Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 2

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Four-Englned Lancasters To Be Bulit In Canada First o!>i rita nîmghty -four- engne "bmb)erq to cone 0to,1h9 contnen, agiant ,Avrýo Lancanster landled a ra-, airport, iMotreal, laiýt weelt ftr trans-Atlintie fîight. Fresh froni tWeproduction Hues o!f a Btifactory, the -Laiicaet er -au flwn frornEngland for demontraion la Canada where the latee edition of this multi- motoredbmer wOU soon be b=i in quanitity for' thle 'Royal Air Force. Cain o! theaircra!,t wasý Clyde Pïngboýrn, el-nonArn- orcnloni tac flier. He8 sud Lis crew w-ýereý welcomied by Air Chie! Marehal SrFeeictB- bilh, ofie ommandi-ïing the Royal Air Force ferr'y cmadin Monr- treal. Guns Loaded The Lancaster dalivered to Can- ada carried AUh armamnent -- the mnost formidable yet fitted !lu any bomber and apable o! dealng eith tuesttwo enery fighter attacking sirnultaneously. Caadian vernuo!ftheLan- caster wl embody improvementa represeuted la the atest ïniodel. Cajit. mpnbr praised the Lan- caser e pllte dto a Canadasay- ing: "t handies bieautifulily-hlike( a much lighter aircrafit. t levery manouvraleand It takes off aud- lands very esl. He eaid the Atlantic tKIp vas unevutfuli. The aircraf t, carrying peclIal frelght, Ieft Britain -withi a maxi- mum load o! more ithan 60,00,5 rpeunds and no attempt was made te achieve an unusually fae-t croseig. Top Speed 300 Mles According te recenitly publhedi staemetsthe Lancaster carn'es a bomnb dl oo!eiglit to)ns. The bomnb cmatm ,32 feet lonlg> eutake the biggest bombs)ý yet deviseed. t bas a top speedo!e around 300 iles an hour wiie Rte range is 3,000 iles. The Lancaster je, a mJd-wi,vh ail-imetal monoplante, powEred by four Rolls-Royce AMerlin anginIes, producing 1,250 horýsepower at, 12,- -50 feet With low gerSuper- charger and 1,175 horgepower at 21,000 feet wlth a hligli gear super- charger in oraion t bas a wing spanto!f102 feet, is more han 69 feet long and 20 feet hlgh. Aranntlsomial.It has, 10 nmachine guns la four tunrets in the nose, manpersd nid- under and lu the tail. The four tail gulis are fed by long ammi-1 tion trae exendugalong the aide o! the rear fuIselage. Ah11vital parts o! the plaa cov,-eedby b Lal! aton o! arr plate eiher oas ý,integral paris o! the structure or ,as adtinlpro. tection, MODERN ETIQUETTE By Rabata Lee 1.I. Le 1!Correct for aul eut- ployTer te initroduc-.e ie sacratary te n caller by eayinIg, "4Mr. Joues, thie e y sertay Ms Brýown," or shoualdut'1ha gîve tlie wvoma's naine firs!, "Miser Brow,, this le Mr. Jouasý?" 2. Wha! shonld ha doue, wýih the knif a aftar usîug 1! fer eut- tiug food? 3.Shouid n- guas! evar join la 0.a famtily argumient? 4. ILe, i! bsoluitely requirad that a person give the reaseon fer daclining an invitation? 5. leis !tproper for a maIlito amoka a pipe a! a foi-mal affair? fi. W ha! is the mreaniig o! aaitnsd 1hew',leitprnued ANSWERS L Lu the, business ,worhd,th nies! importaut parron le mention- Ad fisrergardIese of sex. 2. Pince the kuife a!thuprrih hanId edge of thie plate, sud oni the plate, neyai- with, the lîande rae!;iuig ou the tabla. 3ý. Neyer. The guas! mut net taka ids a.nd if haie, aude se quie!ly îsud wvithout notice, haehould 1Y leave. »taroon o aikay. 4. t Le ne! eýbligatory that eue do se, bu! unas 1 is a very intiniate reaso)r, ,oua houdxpîsi-n ,whIy, sud wii-h regret. Othaerwise, the hoe ss rnight rasant a acur! "Sorry', 1 u ne! accep." 