Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1942, p. 1

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'r E Vol. 6. No. 38. OPONO, ONTl.. THUPSDAY, OCT. 8th, 1942. Gaate Receipts Down From Last Year Though More Attende Society Will Send Out the Cheques ta Winners ini Few Days The Dirùectors of Dui-ham Central AgniultralSocietyr mot in Bow- iniville on FI-esd(aY eveninig of thîsi Lee te ean ap the moi-k remaiinig after ibe fair. rMr. M. Hl. Staples, secretar-y Of the( Scciety, gtrve bis report on thie f this yeair and it mas foît by ail the dietrspresenit that it was; eno of -the haut fairs beldj iii iioa i years.; Mieo socretary's report showod tha,ýt thiere more 20( tickets, sold t ulhe ,gato, this beiunig an increase over last year, but the gate roceipts moe dwn$175.0, this b)eing, acýcounted -for by tihe 10 cent rýedueltion fla theo amission feu. This decreacse -w a ofset by tihe dane ar,,d concer-t ibotih of mhich dr-em lainge eors while the grantistanti was Up just a little over l-ast year. MDfi Staples thon revie'wod tIne ex- ailbits slhowrn at tihe fair. The ex- oiit f hive stock mas up te par witàh that of other yoars, -%vhile theo homse classes wovro more filleti thani L-eer. Thore wore 150 exfiibitors shomiing art the fair this, year. There wnas quite a fallînrg off of exhihi's in the main ýbuilingi,-. Thîis was due teý atimlereus causes-, snobc asý, thje Jack cf sýugar for ýpro(s ervîng anti bak- ing, 'woman k att naid seigfor ; xxar woik, wiio ,eaparne tîipeon ;wiheir harda te goçt ting-,1s ready for, ffit othr, gatse anonin st eamef inp oIn Socit xpeies ten hae( c a surplust cf a- brou t 30 aftern al th ile xasa heend dpao ii Wt teret<ary man lIano a 1n- -,,ith ote sen i toan chonae s t h k ýrDmc inr, theSc etyepse mii o eutv ir. a few days along witi llhoir mm ibers-hiipcad 'Cobourg Training Sehool Nearly Completed Wîtfithes arrivai crf twerty girls Ir ACourg fri-au Gat, ite of tIne former traing echooL, tIneGirls' Training School at tino east end cF ntle toa blu nom gene into opera- Thle MrcCoek residonee, mci heu es Iewominstitution, bas heen transfornmed irto a vei-y ,slitabl2e buildling for hs pui-oe antiih Yothso19 to be Calied ForDuty ini Ariuy 11n a procýlamation announICed ,i on 'We~esfdY~Setibulber 30t1 by. War ,îervdîces Mnister horsn en of 19 yasof' age and niions who are0 wioiniill cllablo age2 groups areI servi Ce. The re Iu-lationIs ar1e Ise exteded o nalhe lable for ccail mon [aIho have rboenI divorced or judutcia1lly epatedsince july 15, 1940O, ci- 'whoi hiavp b h Ie m chldlsLs wers silice Tlrhe extensions of tlhe scope of tho calis, issued unýder tihe aoa ilosources Mohlization Acit of 1940 wmili tap a group of about 107,000 moni in Uhe 19-yoar-olid class and aout30,000 adn in the vaius aIge gronps SItljvct to eaul. The nuniber of moen ao!tuailly ob- tained, howuver, mwiii be Iower since some mwiii be found medically nrfit ,ndmi-an'y aili be air eady in th e urmed forces by the voitary eýn- listmnent route. FThe calling of aliens to the coloTs <pIsCanada's con-pul'sory s-ervie biaw in ino rwitîh tfiat o the U. S., wchapplies te alien res<(lribns a s we1l as U.S. ciâizons. Se far in Can- ada