canada al'is Sufficient rFab. rica For Normal Requre ments -,ibi oucitbing ntay 1,ac ma(re sommait than ey ?usad ta .ba, bt gurob evidences (o! econory 3may mxean1 1clçthiug r iatloniag will kW,, be e sor a sClong tint, lnformed souresq-said iat week.ý Osada býý as saffiCjewt abie o >Mad "ta meet the "oml ed ,w bnyers for ýSamemnth t torne, sud tNe War Tinte Pricea and Trade Board ernpbi-Lzas t'ai teîwfarbîdsaaCadinb- ng moure -,han bis "oml e Oficassald thjeyha her rpnorýs itat the spare coupons lu ration beoka wicb wet mia sEr-ý VIc Modayworo ta b usd ate "The fm s lat noa ans lrno-)ws what thae cupous macy hbed (or--If Mtsy are ever nsa," anao]c apkema aidi. "They ha'r e beaU »laýed lu thae ration b ooess purlY Zht ïmay arise ilu tbe flure. lirealedasatm ta!M W 7Uae-Kerzle, Chie! o! the lîatioiing Scin b, esn viclt ugrnors like the n abou0lotbigraiiouiag vl are am- 0og lag hewar ffor't, "The oaly pope bacold bn eyt vwauld i h unserpullus sales- peûplteusiug sncb unors ta mec- inove stc'ks whlch wuDnet th- erwise raadily fini!d bnyerS," NMr, ~icezesaid. elotbhlag trade officiis bha ve soade clear tbat the supplies o! f]otbing are flot suficenttoper- »it- eniargad sales n comaisan -with past years, anl If -oretba iorml aounta ,are d!isposed a!, Yiatloning bacantes a morsemei gteprset Japa' Losses I Two Month's WVar Alies Slnk 23 Shipa And Destroy 300 Planes llled forces bave da!iuiely bwimk 25 Japanpea warshipS asud tàransports- andl dastrOYed 300 an- emy Planes aud perbapaHO500 lues than five ,mouihsa, r eview- o!cont- pinniue font Gan. dAtu' lxeadquarUtes disclos ed. Forty-oe aditinal wanahie sd transpor>ta were dmaed lad a tontal of!J177 enerny planes severe- Jy damaged or "rob)ably dmg td," mainrg tbe serial toîl 47 Theraltotal onanry i- planesý, ih was believed, poal exceeds 500 pilna sincesan mn ocecasions wben bomba were drap)- ped ou parked airafi thvrelwa no means of deierrngmte ex- zt 1resits, O! fthe 3 .00l aircvafideiaiiely re- kportad 20"ý2 were fig-hters,, 60 bnb or, l fianjt planes, r-asfly- lot bAansd eleen wer eto!unj- specifiad typas. They we-rç de- troyecl ither lu combat, by anti- -jjaiafi fire, cr by bmiga enemynaIr basýes. Aliad plane lsaes forI te sania iei-id Cannot be gîven wihtany degrýes oùacuacy accnse aiy 2)f tehe ýaruy emuiqeissued by fibe soihlwast Pciiecont- imand beginnug April-y, Pu net give hen. The bigirsi ll !Our plane Red, Cross Lozsses Shipments of Gods Overseas Between Jan 1 ta JuIy 31, 1942 Valued at $6,700,00 Lesa tirastwa percent o! ths etlai value o!fooa tgppd ythe Cannla lIled Cross fotJanui- ary, 1940, ibrougb July,11942,bas eeau i la.-.marine ianters, mocits national transporttio to sat faile civil- 'la Gr-eEee *SERIAL STORY MEXICAN MSQUERADE 'BY CECIL CARNES STATE OF SIEGE CHAPTER XVI "Dow do you hppe" ta have the~ ~~f tasrt fthat alCi rosil?" "You have seen me excuse my eUeach evauelinig after ïdark. Mt wstO go dowa o t he zshore cand' rceive a watretgbt cylinder of rprsfront a Péninsula Ida whgwins thlem down tra ontfive miles up the gui!. Busti- nesas usual, saarI That tran- scrpt aepart o! lastnit' ritfrnmtthe miii," 'el see. Swims five miehuhi? What nbt the shaks? I dont believe a shark would bite a Peninsua Indiu" saM Es cm~ar tbogutuly A"Iw0cln' ecre ta myseif Hwevrthat i-"s how Y received jThe copy eenbe- Mo~e DEFontanlle received the "Buit, Colonel," iuterj-cteýd Kay, ber eýyes oplein-'g at 1111m, if tie.