Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 3

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0F T H E A REPORTER JOINS UP, truitin1g unit stop-ped off' u Krk- land Lake,Onawhebck tIse ed >ritor Of Ile Northieru Neiws nent Stew Bridges, his star ne porter, tu cover tIse event, ka tise due course Stew Bridges re- tUrised te the office weuriug a Ileaeed expression."Wherees the SAtor? Mhieeditr demauded. AMh, the storY?" rnnmbhed Stew,, Bridgea. "Sorry, I forgotai mont the stur.wu et ung wnd the tiret tiu Iknw ad EACH 0F US 'The thou7gt o! Gfth-e veek cre rEux rokeChxo, otea X~ MP,, whe sýaid ina pehu Cleveand: "ThseGovomnmnt eau, orde, cntrl, a-x andrainbu tise exýtra effort wihmnue îise iffer.encýe bet weeu democcracy ansd dcta'torshnip, beGtweeuvctor Smd deeaMcn ol on!gvenCýj Wrely by ench o! ns." --London Frcee FrCS.- -o- EINEFFICIENCY Thse icet idtment of mci- iaeval inefficiency we've ceeu fo>r uoetise is tisut o! a tran'sporýt authority wopint-s Ont tha ise 19 tone pions o! (Md London Brige e "coutnnctedWwtt eniginieering expeni-vence aeut for thiýeioterpise" so tIse bridge funtioed ouly 600 years., JUST REVENGE Porcplus dn'tknow there le » twar on. therwise t'hey ight savsred the( tires o! a Pus ueIdaho, rmuu's car. 1Inst enac, one animyal stuck iii a couple o!(ýI qutille and put two tires out o bsns.Its action wus lun e- veng pe, 0o! course- for bhein-g mn eover. MýORZE THAN SANG FOR SUPPER Catig reud crumnbe nts Iaw je alnost as sl-eadu e as atig your breud ou the w- ters. A robin- in Keutnceky dr-ope m dolflar bill on the back, porch Of a Msail who fed thCe birds, tbereby doing more than Sing for HiARD-BOILED TEA ýAIl this advice about 'how, te brewv a good Cup co! "tIe bvr age thit cheers" Irons 11a miiml-um1 o! týea le goingl to be wasted, w fear, on J 'irnsCuî'an ýo! thbe Soo tahoenays ton îsn'itwota isoot ae t's-s ýbeen b'oiled ztweu-ý tminutes. IT'S AW'iýFUL Now its tIse moun hoareho msg hmItTe number o!fur bit kat ciades is to ho reduedýj fro:,ns 42 te 18 and wool fet shades fromý 18 te I0 Boys, it's awfui! -O(weu SonndSu-ims --o- THE FUNNY SEX Funny sex: Thý-ey paint thei-ýr ,legs tei look ns if thely woro tok üuge or they weuar etociset -BrandonSun, Front LLneeWa trn h gting he tuat o! 1918 oul2y thse toce rut good The jtn nthle mcaud course, oniy untl ouaside or thi e ther swings %iit anew offensive, lu the matmts roeare( ITHE WAR - WEEK -. Centary on CretEet As Glbal VWar lEnteers Foutcer Tbree y augo letweek th Nazioins pouroed acros, th ornir f PoLand toloseuponl tIsuwo-1dthesecond (Ig-eat(con1- fie su a genemrationr, enys ise ýNew tir, it ibecaime a vworId wýaratr Japani's PalHabrntuacklast Lu,ýt we(,k as thewa'stird yeur wac edin, riticýLibombers wer tuingOff to poudGra portýs au2d industrial cnteswih a iwtoreîvn prsueo Russa. n Eyptthere wne om- mous quiet s tII rmeswute Jor:hezero hurthat mýight de trietIse tate, Mf the ,Midd(le Eat.lu China', ItleJaneewr lu heSouth aciiethey wr Isad-pescdas ithe tîrst Amuen- eau Vofensive threi-atened their; wstuefor thle bm(w thut mauy con nNovemuber when thse raina ci-u1-. On the other- side of the word razlby outoring the war, lsad snýppPled new and strategie ba)se-s for figbting the Battie of tIeSouth Atlantic. The War Spreads TIs a the worid war picture antwe s