only British subjeets have b)een The 2-ea-ol la,;s s as inclFudod hn thie caitable ag,-,groupza on July 7, Mdf a fuiltiher extension lua- been anîiatd fo r somue ni me. The ,hokle mas btweý calling 19-year- alid inui nor niar-rid mon - and the, deision was o take the 1-erod filrs t The top limit of theo callabile As a resulitof a-4t\VWedno esd ayv'S extension, ail men wmIneice unimar- ci-odiorvkwer-s without ehild'ten on July l15, I1940, and wlin were bora b)etwoven eý1 yeais 1902 and 192,' in- lusie ae Ilhiete eomi-pulsory soi-- vice :in Cranacha or Canadian territor- r al waters. The mon bora n 1923 wili not ho caiied until tfiey reachi tIe age of 19. Enenry aidons resi- dent in Canada are nom subijeet te the eau under theo n cvew otoasion, whichf brirng-s non-Bitisli subjects mi in the sscopa? of the conoiusory service plan for Vie first timo, tfus, the alien grourp v-iii iaiclude lnon- Britisih sijets miho are citizonis of neutral or Alled nations. tho insî:talIation cof the furna'es VIne tranfoaation mili o aplte The suprintendent is Miss L. ]halesoei and she ii Le asse by a well-rounded eut staff of die- Red Cross WiII HoId At bi O-reno B rIe iarot mi l i coverseais shcpower be lelti B azaar Ini December ting cf tVIne ittue mi- oo r at hmoai-e i-e , maiefi- (se ; aassist. irls' nig-htgem-ns faril. Boxes antid wonns slips for sbipanon'Lt te eysI mIne aenFglard are ieai nom. Thlere is te mnotb, aaiaspieaty cf knittirag fo- tbose e boxes ii %,iIwho car folom directionIs given in ryene i uVIne Ineleafos n opru- Bis\werýe passed rat te pbusiness; . The date etn mcnigV 2325 id ticlusmi pa ls wilFiannettefrqio A upjt lanig $1.55 iVoelng fr osit uxiotb-Iy report ance Sept, 1 ......................$487,62 e ns . ....... ...-.... ....... .0 $,50062 eriaI foi- moi-k n a 151 mee ouhand .......... ......$.3........ RQ 9 FORM1ER MOSCOW, DRILLER, 11IRO 0F 100 FLIGHITS Like the~ R.A.F. tfihe Red Air Foi-ce hias s Yorw'n pht ieros a%,,) ~were engaged ini ýpeaetie on a variey of quiet and uapr&eStous c dlvi ob.This ialod p4cture sihow~s a former driler at nhe Mos- cow snl)w'ay. Pilot Nikolav akiwho Lau sperformod over a >l-'ndvred rnglht flîglts to he enecmy rear. Canada's War Effort A meel-ly revie'w cf developmotnts on tLe homie front freiSupt. 24 te ý Octeber 1, 1942, 1. Thirteon leader-s of tIn o Cr- ,miit Party 0-f Canada, includling Tini Burck oF Toi-ente, surrender te dino R.C.M.P. 2. ancin of H..C.S. Haidla. built at famous British shipyard for Royal Canadiran Navy, asnouncod fi-m a MI ch bPort. 3. Governutmeut1resýtliets ctti toi-y hoiidays te Newv Years Day, Gao -l Fiiatue first rMýoncav in Juiy, Lab)or Day, T;nsivn Day and Chrîsýtmaes Day, eiiminatiag, five ge- erahiy obsenved holidays. 4. Gol it mres to ho askedtiat pro- vide a subsanEialpmrton oet tIn nanpowei- requireti by base metai mîines, Selective Service offiiais saiy 5. Eliiott MU. Li tie, Dî-cr e f Natinal eetive Service, addlreSss Quebec division of Canadiaun Manu- facýtur-ers Assoiatien in Morteal. 6.Chef Justice R,. A. E. ioa ofioltis of Que 1 asses awel ud Clarke Township Council Clarke Temreb,-ip Councili met on Octobe 6 mvitb il.mmespi-oýsent. MWinutes c>f tIno last mneeting wmore reqjat aada.pproveti. The ci,-spordL- once mas read and Vite clerk la- structd te deal mihn h. 