Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1942, p. 3

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Eleven Seamen ~ Saed y Hobby - 2 Lcueman's hobby Savedl ftelives of aleven Canadian sea- me- whend'ir ship mwas, orpiedo- ed iï-,fte AÉlanfic receniy, mem- ber- of the crew disclosed hore. Flialinawof! nearby Lach)ine, chef mte ou the Merchlantma, aea hobby- of boat bulding and sad completd a amaîl sallig craf dui héliaof-our oaonshlp- Wenthe torpelo sru nte slp aught fire immediately aand ~h samn hw1ureal forward, wee ut off by the flamies and ecicrofrom the iiaboat aIft," on te SurvýiVors said. Sws oAr wae on the cover 01 No. 1 -ateh s d e juat picked it up and threw If over. Eevan of us got info I and were saved.", c-e reninder of the crew, withI theeceptofo two firen and as, cherwho ares-missing, got -W av,ýý-tf elyý hi fhe lifeboat,lhe adeThe survivors wer- picked t p ba('anadïin warship ftwen- ty-eigf inutes ,after tto,- ýr. Tecrew wereý unanimnous ln flar rasefor John Jùj-daïa o'f Igla, Ont., second engineer o! the týopedoüd ship. The forpedo srnc aishps"onie related, "ad ',immiiiediately Jordon shut oqff t'haeam If hie hadn't kept lis bete engines wouîd Ihaveý tomj the ahipapart." ouasblenfon of Winidsor, Ont,, n luoot duty at the time, told o! u,,agtfe sub and tlearlnig itemoor juaf before fhe crash. Polce Ch-ief Irêked By Curfew Law Voices isDsapoa - cIaims Force UnIdermaoned mmcatrals new Cnrfew Mawde- aiadto kneep elîdrain offth cif sree safter V) p.m. officlally s'ueAt tn beffecf lasf nigît. Today 3olic reporfed that no action lad as yef ben faken undBr fne law. PoieDirector Ferniand Dufreane, -w'l pa yvoiced habisappS111roval Af the messure, daclared that bha vwas Ssf1 tdying the lnw, and -would make ins report on if. 1Whe IdO nakea areport on it," le auc, "it wifl be so fan- t astic, tnthÉit wll 1001F ridicul- f~ ous " The ,plice direetor. complainied tînit anal a ]aw yns almoaf iim- possile to carry ont wlth the pre- sent sfrengfl of the department. R1e e trhadfe view fiat if was the problem 0M the parents, not r! the P oicýe Departmnenf, to keep rhJidran; off the str-eefs at nigît. l'ltyto dryif ontL," ha S3nid, complaiing ie theam t!ime ý'-taf poie wires were al- enycoged wifh problema ia- uova hildran, lo.t or oflerwise. Itwas revealeui thae no rdIers, hava yt been gîven 1fC)poi(emenr ~ agrdia anorceentof! tha new aw aadhaf it la unlikely any acio wll be faken againast of- fendais uintil Diractor Dufreane lAs colet ed his sfudy of the Replacing iKap1ok Nfarm boynevao exmîed the Emos fom the"po f a mulkweed itufconsidering n possible use for il. slys the Port Arthur Nws CLironicle. Ifs utilization is abouit toappear. Aýt Pts Ay, icigani, a fac- tory lia)(bean ieacfed vilh,62,000o sqaecfee of florl space to am- ly 0 workmen who will prepare thsfoafor the Uniited iSttes Nanvy. The farmars will recaive, frea sed and pny3mants f0 put next yarsC1,op)under cUtivation, Widlands la fîva couties whichl wxill yiaiýd the flos aie estimafad t0 nggragata50,00 acres. The S UN DA Y SCHOOL Faith hin Christ As Our Perso3nal Saviour Actz 16. 11Il34-; Rom1ans 5: 1-11; 1 John 5-1-5 PRINTED TEXT' Acts 16:13-15; Romians 35:1-11 GOLDEN TEXT.-geing therYe-. fcre justified by faith, -we have pence with God through Our Lord Jesuis Christ. Romans 5:1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Timie. - Patul entered Europe about A.D. 51 or 52, The Epistle to theRmn was written about A.D. 60; John wrote bis Firat Epistle probably about A.D-. 90. Place. -- Phiilippi was a, great 1city of nortbhern Greece. Thc Epistle to the Romnans was writ-. tan fro te city of Corint. We do not know fromwla cityth Firat Epistie 9f Joh-n vwas -writte, b0ut probably from- the City of Conversion of Lydia 13. "n on ie sabbathda we wen1t forth withont tho 3gatc by a river ide, where we su-p-. posecd there waa a place of prayerý; and we sat down, and spake unito the w-om-en that were ecoire to-. gether. 14, And a certain wo-. m-an inamied Lydia, a seller of pu-rpie, of the( city of Thiyntira, one thiat worshippedi God, heard us: wliose heart, the Lord opaned to give heed unto the tig which were soe by Paul. 15. And w-hen she -was b)aptized, aný-d lier liousehold, she besought us, saying, If ye have judged ime fahiful to the lord, corne into miy house, and abide there. An ,d shiconmstrained us," Lyd(lia voluatarily presented brefto her spiritual benefac-. tors, and snid to thiem,eanty ajid bumbly, ta,'since tcbelad regr ,d er as a believer oncth lord,' lier hocuse sliould hae fiir homie. Shneaditted of no refusai to ber requcat, and 'their peace was on that bouse.' Thius the Gospel had1 obtined P homne inEuoe Nothing could be more calm and tranqicuil than its firast beginnings on thec shore of that