the third year 0f the war dreýw near itaened. The tises tIse G-ermaus had lit wheu they nsarcbed into Polnnd in the early on f Sept. 1, 1939-had spread arudthe globe. On that first moring there were just two na- tions ut war, Germaly -aud Po- ld.The number of nations in- volIved bas niseu from two to forty- t-wo, thirty-one o! then ou tIse aide of the United Nations, eloyen ou t-Ise side of tIs eAis. It la a war that bus spread in wuves. Polaud was euigulfed in the tirst wave, Deumiark, Norway, tIse Netberland, Boîglum ud France fu tIse seconid, Yugoslavia and Greece ui tIse third. Mi,[nor wrs- F-inIïiud ad1 RusI ,Italy and Greee-spangup und were iu- conporated into t1ie big- war. lt beat aginst thse defeuses0of Erg- land ilutIse we6t, turned east outo tise stepples 0f -Russia. Butties were i Ougbit iný Nortb Afica auad West- eru i aiandsou flgbting- broug-bt t ëse war-o South Aeic.Ger- m-any's purtner Jpa, arnipd i t otteo the,-de.fthe word,ý( linked it ,iithtIe war iii hia maÎeit, ave for, thef frag-ile pouice existiug- between Russin undJ- pan,, ail one. LIF'SLIKE THAT The rz o 'itrthon, ho- cametIs word. ut or Adoif stii eeme gfa frns eiatioo waýeS the Red Amy, and bindi hlm a grvwngAngo-Aneia setrugt.l heFnEstteJp uToeher 1fi)enC0fwrwt of was with he Western ec osdeth on ic tIse oter aChi osae dr ytha oit would n su Theheweete rolm te Axieoms natonss6t try o sovel thuor th yas0f tGel worceFrons theirvery natre thSje ra"il ed aux win qtlio pn l te Lunhtd Na- tione.Cfýen tbe Russian a1,res contine to old oto agnist s o!its- oRasthegwingj)ý rieebd hepontwhreuninas Otf thefEnropean Conhtinn bvreoog sýuosbeCnteit (is holid tIse stain-erman orces l Egypctroway thez? Whel rte wf iatIer Japanse lau n Ctenr Fuil noeive.n The there ho forhCmad enougther toturu it riS, taingrad tandsý,11e. HterfwutIse fightLii tht rages oen the lon- sian fros n on theVdltatsands xpot Mhes sil's tiheoldcies.tuhiingr.The lga ctcotoltIevtal s y ,ater strale Rusiais -t s yearïkh man Ghermasn oetea. Tis eGermath Haive Command andnounlc that i ould ticrhas thwe eAire and lu tankst ei crstste ivDeo. Huritl'er mue ha eStigrdt peu tbe Rsin rmieres bebNd the CuuuI ilh not suttL-1ice- toi" pasbD nc tonbldn stnke iretyu Arakhau and e: nsak7eýing.Awe gwehamNaz By Fred Neker "Nover mmnd how oug l'vo beea hene. . . . Got umecdown! 1" à gri_;~imýatc0 cf the dtiage tIa1iha een nfiote IouGer,- mnany aserce e eginning A the YeaYrh ie squareiles spread about _u 1 necf Grayslarge Mtes hoi been wiped uot More, war moatrdes nad been destryeci. Reich ILMai ering imade ka boaýSt at tue eginnngofthe war, thi, at oeeyplanes wouid be allwed topenetattethe German antiaircatt deeuse.MTe Reicli was now being hit tro te air from wo !sdes 2.,A.F.bo er were srkig with incrduin fore lo ngadin the West; fro,ým th ent lans o te Red Armry wr arigoitraids Wrn ast ru2ssia to as faras Bertin, attmacng the new centree of pprdction which have been stbihdsinCce thRtA. F. ho- gan Èbitting the rhr and Uiine Americn boms on Ton GLast Chinoeebse iti asy srk ing dîctuneof1tlimsy pponese cites. Twosuch bases were at Chubs,ýinadLi uaid )tie tea plnttinsand ,terra(-cd mouni- tA n so euat China. The Jap- anes wa macinewas sýetlu motin ag i t te arfels;10,- 000trops resedtowurd themn in a p1ucers movealong a20ml Stretch conI-.