'leclerk mas appoiitod u t-elUen a convention of towastip ofic i n l Toi-ente on Octcher 15 and 16. Chlas. 1F. Awdo ade!bis Dauai rerport eniWcring te 1941 tax col- lection, Ail collctions have beenI matie eKcopt $323855. Acion mas taken coacomning the requestcf Orono Polico Trustee c2oncornýing the upýkeeýp of tIno tomn dack. Thle ceuncil VUii e miliing te c»y 5W% f tIno cost of Alanjg tne igMtte te sotree!lghtig sys- tomII and 50 pon ou of upkeep be- after. Thle foilominrg resoltions w ere passoti 1076 Gran Inglttors cfocOcu- pai n on ,oat allowünce between Lots 2 2 anti 23, Conicession 3, toecer- tain ,partes. 1C077 - ApcntngJ. J. Melor delegate te, convention la Toronteo. 1078 - Aocoptîng ta elote' repet ancl grania-g payifront (>f is sala-y. 1079 - Grantinig $10 Vo Junior Fanmier's organ)i5ation fer oyDurain Couty. TIno fcllIOwin-g By-Iawu moe epas s- 1079 -- Apphiing . F. Ari-eas tax colleeittor foýr 1942. 1080-- Authoriziatg tax collecLter te sentd inotices of Itaxes by ïmail, e-ýv denly in bis 8-2tid yoar. 7. Eliott M. Litile, Dih Natironal Seleceive, Service, os theoCraradiian Chamibor moi-ce at Suigniery Clulb. S. Nom appoîntiuxents seiiior officers of Vthe Royal1 Navy announced. 9. IJerence Miijster Hon aqFcting 1 CaaL.a in Boian bP aur. 10. Rev. J. S. Thonisen, Peiin of Unirseýisity of Saskatchemvan, ap- pe-ýinited Getneral MWanager of tIne CanadPiar Boadcasting Corýporation. AL YenlIns of 19 oers of age and alenu mithin caliahie age groups iladeliarble fol* eonxpu)Llsor.y imilitai-y serviýe is proclamiation annouaced by War Soi vices -Minister Hlon. J. T. Thonson. 1A. Roas Canadan Nony sips have sn four Gria U-boats anti pvrobahly sunk twe miore in Athantie maosdurig the jpast suni-mer, Navy Miinisý,er Hon, Anigus -Macdion- aiýd announes. Dance at Newcastle T'he Boa-rd cfLiVanagemient of Newcatle emmu iHll i i ld H adance on Tliursdary, coer8h conmeningat 9.'00 p.m. i ioi Coin- inauity Hall. Ruas -;Creýighltona ild bisý artists wilFi furraisli utInnuisic. Admissioni, 5e per peîsser. ing teiscarcitiycf gas and tires. 'Ple filwig ui ere rdre J. J Melersalar-y postage and! miie<ge,$69.9; Ms.L. J. Randadil, M~s. H. Eorris, $,0hBaPROLM., méinutebo, 1 50; F Orono HdreL- Commius<ei ,txin <hal iigihts, $ma-' $ei12 7.; .L. Dvey tai, cB.0.Hof hl$.50; ihas. . Tyrrei, 1ffiep- 1-ples, 3.;ogsrono50WIeevilyTgu res killeti Iby bydogs 1. o;iViito15.0- CaeceJ. Allen, 1 trip as ,ývaluer,ý $)2.50; Ghas. F. Ajwde, texcelctr' saa , $150,00; CGamretPRichard. Julier e Fa -e'S ga<,$00;Pro- icilTreaàs'usrî .O.rH., 6,k.; Dir. W. H. 'S anley, B.O.H., $.0 J. P. Coombe, . brLr for Assosia- filon o£tAse or$10.00; nemi vou- Kirby W.M.S. Hold Their Thank Offering Servic On Wednesday I Canadian Casualties At DieppePlaced at 3,350 Prio ini o Ohcibuli announl- ced in Lile Buitislh H-oulse of Conl- menois On Tusly ctIbe st, ThaIt sufend 335 na'ultis ut of a total of 5,000 officens and moen takiag pa rt. TIno Caniadirar-led invasýIin mot tank barriers of n"unexpected siig~" nd the Ganatilan losses wocre "veriy ineariy Laid Vthe to)tal" of the treeps invdlved.. It was togh that tIno tank bai-tiers coi-ldi e fde- btoyd yantl'iory tire, buttInoe bai.