Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1942, p. 3

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bicreaze SeenhI Vaudeville adeneof ïa gan- qoratienU a1_Lgo0 1iauLigb11cd(J at a ga bottejestevrS la a aIiry, e e Custoear wbootietayr ief milAk, says thal New Yorýk S ua. Wuhan the storekeepar dipet lis figrin thea milk a1d!j newon tIsa e«uatr a lienaeaaymadJong thaý custemen sait "Wnap it up." Thc milk cownetintiacumn, >rAnnuaily woulti maýka asra rie;wbheer mas itnayad or gallons, it cahîs fer conside- or horenawn wagon Aumenican lamills rwee 50,000,00 quarts ef 1lI ilk a ay.This la tha pycrodet of 26,000,000 cowr, yet doais netaccount for thrtotal y ialei. Cheese, pweeiml end cavnnati mk must be attati. Aceerding tethe silo IadStry sxcead aH records, ntiramaéin n milsthare is more thanu four- fî a. acow. Tha re fne ut le haprovýitict-frÀ Fr tuaeyOur wpopuhation is isnanti is pan ca-,pita yialt AS snian.But ne simple avemaga iicaotas the anormous tistnilu- tiproblain, frtîtincludes a heavy foraiga trade undarth a-lnt prograns. what? Noe Grai1n For The P-lige Tuls May sount Iike, aomautLi'ng _KuIs Goîdharg thought up, but go I ehp Us, it's true: Whaa an R.AF. bomber l fùret town 0on tIs e oea,anl2la- Dltati rubav boat la auncheti ant4i waitiag for the ucrw te jumlp ,jt withia '20 seconds aftaer it * bochles the vwatan. llare's ilow it wrks: Tisbecoa, daflateti, jl, oratinl a spacial conîpartruent la etîýe wing. A Switch On th(- lot- lt mof tMe 'plna, tlainstant Ît louýchas sait waýter,, fines a car- miiewîicî piarces adisk lan a ~abndioxitie flash anti elease,, bigb pressure gas ino he col- hpaiboat. The ante1nlag gas forces opan the compartuent .sVer, andi in 15 te 20 Seconds mhe MfabclOat is bebiag on the wavas. TJ'lieequipinant that goas. witî ',îe lf Ieat niglit have bCean Gbnat y a trailer hoMusewife: 4~sof water antid conicentrateti a spacial pistol, withi 40 te, Iuwat!nProof crntgs a tale- aep-,ciic 12-ounce alumiinun marýt ', te wve a fia-g frein; a Carrier vécgon labisown epnontabl Jittle container; anti helbews, a _ W a £Iet A 4kit, lint pat- ,iaJc leak stoppera, Pa floating tra coîhapsihla rysbber bail- -u~gbuca , aponge for noppîng k,.- paratioli's, anti, finally, at ý-JUaatrp1neof Canopy for tile' cresw -'w ercec te hir Iats ifit àis raing. A, Soldier's Letter i Th'-e followi)l$ re xcapt 5erein a ltter b-Y a.,n Aencan wGolier, now in;r1 iingteO a frianud at home, Who -'la tu,1ra sen 'LIte TPise CrsinScience o- Fort MeClella , a "Semich bas happenai e neb ltha a an3- eaka thlat I 1 a AIr how watt 1'e digesteti it Xathier whi, 1 imagine-at lemst 1 ~emte ha treateti asen of tIse ftr upils.' Ai îit's Just like ;n ol ilnmet respecta, "T'he meat iatenesting pae oftetrýa!1iig assiulanmi psoa.To kn-jow you ca tak ise han dest phiysical laIen, sud ai s loikig 15 muilasixheurs wil 90 poundb on yeur back; te set Oie attitde andi spont ef the n tcew; te ahan agreup activit-y ofa scale neyer hera recalzeti; te,0 an what thîs war is al about ,Pnd why we aarereo; anti te ne- -ece laOui- ppetunlity .. ail * ERI STR THE STORYý Allan Steele pas- sees r. Sargent anid daughter, onU. S. mission i nMexieo's Pen- insýUla, whc> have disappeared; aise news of Hayry Bishop, mach.- dened by mysterious injection while on same msin Bishop, found, repe-aied oyy "The yeIIow eil "Ailan, aýfter meetinýg with enigmnatic Col, Escobar of Rural Guard, checks inrat Inn of Thousand D'elights, quizzes its proprietor, sunt su, a Chinese working witli U, S. BEAUýTIFUL-AND EVIL? CHAPTER V "The yellew t (iils!" Sun Su raettslOwly. "nithat -wasa al Mr. výBishop coulti rem-ember?" Thle Chiinese lîiftedteleabreti aniantid uuh it dewn s5otly on, tha3 desk la tble gesture of a mojn sutdenîly sruick b)y-an idea, ItwasbIns mtunte look abOuýt thein b "efor> eling ewrdat drepping bis veice te an lote that harey cariet acris te interven- in- space t Aln' ars. Anti bis tene, was pitch]ed te theala.