Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 7

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iraesof paper are nva oned by the lVfcDonnell Arrf corporation as a partial asweït the ndusry'scriticalsoraeo luminmand stue. ThliCcompany announed its on- glacera halid colctedcceau exp rimuents aing lainated paper Plasticein the manufactreo! wving tipi,, rudIders, evaosail- erons and aller parts. An experimental w,,ing -Îtpip mac of ln pla swas lightcrand 4 pe)(r cent stronger thaalumnm withsfanding 2,800 plourds of Weight ina test, flc cmpany zsaid. 'Fic ncw matoenial wasdecbd as liaving a smooth surace, eim- lnatiug finishong and coufîug pro- cesses, getrresistce to abra.. sian and dcntiug than ilaluninumn, ni!oriity and adaptabilify ta ~ ur ndou taperi.ng :f ormus vitli out speci treatasent. Tf can1-1be nmoldecd at lessa-pres- sure tman requircd for Chler plas tic, usig clcaper zinceaboy dies iastead of tlie expensive steel dies uscd lu aluinumiii fabrication. The experlinas were carrid wuthiaco-operaton witbsa large plastics manufacturer, a paper company and flic pulp and paper ;section of flic United States for- est producta laliaratory. The comipany is ready to go int production on the plastic parts, and, like youugsters wiho sali paper planes, pilotasoonmay le fiying on paper. RidingtABicycle Fifty Years Ago gesta fLut instructions a011 0w ta Ridie a icycle would lie usefllfa mny persoa t fias time, Weil, hla , a bit of advle unearthed srom a wheeiman's magazine of 1891: "The pedal shouild be pesf V,.'downward tnot witlithebelDïor ;hli nsu.), but witli the toes audiÈ fibalOf, the foot, flius givin.g thec aukie free play andc producilng fthc full developinent of 'tieeacl! muscles o! which the good rider la juatly proud.Ina mauntiag lUe bicycle the genitlemi,,ian bac'ho left pedal up and sligluiniylu dvauce o! centre. Placing ftche Itfoot upon il, aMd laspig tUe handle- brlie tlirows Ilis weil ulpon tUhe leit foot, swings the yighl eg esiiy over flie rear wlieel anfid 3etîles lato thecade "Ia diamiountlng lie checks thc mwoo by lefing flic pedal on tUe, upatr,Éiokelilft his weiglit; aI tUhe anmue lime ha riglif kg describes a grýacefuI arc aubove[lUe rear beiandl cornes ta real on tl!e grouind aI the leit. "A lady mnuaI, Of course, moundt tin ifferent fasbion. Step)ping, fhrauoigli tULe drap mane and Irak. Ang sureLtaIher akirîsaenicly dnapled aijlout lie ankies on eilher ide(_, sUe lif ta lierceafi mb tlUe sud- die by pushing dlown ou flic left pedal1, inl-Ule saine effo)rt staitinig fleic iccle la motion." Getting Rid l0"f Bats lnHus Thbe firat stop in etn rid of bats in an open attic miusf bc te close ail apenlinga by whicli fli bats can get lu. Smial bats can get flirougli halesliardly anc-bal! ircli ucroas. The best maiterial for flic job is oakum, xMhd Sý tarred-fct fier. Batscdie flic odor and will keep away froif. During flic day ail but two or flirce of flic principal openings should lie ciosed. These sbouid be lefI open for a aigli or fwo u._nt!i flic bats have lcarned ta use theni, an;d slouid then lie clos-ed sevCea hiours affer dark whca ilflic bats have gone Ouf. 'Won bas coiect wifhin wails or under floors, Iliey can ic driven ouf by flic lberal ujse of maoth flakes, wichi wiiilie ective even lu flic daytimeý,. Openinga sbouldnottlicplugged wlicu th ilere la a chance that bats are neininig within flic bouse. IRDIO!!G IT CLAIRE WALLACE If you liear a radio commientutor fdlliing aiCaadaw1liy your next- door uciliglibar biu-syi't lieca home n wasli days recently, oir somne eýqually intiimate sud local neýws behlindfliheaews, yo)u"'l liliialea- ing, ta "T[.hey Tehl Me"', wifli Can- adla's famioneý Claire Wallace. And if lie doca btell you about saine- acini your town, (miaybe your- sl)you eau Uc sure Iliaf Il lo because fiacre ls a twist fa flic story that will infereat evcry wo- mnla Canada. Claire WValacc lias risen ta top rank la Canadian