinvoes, jou ~will note, aire on the Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Fridaiy, Oet. extr-em-e ends; of the counitry, onie on 3l0, a total of $83,419.80 is clailnileï 'thco Pacýi'f!c coast and the 'o)ther onllagainlst Chief Colistable flennis C. the Atlanutic ÇpQast, and t hey are ( Draper on1 behaîf eof four persons la- cuite awa,-ercof the f-act that thLire Jured iin q collision on Hîighway No. Uana'da's Thirci Vitory Loan. Over 3,000 menifers of the Cana- dian Arm-y frors tins dity and tIre Barriefield Area agmntdby naval a ndclair force detachnieuts and CA. A. C. :personnel, in addition Vo a flight cf air cadets, took part. >Four, wireless -5sets of Vhe SVh Di- vision1 Signale -were usind 'Vo report the pa'rade's progress an'd Vo assist treffle ýcontrol as the columa mi-arch- edthrou-h tire city under tIre comn- mend aýf t.-Col. G. W. Srart. Taking part in tIre parade la addi- tien to tIre arnry personnel wero, de- taýchi-tenits of the R.'C.N. and R. C. N. V . i, and a detachurents fron rertrict De- il Signais t have kept a close ebusines-s block wece1 soap tis yenr as n1 are only three or licve wila i end oebr7tIr. Can,.ad-a lt It eau g-et ',0carry id!ous war wr, a ew d'ayskîdyoiy amo)unt you menfteV da's %war effort and ire LI Vo meyou eout ae ~This is the fouvth of a series writ- teýn by Walter R. Legg-e on the Can- dýian Weoly Newýspaper editor1s trip toEngland. . Folw'gthe inspection of the Air Forýce stations, thie ed1itor-Ls were taken to one of the potsvhere, they ha an cpportunity Vo go over one of thie destroyers. They also saw the training of th-e fuiturie ernes of theý navy, and a parade of four thousýandl 1arval cadets. While -with tthe Naviy, the editors wvere taken to the "V'ictorýy", the flagship of one of Englandl's gr-eatest herees, Admirai Nelson. This was the ship frm which b'is famiýous mYessage, . 'England expects tha t every man -will do bis duty," wa s fiashed as sire led the 27 ngis ships against '33 Ereri*h and Spanish ships at the hattie of Trafalgar in 1P.5. Thi- visit to the "Victo-ry" wili be escri'bed in greater detail in a sul>- coquent article. Returning te-,Lýonéoný, conferenýces andi meeting-s were held with Loýrdi Woolton, _Minister of >Food; Hon. Ar- thur Bevan, Minister of Labour; Hon. erdert MrrsoMinister ù.f Naitio-nal Service. ýHon. L. S. Amae y, Minie-ter for Inudia. Sic tffr Cripps, Horne Seicretary; thre FHon.i Brondon Br-acken, àMiister -fe- r forimationr, and a m-reeting w t the Hon. Wihsiton Churchillin ix bs office. Ir, would ble impossible Vo tel] uc about thiese mkeetings- in -ne article 50 they will be dei wt ater., AUl these cnfrrce ,e ar- rage y the Hon. VincentMasy Hig Çomissioer or canada, -who1-_ ncopaidthe editors on 'thecse ccas'io'ns. 1He-wasinzidef&a, ible in" tryiýng Vo-n, kethe visit cfý theCa- dinedtors bt el landiner esthtg. Durin1g tIre lest part, ef tI-e tiel ies; were isited an'd also, factorisc5 whore aerop'Aales and Other q-upp1eS wý,ere beinig inade. The-se v\isî ts were alse of get interest ad t he ý'pr odi)- lems *of hoýu sing r anrportation, 1a11power, ecw., wev~e c sel u ie11 "fliese factories in addition to c n et" 1huge 'si7e, were just as rip Vo '1ate and efficient as LLnything t hat eulLid ire found in Ai-.rnenia. t A study cf bomfl> dag-e tooktIr It was now -dreawing n(eer to the time thet the retur-n journ'eQy must be made. WhilLe evbrything- could not possibIlybe seeýnlatýhe time ai- loted, yet a representative cross sec- tion hed been seen of the Canadian Armîy, Air Force, Navy, the Britishi Industrial eff ort, 'Civilian Defence, and so on. Bef(ee leavig England, the edi- tors had anothor opportunity of see- irsg Genere lMc'Nrto'ghton, who again i-e'eeived them ixi a mos.t cordial man- uecr and fre2ely ensweýred aIl their But aithough -1the gvraetwas preparod te bring the Canadians back homre, and tIre editors were- ready te go, nature stepped In and ruied