:)o Weekly Times )ished January, 1937. .rsdlay morning at the Timi-es Office Oronlo, Ontario on request Subscription, $1.25 Subseriptions to the United States, $2.00 01I Job Priniting Will Receive Our, Promipt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher The Battie For Freedom Day 'by day the tenvpo of the ighting is eve;,r on the increase. [Sp to the present tne things certainly look very black. Romilel and his armies have been fiually brouglit te a hait oniy seven'y milies from Aexandria, after an advance 4>f over 300 miles "-ver the hot sands of Lfibya and Egypt. Fiven the miigbty amiies cf Russia ,annot withstand the fury of the Gersuan onslaugbht and are uew metreating deep into the interior cf Russia at certain points. The remanis are approeching uýpon the gateway te t1he caucacus and seem ite be in a gced position te capture th~e oe fields whic--h would bc a se'vere blo'w ta jRussia, and would aiseo oen the approaches to Ezgypt froni the rnrth, or 5rive their. a path-way to, India. The United NSations, it is hoped, xiii deliver Itoikninel a knfock- out blow in Egypt befere hie is strougly reinfermred. He is held up for the present but for how long is net certain. The whole ques- tion on both sidles centres ou) the question of sýupily and reinforce- ment. Whicb ever side can first recover the initiative will undoubt- edly finish eff the battle with a victery. Important EspeciaIly For Postwar (The Finanicial Post) "Are Canadiaus cloïng their part in defense cf this bemOnisphere?" Ask that cf nmost United States itizens and the answer is net likely te be either accurate or cninplimreitary. Her:e's oee ignificant fact we dont imagine euie in a thouisand Aniericans ýknow. Canadian trioops are in -Alaska. That mieans Canadian troops are on Amierican soul, defendiug A reian soil. Are there any American troo(ps on Canadiani soul defendîn-GCaniada '? Apart frein the U.S. enigineers corps (building the Al aska hig'1hxvay, we don't tLhink se. - - The point is miiner because the job sud the cause is miutuai. B'twhat is iniilotant for our, national self -respect and especially fýor our national 'Wefare is that the great mass of Amerleaus hear Canada's war effortl stoîy-and hear it ioudly and aciurately. It is fortunate and very valuaole that MackLenzie Kinýg has ready acicess te Presideut Roosevelt. But the Prime Minister oughit te stop trying te "brain-trust" lu the field cf public relations for iihat is a field iu which he is niotoriously inept. The Charles Vinirig report ou Cauada's relations lu the United States aud -what should be doue about thei shouid 1be ready shortly. XI is deveutiy te be hoqped that the Prime Minister wiil sbewi unac- euastomed speed and directuess iu tak-ing somne action. This is vital foi oui goed relations 'with our neig-hbors net oly during flie war but more paticularly fer the period after the war. Controlling of Prices The Wartine Prices and Trade Board -was established by Order iu Gounicil -under the War Measures Act on Sapteni1beî 3, 19M9. To it la entrusted the dural task of previding against undae'puice in- ,cresses and eusuîing adequate supplies snd equitaie distribution. At first its Dowerl-s were lirnited te sta-ple articles cf food, fuel and cletbinz. Lu Selyteiher, 1940, the control of rents lu war-con- gested areas wss added te its duties sud lu AuLguat, 1941, its juris- diction was extended toecover ail geods and services,.'In eider te ~prvide consistenoy of policy, tbe August .1941 amieudmteut of the Bosrd's poweis includes the provision that no other au1tbority, Fed- eral, Provincial or miunicipal, could fix or appîeve prîces except with the concurrenýce cf the Board. During the first two years cd the waî the Board effected