ORONO WEEKLY TIMEb 95~~a, y0i faeis potato crcp. M.Tem ple or7 b e u r r e s v r o c e as! w sua c a i p n t r ' m d g a de! he aiwst an le that plce md is also a Feniai his rnsndg advtrn FAI R1 Y AND SATURDAY E11UPTEMBER 1 i AND i12 Duirh--an Central Agricultural Society Grand Exhibits of Live Stock and Poultry, Vegetables anid Domestic Science way~Bing & oherbooths; meals and refresh- ins served on the grounds in frntýoft AND) HIS VEIRSATILE S, 0F TOROINTO Che grandstand froni 3 to 5 ý Grouinds, 25 Cents TF?, SEPTEMNBER 11 1) D"A N CE' Hiall, with Rnuss. Creighton's in Attendance p.m.> Admission, 50c. [T, SEPTEM3BER 12th ETT with Russ, Creightoni's I, .1 Aits, 35e; Cildre, 25c.j en Serving -in GronCUi7u rllew"fs .pw. ro nom - l r KIRBY .n Mr'. and Mrgs. Roy Powers oalle Saturdaiy to see Mr. A. Morrow. Dr. Ros La-.inmgofChcgale on old frienlds ini Kirrby Last week. Conigriatulations to Mr. andIMe Fre-d Girailam on theý bithi of a son. Mr-- Bill atesn of Toronto, is oldyngwith lis iaunit, MsWil- lanWannanl. Mýiss EenrWriglit is spend(ing- lier holidlays wvith Mrs. Ross Whit- taker and Marlon Wiiht. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan anid Mr. Bleweutt, of Oronio vîsited witli Mr. andI Mms. J. Thconipsoni. MWr. J. J. Mellor, Oronio, rendemedi a good sermon on Sunday anti we were sory there wasn't imore out to Mr. antI Mr's. Sidi. Rutherford andf family, of Nalina, are visiting withl the ormr' parents, Mrý. and Mrs. Wni.Ruerod Mr. Nel1son Wjlkin son antI son, of Osh'awa, and Mr. andI Mrs. Chas. Bigelowv, of Tymone, visited Mr. and Mr.A. J. Bi'gelow. Major andIAr s. phulip Big-elow aIii Willa, of Kinigstonl, spenit the wekedwith Lis par11ents, Mr.. anid Mm. and Mrs. Geo. WdIlof BehnantIMissAge Wate, of Oroýno, speýnt Sunday with Mr. and Mr.Bruce H!anýock. Mr.m. ad Mrs. Ar11che Wfite, of Toronto, and Mms. Ben. Witof Orono, visited at M.r. andI Mrs. John Thionpson's on MAonday evening. o - -- County News Bowmianville ai Newcastle Daim- les have eceived permission fromi the Wartimi-e Prices andI Tmade Board to maise their mlk priees from 1l cIents to 12- cents a quart andI pints fromn 6 to 7 cents. Bill Jollow, of Bowvmanville, is miissing antbevd deatI as the re- sulit 'If a siaking of a medlium---sized 4 mierchant ship of Piaamanian regis- tny in Mid June. The United] States t Navy announeed that tlie ship w"as suLnk b Axis sulimarines in the I Cailibean-m Sea 'wtl -the ioss of nine t lives. Mrs. Howard Jollow,ý was i- 'i fumdthat lir1o- nerson w h mesin o Aigstil by Unit ed t Stats nvalauthorities. No fut- thr nfrmtinlias (omie thrloighi. NE WTON VILLE MiHaol urey if Toronto, is homeu on hoiijdays. Mr~. Percuy Hoskin has pur'chaused MissiiAnnieNesýbitt left Tuesday for a position in Trno ~r.Chas. Wtterts and1 nfan ,son are visitLing,, in Banceroft. Mrýs. S. Smith is visitiniglher sisý- ter, Mrs. Mark, Fenelon Falls. Mrs. 'Frank Gilmier, Jimmy ý-and Philp are visiting at, Niagara. ~Mr. and lMrs. Arthur Redknapi and \Mrs. Whittaker visited at, Trenton on Sunday. Pte. Edg-ar Milison lias returned to niilitary camp after a m--ontli's harvest leave. Mr. and Mrs. W-ilis Jones and Bud visited in Warikworth Suinda<y and brought F-ae homne. Thec synipathy of the commniity goes out to IMr. Jas. Wade in is i suddlen sad hraeet Mrs. ooreof Casýtieton, spent a couple of daIys Last week with hier da11ughte, Mr1s. Jas Sak. MUr. Frank Mý:Mufllen hais retumed 11rom1 London and is, with lissitr MIr1S. Cama 3B,C pecoit M1r. andmi s.Rcbert Smiith anid family, Belleville, were ,,uests of her brother,Mr Raymond Bruce and Mrs. Br uce. Mm. andf Mrs. Clelaind Lane, Mr. andIMs J. Elliott and M r. Neil Steiart visited the NaaaPeach Orcliarcis on Sunday. M-r. andIMs Sain Jones, Mrs. G. W'. Jones anod Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones visited at M31. George Grif- fin's, Omiemee, recenitly. Mr. andI Mrs. -W. C. Lane w-%ent clown to Mr. Harry Lane's, Colhorne, îand with them are guest-s of Mrs. Himary Lane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Platford, Bloomfield. As an initeresting change at thie United Ghurch SundaIy StIhool Sun- day mroringi, the boys' classes as- sisted the superintendent in reading the lesson and sang an anthem-. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancýaste-r an.d Alr. ani Mrs Sidney Lancaster mno- toredc to NaaaFaills, OntË., .Suniday and meýt Mv. and Mrs. Willird Lock- îa.rt, Niagara Falîs N.Y., and liad linner wt them1. The W. I. hýeld their mi)eeLtig a _ýrs. F. B. Lovekýin's, Newevastle, on ~nut1". Tt -was c'decided lto have dise~~ inseyaspeaker. from the ~uxEdscaioalBuireau, Tor)ionto,' 'oýr ýthe epme metng Jate to ýe dciddLater. Uer .topie will be :Caire of clothes ini war- timie." The ueon f having lunch at our neingswas discussed antiidit was eucided -,( discontinue for the timet eing at least. Mrs. Haighl had charge of thie following pmogrami Roll caîl, name a 'Canadian river; eigsby _Mrs. Haighi on "The At- 1ntic Charter" an-l "Thouglits by the way"; paper on citizeniship by ir's. alceHolmies; conmmnity ýing-ing from the song sheet. Mrs. ha.Hancook read sonme interestîng or-tions of a book she had read, en- tled( "This is Ontariio," hby Kathar- ne Hale.1 M. AUGUST FEATURE SALE VARIETJY GOODS 0F INTEREST TO EVERYONE 1 . Thursday, Friday and Saturday AUGUST 27TH, 28TH AND 29TH See the large pink Circulars in the mail to-dlay 1 GROCERY FEATURES Lipton's Noodlle Soup (radio feature), 2 pkgs 25c. Aylmer Orange and Grapefruit Marmaladle, 16- ounce jar for ......... ...... ......... 17c. Sheriff's Pure Strawberry or Raspberry Jam, 16-ounce jar ......... ......... ........ 28c. Sure Good Peas, No. 4 sieve, new crop, choice quality, 2 tins for .......... ....... ....ý. 23c. Calumet Baldng Powdler, 1-1b. tins. Special . ... 23c. Crisco, 1 lb. tins. Special............ ... --27c. Zince Jar Rings, dozen for.......... ..... 27c. -j t -t 'I j j st. Wm's Crabapple Jelly, large 32-oz. jar .. 29c. S TARK VILLE Eagle Brand Sweetened Condlensoed MKilk, tin . 20c. Siler as etunedto ep Sure Good Pumipkîn, choice quahity, large 28-oz. Mors. ilv iceriasrtundtole tins, 2 for ............ ........ ý. .. 1.... 23c. IU1r. and MArs. Sid, Rutherford witli Franco Amierican Macaroni, 15-oz. tins, 2 f or . 25c. Miss om aloel Sun-light Soap for those extra dlirty parts, 4 for 25c Miss Dorothy Stapletojn, Clarkie, Sweet Mixed Picles, large 27-oz. bottles ...... 23c. rwîtl 'Mr. and I Mrts. Geo. Sithi. Tea Strainers, fits ail teapot spouts, each . ... 20c. Mr. andI Mrs. Gorýdon Trim xith Mmr. and Mms. H-. L. Trimi, Oshpawa. ~Mrs. S. G. HalIowell spent the YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE weeUk-en.d witli Mrs. Reid, Newton- ORO"NOuý 5c. TO $1,00 STORE ,)f Tooto itli r.and Mrs. Jacob __________________________________I -Mr an 'rs. Chas. Yule and famn- Motor EquipmentPiatAmunc ily, of osleawa, wvith Mm. and Mrs. Wi lirprnsM.at rs i o t cutt and Sm -th MUiss Helen IalwlToronto.N r ard H1allowell.I K Funeral Direcers and Furniture Dealers Mr. andMr, hos. Falls, Mm. and KN ES O R ZS RVC Mr.Stan. Falls, ant M-s. Lew ID ESC IRTS E VC H1aIlovell, with Mr. andI Mrs. Harold Euuipped te take came of the niodesi: funeral ai: the inost Li tîe, Camplieliford. reasonable charge as weIl as the Jargest: and Air. andI Mrs. H. Cadeli, Toronto, most exacting spent the week-end with -Mfr. and eehn:tie68 - eiec 2 n 2 Mrs. Ross Hallowell. Mrs. Day re-Teehe:Ofc68 - Reiec53 d72 turned to the ity with theni.j Telephone Colleet Bowmanville, Ont. -Mr. George Thorne, HaroldI and ________________________________ Ed-vwin, Carmoel, called onfind ____1__________ here on Sunday and -,ver e supper 1-uests of Mr. and Mis. Wmi. Hallo-1 