radio flirougli more flinseven years of continuons broadcasfing. Naw ,vsUe briondeasîs coat ta coasa la Caniada for flic firat timie, You eýauhbeur lier on flic CBC (CBL CKý'OC-C'BO) daily 3aI 1.45 p.m. M ondcay firougli Fnld"ay, right sf1- er l' ic Happ11y Gan-g. Assisfing Jla lier indispencýable anununcer, flic jovial Todid Russell, sometimes W1111linewvs, somletfimes wifb fun, o!CKOC lai Hamiilto, 1have been becaingiiz a greaf deal about Se- temlber ont CKOC, aadi as flic montli pog thes ficprogramas continue fa appear. Alrcead1y,flic Hlappy Gang, Penniy'sý Diary, Share ftche lbCiaieMcCarltliy, ClieWallace, and rnany 4alliera have thie lcparadec. IFred Allen la on1 ha way, fira't Suinduy ia OJccber '- BeddRliyflim-n Memloirs o! Dr. Lamiberl are soan ta appear. ClIKOC la partlcuflarly prou-d o! a, couple a! it's dIlv brouadeasl peniode ,ý- flic fria;n la !rom 11.30 arn. 1fa12.00 1nýoon: ut 1180 lic War1tlme Price-s sudn Trade 1BoardI's "adê' i show is bod ast ud is followed I 11.45 by "Telicqiz", flic pliu. amnipone unlf tter1 ocall fi tow mn. Fr'oua nue to tw-v, fliec staiti o ffers a trul-,y great fliun, every M\ond(ay tiroug"li Fridauy, greatatsriiNC'S "Betty sud Bob"'; ut 1.15 flic "Hýpp)y Gn" sud aI 1.45 Claire Wallaace lu " TUey Tell i Me!" thc e eao last Sunday niltat S.00 o'clock, Edgai Ber- Ien with bi aniondsude toolaflyving ztrip twAlaska Iand entrtanedthe, boys of Canada anld U-S. 0Oiginally steueor Just a couiple of sh;Iows, the boys had to hold oerthelir dates for aJ mucl loger un.Bergen's ward- robe wasn't equal ta theocain especialiy on1ome particuiarly coild nihA frienidiy Eskimlo gave Ecigar, a ïmarnprk a aal tlie rimmingsPuict reports state "I.svDBergenl's nigilt!", A few nw notes o! intereaf fa Peninsulu listenerc: Dr. E. T. Sa'awhose wdeylistenied ifa anlssouic world îut ,,ar bave become amata7.15 p.m. insti- tiofrom CKOC, la, now bbiag larct 7.00', p.m. - a quarter bor arlier. Tlie sed(ulce iflich fsamIe - Moa-da-yIlrgi Friday. TUe lona ane rw1lise ex-ý ploaits O!frvr lis cin packed epSodeS, have beIl .8 p.mi. radilo fare frorn CKOC for some 'lime, fake fhe, eveing 7.30 fime, AMondfay lirougli FridJay. Hif Parade favori1tes continefa parade avenuflic air-lunes Suadlay a1.30W from CKOC. Nwfa vor- !tes include fwo Jrving Berlin iita --Leif My Heart aI fle ,ictae DGaon Canteen, sud Be Careful My Heart! Flash Bulletin! JusI go thflicnews! Columliia's greaf West CnasaIewokfe-ature, "ICalling al Cars" anc aioflie moat dynamic 'Crime does not psy' dramias ta corne ta radio, oocams la CKOC fUis Sunlday at 6.15 p.mr. Makre-a point ta lie listening - ît'S tlirty inuites packýed wli cýverytLJng to kcep yon on lias, 4dgfa!youir seuls! SUNDA Y LESSON 37 joseph Soid 1intoSiey Genezis; 37, 39-41 Priatled Text, Genesis 37: 23-36 GOLDEN TEXT.--Love envi- eth nat, 1 Coniinfhlls 1 4 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.Accodingta flic cai- mioly rcic lroniology, Josepli becameii a slave in, Pofipliar'sbos in '1735 13.C., and suffc"re d im- pisoamnent 1725 B.C. Piéace.---Joeh'bome was lu He'bron, ini souitheru Palcainie. He wusý sold l to slavory u1t Doflian, trtnil-es lnonfli ofSliecýhem, wh1icb ilacîf vwaDs slity miles fromi Hebron. The capital o! Egypf ut flltime, wir moat o! J05- ýýipli's years Wrd speutË, was Zoan, in flic casteru part of flic Nile Jos;ephk Cast mInt The Pit 2-3. "And if came f0 pas,wlc Joseph was corne unto bis «breth- 1 ren, thiat they stnipped Josephi of Lis coat, flic coatý of mnany colora thiat was on im; t:24. tand they Lo*ok hmii, anid cast hlm into the pit: and tlie pit ,,as empty, there waa 1no waterin if." 