-le Cein- us Bymi -Jlite whole rail line had been ocupiedand ithe--Mik- udo's ignswee upossesion oa both bases. Tokyo declared that the aircraid dager had boeeneA iminated, sp)oýok 0f siug the cap- tured ïraIboueas a hUnk in anailJ- land route to Snaoe Lutwl t appeured thýat tIse Japanlese bat had been pre- mature. Once more C21hina hadi turned the tabes on ber enemy. Japan was lu rapid retreaLt usix weeks Chiung Kai shek's meiln had recaptured ýLfiteeii cities,- aaong thons Chuhj,ýejenmaidLishiui, lhad re- taken 200) uiles of the Chjekiaing- Kiangsi rilod:caimied 4,0 Japanes cauales Te sudden change0f ilituray fortune puzzled observers in, China. lu part it was attributed to ths bomhi'ýiing of Jap- a n E S eairfields; by Amqria planes, su part to the fîghting qualities of the Chinlese soldier. But these factors, it was held, could not whll ccouýnt for such major wtdaas Chinrte, e military eprswr lucined to attribute the Japunese retrat rimailyto a cýhanige of poicy by the Mltdo war lordts. 1. thei opinion Tokyo has decid- ed t tieel bris -giilg up a cnus nodrto shift ptops to the n lew oen f action. Miitary epetsponted to (jfour, poss btes: (P) Thut Japan, ber Isand forced by the approacli of Winter -lu i S!Iberia, was 'miakçin.g ready ïaloug-delabyodis t r o ke against Rssa (2) that the g-en- eral etuaff> aarm]ed over mriu inasion Af teScooonswas abut to'einforýI",lce NippontrIe s e fP1enses«'uth! Sothweet -PacifIC; (3) that Japan planned to take advantage u ofndandisordrs and strke t te ubcoultinent; (4) that anevffensive lun North China, aimed a euting thýera te Rusesi, was to begin, Meanwhil American aviatki eontinued to aJ'id, Lalst week An- encan ombersblasted itheN Pe3se air;-base a ,t Lahio, Br mess terminus o!ftCeunwnuse- lsBuru Rad. And i Chnnig- king thï ariviof the first grou1p of Czjaesr fibr aie d luinArn- -riavas -a turthe-r sym o f Chies-Ameri un collaboration. TIe iprtneof Bailsen- truceino th1e -war should 1Jnot be iumied o one thing, It wiwÈJ býe possi'ble for the Un.- ited Stadte po oluborate iu tIse COuctruction of grect bases, botbi sea ud ar, l Brail, nd tey Atl be adeuatiy pr oteeted. Agai, te pychlogcaleffect cof Brnzîls 0atin xw 111 ho fuet ail thse Lain sectiron0f Europe. WIsy di Hîerdeide togoad REG'LAR FELLERS-Question No, 5,726 True Dmcrc Selt-overnçnt as Work- ed For 651 Vears, Says Te Mr-e than , 250,000 Peuple have juet paid bonage t asccsu lda-beidathat mou do not bave to üspeaik TIe ,jcmehnug to d]welIihn Isarnony asia nat inl that free mouCi are caabe !d- tedig 'themeolVeCS acdtatd em Cul-1 ocrucy is thse beet tors o! gov emunmot. Theso people Isnew wat e wenodong, orthse idea huewonk- cd for 651 yeaïr It works oa althIsophIshein haund is surrouudedIh ouaIl sideca by auieem,-y who, stanIds for ftie untitbesis et every- tbiug they Chenih. Yet thisemuhi naio ac mach t tch ictthe g-ent powere o! tihe wond, for, Switzend bas stood as an beacon ligIst tougb Europo'sestomy ý Tt wus ou Aug. 1, 1291, that the mou n.o! the muti regions o! lIn, Scbwyz und Unterwaidlea fonrnod a itperpetual paüet to deteud thýz-Eseivea uguiganet tIse tyranuy of tIethon (dominanIt HouIse o!fae hnrg-. Othein moujoïined thons ou-, tsiltIse Swiss contfedoýrution was tnned, Toduay its people speak tour hanguages, 2,900,000 ersane, 830,000 Freucb, 240,000 ItumHIan su 44,000 Ronasusc.Yfew naïtionis lu thse world ara.',s uified aýs le tIse higIs degnee o!f etgoea meut wbleh thse Siss eujoy.