'Elmier Partridige, of Wark-worth, worth 'W'hen Partridge was on his wl.was senteniced. to four years in peni- way to the Dfudley garage. Dudley .Mr. antI Mr'. Ralph Veitch and tentiary rwhen lie app)ear'ed in' Co- lelýd irl cornered with a .292 riâle Helen Uxibricige, Miss Madeline Fox bourg police court on se'veral charges whUie his brother went for Provincial andI Mr. ROY Chestnut, of Toronto, of breaking- andI enterinig and- theft. Cons table Don ïOarruthlers. Polie and Miss Helen Moore, Piekeing, Partridge was captured some weeks sa~y a large quantity of stolen goodis tines despite the Upper photo (left to righit) shows M s ,d go with workiing Bachm Mis s Alice Pary, is Cecile Noel antI Miss MblRobert. ;ere talken ai: No. 8 son (on tractor). Lovwer ight (le,'t iool, Ancienne Lor- to riglit) showsý Miss Beauchamp h is operated by fueling the aimeraf:; AMiss Robertsoni, (Obsemvers) Ltd., of the Instrument Departmeatecheek- ision o Canadian1 ing, andI Miss Parry attaching a sLimited im con-, gr ound wire. British Commioni- More and more women are beingý ing Plan. Seven recmuited for this type of work, andI onutd lig tl more are beig souglit for it. naIa are sponsored It's another pýhase of the war effortý fie Air Lines Lim- being shouldered by the faim sex- SeChool :Supplies WVe carry a co-mplete stock of TEXT BOOKS and ,scnc)OL SUPPLIES for Public or Continuation School. You saVe money if you make this your head- quarters for ai your school needs. PENCILS "Expander" Lead P'encils,, FOUNTAIN PENS ruhber tipped,. each . le. Dixon's "CIrest" Penc-ils Stanad Fountain Pens, each .......... ....................3. big value, each ............ 25c. or 2 for ........... ............ Eagle Fountain Pens, each 79c Eagle "ifoc"Pencils, each .......... .... .. 5c.. Eagle DeLuxe Pens, each $1 3 for ........ ..... ........ 10c. MWaterman Life Time Pens, Seripto Eversharp Pencils, rm$.0$35an$,0 each ........- .. ......... 15 C. frm $.0 $35ad$,0 Scripto Leads, pkg ...........10c. SPECIAL Eagle "Pencil Pleu," weII made and guaranteed, perfect Eversharp P'encil on one end, guaranteed Founitain Peue on the othier, comi- plete for ............... .. ... ............ ....................... ........... ....... 69C. PEN AND PENCIL SETS Fagle Pen and Pencil Sets, assorted de.signs, set ......... .....79c. Modern Sets, complete .................... ............... ......... ...........$1.10 Felip'se Sels, Complete . ............. ..................... ................. Wa-itermiiani Set, unconditionally guaranteed, per set .......... ........ SPECIAL - "i-t Pens, writes 200 woýrds for eaeh dip. 13c. Sehoo4gl Crayons, ai makes, pikg ...................... ............5., 10c. and 15c. Art Portfolios, to fit any of 3 sizes, eath . . . .e Onfarjo Drawýing Bos sall.............6C. Large ..........8c. LOOSE-LEAF NOTE BOOKS W%ýire-O Exereise Books, lie fiat at evury page, 2 sizes.10c. and 15e "Stuideit,'s" Loose Leaf Note Boolks, each,............ .......1-.............~..15c. "Shlsi"Loose' Leaf Note Books, eaeh ..................................-15c. "Co)llege" Note Books, eachi.................................>............ .......25C. Imperiai Note Bookýs .................... .........>..... ... ............. ........ 25c. Chapman Note Books for ail subjeets .................... ...._30C. and 35c. Olymnpia Refils, coerld SPECI-AL, eachi................................5e. Monareh Loose Leaf Refills, aIl sizes, ai: ..........7c. 4 for ...25e Chapman Loose Leaf Refuls, ail types, each ........................... ......... 7c. a Scribblers Finesi: Quaity Liglit Paper Stock, easy te 'write on, easy te renid front, in ail types, for pen and pencil, rul- ed and plain, front 3e. eaeh; 2 for 5e. to 10c. each. Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrreli Agent for Jackman Flowers Phone 68 Orono