Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 1

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0 1ý 0N 0, 0N T.,TMIUSY, S P T.1lOt h,92 SuiLbseriptioni, $ Durha m Central Agricultural Society Fair, Orono, Sept. i1-12lL'. Adfisslin, -Larg ~Orono IR Cal re Shipment 0f Goodsr. SWent To HeadquartersL ~~ed Crs B rono Rmed Cross. .. ted ros )WilI Soon Woiik room supplies ............... 1.10 For Sewers To$771 Conmplete Quota Work was started again iu te Red 'Cross -work roc.) at tihe Orange Ihall in Orono. _A, Liumberi-of ladies ýturnled out last Thiursdaý,y afternoon -,0oqult and sew. The regular rnottly bu-,i n es S 'was held aiud reportsgve on tie smmn-er's rwoiSk. The Girl Guides hielped reatly by rollinig 200 ban- dlages and the Kenidal lad1i es arLe ýiîiaking liuspitl hnderhis A lage shipmnent to Toronto 'was madleln Augusit, consisting of 45 -speciatl units, mailcle tlp of Î pair of -ushorts -and 2 shirts -for 6-year-old àoys; 10 units NLo. 16, 1 coat, 1 pair pants an'd 2 shiirts for boys; 31 baby blarikets; 16 quilits; 5 turtle-neck -3Sieatens; 2 sleeveless sweaters; 20 parof scx; 1 gi-rl's suit; 40 pair ofT boy's pyjamas; i pair giriEs pyja- an.ias; 3 baby bonnets; 7 babies' sweaters; 2 bjabies sliýps; 19 bbe 'vesGs; 8 diapers; 2~ bibs; 1i wool thirow and 1 hospital jacket. Another quota of sewing, consist- îng of 50 pair of ýboys' pyjamnas, 100 ,ghirls' nijglitgowns and 100 wonen's S t3llps, 'was accepted. As soon as the ,---mtttig can be done, there will be plnyof sewig ready for the ladies ijf tire roenlî-unity. The Treasurer's Report ,Ba. on hand Augg, 1i. ........$488.78 Xendal L.O.L . -.... ...................-17.7 7 JDonation -.,............ ..... ..... ....... 5,1,00 SEyjr"elses -WuVr[)irounr sn- plies ...... , ........-..... ...... 5.... flalancýe ou hand ..........$...... 48562 Tire follorwing bis weme ordercdt paid: Canadiani Red Cross, yarn. 76.81 The following articles of loting wer-e sent in 'ly the Kendal Wo- men'*s Institute :5- girls' dresses; 1 suit of ilndfeimwear -anld I pair of stockings. Cmfort bags for sailors and boxes for unr boys overseas wHI be unjdeýrtaken soon, as they must ubu, shipped early. Anyone who wnild be( interested in adoping a saior boy and be(ingrsunil for fiaiing ka cofot a~for Chr1istmnas 1maY ln- form n Mrs. Wmn. rmrog. Chancellor Brown, Toronto WiiI Speak At Rally Sunday Service Se4temer2Oth, the Sunday f ol- lowirsg opening day -,il] be Rally Day in Park Street Sunday School. The special speaker for this occa,- sion is noute other ýtian Dr. Brown, mho lias long been connected 'with Victoria University and lias recently ýbeen ruade its chancellor. Dr. Brown addresses the Univemsity stu- dents la. Convocation Hall in the morning, lias an appointment in Toron)ito in tire evening, but lias gra- cionsly eonsented to address our Sunday Sdhool in Orono at 2.30 la tire afteruuduj. What a unique oppotnnity this is, for une and ahl, yuung- anfi old lu tire coinmunity tLo hear tis gifted sýpeaker, Wiro is une of the miost out- standing leaders in the Uuited Churcir of Canada ia educational and1 Christianu work. Plan for the whole familv to nicet witi our Sunday Sciruol in tire audi- torium- of the (chuircir, which -we hope \viil be filied to capacity un R.ally Day, Seýptember 20tir. LM.Drui-uond, Superiatendeat. CANADIAN SUPPLIES FOR BRITAIN MILL HELP SHORTEN WAR Canirada isno produicing every type of eql4ipmnt needed by the Allied fightingý services. In addition, the Dominion is uraking a $1,000,000,000 Coni butijon to Britain to lp lier ~pay for munitions, folodstuiffs and oersupplies 'which arecbing delivered latcreasing quantties to Br-titian d theAlis Picturýe sh ows: Unlo-ading 5(0-~b. bombs from a Canadian amimunition supply ship in-mmediately on ailval at a British port, Canada's War Effort A ekyrevice-xof cdevelopients un tre omefront from Alugust 27 to eptmbe 3 1942. 