-- ri-lrs preveti te <Le tee bard oinfoi the guns. The banks being unahie, to suimount tfin bariilrs thoen ia- fantry hacd to hear the hrur1- of thc [lu heavy castialties. t Ine 3e,350 Canadlian cas- 717 are ehtIn-i- killeti or wInle nvan of those ii Luater on, bo Iisteti as pri- oo Septoimfben 26, 'vhen mor cock Ornein ber 4leýtya. The aVeMns.HFdaw-ay mas bei-a onl Tan1Ir-y 15, 1920, atKiny.Sheý attendled ecool t Or'on]Oaid Bom- 1aile a1 q921 she etrdtIne Boxenmanville bhospital andteck ýup i-urjsinig, grad'uatingý, in 19241. Aft erý griunhtinI,g sle spont f our yea(-',ls nusnginOon commuIIInit1y, thonl It for Pernsy-lvaaia mvhore- sh eUn- rerd bopialas n1igh!t supervier for e oyear. On Agus-2, 102ý9, she \vas unît- ed innmiiarge te Mlm.'W. 'retiRai- lard Ci-eek,, Michigan, thon i-tbe-y moveti toCoa ne wme ihy have iivoti eve2r since. Wil living la Cocui-nue tIne late 'Mrs. He(ldarway a tuuils cri-ld onberpr'ofession c7)f nrnga- VIe hospital tVo fil lan mhe2n nocemsay. Sh-e leaves te ourn<be is, Iber hiusbanti, tiresons, Ma-vn ad ac- Ggoanti odag<te- Mildried: is eronparents, sx ic àon ntI one sistor. Fealseriviice vmas helti at e han fhon parents o era a, soctemboi-31, mi Revm S.Litti- Laern-ient msmteinOroCe- tory. The palibearers more honsi brotbeos, V ,ctor, Haold, URobent, F BuceMa-iw ndCherl. Mrs. A. A. Drurmnond Guest Speaker foi the Occasion lheWoman'ýs MssSnr uf Kurby UnitodChlCiurclhhird AuJtunvnian Ofring soei-v WVoed InoesdCay evn!ig, Otee Theroe was a godruepresen Orn. Mrs. John Thoanpseî MUrs. Orley Caninace is optien comrmittoe. rMrs- Roe Ion, the presidcnrt, offiiatud m ee t i ag, Cond1cting Vt'ien0 selrvice arid meoliing thle x fred.The ciituepassag- Ca üs Crjiinth ians !haiptr "Nom abidetli fiairtth, hope and but' the greatesat of îJhese is 1er' Mrs. Lomer,(,y andTi iss Ruby rendered 't lovely tiuet iecoiïin by -Mrs. Bry'son. A reading gPivor byIl MesFomýIe., d ese theo comTrt oi-d religion to b out vîctims in afr i-aid shelite Londoni, Enigland. Aisoe Mîss Kolvey Conitriihuted an articlec importance of tino c ild. -Mm. A. A. Druminond wn guest siieakor ai grave a IleIPr stueieand inls ,h-ing addrres oalty teahi-ove îitS ffuitst vebinenIImut ho bioghtiteo mission teO Christ, anrd ho rotai inhitt T!iýs an e dorlebir-c tIne ageno oesmiklin reodInof tus aspayr Bible reeting amri str iotyo VIne chinnýh, at; enti u1ponit is srics Inore our spi ul neode are nrrei a nl oIppatunitisos f service tIni-{ tiaiy cotact, W..S.,etc. freai thomisne otîn ()rougit m),d mine euhtOut amidst niutisa pnc tc efugeC- once escap trIn Itrhe morCrd. hoý dreae oee nightcdeti(,ubing Savieur mhich gave hlmm achd R3ui askiag VIne Saiorbow Who gaig e inVIe enti, Obn a merti I at if yenU fail m. Thle progrname uas brougIn t conclusion mith Misses ScHtEil audAudeyBilinIgS sîngilig aV pFleaing duet. cit On eVnestehe thetIosi 'ad thes mIe bd tknparý lowngthemetin aver-y t, former Orono Residle Passes Away in 1on Fri'dayj, Ytbriha Durham Central Agricul- tural Socfety WHil Clear1 $300 on Year's F air ___0_- - ORONO

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