- laincornes every nighit, why hasn't ha, broughit a boat lan whjch' you Sotld have escaped ta the mainlud ~p arraged o ur rascue?" "Iculiave douene moi-,(re otin the world tha arn mýdain, seniorita, believ;e me. If I ehould go, or eniemieswod srnell a rat and perhaps destroy, you pe>ople as ýany ciia e stroja e-vidence, While T'mhre they think they have me under cotaAls-o, remember I have a revolver, as tbey koand soûmethiag of a reputation, as aý -- - anL Tayreless likely ta start 'ough stuif, as you wouldi in ther words stM, mused Al- aen, r Isrlngte rurale hugt THE SHIRTWAIST DRESS It's an Amnericank Classic By Louise Lno When fashion plays favorýites, wn.Yo-u laved it for Sumjer', you'l1 live in it tsud lave it for Fal. Style No, 2639 isdeigedfor ,iz, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36i, 38, 4e, 42, 4, and 46. Size 16 re- quirs 8 yars 3-inch fabrie. Send twd-enty cents for patteran ta Room 4'2j, 73 Adelside St. WVes, Toranto. W,-ite your nnieý, address and (1style numbet. Be sure tO state ;7zc yau wish. ISSUE 40-'42 rîsýlug i e rather tha eIsvo tbsm -ita face thie angry Japanlese alne. Their truculence bad besa growiug, ton as tne radia brought nacws o!' steadIiy increasiug tsl- sion ln the Orent bsiweea the Uuited States sud Japan. There- wns the maitcetopo! the curt notec Watsnbe had sautEsba th';e a!ter is chapiture, 'Ic- vlsiýng hlm te eaw in a tprist aind sbrîývae bis su, 1>sinice G enc ral BrnSagaya wauldratura linas week ta dispose o! bis casîe. "Permit nme ta teilyoa, Colonel," aid Aima swly,'aa aig1 bae larnsd diown bers; if we ge,t miathis war sudyou feï- ow'came lawin swe'ill bave anjialiywoefiiny will arn- as tbe worid." 0Wytbnk yen, sanorý, tbank Yeu! And nsver dou'bt for a mro- meýnt, il you go,) lu ,we'll hber WItb you!" hour afirer dswn, AMIsa awo fromnt a dreaiioti battleiedisd in Rusa, A few seýondis !be laY draowsýing, the sprs-ag fraom bis bed ta bis feet luans jmp.,M- cbe guns! The usaaly quiet,- marin wS being turaed into a bell a! noise by the sharp ebatter o! mnachine ýgus! Dozena e!if iihsm, it sounded like! A predstaýp, grown faiï1ar, rang la the corridor. Tha coloinel stao 'iie doarway-ý, siluan pligat bhis maustache, "Hala! Cet up, alsepy hesd! Yoîî'e missig s battis!" "Wbat the devil la10?"crie A elan, iliwlng0on clotbiiag vwitb h tbthbana."Have the U, y.Ma 'Con were expettiag thei, par- bap? No, senaor, Ui L)Uny a body a! roughly clad fellows iwho are ariackiaig tuhs maýJiaishlud fron the Pennla sh ýore. The cauuery,, basý made miaay bitter enemiies amoug the local fisbermen, youi auIdertad Or tibey Iay lbe jat 'Bandits! Wi imcine gunsv" "Mexicanl bandits, too,arefi cýienti," s,11d Escobanr blaudl'ty.he be Iubesuddenly ai Allaa's ex- pr-ession suld ihrew' ont issea &er hbauds "in a gesýýtre ocsur rede* No, imy friand, I will bo. frauk itb y ou. Wtyot are abiout ta witnesa in an aýffair o? "Dilomcy!With brasm knck.- '>la a sens e. 't is ibiswys- or : Mexico Édiscovema s Jpae oiitgrossly iaaiing barusu trality. If as protesta ta Jpa, what appea? Jpan mies; she is se sorry, butshie canii haldc hersai! reaponsible for ib1 act o! unoffaicilJapanesa. Se ei 1an banits wvipe ont tbe uofca Japanese, ad IfJapaproists- aaweuanal, reapansible for, a, siray !buaïch .o!futawou sues?" !eiows, then?" 'My o furgma !rrls sanor.Tbey have riddn barsfron Eneaatareses ibir colonelý end bis friands! Tbsy wil show y7ou, I hopefihCa aMexicanrurmale can îlsud as i.,effetivaly as yur Marines!"ý Tby asenata ibe foyer, wbsce beymigbit have a fu-il vieo!the hesilitias without ýex- pasug herasîeste stmay bl ls.Kay %waa aiLeady t ere sar- inge aitesa before buA ibh- wilermut.Eseebýar tbaugbtfuly brugbt chairs, observiug tbay could cansidar ieievsas bay- lng a, stage boxfo the camiiiug showh sbou iehasaid, be gaad. gi ws god; Sc Allait ç-led e s be seilad wih quickeuing pucse ta3 watcb ibfirsi eal battie b bad ever seeau, Mawie ua 1wincisive touia t'lia rebe- neslitb eibelfamno o!n Toise., tiî4 rurle added a few details te the t iy e 1bad told Allai). Re Lad, It aýppeared, beaui up ai da,,wn wbien ibe "bandits" arrived. 