continent, widiit lias long overspýread. The scenes by 1the river-aide, and in the bouse of Lydia, arle beautiful p)rophie,, of Lie holy influence wich wo-. nien, levatad by (rs aiytoj tertrue position, and enabled by divie grac to wear'the orna-. meont of a meekc and quiet spirt, bave nowv for centuries exerted over diomlestic bappineas and tha growth of piet and Peac. 1. "Being, therefore justified by, f aîth, we have peacýe with Cod flirougli our Lord JeassChrist." Eawho relies on his works for justifcation; can have no peace. fl '1ena either ramiove thae dis-. pleasure of God, nor, quiet the appralieion of punishuient. Pen-ce is not the resuit of miere, grtutos orgiens but o justfiction ofa rcocaton fouinled upon toeen. Pauil says we have this peace tlirough our Lord Jesus Christ. It la not, thirogIli our.salves in any wy nLeitheîr by our own mient, noer ouLir own eif!forýts. It is ail of gae It is ail tbr-ouigh Jeasschrist. Bountifiul Grace 2(a)."Throigh womalso we have hl our aceass by faifli int this grace whereîn we stand." The word grace laere is ntsed, with -ail its fu-liness in the backgrountd, but in oue particulatr senlse, thrat of favouir. Through the redempl-. tion that is in Christ Jean1s, and by fai&, we have acceas huto he realn) of the divine favour. We 1stand nlo lonri as sujppliaints ouadbut are admittad into t'le chýULosa ad most in1tir]atýs îe- hitonsip îthGod. Ho0pe 2(b)». "And wa rejoice in hope in te lory of God." 'Theotrnal hUss c'! the- juetified is called i'the glory of Godp bWaue it is a stat fjolove and hoises-, bsoe by Gad. 3, "nd ot only lus, but we also rejoice in Our tribulations:ý koigthat Ltribuilation wrkýeth tl'ough fr the present flot joy-. oulA, lbut gr7ievous, becomte to 1thei be!ever a matter ofjoy and thankfulness The Div;ine Proce&S 4, 5(a). "And stedfalstne1,ss, ap)- Provedness; and approvedness, hope; aiid hope putteth flot to shre"The Divine procesa ,iýs as follws: God brings us into tribu-. latins, graciously supplyin thecrewitlh an eýxp)ectation of de-. lernein detin1e; andth kolgethat these tiuain wiiresuit un stedfastness; andJ our onsionnes0ofsteýdfaastness gvsas a sense of Divine ap-. provol, or approvednesq, we did iiot before have. This sense of God's approval arouses within us- ahounding 'hope. God's Love i Us 3(b), "Becauise th)e love oi Cod hanh been shed abroad in our, heart Atrough the Holy Spiri wchwas given untfous" hi Div-ýine Spirit thiat dwell1s in 'us, if we are truatinig in christ, will pour that all-stisfying Loej i fuil s trearns into our else empty H-er-ei Is Love 6. For whlile we were yet ekin due- seaýson Cist (i ed for thle ungodly." That God sho0uld love the ,good, the rýiglit-. eosHhe godly, is -what wve can uniderstand; but that the in-finitely Hol0Y should love the Unholy, and giehis Son for thleir! red-emption-, latewonder1 of al wond!ers, Rare Acts of Love 7. "For scarcely for a righ-.- eous iran illvi one, die: for per- adventure for the good man some one would even dar to dia" Ju- tice and goodnes are equLallï on trasted -wihgoleaea adsin-. fUines here. The whole point of the verse is that sucb acta-of even such love aiongimen ar very ra,,re advery lim-iited indleed', Maniesttion cf God's Lo-ve 8"But God commendth his own love toward ushin tht, while we were yet sinners, Christdied for u. 'God comimenlds Ilis love iii that Christ de. The love that ï,as in Christ is the mai-,ni- fsainof the love of God Hlimo- Deliverarce Frwm Wrath 9. Mucirme thenbeing now ustiiedby his bl)ood, shaîl we be aaved from the Wah of Cod through bhm" laving by tho death of Christ been brouglit inito the rlto of peace with God, being now regarded for his soke as rîglteous, we shaîl be saved from wrath througlh lm. M1 will not leave is wvork unfiaisced; wlioi-i ha justifies, fthem hle also glorifies. The w-ord wrath, of courseMans the effeets of wrath or puniet, those suf- ferns wih whihtdne d ise-. peasure visasi. Il. "or if, whilewe W eneies, we e reconcîled to God i through the dat of his son, miuclii more, being reconiciled, shaîl -we 1ha saved by his life." Asý Creator and Fahe, e loves the ine;as Judge, 11e muaï't con-. den ini-if it were not for ilis own gift of a Propitiation, And the judge. who sentences,- a cirim-. înal is, however p)ersoniall kid, judiialy hostile. And agaîn, the judge who for a good cauae re- moves te sentence then judic- ally reconciled to the ýaccusePd, thoughlihe may personally need n,> reconciliatLion of feeling. -- Scrip- ture plaînily reveals that the God of Love proclaima 'no pence' to the impenitent. Therefore wlien H1e speaks peace' thiere is an chanýtige, not in Hisbevonc but in Is judicial attitude; in thrwords, reconcuiiaion. POP -Maing Pop Feel at Home

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