ORONO WEEKLY TIMDý Fiadeantipilot Offer Artiu in gge in colabor - cfthestaff f the Lioydminstci icVrr, r il ~e- Timeus. 1heuare a numbrof AMon- ithn_ý1- vaijsaci iad Wlingt1on bmbrawere in- o soc whtdh .ir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý -oceisdon. henetda w mvd on te an- Vep e1, i 5 othd s Laion wherie Lancasterbo - Air Mas all l rsar, lcted, anmd were given anl >fve Cmmadig PpWrUnity te cMInb nb o n e of (Oer cs)atantini. Soeil c f lue lan.genStbob îefseî~e t whîL binig nsed againist Germany were d I ail te questions ,seen, and cthe ediosaiesa Canadan eitorsjbomer being loadsd w ýi h boilis and 0 fmpa etbe ing servkce for a raid tihat niglht. l made it lear Cinclan Atuihis stationi we talked with F. andti tat these Flighlt Sgt. Repaciti Qinn of Utin te de this dc rni nile wýohoas two bretihers nd whac is meat. in tire R.C.A.F. Fliglit Sgt. Qi, of tIlc R.C.A'ý.. wo las jstroturnied te Canad'a as mlean that it wiîî n insrutani P. O. Walter 2Wi tfh thei re1a t cf QuL inaLt tachoti(' te 0anilotihe cr ýta tîoin)i 1Id opeat nd- h eior 'g edthat ihe ýfood is bighmoaifidntdpetifu. It is ser.vet declredtis Ai tetheboys a Lnd giIls of thtisW.A.A. F. TAes meseshave lrebniglit rnlfs woîî at- eons. eeo,ý(d w lba IesIr mdard(lani(t' l li jtrn lIngdogaohnsadgaineus, and ever frei ,Can la ucre iýis a vey 1leasaI andcerful ini the werdsý "O'ui1 tmosero- i a 1 ilcf hem.One nIe- eh." A t an.cer mark thý -hat webe[r wastiat the mason the stIa ionls'are very e1 .s wv wll le WiIibtter t1isanthe meals serveti on imoat ho olwaitcO o thue boats bringing tiho boys ove ant1ý ir." la nct i as usted that some- nitly n rlietiinýg sbould be donc te impreove the' in(,er vws, we wlemasonteiat. eueritQ< hudy h ferroon tea and late ,dinners, ac.- s whch e vsitd gte Vise Englisis eus cm, seeni ndet by Squadron Fe be theiemie at alithese stations. oinD.F.C., cf Tise follouing afternoonMbc di- One n f the ainer-1 t:o îýs visýi ed a ngtfgstsainof oe sen at lis sta-aoteraorm. bly fineý scrap bocký andclgains f CJAPINSIPBLACK have thaker place -AND WHIITE DA'Y tis an excellen't o anit ut. Tise big eveint of thre show scasoýn w e tha td with for E nra Ontrieol't.i 'eed- :ber, of Wadena, crs is the eoming Chamtp'ionship Cf the pleasure Ise Blai and Wbfite Day tec be b1elti at beecn reetvinig al1 ycars be bas beeni onj m ote f this Cantlon c iie fine ~sw c f f cri- C-ditorýs dning lthre lirg te a moe isl- o visltingeditors Iih te iccUIe tcae i rtula of a bnil1 chfloîmeti past cfi g.Tise sieven - a ema aid con tcwný-l . Tlise wl)te ri a unlliqu-ý-e epen- !ý lu ts stijeet cf ia ehioinwe me- t attise 'igýlh, ie ut. C 1iff r0 W, Resene(athl, on Sa urtda y, 0 c, o b er 191t1. Pize win'rLit lc.al Black anti Wlte ShowicedCounty Pairs frein threeointies of Ontabio, Dur- bain, Victoia, Nortwmbenland, Pe'terbero, Halliur On, Hastings, Prince Ednnd, Lennx, MAdAddinlg- tonwil cn~ptefor ilue Regiol Peur. sit ilsqRgionialChnposp Show, sonseetiby tlbcHoisteinl- FnioianAssciaioncf Canad,ar bein heti a dffeentsections cf Onai.Tiese ar at Kenitville, Od2obo 1; Miton, Otoben6; liger.