'They seul a Dlag c! trace- thrcee mon and an ofce- , e mandjj( the unLconditionial swrrender' of the ýiiicau.Wanse eetd tenation with scora. The fla weut back. As the four mon l-,j ctCp- pied on tlie beach, a mxacýhine gaopeined ou them firorrt',li - lnkilling or ondn alo themi. The flag prtyou ndr stkud!"ý "The yellow devls!" growiec Escobr sotly. Our elows wl remmbe tatweu hetm TheÈ, happy ýmomnt, oweLr barlyseeedimiinent. On ithe shercie, mei sud guns were aheleý- týe redCu 1 ýnIngly bebndLboulderýs and îia the sub. A black mzi wudappear fromn a cleftrok dsharge a raking burst of bulets the (com,,bed Ibe isladthen ds aperto came cout gaî at an- other spot. Osnhssi cnd, innove looking rocks wudbe rvae abrouty as piliboxes, spittig flame and Smoke and singogin led But eitet ide ecauld panert the otharess defeuise of stone nnd "Dvltake t" runbe th colonl. Iknewtbey hadforti nued te Place;1Ididn't Mk!we ha cnvrtd tinto a Gibr'aitý'ar!" Atithe end of an ourh a kaiting bis brows; at the end o! two, be was biting his nans; at, thie end lof! Ibres, Ie was stal ëw~wing is nistacle. Men Allait! clthdat bis arm nd poinCt t the western sky. "Look, Escobar! Look!l" On miale it was aS ntiny Spec. The next, it was a lane. Then, saduyit w-as a huge ampblibliau bomnber wihwspwrdvn at the mený on thIe pnnuaevenl bM!oresaeywere awars 0f te eatoverhead. No bambs -werra dropad-Alaa emsmlbered wbat D.Sargeauit ïad Sa!id abou-Ét the seniive cquality (o! the new ex- ploivebutfrom each flank ùf jthle great plane, 'and] froits baw, guns sptat dstuction on tMe soun- -yling figures belaw. Tbe ship taihend ont, SOaredaloft, came streakng down agin. ,It was xmore than flesh andî blood ceuld stand. The MIexicans ecattered and, rau. searrciing mad- !y for orevices in the rocks ba hlhthey might idfe. For the momeent theý siege o! the canerý,y waa efiitey lifed. As ifscons- ing ta pursue the fugitties the bomber eircled the spot once or, twçice, thiea dropped softly 7ta tliCa bin ears of the guif It taxied te, wvthjia 50 feet o! theiln' faII pier, tenstopped. For- the !irst t'imIe Ala couild make u the insignia of the fuselage. A grantlack swasai {Cantined Next Week) Britainl's Prayer The -words e! the Archbishoip ot Canterbury's speci prayer, uttered by the British, peaple- on the occasion o! the Third Anul- versary o! the war iu taken e! the people's dedicationitot a war fer justice suricight, are as foi- Mous Lard blasa aur cauatry asud a Who serve it; uýphold a ur corge througb ail that comacs; muake -us woýrthly of victory and estabLa-li peaca and good Winl; throughi- Jesus Chriiist aur Lard. MA DA GAS C A R: B-eokes Its M«Iitry Value Vast Island Also Has 'Varied Resouïces - Seized By French i 1883, Madag asc ar, by Its strat(egic posiïtion luinthe Indian Ocean o p- pasie Prtugese Mazambique, stnsas a enutiel au1vital AI- lied supi es tatce Middle sud Far East. Snce th'ail o! Sinigapare M'a- dagascàar'slimportanece bas doub- lsd. Ha Axis frces laded ter first the Garmans or Japanese mgthaveý been able to eut bathl the Unlited iNations' omuis lions Uines snd the stratege 250- mile wlde Mozambiue Channe off the African East Coast, Mreaiver, Axis -onîtraiwoldhave consti- tnted a serions thrst ta the Afri- eau intlaud and woidlave pro- ided stategle bases for ses sud air raiders. Madgasaris just 300 mlile.s off the Postera Afican eoast- It Is about !,000mils log anid its grecateast wdt s 60me.It t6 ueary as large as toe Sats a! Taxas, baviug an ares of 24G00 squlare mile's. Fram itîs exceilepti barbor at DiegoSuaez On it uarth-ern tfip Madagascar iis ol HO0 milesfrom Mombasoth mlainluport af the British 1Cr'Owujý Colo0f Kenys. The -Gif 0üAen at the ms eeira tip) o! Afriicais at a dis- tance o tf 1,M~ miles. The British ronColonty