5, This le couic timas doue, but 1M canno e a% a-1 lad ged fo-rta. . "Eit is a noun, rneaning the ehJoice or se- lac! part; aspaeially at greup or bod'y eonsidered or tîaeatadasse cihly superior. Prenou-nea a-le!, t as lu ste, e a, lume, accent and Guns---GC-ood Comnbin-tion Girl workeris in t4#e "driver's seats" of Bofors anfi-aircraf t ~ mnade autFreon plant in Akron find the complicated wsiaPcns ar'eiesyI±o handle. Cornpany empxloys hundreýds 6!gilsin asml an i:e r,,isJOn Wr on the guns. Have You Heard "Sure, sud what a night it le!>' snid the Lishmaui at a party. "Lt'e shrnplyporn. "Yon ean-,'t go moine luthn dowuipour," rmrkdthehet "You had bttar stay thengt with us." The rislhman dieappaared sud- returued somie time in-te-r soakiug- !Wer ave yenbau"ase pied t-he irislbmau. The CGerm-ans bave ordered ail copies ofSakpers wo)rks1 to beý pulpeci. Before the I&r they acclaimied hime asaz 1true Aryan dsamaist, but now, tas a humorisat pusa it, the've discovere-d he is-n't really Hitierature. Thi7 e varyirtgofrtakdp te thie womau who w-,vusurrouud01ný- ed by lier ofpi "1You mtut take yonr chldreii away from hre madame," he, said; "tie le ne10place for them." "Dn!yen w orry," apladthe w;oman pasul,"thiey can'! hear roothiug uew. Thacir father was a srgeant major." me what kn falwe Johnn: "Wat did the bird say?'> "Cheap,cea" "Weil. a d3uck tald me what ind of a do-Ctor yolsr The( folowiug takan from ac pettU caàsh booký, is surely the world's eshortest nova- Advart. for typiet, 2eý.; typiet's salary, ý£2; flowers, 5e; choco- lates, '7e. 6d.; typit'ssnary, £3; swýeets for wife, 6di.; Wiinuia's,, salry,£4;dinnar aud titastre for Winie anld self, £"10, los.; Sur con! for wife, £150;uvet for, male typis, 2e. Mazgitrate: You ayyo were an-rested while quiethy attencling to your business. What is your business? Prisouer- 'ni a burgiar, HTitier wéa s inurviewing hie trýoopesud storppad te talk toee private.* "'Htw arae thinge,- with you ?" he askýed. "Oh1, I can'! complalu,ý sir," aul- swared 'tbe sli "F'l sayyou ca't," 5sgred itheý Fed-p saesma - 'm son-, mdam, ýbut Mwe bave no shoes wich are am it o the outaide and large ont the inside. SAFE S Priei 0r BOOI>s cad CA%;it trou, FIRE imd THIIlVE S. Wr have » azendR lle tSale, or Cabinet, for any parpose.Vil nw, ser Wrte týoccnceie. te j.ôcj.AVLOR MITEU TORONTO SAFE WORKS t-1 Feoal 5. E.bo Maniy a homasîck or sardonie Northarn Nagro, ,vriti-ig to South- an friandys eys, "Ship mue a bag of gond dirt te eat," Tie ob- sees. Somaetimeslha meanne i. Evan ini the Yszoo-Mlissiseippi delta, Negroas and whitessend raques te thair upeutry friandes for a bit of red dlay, declaring that boack delta soi le "right bad can- inig." Luiicertain parts o!-Minsis-. sl.ppi, poor whîtas ,will walk iles for a spoonful of dir!bfrimu favorite bank o! day, bacause it "tastas saur, likeý a lamn. L other Sections o! tha South, some top thecir manie with n saývory ttablaspoon of dirt, baLlieviug that 1! le "ýgooed for thmldspite ite constipairing affects, Whaýt aals peopla asutdr? Two cintiteatMsssppSte C'ollage, DoctersDotyDiku and Uobaer! N Ford, tink tha kniow wb,1y: laek o!firn i th diapt. Science Naws JLtteýr ra- ported sema resulte eoftheirin- voestiainamong 207 Negro ecool childran lu Oktibbaha Ceun- ty, Mississpi At leas! a ýquartr o! the chidrau admittad aating di. cMos! o! the drt-eaters had hase of the irn-lc oed, s"uch as mnoasses, mustard greens, Mevr, lu thair diet than did! then-oni- dîrteatrs. And as far as1 the scientiste curld find out, tha cmva-, îng fo-r dirt (knnwni as gehga bas niothing te do wý,ti ithoekwormý, as an dectersfilybiea for hiookwern je vr rr;lnge phagu- kibaaCut