Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 6

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For the older genortion one of the pleasaatcst mmrisOf chldbood is baking day when a wrarmu fragrance' of cisp glden baves fillidbthekithen, Today homo baking is staging a revival, but fortuatey "quic" breads are uupn the place of theod fashîoned leaven.-ed bed Popuar is AIlBran Nut Bemad This gloious tasting loaf is botbi rich in vitamins and magaificent in flavor. Actualiy its good enough- to týake the plac-e of those rich1 desserts thaf have bp aihdf~ the wantîme dinner table. Dirct,,ions 'for, makinigthbis hread lfollow: Ail-Brn Nut Bread i egg% cup Aii-Br'an /cup sugar 21/1 cupe' flou i cup milk1. feasp(oon ai 2 talespoons meIted shortenig 3 tonspoons bakring pwo Il cup chopped nut monts Beat eggsanad sgruntil iight. Add ilk, shorteing arid Ail Brlan1. Sif't flouLr with sait andl baking powder; combine wih ut mot;add to first mixt,ýure, stirring only until flour disppers.Bae la greased oaf pan ith waxed paper la the botto, à imo erate oýven 1(350,E) '-about 1 h1our and 10 mnts Yied:Iloaf (4Yz x 9î/L îneh 1pan). wthe wm in trule e hall not realized he swold be in a passae blcker than Satan's Gbdw ingerlyhinching hk wy,vàv stefi by careful stop )lest ho plungIýe downr somle unseoun stair, h.- crepit owaduntil hisouseth ed fingertips tochd barrier. A grill dor. Iron, ýLocked!Ad this tnime there Was lno convenient ltey. Illeisteod. Triesuns cIgt breathing travelled tohis ear Slow, regula. breatbs like thosec of a person asleep. Re shook te doorgn."r .Seraig cnt! Dr. Sarent!" he o alled sy "Eh?" It as ïan old uman' «s querulous voie. "M'usthat?" 'TMi ore l Cnfcls!; iight waswitc e n andAla saw the doc,0or sliuf fie toward ihlmi across fthc small room whicb wae his prisoni. The scýcin.tia poeredl at hhn. "l'as haro to get yau and your daugbter ont of thIs m, Botter put ont that lighit, smý" "Thank God!" The promptaess Aith cwhch the WLhmwnt off showed the old man qick-wittod., "What eau I do to bip? "Talk fast, to bogini with. Lots I don't kow. [Why re ouin Lowr CliornaWhy id th,,eseý fellJows kidayu?" No rl,ýeA, word is Couifucius!_Y011 canut me!" ~'All right. I'vs been working, two years on ea newv igh x. plosijv-teýn timoes morue wr fui than anlytbing n-ow,, in use. i told Our goveramient wnat lI was doing, and the-y sont mi e hrs to locate a deposit nofoa rare mnineraI that e ofl f the ýbasic nrai reats of the formula. The Japs tumbled to the ideu about Che samne time 1 didt Maybe àt was coincîdence; more Iïkoiy, espion- age in my San Fraisïco labor- atory." "They got hors ie ? "Montbs before I did, W'henI turnod up they wore sot to grab me. They were mnaking the stuff, and mak,îling it well, but thoere were time-savinig trîcks 1I knew that they dlda-'t. The-y asked] me to help theni."' The lowv, ztired voies was sucldsnly a.baky. "God forgive rme(, 1 d id They- imqmade me." "Made you !" AlIani's tons wes shockecl Trurdyu? "No. They tbireaten3ed to tr ture Kay! Th-that broke mie. gave in, only 1nita bo a- lowed to ses beu every day so F-d lonow she wae sais I've uno Illusions, thougb. Tboy' kll klme -- both- of u bn they're tbrough wItb e, wbich wvili be viery soon nowv. -But I hin atstî for timne-hoping somevtbing igbt, happe-"' "Sure, They've been shiipp;ing the stuff to Japan ?" "No. Nons bïas gone ,yet. The eannery jli ablind, utaprci cal one. Shiips Otbat bavle eft br were loadod with canned fisb. But the ecereo of this island is a nat- mral cave and the cexplosive they have mianufacturod is toodthiere, -hundeds 0 tonis of it?" ICripois! ls it undr control? W'hat touches ih off?" "*Any concussioni. Tb.at's whywe live underground, la i-1 convertedf caves wýitbh oeavy iondoors. l' tricky to bni.Soebody ,sfoIe oas brick ufofi-,the day before I came, aad! evorybody had ïtbe jif,- tors. But nothing happened. Maybe the count wasinorc. "Why do tbey fr titado enigit homie?" "Tboy're waiing ii tey auo a fulship's cargo, wbe tbo hope te sneac:k if ouf. Tc oned a lot 0f amalshipants Wourd incrose the cbJaaic o f det-cion1 by tbe Moxican, auîhorfIes- AIo h Japis arebidn opaesa tion borie and if