is ý?onroi of priea by coecetrating pîmmiarily on the problein of supply. A',di-inistrators -weîe apýoited te'o rganîize and regulate the supjply of sugar, weei, coal, bides and leather, sud cils and fats. On ooccasu, however, the Board intervened directly te fix maximumi rentais for houses, and prices for ,vool, fleui, bread, butter and wîillfeeds. fBy the suinier of 1911 it becamre apparent thatepadg con- sumier incoire, on the one baud, and. limnitation cf suppiy of censunrer geods through increcasing- larg1e-scale diversion of laibour and lyna- teniaIs te 'war purposes on the other, were giving rise te an tupward pressure on prices thiat neithier eontrol 0f sup-ayi ur piece-.meal fix- ing of prices could resist, The carier pliieof control, adapted tu the trýansition periedi frrni peace te total 'war econom-ry, had te give place terýigoreus and con2mplete control of pue sud supply if serieus inflation were te he svoided. The first stop hi thia prograrimne was the licensirig of ail manu- facturers and dealers in feods, feedks and clothing, in Sopteuiber, 1941. This stap -wns designed te facilitate the policing of puices sud te previde the uecessary basis fer 9all1ocation of supplies in the event that shrtag-es developed. The Beard's next miove was toecurî, consumer crectit iby restrici- ing- retail instalmient sales on a long list cf con-imedities early in Ociober, 1941. A dewn psymeni of ai least one-third of the pur- clisse prise is required aiud the remaider is to e hqspread over a per- jod not toe exeed 12 months. 'The fluai major step was taken -when a univoîsi pîice-.eeiling -was snnounýced on O4tobei 18 Effective fionr Decemibher 1, 19411, the regulations breught under control the prices of aIl coimedities, e- tail snd wholesale, finished goeds sud mra aterials, as -weil, as a long list cf services. Maximium prises -wero fixed at the lovel cf the 'basic peied', Septeniber 15 te Octeber 11, 1941. Where adjustieiLi 1 s required on acount of tbe timye4slag in prkces, it is the policy te ad- just baclcward frein the retail ceiliug. Wrie re certain prices ýe price c)f im-lpoutted go'c, iratin purchIases sud r( aini-enance cf the domsle >e entside Ganadian control, sucbI as a conimeýidity-pirices stabilization cor- js commdte t pices tbat shiow retail price cýeiling. The Board aIse [uctiens lu duties or taxes, or the pay- maitai the domestic pu-ce level. the g-eneral price ceiliig, the Boaid's nded. Memn-beisbip of tbe Board wvas rierpreseîhtation -ýte eacb Goverumreni )utrol. The maintenance cf puice coui- f Canadian industuy sud business is the nisraters recrulted frein pivate busi- e this wei3. To decentralize 'adîninis- oe Board bave lbeen established ilu thii- is own staff. Ln addition, direct, offices rd co-operates closeiy -witb Melisande Garcia (Guerrero wss bhein lu ýSantiago, Chili, studied art in Brussels and Paris, toured Canada with Francis Lederer's ccmpauy in "Autumu CGrocus" bwe yeaîs ago, had ber fiîst radio audition at Toi- ente less than two mrontbs ago, made ber uietwork dIebut two days later. Senorita Guerrero 's deligbltfuil voice bas added a Spanisb note . .. piquanti and vivacious . . te the current CBC musical presentation, "Scie- nata". The programmne presents Latin Amierican n-usic 'Mondays at 9O .00 pai., EDT, 10.00parm. ADT, froni Toronte, under the directîin of Isidor Sceeman. Mis. Hlannah Fader, cf Lindsay, celeb,,ratddber 9th birObday on M2onday last. She -was ipîesenited with a biitlthdy calke bering 99 candles. Mvis. Fader is quite active and cut ihe cake heiscîf. Nearly oe hiundred guests called on ber on this' happyoccasion. -- - -o - - Shep in ýOrono ai-d Save Money. There -will be a serious shortage (-f quaiified teachers for the