- ~ol, ot'be 9 ati( Reuseneathl, O'dtber 0. Pliz winers iiibu e-ligifile for u l-aada wri mdle bythre Holsteinl--ieýSianJur ,,al o'n rcnmnaino omt tee ompeeti f th ju'g snt al rajor 'faIand xiiois I___ iti one f tise 2.45 pm. ,ADT Through ýE IMONITOR vs pape? ýe f rom Sensational- tive, and Its Daily azine Section, Make Horne. g Sociery ssachusects SMonth. on, $2.60 a Year. 5 Cents SWINE AND CALF CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAýY AT BLACKSTOCK FAIR The Wesijt Dîha wfn'lub and thýe Boys' and ýirl Beof CaîIf Club hedtheir Achiev-emiet-t Day proýù gram e cd Blakstek Pir withi f ourteen CIwine Cl1b and eeVe IC ai l Club ný-inters taiking part'. Tisý wsone Iudrdper enIIt anid isi veyginatifying- to E. A. Summners, Agticultucral Representative vwheor gaiiized the clubs with tfe assistanice of the Cairtwniglt Fair Board. The 3lnigof ihe f!iýtt -011 o the pair of pg was Bert Stire, eryMil"soni, and Arnold Taylor. In ihe Beef CaIT CiIb tihe first thrce (-aivezsfstood - Harold Fode, H-w- Irtl -Forder and Lois Larner. How- evrin eadh club the Iýve stock ex- h-ibit cuonnted aiboujt one2-tird,( of the total s(ore as iniarks wregiven for- .1udgingil, Questions, Sho1wmlanshlip), Feding -and Mngeetandl At- 4tenIdance'aLit meetings. On the totalý scor1e tIhe sýtanding i n the 5Wine Club R". No. 1- 2n, nncsWotten1, HamrIptonI 3rd! ,Fr'ank S tangj ýerv, Enniskilleni R. IR. N o. 1. 4tlh, Bruce Tatylor, Eniicillen 2iR. 5lhOarles Lngai, amp-toiî R. R. No. 1. Stî,5m Penfound, Oshawa, R. R. 7 h, Haroldi Fondcer, Blacicstodk. 8th, Ross Cr'yderma-n, Enniskillenl R. R. N o. 1 9th AnoldTaylor, Nesitieton R. R., No. 2. lOth, Beit Stire, Bowmanville R. R. No. 4. lhtlh, RossMiobrs Tyrone R. R. N o. 1 . I 2Mth, Rustsell Heplhurn, Enniskillen R. R. Noc. 1.ý 13th, Howard Fordber, Blhekcls'oek. l4th, Lloyd BcBomnll R. R. No. 6;. The final standhiin i he Beef Caîf ist, larold Forder, Blackstock. '2-oid, Rcwa-vid Forder-, Blackstock. ?, id, GrantFruon Nestieton R. R. No. 2. 4b-,h, Lois; Larmer-, Nestieton R.,JR. N o. 2. 5th BveeTaylori, Eiskillen R. R.No. 1. C6flh,, Jack Gi-een, N-stletoni7 R. R. No. 2.1 élth, Diton Dorreli, Nestletonl R. R . N o. 2. 811hi, MerrMl Van Camip, NestI"on R. R. No, 2. , M argretThomîpeson, Burke- toR. R. N o. 1, I oii tJhnTmsoBurhketon R. R., N.1. lhStiunt Dorrel, et. tnR RNo. 2 (dlid net ho bis caif but omlthe bcothier ,work). SiaIoce tIihi-l the fiirst year girls nve-baken artin livesItcc,(k clubs la gil aIsLois Lrmrad a rga ret Thosnps,,-on aesueh an exýcýAelen soigon their- firsýt atm We opaa Ln!g goUp of girls will ta.ke nartl n194o. Th e prize me-içney Ws s slhîaCd oqal y tihe Carvtwr -i gilht AgrîCL1- tua Scey a.d Dosndnina nd wili be cohosen V eprbn Dna Cutyin Obbc liter-Club Compeq)L'ti - 'InatGuelph ilonu tbe 3d. County and District News 'Mi-ss-Hu s uoceds Miss Pn AMansel Wrigiist, of Bedtblrny, suf- ferd ijuieswileopratnga eut- bingmacine itbbistrac-ter eqnip- mient. Bodis of b-is f eet cie cagitin bcpoes of tise tracter, hoangbis boly frwadanti doýwni- wart îbtwen te e -intýi tlie ,ing'ine2, Hua imsi-other, Mrs. MiTtcn W iiglh't aketillise tel,,ghene oeae it BeJtbany Vo senti for hclp nti soon '20 moýn netdheti the feliantieti camttýi-. Wrigbt frei e tatr Ho suLffenet ispr-aliied ankies. a taneiback, an injuny te tfie iglt arm anti severalbruiser anti abna- NE WTON VILLE Rev. J. iiLcinatten,!dt rs byter'y i: owmnvilonTIudy Mrs. VerýaMisnB mavle Cenlled at -Mn. Lansonm;ilonaOn Moniday. Mr. wdMr.RbePiyevst cd at Mr. Harriy Allini's Bowmmville, recenitly. Ruv. and Mra. Edmiund iistead, cf RýcseInÀabvis!ted 1ev. ati dMis. J. MecLacilan last weck. Mrý. andi Mns. Lloyd Cly-stale anid b.)abe 'have meveti into thse village op- posite B'urley's Garage. Frientis here were s;orriy to bhear of the sutiden death of -Mn. Lewis Cnossley, We 0o1,onMonday. Ren-aer the Thanksgiving An- niversnry Services at the Presbyter- ian Churých next Suniday, Oc!tober 11. Synpath,ýy is exteniedti teMrIs.1 RoetMenton uipen tlie death of !