Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 5

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OF W1OMEN IN CANADA Sept. 14 to Sept. 19, 1942 TROSE WHO MUST REGISTER Ail females born between Januaxy 1stý 1918 ýand D- ceiner 31st, k 1922 inclusive, who are nol7now i pos- session of Unemployment Insurance Cards Forma 411 or 413 Ilustraed below). Also ail those who have such cards in their îossession but who are not employed in însurable mp yment. RER YO MUST REGISTEIR u myeregiste at your ýearest Selective Service Oeormerly th- ocal ýiployment & Claims Office f h nemployine f Iyurance Commission), or a loca1ti 1Up for you convenience. If you reside iri a rur aie you register ai your nearest Post Office., THE"TEF REIGISTRATION You may register ai any lime between Mondlay, Septémber 141h, and Saturday, September 19th, 11942. THOSE WHO NEED NOT REGISTER Iumates cf Institutions such as hospitals and mental hospitals and members cf religicus orders. Those in possession of elther of the two Unempicyment Insur- ance Cards Form 411 or 413 (illustrated) and who aie now employed în insurable emnpicymeni. NOTE:- If you are rsow unemployed, you will be required to regisier. If you have an insurance book numher or registration certiicate U.I.C. 411 or 413 which you gat when you were previously employed, bring it with you when regîstering. ELLIOT7 M. LIT=LEHUMPHRE MITCELL M M biniater cf Labour we Ba* Mrs, Giamey and Glenn spenlt the eeek-end in Trenton, Miss Phyllis Lowden epent the holu- ay week-end in TorontO. Relatives gathered at tlhe 'ho-me of Mr, and ýMrs. Hav-vey Moigani, Kirby, on1 Wednesday, Septembi,,er 2ad, and presented Mv. and Mnis. Carl R-iteie (nee Eileen Mlorgan) Nvith a cora- forter, electrie iron and granite- ware. The evening- was spent In gamnes, and lunch was served. MiUrsUW. F. Graham, ofetWjinnipeg, ivisiting :with fiedsin O ono,be oA home town. Mis Lis isn of Toronto. spen1t he we-edwith Llierfied Miss Lenora Wood. Flight-Srgant 1H. R. Patterson, of the R.C.AJF., Br'aFino, is spenvd- ing'- this ek in to-wn1. MF'. and Ms.C. IH. Froste apent LaborDay eeed at a sum1mer cottage near supsey. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and young son have returned home after a three weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crease and 90o1 Paul, of Toronto, visi;ed with Mrs. Fred Cowan last ,veek. A.C. John Grady, of Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end 'with Mrs. C. G. Armn-stýongý;. Mr. j. D. Tye and Miss D. Tye, of Toronto, 'were recent 'visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sa-unders. MeJs. Thos. Lowis spent the past week ia Toronto, visiting with ber sister, Mrs. Raiph Thonipson. 'Mrs. Firank, Pearson, of Toronto, is visitin'g with Mrs. James lYickson. A. C. Jas. Powers, of the R>.C.A.F-, Toronto, spent the wee-end 'with bis parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. P'ower.s. Miss Belatrice Hanirn, of Ham11ilton,. is home for a we visit with hler parents, Mre 4,"dMrs&E. .l HniE M4essrsý. Al). Bowen, PerclCap man and Bak Staipleton attended the races at Stratiord on Monday lasti. Mr. anld Mrýs. 'larold Awde anrid Jfaiyv of Tor'onto, sipent the weýek- end with the Mi% and MrUs. C. F. Mr. WVii-. Neal lals secllred a posi- tion in Montreal for- the wiltrr mlonltbs a'nd bas left for thiat Metro- polis. Miss Lenora Wood "(4t for Tor- onto this week where she ewil tîke a business course at Shaw's Business College. Mr JohnMNab of the Banik of Commerce Staff, spent the -week-end at the homie of bis parents in Can- nington. 