1. 'Maximum weholesale prices for eggs basd un prices set for JI Cana- dian cies fixed. by Wart4ic Prices sud Trade Board. 2, Dm, .1. S. Thominson recormendedc as Gencral Manager of C.B.C. by C.B.C. Board of Goemnors. 3. Labour Minister 11on. ilLtiri-ii ry M1itchbell rearus that auy stop- page of work to enforce dcmandiis for wage increases agaiust the de- cision of any labourbuard would cou- stitute, a strike agaiust the guveru- ment. 4. Tom Moore re-elected as Presi- dent of the Trades aud Labor Con- gress of Canada. 5. Ne*w regulations govering con- trol of Canada's nmanpower announ- ced jointly by- Labor Minister Hua. Humýpirey Mtcelnsd Director of National ýSelective Service Elliott M. Littie. 6. Unofficial count ofl Dieppe bat- tle casualties reacheýs 864. Salvation Army Drive Commences Sept. l4th Tire Salvatiou Army rlu com- mncije thir drive for fuuds ou MNou- day, Sopteniher i4th, sud U eemyouie is askced to cotribute as mi-si as; lire Or she dCan for tins wrtiry cause. Tire Arny is always doinigso- thiug for those who caun11ot lp1, thinselves sud aise thos, e eho have epc( to grief lu lif e. Every day thre -men aud reomen of this reat urgaizaton re serving tirose whio Î',eed irelcp. Yen w;li eveni fiuid tirei nearj the firinig Iune serviig slir Oumtng of ithe v12 th ot coco yuu give1a do-natin1to tire Sýalvatiou- Amy11-, yon a res't ssU1cd tiattie donamtion will g-O where i il, clu the muost g-ood. 1t is very seldoin yo 1vl eer scec s rar vetera i cftire ilsst rear tur-u doren tic Salvation Army-sif when tiey cn uot a pes for i-aone(y. iMany soldiers ilu tire Grt-L 'Far beneflited by the2ir lk iniidneiss su treA y willdo he, samne in tujs war. Thc Salvation Ancnay lias fourteen 'hum1,-e for unarried miothers; tirrea hames for cilre; resir-air cms hostels for mien, thev, do prionsu police court work; sunset lodlges for old ladies,. eventide homes for- old muan, evang-elical work; he also aranan fourteen hospitals, sud otherwok Let yuur cncec be youm ud next wek rirntire SaJw,lIuA-iy canvassers c-alI on yuu, sud rmm -'rIl tire 1:g'ood work rth1ey d o tirrugirnt tc yur, u ai kins4o reesthie, su tintsmePour,'-suaiinu bu, reclabured suid bronglit back to) ,tie joys Cmi living aain 7. Aniother cunivoy cf Canadianis ari-ves ini Britain. S. Air liister Poweer retitusne t Canada ,kfrcmIllte Unitcd Kiugdlomi. 9. Departinent cof National De - fencue lists 5u9 Canadianl soîdiers kulowil n u ire idby Éthe Japanese asi prýis'ouers of rear at flong, Konig. 10. Persýous in posses2sion uof scrap ironr or steel in any form weghiu 500 poundcs or mure ordcred to dis- poeof it Iefore Septeurber 15 or otirerwise re-port it te thic Us ed Goods Adiistrator- of tire Wartimie Prices and Trade Bo-ard. il. R.'C.AY. bomber cre-ov of five lands in Otta-wa at niidnigirt, Wed- nesday, September 2 Pter bombing Saailbmneckeni, Gernmany, at 21 a.m.1 that sinie runng Greete-d by Primie Minister aud Defence Minis- bersý Raîston and Power. 12.