wouLd oha to have lots of the exploiv a vailable if fby should get int a seae ib hey lwoljd and fe' lwour ws os Mites and military bases off the map ha a siniglengh, "Mmpb. ýyetu pajI0 ntroty pic. ture-s, zsfr! And sp ekn tofpretty pictur;, owhat do yu knjow Labout Preparation: Ailý fruit should be picked cnrefuliy and thon pro- pared accýording to ty-pe, Large fruis should hoeute in pieces and if dry adpuipy, such as apples and parshould ho covered wt water befors imei util te- der. Sma1ailjuicy fruits require no wator. Open Kettie Canning- If fruit is moderately acid and very juicy use no water but cover With sug'far an, fand nd over night.1b; the mnorn'ing Cook untiltedr it as littie stir ringg as possible. Fruits less, juicy shouId ho covered with a sugar syrup and cooked until rtender. Mo Pack: Fruit is prepared as above but cooked for a shorter length of time. Pour into bot sterilized jars to within bot / inch of tire top. Adcjuist rubber' rings (dipped in boiiingwte) cover with- steriiized top seal n isave jar ing partly srwd(if spring top is uised do n iot adjust seodspring). Place jr in rýwAc in the kettis; cover well with; wa r tsne tnpearature as jma ouAndbig to a houl. Boil fore- quired time and ho sure that th jars do, not touch 1eaých other. If this p)roce.,s is dons in The ovoný have a aefiycontrolled to- perature of 275 degrees. Rev- mnove froml water bath, tightenr and so]1nver1t jar-ýs VwhIile cool- iing to test leaks. If uigstea-ini pressure coe foliow direction1s CoId Pack Cann;ng:ý Pac'k fruit into jars (steîilied) to within eleon'eilch6of He topPae ri and sugar in aternate layers in proporton to the desired syrup. (Thin syrup la cup sugar to i of fruit and heavy syrup 1 cup sug,,ar -to i of fruit). Cover withl cold wnter util oefoig d just rubersandtop's as for hbot pa ck, Place on rack andcooklý slowly ý;as la the bot pa mo. Jamrs anc:i Conserves: Measurj1e fruit nd C cverwith enoughà wiater to smmer util tender, Addî warmed suigar poiig34cup to oas cu of fruit. Con1tinýue- to simm'!er until thick, stirring frqunty. Skim. Tura minto ster-ilized jars ýýand cover at 1ýonce with a thlin layer o hot aafn Whe1n cool pply an îherlayer ,of paraf-fin to assure perfect' seas Jele~Select frits that arco vot da ip. Cean andcook u-ntil very tenrder. Pour into a sýcalded j elly bag ad llwto dipbinascalded contaier.Do rlot sueethe bg etjuice toý boiling poCin-t and siulimier tenl to twenty mnteA dd are sugatr Fallowing 3/4 cup of suýgar to one of juice. Stirover heat until sgrdissolves.,Bilgently -sim inas necessaýry) Unltil few ,drops of the soltion 'sets" when teste-d inl-. wateU Jelie s Wtitb Pectlîn: Fruits such- as bubrisand ,rasphecrries re- qieteaddition of pctîn to mako- them je21. The Lest advice for these fut is to aher strict-. 1)y to directio;n's givon ithPectin Or anly sim-ilar omecalpe paratins. MýisCabrswleesNroa kg pleased te reecve suggestlenu on teles for ber clmsD"fl u vu readfly to listete e yio nrT:Pet peee." itemussor reeipes or spcalrennui are la erder. AddrIe>ps bers, 73 West Adelalde Street. Tm eneeeif YGI i; harD Germauns Forbiýd The "Nazis i in Norîy-ar -des perately fridof aaything hic sodancin[g has bcoea' rie Incredbie though it mray seem, over O people were rrstdre- ce'itly in Seni,,for dancinug, the charge ngainst them being that eta aused a deosrtn hostl Io eState uhoiie, There ismot much renKlatin in thers gr ays for the Norwe.. goanr, They have firmpIy by cotted !ail! aî-ranzdsport, and thelone tigthat 7theýy were abme to ndulge in and eajoy was dancng. o mtterhowserious thesntenes my hoagaiast thos whoare iscoeredacting "hosile o te Stte" heywill StUU go on dancing., Teyoung peopleno arne dace ,a-, nl pacsin the cntr, wr u the o pt- proach of the HirdQusin' enjoyng te dacing itsl,h Noregias illstfli haeit cevenl if nly to nrage toquisling- cu p.Psumsobssatisfying ~avo ~ees mre delicious. POST M IUs eas'ily made. requires less sugar, andis very economïcal, 7Z~ ~ And bcause Postiim icontains .- n~~eitJer cfeienor tannin i' MMý safe $everage for everyone , 4 OZ SIE MIÇ~ 50CRJS .. 8OZ.sIZE MAKES 100 CUPS

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