Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1942, p. 4

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Times Office request Subscription, $125 o the Uriited States, $2.00 Receiv'e Oui- Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher >coud of a saries writ- )r Clanadiarn weeM-ly C. V. Ohaitots, of1 oollaboia$t.ion with Grarfiby. - baicek over the past unbiaiig the territory secs visited and the bhave beau ours, this ticle might well fiave Week in the Ganadian. A! a very sýtren-ueuls sarklable pint is that Id rcruits like your have survived the d have co-nne throughl you about iË. iiI Of a life-tim-e te tic iu 9M2a heurs, but tbrilljng and certain- ig hias;'beau the week g' mnany of the Cana- s. It lias 'heen our mesa the meaot realis- Suvre's andssem-es âle te "lay-on"' wben by the actual enenry. Duriiug the week wve travalledi close te eue thou9siaind miles iby char- tai-ad bus, iby Jeop aud Pee~p motai, va-hîcleis, in Bren Gun ýCarniîer's, in tanks and on "hnk pony." We have ýsut ill conference with General XMNughton for over an heur and a half and have dýanued by his friendly abtiitude and bis cool eaicuating mnaner, andI brutally frank an'swers to ail eur questions, w%,hy he las loved by ail tlie men se-rviuig under hui, and I adired tby bis colleagues iii 1iligh ri-ilibary cîrcles 'of al the Ai- lied Ntos We havae hatted infonmnally with ther higli Armiy officiai-s, with Jun- ior officers and 'with the men in the raphs sud are dîmîprssed with the fine aiiiit evrywhere mlanifes'tedl. We have hîadconvensations vith par- ii~ nii the Dieppe attack, seile who camie hack unsi2aithed and others hoare n'ow iii hospiiltal hauviing 't heir wo'unds d'ctored. Te, talk with fthese lads deý a grand sensaýùion. They are susýp-isîugly cheerful ansiObright, neompann and ýshaow an eag 7erness te ta.ckile thel job aýgain bbaýht is nmust euconragriug. Iu a laVer article our visit -witt tes iherees of Dieppe wilil be 'ivn i gi-este detîli. It is au insPining We have sean br-idges erected by a corps oif Canlýdain Engineers in les Âmne than h take2s a cotunty or townl eiounil at hoame to d'acide on such an an assarLuit course and witncssed a rasîC onianando atc put on byl the Army du co-oper>ation. 'with fiu Nav-someod the personnel àndI lie eýquipinment used having seen ac-1 tion in the Dieppe înad. Wesa th e latesit and 1lar1ge S Aimy taiAks in action -wd narvell-d at the-ir aemlshet.We rode l hi the-se ta nks, drorvc thein, fiieeo their .uns sud gave the conmmands go noattaîck. Wa winsadthe Ajffiîlutry and Inrflatitti-y in action and snarývelicd atIIiTe a4curaey and pie- c*sion with wich IIheîy carried ou, theiraslge tasies. Wewacd thý wýouuaded Lyalýnîg taken frein tank-, pl>ared on st-eýtchaîrs 'in the field asud ttaken îb4ack of the ines for nýces'ary trectiment. We shaw thie Orduance {loiips iu every phase, froan the IangIe wooel- shops et thebase to the smailer oee further do-wxithe lia They are evidence of Caeudian enieig anm ecaia skidl. We gazed(1at doctors, denittits and padres rldg sud zoÜig thvough physdcal training te harden thani up for thaiir diis Weu (nse re2alistile bayonet fight- mg, nilt yde ops beinig truned as dausptvcbridera land Provoýst. We hd;asd wirèees iiistructors ex- plaiuung te classas Isthe intricacias' of thefir wai'job se uiniponitaijte Army AV'>tr this first 'week wi'th th e Arniy rwe are forced to say that tia intesdve ttaniîn bag oarried on hiere was deed a revelaition te uis il. We feal sure thajt the average person has iittle conception of the worlk entailad in peparing au arry l'4D" Ooi-npaniny of tlie la-tMild , Regimest paa'sed Îhrough iNew\castle on Thunitsdaiy monning of as,t week,' cedn as-xard, but not knowinig where their destlintion was to be, They h-ad tihen been on the train for ffive dayls, cei-fomiî the Paciflcý Coast. Tihe Jiln Regliment is euie ofý the iost travelied units inu Canada! ted(ay. Ili 1939 they were guardiing the Trenton airpoi7t. They paraded as a unit in Orono, tJhen they wentl te Ot'tasva, nantt te St. Jàhn, N.B., wýtý veryone of the unit hÀievingý tlhey seaon wouldhfie lin Englatid, but they were brouglit bock te Niagara, then te Edmonton, and finally to the Pacifie Coa'st. ~Their rmuks have be-en decuiated by dra3ts being sent over to Briltaiin, fikty were se-ntto Hong Kong, i'while go-me qiiave joiued tihe paratroüips in the U.S.A. The 'WMad Midlands", as they are clulu inDurh'am ounty, nmust be gottiirig iadder and niaider as thiey are shuiuted from n ee place te an- other. They enlis:ted as ail active unit -with ýtihe idea of beeig sent te Eibýg:lud soon alter they wore m-obil- ized, but nieailiy Vhree yeurs have pa-sjt hy and hey are stillinii Canadai. fer- hblte. Our next waeik il e spen.t witih the Air Foi-ce. Then we- -will have sonna tibne -wilt the Navy and lwv-*ih the Forasktry Corps. FolIowingl that, op ti'unîty iis teoel-ie iven for us tO -allit anly otiier points of specia1 interes'. 