HOW 00 CA N 1? ByAneAhe Q Howcan i cave suýgarl-e makringwht cakhe frestiug? A. When makiugpliwht frestiug fïor a cake, !addGou two tablaspeous ef corusarchi sud use lais sugar. This ca1ves sugar, sud tha frestiug, will re- min thîcker sud aef!er. t îla aspeclly gned for fruit cakes. Q. How eaucin repanir 1a eniah laak ia a cater pipe? A. If the watar pipa eaks jus! the han-s! biït, wiuid arouind the iekwith comede siatape suidbrc over this with shelia. A em-al leak eau be- very suc-ee3s- fully mpeuded in thiei manuet. Q. Heow eau L tal the di! fer-. enca betweeu bomihad eggs suidun boilad eues wheu tkhay have 1be- crA Sinxted? ýý A. Sîn he ggsou a ýabje. The boihedonues will \whirl i-oarud fas!, but thiosa, that ara,, 1&-w wilh m-1ake ouily oail or two turne. Q. How eau I r-emeve semal piecas o! soap that have worvked themeselves dnwuvr inte the siuk drain A. Pour cdowu sornehoig water te uieh! and wash the pices;- of eea-p away'. Sea'p wil not chen wasta pipes; use washing soda fer that putrpese, as seaip witlh clegthe pipas. Q. What cau L do te fumiur that basn'con sem odried that K! ruýfnuaste tube a pofish? A.. ApplywithscoFf! cho!h a sýolution1 made o! thiree partLs lin- Seed ou toe eparLt turpenti ne% After th]is" , ipa with a cleth( whicî las eaudarpenned with ahý- cobiol, sud fl!et stand foi a t 4evw m nU tets. with the Canadï,ian pr-aîiie, but ther e nare fera! reS nuo iLaud whe et ou h io retant,Nbt whe awevs sud',iMd- ente iva utei in tteey The WindIsorStr. Wh the Naish eraadmoe res re stappad lu to peev h ut iug aransefroni thIý eedsimann's axa. Ha stouihUkS At t »,tm ojff fron i te wrte g huig ig Pehandi,buthGeasar tryig te dastr e hePolih race. Famt-ihies haî beu brkenUp, lhso.ea membare behigsate werk j- lulee pr !Garnmay, wvIhlaothars ara put cat forea laber lun ether parts o! the Reich. Tho Garmans have neyer for- giTan the Poes Mfotking over sema01 ef hmout valuyblaminrCai ara'se o! Garmany aftar the melat wVar. The plan te atoyPlu sud the PoUish peepla je au eýi f- fort te prevaut that happening agatu. Ex-Lake Batl On War Asgmn Detroit eaw an airpiane carrier for the f ire! timne hast weak, we t;ha, U. S. S. Weolvariu(e, once the lngeet lhuer ou the akas, steann- ad proudhy iUp tha iverte h,-er ne- siumeut luthe war. When seaws the Seaadbee, o! the Cleveland %& Buffalo Trani- sit Cempsuy, tne 500-foot chip eari-ied ns 11muyase ,30pas- canigers in zn arnica te3Mackiuac Lshau-d, Duhutlî sud Chicagn., NMowlhar stataroome sudpr- nrada e eke wavre gene, raphnaced b)Y a huefilitig deck that exteud- edï a! hcase!100 fuelt heyouid the water ilinea astar, sud f!alime-s! as far ferwar-d o! the bow. Rer foure funuiieis sud t1he bridge 'hadl been moývad te starboard, haaving the fhight dock eear. .A-ssha pasced Detreit,nswr igsaintes front crs!! o bot sida's o! tlie river, three training planas ware in lina ou the deck su-d uinuy nioeaware in the hohd. Thie W-leri )ipobiabhy jeth ouly sd-welairraft carrier iu thle worhd. t wiih ha_ usad t train thousauide o!f aysme lu carier tact&,s. Sema ,ýQpeopla wvoniderwhth Govaumen le siug the eopi te ue a! leaset 25,cnt a day lu) WaIr savîngestaÉsli',sth LehbigaHrahd. If avay ou of the 12,000,000pemein in Ca- ada waere Itnfoihow t hie sdieai wu Pl mi? iý, *"-"u ,nsf11 ma.4-goA oiisartskn I Os (oseile1 fr 1yenio gel adetsn wants n gooe terni e k1 L fl1ry ma11 Se nreseii hlm a lca diiiuor Onl te v ara i eioi.etrit . T 5o,0t nu 41 ri, loven i 1 s',i 1 yowr p resentco enuse llo s, la , seing , 1dnies sel.