ýli moher, Mrs. 'W. Maciclin, of Ce- Mr. anti Mrts. Lanson MiIlîson aiii Doenand Mr.. anid Mrs. Chas, Cmnwere acgthese Vwho10ment te, Port Hope aurly vnigte hea'r Rus eihtn A lar-ge cnre %io Vasprst at tbbc Un-iiVed C (i,,ihurion Sunrdayt evenling- w'hIenilRev. J.MLcia b;aptiz-eti George Norman Ely, infant1 son cf Mr. and in,ý Ls. Norman jiEl. Mr. MîLcinpeeei fom î tse text "Goý)t i lLve"and the choir- sang the anithein1, " r ingin t'ise Cross." Afr the re'guman service tise "Scaet as adinistereti.j Mr. andM rs R. E. 'Hendry, Lake Shere, niîsited at _Mr. T. J. Sinmpson'si on sunday. M.aad Mrs. illiard Simpson and family, visitet at Mn'. Fred Camier- on's cf Zion. Mrs aipen ai i graison Paul, of Toronto, 'vsiteti at _Mr. T. J. Simpson's recently. Congratulations te MHr. ai Mrs. Joihn Loweny (nec Velma Cowan) upon tle bril f a baby girl. Mnr.-M. Biuess andLindsayM- Eait1isein, of Hermnon, Miss Bileer Bugs o f London, visitetid at tVh( Stignhomes o-ver thre week-end KIRBY Mrs. Percy ChaipiinaniantiJili arcà visiingfnindain Toronite. Miss Eniia Morris, cf Leaskard, la, visltirg Mrs. AngusWasn Kirb iihnksgýiing Annîversaryv laSuda,eOtoben- 11, aiternoon and Mjor Pbilip and Ms Bigelo)w ai!Willa, of Kingatoni, spent thse wekedwith -Mr. and M'vrs. A. J. Mn. Jh Allen is in tfi Oshamaa isospital fr an 1ieperi7en ýýIfor appen- dictis anti w wisbhn Liaspeetiy Mr'. and Mrs3. Peter Walltace anti Norm nia antCi M r. Mantiba Morrnew and Donad Brrctof Petenisoro, sen Sunda1:y witb ilMn. A. Mohr]owv. KENDAL Mn.a. Swarbniock bas -ene to sbay i ih11-e cit ersom-etîIme. Mr. Rbert iitdiitdi bas secureti a joilb wil th bbcPackers in Torosmo. Mc.Peaiy, c, f Rattie Crcek, Mihgdlas bueen visiting bier is- ter, Ms .Aeadr Mn. larnceBell, min locýal mail onthejb fdeicn brcati for Doanl'.s Bakeyk aniMn. Ernie Gre-ig viere in tise vil- lagenccetly.Enni basreceiveti 'bi dicrag pnr fen ie ry thýe City it TedIh cen- is t Tchol M first -year at, HiglI I TIMELY NEEDSý For Sore T hroat TYRRELL'S IODINE TROAT GARGLE One teaspjo4on in a ,siialliglass of water miakes a depenid- able antiseptic gargie., munce bottie....... .5. Boot's Iodlized***Thro!-(at ab-_ lets. 30 for.25c. 60 for 35c Vick's Cough Drops..... 15-e. Vick's Vapo Rub)...........43c. Certified Chest Ruh, large size . ........ ............ .........39c. Mlusterole (regular or mild for childreil..................... 35c. Camphorated 011...... 10c, 23c. Linseed, Licorice and Chioro- dyne Lozenges, pkg..... -5c. Certilled A.S.A. r1ab1lets~, bottie of 100 .................39c, For Coughs anid CO'lds Buckley's -Mixture.,40e, 75eL. Peritussift........ ............. 59C M 0's a's ...."....... 39c', 69c. Pint-0-Pline, miakes 20 fluid oucsof efficient Cold and CghCo-rrecti've, bottle.39c. Dr.Cass Syrup of Linseed anti Turpentine .35c., 75c. Always a geod buty WIAR SAVING CEftTIFICATES each 2,5C. Doubly Effective Vitamins Taken now insure good health both il, the Fail and Winter months. Start 1taking- yours Certified Cad Liver OH1, 16 ounce bott-le for ............$1.19 40 ounce bottle for ....