'eThe tan"k into which Josephi',s brethfien cast hilm was apparenltly one of those hinge reservoirs excavated by Shephlerds in the East, thlat hey may haive a spl of water for their flckýs in theý end of flic dry season, when thie runining waters faIl them.i Being, so narrow at theic moufli tbat they can bce cov- ercd by a single stonie, thiey gra- duall]y widen and formi a large- subterý.raneain room; and the facil- ity tliey thus afford for. the con- finenment of prison crs wavls fromi the f irst toaobý,0vions not to bic commonly takeni advantage of. In such a place was Josepli left tor- die. The Plot Againist Joseph 25. "'And they sa--t down ta c af lire ad: and thiey lifte-d up their cyaand lookcd, and1IL, behiold, a, caravani- of lalimacleites was <'oi.- ing frorn Gilead, with their camels b earinig spicery and balm and myrrhs, goiiig to carry it down to Egypt. 2DIAndJuda--li said' un to bis brethiren, What profit iS if if We slay our brother aund conceal his blood? 27. Corne, an l 1u sel, inhl ta the Ishiuiaelites, and. let not our hiand lie upon hlm;î' for lcie,-sour brother, aur lch And bis brefliren bhearkencd unto hlm." As these calloused, hat lesqs men wore sitting not f ar away, fromi the pit, dcvouring thec food3 brougIit by fthc faifliful hbands of Josepli from flic father's homne, tliey saw a band of Ishmiaelites coming down. uipon tlhim, an i- nediatcly they ag-reed ta profit by thieir treatmcnt of Josephi, and sel iibîm as a slave totes Egypt- boundin ca. 1Jacob Mourns For Josephi 28. "And there passed by IMidi- anites, mîercbantm-en; and tliey drew and lifted uip Josepli out of flie pit, and sold Josephi ta f[ieý Ishmaelites for twenty pieces o! silver. And thtey brouight 'J ose-ph into Egypf. 29. And Reuben re- furnec i uno fthc pit; and, behold, Josepi was loIt in fl ie pit; an-d lie rent Iiis clothes. 30. And hie re- furncd unto bis lirefliren i, ad said, Thie chld is niot n.1 I, whither shiah Igo 31'Ad ithe took Joseph's coat, nd killed a. bxe-gent, and dilppcd the coat in the blood; 32. and tliey sent thc coat of many colIora, and tbcyý' brouglit if ta flicir fathier, and said, This have wc found: know ow wethier it la tbly son]'a oa Or nof, 33.- And lie know if, and said, If is mny so's coat; an cvii beast bath dcvoured himn; Josephi iswiou doulit tarin i pieces.ý 34. -And Jacoli rent bis garmients,1 ;)d puit sackcelolh upnis loins, alid miourn-ied :for is son rnany days. 35. And al bis sons and ail bis dauglihters rose up ta coi-m-forf him; but lie cr ecd to biec ýom- fortedl; and lie said, For I1il go down ta Sheol to my Son mourniag. And bis father wcpt forhl, Efore ýthese licthren lcft for homue, fbiey dîpped Joscph'scot whiec htey took from hîir4minto tbe hîood of a new.ly siain kid, and in slowing it ta flic fathér told im ti haftis waswliat tbey liad fouad, willi tbe lhope thiat thc faîber wouild be pcrsuacd, as lie was, thaf Josepli had been slain by a wild beast. Wlierever wp find unkindncsýs we arc alm1-ost certain ta find untrutli. 'K1indnjess and truth' are wedded in Gencais (24 :49; .47:29) ; tbley natuirallyý draw ta escli other everywbiere; there is a p)re-establishied haInlonýy befwcen themi. Thie same la truc, of their opposites. Jacol's sons, baving soid their ycung- brother, mnade it next to Jimpossbe o tlicmselves ta speak flie trufli. Tliey Ilad to concoct Va stary to account for biis disappearance, 'n t was as audacious and( cruel a falschlood as was ever uttered by biuman lips. THsISCURIous WC ', lAýz, NLYN .","~'-. on a THE .A'\QST ~UC/~;so ~INGS AS A ~JC~.N ED. LEANIAIA EA'ER L 11INIVVSIICIEPP 54 Long ý-.s193' A6GnuSWE:Aof oma ieayofte1ia tre-eiito WILD MAISfm pe10neliehv urihdma NPie minis-)p -: PL A AINS s i ide-. 21Evey. fRqoc m syTiL 7SuthaT 23 DeorientA.fl N S A1ETa fi(abr,). 25 Long ass. Sp19 Baerlike 286Geus x 8 e1hý it o! L P38 T bes. pl -cats. U T MO1. ST 1înH E Su22 C hrisma precec e, AS4 O Tyereàu, i 2&es!aperEA4HDriverhf 0 Andy 56 eO TO aprsUR4 26Hathz-ego '38Fionare. Le SWA t AMPS SIT9 o harmd1e 25.Prv - -,tA -nrivate,, 33 Femaesa. e 27. Sun gd 5746Hefossre VEl rTivAL 365Tai.or 49,1 accopiU sh 51ofvening 2 Soma. 403hruaeren 4 Onwglig 2 ro. wa-.12 Genuis o! 543 Spor

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