coming year, se each inspecter hbas bleen askecd te1make a caýrful surveY Of persousý in each isetoae who hold Ontarioe qualifications and arie net now in tËeacinig positions, 'but who are prcepar-ed te re-enter the profession, temiporarily at least. The Departinent may ask the in- specter a. any tume te forward a list of such qualified pensons who might be -willing te take schoo1s. Iu the meantime each inspecter d.as bieen asked te secure a list cf quali- fied persens that it may be available on caîl. Il there are any such quai- ified persons who would b'e available living in the Townships cf Cavan, Cial*ke, Hamilton, Hope and South Monaghan or -within this terîitory, they are requested te ferward par- tîculars te Inspecter W. H. Caîlten, Cobourg. CLARKE DISTRICT PARADE Claiko- District L.O.L., led 'by Orono Ctizens' Baud, paraded on Sunday eveuing te Park St. United Chumcb for their aunuai church ser- vice. IMemibers xerýe present fremin Kendal, Newcastle and Orono lodgces and turned eut in a goodly nunmber. i Rev. Littlewvood preached a. very appropriate sermon te the miembers of the dlifferent lodges sud te the congregation, taking- as bis text, "God is -My Defen!e." The ýchoir sang-i an stheni, wbile MNis. A. A. Drummond and Mi. R. E. Logan sang- a duet. Puring the service a eue minute silence was held in boueur cf oui boys in the unidoremm ef the Great Britishb Commonwvealt-h. After the service the memibers p araded te the ledge roin where they were, dismissed. auiÀRrttia HIITLEIR chose "Guns instead Of butter."ý So the Nazis have guns! We must catch up and beat themn. They tortured people to make them save. We Must Save willingly. So ît's u:p to us, each one of us, to econo- mize of Our own.free M....... to economize and buy War Savings Stamzps so that we can outstrip our enemies with planes and tanks and guns and ships . . . so that our soldiers may be better equipped Ithan the enemy they have to couquer. Women must help 1y economizing iu the kitcheni, by patching and darning, by shopping carefully and cutting out waste. 'Make up your mind nowv to buy one, two, five or more War Savings Stamps every week. You can. You must! Buy War Sarings Stamps from banks, post offices, telephonze offices, department stores, druggists, grocers, tobacconistas, book stores a<md other ret i istores. National War Finance Commaittec *1 FOR SALE About 2 acrecs of Growing- Oats. Aýppy to George Butters, Orono. WANTED A Snial'Trailer, two or four wheels. Apply to W. J. Leamen, Orono.c--p FOR SALE A w dozen quart sealers, ia good condition. Phone 32 r 8, Orono. FOR SALE One DeLaval Cream Separator, practically iiew; alse eue Barrel Churn. Apply to Mrs. G. W. Bouwen, Orono. -7p FOR SALE Large-sized Creain Se'paartor, in gcod eoeiditior. Apply to E. E. Jones, R.R. No. 1, Clarke; Phone Clarke 1504. e-26-~P. WANTED Young girl for, kitcheni, no wvash- J.ing or cooking, other he1lp kept. $15.00 month. Seaton Hail, Port Hope, Phone 545. b-26-C. ,Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Office Heurs: 2.00 tO 4.00 p.Ian.; 6.30 to 8. .00 a. PHONR 417r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Rours: Monday to Saturday (inclusive>, 9.0 a.ia. te 5.00 P.M. Wednesday: 9.00 -a.m. to 12.00pa.. For, appointmnent telephone 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wvvilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orouo Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Out. ega ,ý John J. Gilfillan ph. 3 iOTCEQUALIFIED OPTOMETRISri Anyone lwb"O bas lef t articles te be Licentiate cf the College of Opom- repaired with -Mi. GeorgeRihads etry cf Ontarie maty bave sainie by cailing at W. J. Office Heours: 10 teo 12 a.m. and 921W. Riddell's barber shep. 4.30 p.m and by appoimtmeut Offce in O. B. Tyrrell's Drug Store __________ IPhone 68r2 ,HousehIoId Furmiture, the property of Mr. W. J. Leam1-enl, Orono, will be held on July 18, 1942, at 1,30 p.m. Te-rîm.s Cash. Ted Jackson, Auc- tioneer. c-26-p. FOR SALE iSmall Guerney Ccok Steve, in good conditioni, and will have sonie ether articles. -AIppIy to Mrs. Wn-î, Seymur, Phone 87 r 10, O-reno. b-26-c. -WOO LL E N ARTI CLE S_WAN TED The Woman's Associaýtion.