otherwise. Unfavoiable wea- therr preven'ted a. take-q)a, and there was a week's dela-y in 'which eah niemibers cet the party was left Vo ex- plore avhatever was ouf greatest in- terest te him. D'uring this week soi-e of the edi- tor>1s visîted-nuasy e tIre -nrost ntr esting sýpots la Eugiand, inclu,,ding- Wells, Bristol, anud other places. w,ýhîle otirors visited suçh places is1 Stretfoýrd-On-Avürn, Cardiff, WalIes, Salisbury, Gloucester, etc. But the lest of times ýcornie-sVo an end, s.ud iar1y eue ne(rnmig the:y wo, off on theiîr wày horme Fjreýt automies te -lok tireur o the staýtioýn, thon a traini caýrried mentmberýs of tire, rrotor launeches Vo Gokthm o Vh- plne (aie onfIveyed tlhem Vto Tr- Mfter sopoa few hur 11lyi Jrelind, they boarded the trans-at- lnnitic flyving, boat and ini a sottie they were over the Atlnic.ý Ticretu ajoumn.ey on apsegr plaIne raies 1m1Udl mrecefrti than thet, going oo on a bo-mb- or'. The passenge plane carri -s creIw of dyeinllIudiiig an attrac- tive îhostesse who busies hersiup- piylug tIre pazssnes ihLgum, magazines, anid cigarettces. She alaro ser-ves Vhe mei wh i h arýe ver'y paaal.The sig-hti of wihite rolî1 s ,,eal eggs and other feood1s 'wih tIlery hld noV -,ceufor oersix vweeksý weetangible signe to thre editers tha,-t tlrey were g-ettinig nearv home. The wttartpis i3alwys slow.ý- e than tIre reverse direction as in omring west the plaune is n-ee,ýting reaýchéoci its objective-, s'ont a bat- talion Vo IHong Kong, where tirey wer eietirr iled ortakn prioner. Money miost importanit Vo tIre tricmphant conclusion ofethVe 1ird iceyLoan la nroney from tLwo illion or more average Canean- citizelis. Without a wiesra pure-hese tof bods ire bigoe-s 'eciptie-n for whvidhl this coýuntry is w.orking is not lik'ely tVo mâterialize. If two millins of Canadian cîtîensý ,ico iot ýbuy te VIte 1l*im-it of tiroir re- sources we sha,11find it difficuit te equel the> reeord set lunVIre Second Vî,ctoriy Lean. The respense by large corpora- tionis as een goo-d thus fat- in this caipaigu. If the pace is kerpt up, the expcetation.- of haif a billion dol- iars from ths grorip of spe) -ci a narnes wi;1'bo, realized. E'mpleyee, in indlustial pl'ýants are showingý an ecletspàii. But whrile moiney from the-se smurces constitutesý a n- ces.sa.ry scoud 1fo-unde.ýtion for> the obî- jective' set, up'wards of Vwo mnilli:cn individueil subso-riptions fr-om tbo gex--erai a aaar-e ,-eededi Vo make theý Loan a suî(acess. Fron, tVIls gen- oral cnvas-must conme Vlire diff o-nce cetween -roughly $5f0 '0 0 0 0 0 adt Ile ig over-S ulcr1iption ofJ $750,,00.000- the minimu objec- tVe of hiscamipaiga. Thre n ýwîo shrc-7ge hi sshoul1ders and sy,'*Thry will n1'eer miss my littie 111 or $200 purchase," le tIre Ali tour peresnas were occupants a car driven by)ý tirie lete Bui Mliller and wmincIrw as in celliý wt hefDaprsCar. MrI, 'di'ed Juby 13, 194--? SStatement of* Concert The P'wbic Relations Commjjit vwish'to extenc irohir appreciaitior. ail1 those who assis ted in any ý towards meiiking tIre evno teraiinrnta sueceos at VIre Vict Loan Ccert lield in Orone to hall on fiThursday '-evanimig af1 weand at Newcaestle Commun hall ou rirday evenîng last. Thle aron rcept for the ev-en huave been hended over Vto theire( Red Croýss end wil ie used te chase comfort bags fej r ur ce on Vihe high sas. Receipts R eipts at 'Ore'no ................. Recelpts et Ne',wcastle.........1 Total $4, Exp)enses Postage and OAdivor.tising. NoV ecoptefor Nemeajstie. 1ig worry in thle mindeý of vs haltve V tIre Tird-l Vo tlieir hearts. VIctory Loan ehý Orono Women Folk Take Place 0f Men. PoýSsiblyvevr' tory 'of our fair sudir a deertir of hire. andi as ianm in tIreIis- laig was there 1are*( labor f orJ TI alH heurs 7eteen lut river, in * ,ra fo 'the Rese 1940 Oro 'Both slhe ton mý a soni:of Boynheur & Co., '14 $285. 1m larshail, I Phone

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