- Canada's newsiprint induistry brouglit under an allocation s y stemin 13. Major General G. R. Pearkes. ViC., D.SO., ýM.C., sramed General Officer Comnmairriig-idn..hief of Pa- cific Commtaand. COWANVILLE Mr. aud Mrs. E. Farr,,ow visitedJ At Mr. T. Steplreas ou Snnday, MWiss MrartFlintuif, Gruau, spent the weekeud with Miss Kath- lecu Sim~pson. Mlr.asud Mrs. Waltem Clark andl infant visited 'with Mr. su-d Mrs. Wes. Striger. Mr. sufl dMrs. R. E. Hendry, Lake Shaon, visited at Mr. T. J Simp- ou unnday. Thiere wu-s a gond turnout cf ladies ut tre W. A. meet'inlg that ru ield ut Ms.Ivan Farrow's ýla st week. Tiladie ar aiug lan for- tire lOti jbiceanivrsr of CI'lkeChucirtirat will lie ired tnins Mr. Clou. KnmaMr. Al!lBur ofKigtoMrs. Flrank Ogd(eu sud-,c Mand Thorps ,.f To)ronto, Mm. udMrs. D. Tiromun,.son sud Leon Thoipsn.of WicoeweirP al viior t Mis. B.Misos on Sun- jar. Keep That Postcard In New Raion Book Ottawa, Aug. 27-(OP)--OffIciais of tie, Wamtime Prices sud Trade oadsrationiug divýision last week sai that some persons already have dlebched ami retnmned bo regional mu tion offices posteausrdS etaineti iii tire nere ration bookîs. Tire boartd said birat- serial nuni- berjs appesriug on escr atio-n ibook ýviii be th,, saine for eacir hokier as long as couponi ratioaing is noces- sary. Bowmanville Hard And Softball Teams Takc Prizes At New, IF- to his credit; Osiborne Hard Bail Game Proves the ton foriNewisll ad: Most Interesting Game IltstoNewcstlesl10. of the Afternoon Was anlyone'S gaille I r Newcastle Sports Day on Mondauy 7h. las;t was fairly r well attc ne, ]sd1as the weather was ideal. Tite pro- huilu -eeds frýom the iafternoon suld ee-a 1-11 iug, after thec expens-es are ded'ueced,be w"ill be usedi for the enngof a- l cels (overseas to the soldiers front m Clarke Townshlp. ow In the moruing a girls' softball A. W game was play ed(lbettween twoNew- Tex castle tea, 1that of 19:32,andc the S. G present 1942 teami-. Thie teaim o f G. W. teni yea-rs ago were the champion's D. W of the gamne. 1 lit the afternoon 11ther ere thr1ee G. -Ki bail ganes playýed, o softball T.,HH and one ha-d Lbal. The first tofùbailj F. Hl gaine was between B fowm--aniville an-i C.-B: Salemn, wich resulted in a win for Eil1bei Bowianvlleby a score of seven to two. Bowmianiville used two pîtch- ers, Ed. Witheridge aud C. os- iBOWIr b-orne, while A. Richards, for Salemn, D. p pitched thre seven in'ingS. Bowmian-- T. B ville scoreýd two runsin the first C. Os innings, twu in the second, one 111G. Pi the thir'd, and tw-o in the last of the A. Oý sixth; while Salerliputroi!)ssone '(Coyl Te rua l i re fir>st anid oune'luthe t"" thir . EdV Onlv une home ruat'was made 'a1hisD 'T( g )ne y T.agnell, lu tihe fîtrst N inniing-s. Four. errons by salem g 0v.oIl Bownumville Vwo rires, 'lhile 1four walks acountedl for two run1s; whIV-1e Salem scored une mn on a walk. Witheidgestruck ionIt fsVe 4itters , OX osou ne, wile Richards for Bown. almhad tresrku t tobis creit'. a The( winner of tis gai iie then ia ecdived lthe ~y.Bow«manvrille wr aginthe inniers by a s(or'e of 9O to.A.sioupthd tlice gante ber '7 throoihout for IBommantille andL wasner lut diffîcýuity; whule Jolihn mi Lowvery, pitehinig forie- atialso ùComm ~pitcýhed tgood bal but did 'not 1re- efveut ~ceive as good sutpport as the Bowv Sf mianville pitcher. Bowmiarville, scored 1s f thmee runs in ecd of the seon, hl third and fourth iiuigs, wbile New- Tr castle scored une run in the thîrd, spteut suid 2 in the first of the seereth. me John ýlowýemy strudk out bwo batters these aud did