- of Park SVr. Unîted Churcli are asking for used woollen articýles fte make blan- kets for the Red ýCross. Ail buttons, bindings, 4'asteners, etc., to be re- nioved. Wuol te be ileft in the base- ment cf the church up until Juiýy 31. a-26-c. AUCTION SALE The under-signed auictioneer- has re- ceïved instructions fron MR. W. J. LEAMEN te seli by public auction at his residence COBB HILL, ORONO SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 the follewing H-ousebeid 'uiniture: 1 Wardmobe; 2 Stoves; 1 Diviniette; 1Couch; 1 LeatherRckn Chair; 1 jSeparate Springs; 4 Beds sud Mattiess (eue Spool Bcd); 1 Kit- chen Cabinet. 1 Livingroomn' Suite; Tables; 1 Caipet; 1 Dresser; 2 Churus; Creaini Cana; 1 IMill, Pail; Pots, Pans and Dishes; Several 30. dozen Egg Crates; Chicken Crates; 1 Feed Box; 1 Cross-cuit Saw; 1 Tur-niiP Scer; Jain Jars; 2 Han- ng Lampsv and numerous othor ar- ticles. Sale te commence ai 1.00 o'clock TERMS CASH Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. A. E. Morion, Clerk. HARVEST LEAVE TIPS INCORRECT Ottaiwa, July 7.--Defeuce2 Minister Raiston announiced thai "a.uy in- formnation emnanating frein nat.inal defenýce headquarters te the off oct tbath arvesi leave wili ho grPanied this " la "unauthorized sud incor- rect."e "Inte-nsified training sud opera- tional requireienits rmake it ex- tremely doubtful if any hamvest leave eau be granted, sud if granted at ail it will be on a mesi restricted basis," Col. RaIston said. A -onsidera)ble nurnber of soldiers were granied special leave last yesýr te bebp with the harvest, aud last 1week defence dopartinet spokes- cousideratiin fer ibis year. The Minister's siaiemeut nmade J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE ýFire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Lîability AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coiiducta Auetion S'aies of al eiuo anid at reasouable rates. Conunicate with hi2n ai ?W* Perry, On tari, or se. his OIrk, E. Morion, ai Orono, for data. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnatville -- Orono Phones; Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 7à4 and 573 i Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest andi MOst Complote Furnîture Store andi Modern Funeral Service in Durham' Our Service-THE BEST Our Geods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE -ORONO MORE HOLSTEINS SHIIPPED TO THE UNITED) STATES Another car of pureibred Hel- steins, bought from breeders Durham and Northum'berland, w. shippe--d from Newcastle C.N.R. sta- tien on. Menday of last week. The car 0of 26 cews and 1 calf was con- sig-ned to C. S. Eiýh & Go., -Middle- tewni Penn., -who have bought sev- eral lots of Hoîsteius in the past f ew years. Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Fieldinari for Durlbai Holstein Club, in buy- ingl ýthe cattie, was accom-panied by Mr. AlLywine, ýPeirnsylvan-,ia, repre-. senting C. S. Erb & Ce, The eon-.sig-nmienit was valued à $4900 Canadian funds. o-- Christianity is net a theery or a speculatien, 'but a life; niot a phil.' esophy of 1f e, 'but a life and a liv- img process.-Co1eridge. clear that no wide plan wili be pdew- sible this year, altheugh he indicat- d leave mig'ht 'be granted tea a-f4 ~»nin pecial eirenan,.starSes. Deueigt Orono i Orono - Ontaruc