1Prior to the opeing of the schrool some of the roomrs have band a new coait of rlaster in the basemient of the sachool. .Mr. He-rb. Mv is havinig his homne remiyidelled( on th e ou'side wth a heavv\ material that resenl- hies bricrks, A new roof bas b1-een put on the building in the cemetery, also the fence bas been brigbýtened up with a ýfresh coat of vaint. Mr. Jacl, 'Cobbledick anid girl frilend. of Toronto, sýpenitnte wee'k- end with the follre'çsparenrts,Mr and M rewton 'oh'eik iMr. and IMvs. J. J. Cornisýh a-nd( family and 'Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Mllor mpent the holidlay week-end at a sunimer camp near >ýCoboeonkh. Mv. and Mrs. Ralph Tbompon.a nd eanily, of Toronto, spent the Labor Day week-e-nd awith the latter's par- ants, Mvn and 'Mrs. Jasý. Ransberry. Lieut. F. J. Lorrimnan, ocf Newmra- ket, and Mrs. F. J. ýLorriman, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with bis father, Mvr. J. F. Lorimnan, Cobb Mr. Madison illa"l smen't the week- end at bis, summer cotta2ge at Lake 5cuigoz, retuininp. on Suniday ac- !omipýanied' y Mrs. Hall, who bas spent therast month at tbe ctta£,e. Dr. D. K. MleElrv visited bhi s nran'dmotbev, Mv. oble, Iast Fri- davnm i- ~ naw bavinL, a vwell-eanedg holiday witb hie mctber and sisýt-r at -their sunlner- cottag-e at Lake Chpemon'z. We bave learned that 'Miss Myrtle Smith, Ouv former phonle operator, bas- accevted a position witb the Royal Air Forýce 'Ferry Command at Dorval qnd lepft Obaaatrnidiliht Mowday ForMontreau.-We dunder - qtad tatMvrlewas ýahbout the 6rstgir engerdfor, thîs work at Dorval, but others wïill lie taken On a euns, the' pro'per qualifiain cain l'e founld. SAL E Men's Black or Tan Shoes, reg. $4.00. Sale Price....... .... Few pair of Men's Tan Shoes, regular $7.50. Sale Price ..,ý...... .. ...... Men's W.B.H-. Work Boots , reg. $3.95. Be wise, buy next year's supply now. Pair Men's Black Pioneer Overalîs, regular $2.50, pair .,........ ........ ... Men's Blue Work Pants, reg. $2.50, pair. $2.89 $4.98 $2.70 $1.98 $1.98 The wise men are stocking up on these for the next two or three years. Everything in store reduced. 'MmAC. SMaUTH PHONE 6Ir2 - - ORONO M FRIDAY AND SZ-ATURDAýI"ýY I III t" Se"EPTEM aERil AD 12 Durham Central Azgricultural Society Grand Exhibits of Live Stock and Poultry, Vegetables and Domestic Science Specià 'al Attracâtions CLASSIFIED RACES ........ ........ $250.00 Midway, Bingo & other booths; meals and refresh- ments served on the grounds RIJSS. CREIGHTON AND BIIS VERSATILE ENTERTAINERS, 0F TORONTO wil perform in front of the grandstand from 3 to 5 Admission to Grounds, 25 Cents FRIDAY NIGIIT, SEPTEMBER Il GRAND DANCE Newcastle Community Hall, with Russ. Creighton's Orchestra in Attendance Time of dance, 9.00 p.m Admission, 50c. SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER l2th At the Town Hall, Orono, with Russ. Creighton's Performers Adm-nission to Concert: Aduits, 35c; Children, 25c. ARMSTîRONG'S I T P A YS T0 P A YC'ASHit- n Phonies 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Bieef and Pork to seil over th e week-mend .%,. ".- C n > birector National Soletive Service RvîED & WHITE STORES Five Roses Flour 98 lb. bag $3.00 24 lb. bag 77c 7 IL bag 25c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 IL bag 71 c Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs. 25c Gillett's Lye, cash and carry, in li.c Heinz Sandwich Spread, jar 20c Javex, bottie 15c Garden Patch Wax Beans 2 tins 25e Kofy Sub, pkg 31C Postum, large 53c small 33c Golden Medal Pudding, pkg 5C Round Steak, IL 35c Sirloin Steak, IL 37c Porterhouse Steak, lb 42c Hamburg Steak, lb 25c Small Link Sausage, lb............... 22c. Bologna Sausa ge, per lb..........24e Weiners, IL.for ...............27e Dutch Loaf, pound ..... ... ...........30e Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, pound......... 30c. Bacon Squares, pound........... .. ...... 27e Peaches, Tomatoes, Pears, etc., always on hand J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery We will have ze Q t 90 t

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