1 ___________________________________________________ I I FOR SALE Abhout fortywh-ý:iLte Lgonone- year-olkbs, good lay'ing. Stradin. Rus- sell Has't, Phone '51 r 10, Orono. FOR SALE Twenty-five Ligih-,t Sussex PulIýets. Mr. A. Harrisa, Phone 73 r 4, Orono. a-27ýp. FOR SALE AIbcýu!t 200 busJh1s o~f mansgels and sonie cab&ge A,-pplýy to Fred Gibsoin, Phonie Ono 26 r 14. a-37,p. FARM FOR SALE, RENT OR FOR PASTURE On>e hundrýed, a-d sessentteen acres, eat Leýt 32,Oo sse 8, Clawke. Ploughing possession iinmediâtel-y and full po ssesýsîin April laît, 1943.ý For f unthe'r auetiulars phone oi, wrlte tO John~ Gay, Ailbert St., Beow- AUCTIONSL Mi *. Roland ;S-nit h f iold ai sale, of iHkusediold Furnnit-nre- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19412 Sale wil'T be hel, at bis residence, 'North Ward, Oreno. S'ae te cosninence at 1.00 p.m., 4'ERMS CASH See bille for full partiiciilars YOýà-'SLPT ELTL THAT NIGHIT, ru ~ -t -~ BUT GEORGE WAS AT DIEPPE! ,George-one of the lads frôm the office. Remnember, n out for dinner one night.. 11e made a great fuss o-ver your wife was very pleased. And then, ail of a sudden, y ai-d joined up. Left his good job, his girl and his vas at Dieppe, slogging up the beach into a murderous fighting for you and your wife and those kids of 1with. And that same ni-ht you slept well, -didn't bed. You had an egg for breakfast too. But George 've stil got a good job and you wear good clothes. conscientious, you worry about these things a bit. But -been able to push yourself into doing miuch more than Pay your taxes. Well, those taxes aren't enough. Think of what George gave up, and then sit down with your wife and ask yourselves, ttWhat else cari we do?~" Sure, you've given up a few little luxuries. But theré are lots of things yet that you cari cut dowa on. Do it gladly. Because you'll really get a kick out of investing the money you save in Victory Bonds, and in knowing you're flot letting George do it all. Just keep thinkiLng about George and what he gave up. And remember, those Victory Bonds you buy aren't giinig-they're tending your country money to help protect you. That mnoney will corne back to you -with interest. flE iD END FO9R PIC TORY! NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICI4N and SURGEON Office Heurs:. 2.00 toy 4.00 p.ni.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m, PHONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGOQN Office: Main st. Orono PHomne 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. Lientiat of the (Jollege of Optou, etry of Onta.rio Office Hours: 10 te 12 a.. Kd 2 te~ 4.30 p).m and by appointinent Offie ini O. B. Tyrrell's Dring Stoe PhGne 68r2 J. C. GAMEY 1IN SUR AIN CE Fire, Casualty, Automo. bile a.nd Liability Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSOe-*N Auctioneer and Valuator Coniduct8 Auetioia Sales of all seS and at reasonable rates. Oommmiicate with hinn et P.vt Perry, O.ntario, or see hi8 Olerk, A. ER Morton, at Orono, for dat& F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE BowmnaniIle - Orono Phones: Bowmranville, Day 480 Night, 734 andi 5M Oronc, 27-1 Thefldest, Largest and Most tomplete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Dlirhain O)ur Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEW EST Our Prices-THE LOWýEST MORIS& SON jBOWMANVILLE -- ORONO iMILLBRZOOK FLYER KILLE» Fligrht-Sei glt. 'John ArundejI, R.C.A, F., only son 'of Mra. Jimes Bing- bain, of Mývillbreiok, bias beau officially ue4poted killas ili adti'on dluring a dog tigilit wýihenîemy planiesover T he English Cb'aimnii. Hae'waîs iii bis 221ýnd yaear. Hiis deatili ras rpdtdas avngocurrod on JulY 25b1h wbile eiaedini comibat -witlh Germian planas. The plane piilied !-)yArn diel la sialid to bave beau sean brz4t- ingl- hube fliam'ais 'aan pod n l id ,air. FALL FAIR DATES 1'ctii .............. ......... . Octo>ber 2, 3 T-ee .......... - ............. Oetober 1, 2 Ma mo a ..................... Oetober 2, 3 Bobeaygeon ...................... Octeber 2, 3 .ao .................... October 6,7 A v so ....................... .... October 7, 8 W a-wo t .................. OGctober 8, 9) Wellandport ........................ October 9, 10 Moravian Indliani Aeserve Oct. 14. 15 Rosenaath ................Ocitiober 15, 16 TWO îCROPS 0F POT-ATOES IN SAME YEAR Cecil Sine of Sidney lo,,,,Ipshi as markeVcl tiwo croqia of ýpotatees frein the saine plot of ground in trhe saie ieasen. L.ast spring he plant- esI Coibiers andI, aliter diggliig theni ini July f or niaarkebing, planted a sec- endW aop ef Khataduns. Hae ias now distposed of tIie secondorop. '-z

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