Muitn is -47-1 mile(s easstofthe islad. Te naval bas o Fort Dauphin on the sout- aatip of Mdgsa is 1,000O miles from Darniban in Soutb Afri- Ca. At a distauce of 2,460 miles ta the uartheast is Ceylon and atý tcethis disýtanice Sinlgapore sud11( Pert, Astraiacan! be rabd Its Varied pHistory Madgasarhas biad a varied hsrysincee its discovsry; by the Portuguese, Digo Miazin1500, whacbrsteedit St, Lauirencee. As, iu South Africa, tbe Dutlih suc- ceaded the Portuguese, but lu the lSth cenitury the French had miii- tary bases on the East Coasti. Dur- lng the reigit of Chatrles 1, the timj Je wbanElish lcoluOizVationl begaln ta athar parts a! the world. uiotably mria, asmnall settls- meunt wns farmned on thie Sauth- wtcoasat, but it was net uniitil 1811, during theNapleoie ss that British tuoaps ouccupied Tamlia- tave. Thle Treaty o0f Paris lia 1814 formally cs uded Madlagascar ta Grîeat BPritain-, but th-e age o! Iml- perîalism iwas not )yet, alnlthe Brîtiisb oaet merely orý- ganized thle Hava tribe t a manage the isiaud, o! whicb it wasathb moat importan element. A Urit isb esdtreésidedî at the Hava King's court, Brhiiabofficiaisad- ised tbe native Gaverment. Uinder Quesu Ranavalous 1i! who c'ame taOthe tbrouae in 1868 and( soon afterwarda was baptised, the proibiJjLon oalChristinmission- arias was rý "ema'vedi, British oflie- ers urganlized th-, Armly, and thie United States appointed a Consul te the ideenen ,sateca Mo a gascar, the four-th ,J.igest iln la the worki if utrlais ex- French Take Contrai But thera wvere Frýechmen wba wished ta restare theformie-ru- thovlity o!F raneceOver Liba Mls.'? gasy,, The disputed praoperty af s Frenichmnan furuishied the occasion, #)r excuise, for war Ia 1883, when the Frenich bomtbarded Taatave and laadadtooà The tresty oi 1885 plaecedthe friarelat, is o! the island unew Freucb coic- trol and establihed a French rap- resutaiveat thecailAtn IoliowedC the rejection o c!futr a~ ~ ~ ý-' Fruc raetoaawIch st-,ld endure as procai. Such is the stormy bistry o this log sland, whicbastoa a ppltof!40000,msl nativesThe lagaasy, hawev,% bava o epesnttie a h Franeb Camber o!mDeputis, i ctenbpuntilfieM earMS ago Madagacar'sChie!comrca part laKTamiatave on thde sa casabutibe city le -uit close ta marches sud bas a bat, humi cihyatze. Fort Dauîphin, n nthe ui soteapart a!fte ïsau, ba itîtarecommnend sae agoo Frigners, o!f hm tere r somne 3,00 ave-î!oIdth - landC's ighic enjitrava I týauapes sut region. Modern Capýtai Autannariv , captalci';y o! es, sachýooLs:, hospitals sud ',a" î i pasig riwysttoThe cie epraarerw idspraeve cius atonres. At a (ne, tuIe teila le The foresta ýhave ee vivtal dmenddThetAbead isîeM sud bar. Cattie raisiug Aisan importas-t 1istry, suin t bas bensaidtha there are mare catile per cpt ra'd an the îsaud ianin sn other cauLntry nintewrdTh natives twill nat IilI temfor'. o A iau'a social posiion la gaugedl, by the numiber o! cattle ha pas- sesses, andie would laîbs,) ml go hbnugratHr ertnutcheas e o!ftMe beaKss. Tbe ntfives, calle Mlagsy ar1e o! a brow rlairhuiha ic race, sud belonig t te aiy PoyeinfaiIy. hr ae8m iti, Mongol suid negrid stratus intheirblo.Mmca!thi - ing -miie ,re dee e e Arabs, The lnsinArmy is ufferîr g ca"suities at thle rte of ,OOw; 7,00 diyacodîgta c, c Ambssador IvMesky. e saite Red 2ry1n-,e medical suýpplies of eer linin great "quant'itie's, dcring ta "we are Ifigh'Itingbad udm' have bigu se. Ma"isky paid bigh i ut1 e h RylArForce for ilýs raids on Gtermauy sud said Soviet simien were coveriugtrmndu ds tanci'es in thlems iliutw ther taloe bBerlin suýd ale German es. "Iqhope beore long tvetBrîtCs sudi Russisu ,aitrmenll niet ta thu skes ovr Germany, fightia a commuon battIs aga net a cur- mon enen ie said, UNCLESA' HUGE TRANSPORT PLANES