« Tise 2Swiss stili 'boic ld thoin open. air Panliament!js ilu theilatos But ibis e-riest fors 0f d (emToc- nacy sle obarnijer toew'iftt action)r wýhou it, conses t tae)ecthig-the conr.Hitler n ud-thse detracttors o! donorny re completeiy -me- futedl by tlise exampleofo the cou- iedetion ludn oue. vey wiss serves lu thse army. Whnwar camne lun,39Swîtzer,- land mbhzdco lth.Sice Junie, 119410, tIse mof o!mou lu. acieserviecebas hbeenrieducced te 200,000. The, cootý of tIis l eav\y on1 ) laialcotrpriury on'e wibdopended so mah o touriseMndthse iuxnrytrade as tdid Switzeniand. Yet tIse people heur tIse cosýteerfhy for thoy nlo'w thut uiotin',ig could ýrepuya thons for tIse loss 0f tatlbry detonded si ince 129L. On manoeuvres, ahI trop,ài- clingte Cndiu, r nclinr- PC ed odOo soe crouu"and iu Eughund mae ff wt af a-dozen bons. poor, edmywmu hydd' The coloeilihourd abot tIs thleft and caithongh the enîpnits couhd- not ho ideutifed, ho to% bis men thse womabn couldn'ta!- fond ito lose thsebons Ho ef- plored tIse wholecapde Nead morung tIe cd lady bens-20 ,)o! thoinstha't hbd Thise local polie t udtofînid ont wboire tse Canadias -,aioh Tboy on' as 'o0toplay games or dnc, oumet lnoc vBroadwa -ily CeerLtes, lnd sG your hanîds a h QitSpot, newly opd for serviemen and Seansen ut 156 East portioth St. here. LBut if you ýwant týO o lave thse hry-ly wor,îld ,o utfsi deC, spjilendj ýýa quethou -wtba book, 1ha1ve a bitej 0 e fr ý ,eshmIlnieuts z, etreteh over a studo cucb or wiea letton home, Ti-I-,Qui"et Spot Asthe place. It's like steppiugirt yîr w home," aaid uesoljdi,W- Itfs the sert of ting a ma needswusaiheos beu cny to ,;ea for. a ,long tm,"sî,, a Brii Dowu a short fligh ofstepa ou, open a door aud fIud ucie a el r(oem wib a witIng tue or two water end bath towels aud a t'iy kiteben wbere umen muy tMAd cook- le lthe cokejar, Th"ere are cnfrtbechairs, Iow readiu1g lms acuhor so, bookz, uandwrtn tals it P'er or air'm'ail o odnaypo, ing. Aiof thlis wsart 0f one o! New York's m)ost uîsa n for the use 0f Service men Who wiil a1rppreciatie uch urouius Thte QuLiet Spot iý,; not cod eds rl otlho. lcieonemy a Bitish mrhatseumuan, nu Anserloan isoldier, aCuadanai forcýe pilot, or praaeven a weur newspaper reporter, They are udmlttcd. Some erviemon ou trtenteriug truh te bric-k-fiooîed kite-hensî te can't udrtu h oen should")ho so thgfu; s, -What's thecah? Tîhere's no cth h ue Spot lm e r e i y reprson Cte thoug-t'htfuiuess 0fthree w, C- orlid- truveilers wbo, fron thirow ex where onecun relax, wit n de- mands md.The tro conbiss A Mr.B. Paîïlmeewis, wife 0 BPulmer L e, wý i s, Chsta Science ConmmiteretonPAuClicto for thie State of NwYr;Ms Doroth arionEstifone 0fthe SeingBy, ad onth g Sterlig, mspr ad inrnao- uorlist. Ie Rutissi C uofO WiËnie ner A AlI Wnesinr shoid tut elos n on thoe nrh r otabve heDar bon Day. jtLA bevyruyseso which impy1-des ehn'u ei vdtPesgonerai, setsi-iouho Moscow tabou te luesr purt of tOcseslu vrng degueesla ntil tisentralfotteRsiu r wh"nicbtby hoe o manti und part ! h Dn the àabolio n t pou ays, By GENE BYRNES -s 's ~ a- s 1 .

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