$1.59 Neo-Cheiceal Food Cap- sules, 50 for ........$1.25 !Of0 for . ....................$2.25 Liquid ..... .... $1.15 a.nd $2.45 Wampoles Extract of Cod Liver 011 ..................... $1.00 Kepler Extraet of Malt and Cod Liver 0O1, 10 ozs. 75c. 2,0 ozs. for ....... ......$1.25 Scot's Emulsion .....59c., 98C. Certified A B D CaIpsules, 50 foi... ............_ ............$L25 100 for ......... .. ........ $2.25 Chase's Nerve Food Small size (60) ........ 60c. Lresize (180) ....... $1.50 Prescriptions a Specialty Agent for Phone 68 Jaekman Flowers Orono Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tins.. Week-end Special, 3 tins for........... .... ....... 25c. Cellophane Holders for your ration books, each .......... .....................*"loc. Ladies' New Purses in fail colors...... ...$1 .21 Ladies' White Ascot Scarves, each........-. 29c. Square or Round Cake Tin Sets, limited quan- tity.ý..... .. ..... ....... ..... 29e, and 45c. Green Cut Beans, 20 oz. tins, 2 for...... ... 25c. -Javex Concentrated Javel Wyater', bottile ......li c. Bon Ami Cake or Powýder, each.... .... ....lie14. Chioride Lim-e Deodorizer and Disinfectant, pkg..ý......... .......... ...... .....10lo. Aylmer Orange and Grapefruit Marmialade, 1-lb. jar for............. .......... ._..... 17c. 2 lb. jar f or ...... ... ..... . _..29c. Select Cchicken Stewv, containing chieken, Vege-, tables and Gravy, 16 oz. tins........ ....295e. Shelled Walnuts, ounce .............4c. Tea Bise (Radio Feature) large 2 1-2 lb. pkg.. 34c. Preserved Ginger, ounce......... ... ...... 4c. Currants, lb. for......... .... ... ..... 15c. 1,Aylmer Mushroom Soup, tin....... ...... 10c. Ivory Snowv or Ivor;y Flakes, pkg......._... 25c. Huskies ',Whole Wheat Flakes), 2 pkgs....... 25c. Krapft Sanrdwich Spread, 4 oz jar. Ile. 16 oz jar 39e St. Lawrence Valley Colored, Medium Cheese, Pound........ .................29C. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TOn $1.OO STORE Motor Equipment, Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith FaneraI Directors andi Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funerai at the moyst reasonable charge as well as the larg-est and most exactin.g Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Colleet Bowmanville, Ont. metnwhich ineludfes Oronio, New- RADIO PROGRAMMES, tnv-ille and Kendual, wilL be 1-eld in VICTORY LOAN HOUR KedlSunday eholroom on11Oct. !4, at 2.30 p,.rn. Mi is heyped tihere wVlill be a goed! attendance from ail Cimne Wednesday, October hree Institutes. A warrm weleome '7dh, and wýiil be broacacst e-ach Wed- an a pleasan--t an.d inistr.uetive after,- nesday frein i m t 0 .m DT ntcon is assure'd. Or, OctoIber 9, a thrcuglh te Noveinber 4th. 'The first s'hoeer to fil]. ditty bags for, sai lors .broadcast wil he in Toronto at Mas- and solers is heing kheld in tihe sey IHall and wvili feature Mafdeline (honge Hlall, folewed by a progr Crol hms L. Tihomvas and and dance. The f olewing have been ote 1~ust stars. Admisson to inùnated by our -iinirbers to the Red M1 eyHi 't1 e 1rteetwil C-ross. six chuidren's dresses,, three wl th e given out at Massey Hall to ,hildren's hose, 1 set child's under- the public, free of cfiarge. There wear, .and one cri'b quilt. will be noe res rvations, and 'Lhe Na- __________ t'ional War iFinan ýe Cemanteewl Buy War Savings Stamps ad have neo nilirfo 1edsti 2elp win the war. bto of ticekets. 'c j v News