not issue a walk, wliile Os-ail tl b>or-ne struck out four batters and prese issued une walk. One, home run was gathe made in this g-ame, tihat by N. Cou- Weler( 'vier on an error. The heavy iitter rest la t-lis gamne was Tex Rickard, reho dards collected two three baggers and a single. A IH 'The last gaine of the afternoon w a s tire hrdîball ýgaine betweeni N'Iewiastle aud Boremînanville, w1hici tire lattýer team rwon by tire close Ev scùore of 8 to 7. ci Witiemlge started on the rnound ou S for Borerinanville, but reas relieved iu a tten tie fourbhir ini's by C. Osborne,(t whro finisied ont tire gaine. G. Wal- frien( ton1 started on the mound for New- ciri1- 'castle buit did net survive tire f1,1tdurir inulings, and was repiaced 14ýy Ab.nmelle WYest, of Orono, who pilcedt ) ronir ab1-11 t) tire fourtir inniugls, and he rea.,1os thenreivc of iris d1uties by G. ýKimbhal. Bu, Wit.h1eridge irad swe shikous r1p ~astleAB Richard, c .............4 rahiaiin, lb......4 Valtonl, 'P.21) ,....... raIton ............_ i oucir,13h...... ........ i bal, d s.....p...... ...4 .oar, Cf .......... ...... ýremetLoni,.f.......-- eck If. . ..... .. viIlle cil, cf..... -ne, 2,p. ss ne, cf .tll *c 'Il .~...... mm Reunion]1 Hleld On1 ng the ag ue niembears unt, Ia the &sid ut tih e superxv of the E Iearty In, veryhbodv corne to- unda.y unaSepternilber 13, After a six weekcs, vaca [dlanc full to overflowing ed and planned fr Brin ds, along w:'i'ail the p isias-m that'you have gý gw thie sumnmer, and let 1 ec the wotrk of the Faillt Swy. yiý War Savings Stanij -%in thie war. Expect Heavier Entries Many Classes T] Entries for, th Fr-iclay su d SatLu dicate thlat tiree ycxedtirose the resnt imll ,,een reW'ucl.ed tirhe Fuir. Tire of tire paist suas( iy fvsplendifl s ut orono un shud reat- vear. Uj tir specimerîs ta3bles and grain. Lv been receivedi asss, sud tic e o compare favour o t- I r: It is rOw ILLEGAL to HOARD sc ap. eeI or UNUS E mc-hinéry The Steel Controller iras ordered th , ter September 1142, no perso)n xay retain laniis possession, cra 'rua or Steel w na total of 500 pouads or more un es - has a nuit. (For the purposes of the new regulation scrap meta cludes machin- ery, structurai Steel, or any other a le or commditycotinn h-on or steel, wvhich is not serving9 an iM ediate Vital purpose.) Thé ,or der also provides: That ayone. Comling into POSSession after Septemiber 15 of scrap h-on or steel weighing 500 pounds or more, must dispôse of it within 20 days. That any person having a valid reason for not disposing of scrap muitai as scraip metalJ or who believes that it Cai serve somne essenial purpose, maust send in a report by September 15 to t he Used Goods Administrator of the Wartirne Prices oand T;ade Board, Lumsden Building, Toronto. His report raust reveal the exact description, quantity, and location of his serap metal. Thre provisions of tire order do net apply to scrap dealers wiro are already subjcuct to preVionS orders; aur do tlrey affect metal fabsi- cators and prodessors wiro are ia iegal possession of mnetal to be used in rmanufacturinig. A copy of tire order, S.C. 16, may be obtained from the Steel Controller, Departinent of Munitions and Supply, Ottawa. Infractions of the new regulations are sabj et tc a fine of up ta $5,000, or iînpisomnent Of uD ta five years, or bth fine snd irnprisonment. Departmnert of Munitions and Supply HONOURABLE C. D. HOWE, MïNISTER 494

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