- 3 v e eeîabelitS, e rtarmmniae 4,hnen eq il l>- tue ul2hic h ûe ni, in d W., Trae Relevesditesfa MOTL Compounidflot nniy hps elp ePve molntbly palin"bUt aise weaýlc, r- ous feelings-due to montiy inC- tOnni diturance. I bels cilS I wvould provide $3,00000 ad'ay for tlie war effort. B>ut thatwodutbengh Thle waIr iestingCada$,0 a miua$6,0 nheur, $- 03"2,000 a day. So tlhat aven if ever-y m woaan sdchîld uCndàn cdldiug thea bbs in am aet lujveet 295 cents n da9y iu etamups wae would stili ba over Lýamilo dollars shoI(rt of the dailycot Canajjdiane hava uindertakan 4a tramý)end(ous job, and they'ra gOiugý te sea it through. t will en long hours o! worlk, a lower standard o! living, tarut saving te provîde the monay for the war1. Anyoua who isn't following seh a regirnele È guity of a bit of sakg. We wouldn't like to be conisidered sînekers ilu the eyees o! thie boys in uniformi who are givîng their 91l. S.African Natives Aid United Nations conty> 7ar effort,. aodu te offciarports. The rta MNilitary Liaison Misýsion lui the UI1nion rcnl uvydthe iv/ar work o! thae 1,000,000 inatives ,of BastolndBeehusn-aland and Mý,ore titan 100,000 of these non-nropausarae-pioyed ini Union industries;2000top haIve beau sent to Syria, Palestinsý sud Nor!h Afr ica sud 15 000 moeare expected te foiio)w. Latters praisi'ng thaîr worlk Ihave beau ,iracaivad from Ganeral Sir Chaude Auclhinieck sud othar lhigit niiitanry o fficiaIs, CLASIFEDADIRTISEMENTS ACCORDIONS WANTD Ile(st Ies paiS, for piano accorIon0s. twVelve to hunii- dred anS t wenty ba:s. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. AUTO(1ýMBILEýS -usEDÏ CtýjSE CRSWITH o001)TIRES, seelis firest. We vill1 re- funid yor cnst 0fni tansora tion tic Torolito, i', ynu buy fromn u.Munt Pleasat tor Ltd. Used C'ar Lots at 1650 Danfortbà AvlIeue ad 20Yonge street. 1leaS office, 62Mounit Pleaisanlt iEoajd, 'Toronito. Teleole H iighc- THRESIIERMEN trlis BETINU OR TIEHEMN hangars, bear in ,-mtos. onc piy, 15c font. vAi ltpanitras- lo ies achandise guaran-ý'v tvad nS sipe sujee toyou inseciN SandyurIod1rs1 t 884 1 U 1K NET TRNTO) o'ff. hikaaviilie nnw :on havnt aIL yplas ak.Yo!l AIory. BrE I ;athary,1 1T ('olhniN.,as CLam L iln,:_On,_______1 i E BO oWNT ,17il,lON LARGEo wali-quippd far. Mui hav abitîty and expfi.a.Ste smdbAo-s EIU I'lEN St. Toronto UVEINO ANDCL1A1NG forinoroai-o Wa o.retglS ilent ,H. iars ers L 1,dyeQWorks 31Lmite1St , 11,J)ongeStreet o Cbrstms a rds in bTO eautifl gif FOOT BL 7RAUMEfESCA FOOT BALMINles!ýtroy@ offren SIVe ýodor instantlly, 45« bottie. Ottawa agent, DeP1mat Drug Store.,taa FOI& SALE ilsfronà Toronito-S are, Must seil to close esitate. Pbi TrI!use, ;sgýoode Hal,:To1nto and Ex htbgboks. Re. yrerý'L retWork n Mrrage'Rea. tins $.4.SUPER MILOR- L"ER-, 57 Q uee street %Aesýt, STORE FOR SL VILLAE STOE -,TOCJ> dJeiling,1fixtureIs,ç1'best off es, good reesos for seing Bx.0 Il Adel sideW., Toronto 1>-HEST)Ni'AUG UU (OISTAN 1890; 14 lOng W , Toritish Bookiet of Informtiononre-is UnîteS S-Itats, Ca'ndiaL'N. 1ritisb Paten Attrney Boolet rtis balsamAvene, Toonto u'nes $25) Rngorm$1em- brocation 4 ouncas, O; Stoc ni aah> stpd for $1,50 Yonge S'Ttreet, Tonto. G HDADVE! EVRY ASFR er niRbeumtic aisol ar itisbshoU tld tr DiosR Ufl e. Ottawa Postad $160. DON'T RUDGETROUGH 'e etubs, in ew Railet- tleiiJ-, dby Medrinaeft Any t or8 axposr htperfet feveliaean gi ntis ed orolyîe. upeeqiîty anS faseter lumb-ic 'UStatio .Torontlo. ILMBINO AND HE PANL4 M1N -\,"I) UASE. OTWTF tan, ibath tubsilinks, toilets, basis, eectre waer pmpi sapte takstasdrigeft ting, ppe, ittngs valesraS I.- I-M mi ý 1

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