- cen)t of thie il-lst extrema. gravity. "Thýat gives me al thouagbt, see!Iwfl teili it te yeu, but if yeushut repeat it-say, te thec wngpsn-twould be Mny teath warran"t. rms e senlorý, you"1r utmes dicrtie ! "I prom-iîçýseSun. Su," breathetiie Allanl, impressetiby the ppri- ter ", mnnýIen "Shot!ý" "There la sometchiing strange going on, senor, neot f an frein lare. Ten miles south Iare 18 a little group of isiantIýs, aal anti large. They lia muucin near1er thle Paninsla ithan toeh mannd Onhy 2a narrow' strip of wateL earts hin fren i tis coast, se a man lyng oncealeti on any nearby bhmltpcean gat qute ba goot vîaw, even wi-'ith tha ,nat eye, of what la happening on the tiently as San Su plusa, "what 18 happening there ?" "Six mnontins a the isîsatas were lastot a Japaiiesa ýfishing company. A concera eof conii- arable finincial bckig, learly, for they have a large number of fishermaIIn employati anti have erected md 0(erm caanery whIich 5,, wotefhyeupe, The project Jbas been 1a getsucýcess, judging fre-1 inte irnenth-lyslp bats of canneti fia that go t4 Japan-- want(iisietimeCS temly country, whe(ra e wdoult it, iÀ satie haJae sa amy of CHAMPION PLOWillMEN TAKE TRip IY PLANE Tse Salatia Tea. Compaayv's Caposi class at thea international Plowing Match belt inear Patarhorough last Faîl bogtotgether top rakherse Plownsan frem lail parts of the Province. Eilmar Arîrstroa.g of St. Pauls (rigint), Gold Mledalîit, and Marahali Dleans, Paris, (left), SilvTer Metiallist, accomp)anieti by W. C. Barini of Gî,are sean nady'te board a plane commiîencing tIhe valuahie trip that waa nfferetiasfia ad second pnrizea. Tins heiag aýn important facetor- to aigricultuniats, tbay elected te travel hy air anti itiiadays thay visiteti such points as Winniiipeg, Portage La Prairie, Reaga, Vani- couver anti Lethibridga. Oaa' of tihig git of their Journuy waa, thae stop offl at Portage La Prairie whTem.e tbey patcpaeimats Manýitoba ProvincialPowg Match, .Junle 24tb. - At exene talsttions tbey v'isited and( at meetngstey etterdadl, thay we affordati the opportuniity of exchanýginig anti tuiignew ideas, particularly lhumsvigdei I~ad othier ad te greatar effieisency on tins farn-s. The ttnp was annrangati ly Mn. J. A, Canrol, Manager of the Ontarieo me' Association. PIo-wving Matches whlch ana conductedl by lecarnchestîog- onet the country,, play an imiportant part ia týisapoucinof flIed f'o 'se7an, for, tbey encourage the bettar pown aticltvain ftins' asIf naSalig bis facets in or- de.After the oeni enten[ce, Alalad ha0teforce imaîf te li- ten with J-!due ttentjIn. The word ,Japonese" hati set his thoughts fligte a sik man andi bisone re nettphae Te elo devil! Theyello tiei Wn "lo iti yeuleaa oal ti CunSu? I dn'timagineth0-Tey atvertisetheir bus Essmc arounti hore. "Decdetiy nt. Noru dit I tees nv perit me t:move abroe at nnthis cuimae. sBute- havefrieis aethe nativ suaIntian wharealou"so a rial e oeru; hy rngm sieverely eat, Ien i theya caugh ;'Týhatsineetn. Aite hant. Hoever, thmeeinare1 two pesona connectet ith the acrn- pS any or coeatigorasmthe snemarkbybeuiulwra fs aout 30-the jmest hautlifli womaa i'eeve- roen Selis ate'1the -I.cann, but sh lae sore tes maes tripthe L MçexicoCit a'ui usuai n tus few is, 0o h rer wayifat this mweiestiano" dgain, the iChies hedsptath- foraeting dehib.eyrntel " be eveýba, sene, sis a s evi ,ýol ase i e utifkum uabu" ilge peron" scbn "Thfi e manwinthewhoa was neained. Pen Guas. e act aS serva t edygasTh erlthe fNis aaery bmay be ustan blinti fN oseme efaongus racet Sun ,,wS inchina i ht et ff "Wi ae hiva inas-toubloeuwonlti senor. Japan h(ýas ne ov fo yrOnceh cr-nhre we a hre quiptcose 'te theorde" d "Mmph 1,C Meaio is 1e ja neutra frîiand. If anythp o-ing wrog thgo it aniti s f.YorCooe EsebarI)e, feris atance; oud' hahampe t kowaibaou foreiga foingeutfitin lia dis mImeaur Colneld sar a been thled fr fomhe pofath o-i iut 'aCSu'uesain i WMbe, Sei ndei ey oe Stht's mt%,vehTh semlady wo -ItIin ery beatiflativr know aIl.Ibahonly ti e in 0 ilere is a grand mealtiime Ieraewki ha dellilus, 1-jus laivor al its own. nsanly ade in the cup V ?VRYECNM AL OSTUM 4 orz. seize rkees 50 cups, seducf-tiva b-reaIth f afuewid-- enati her nostis. Ber hbain t ayes wen ak, antt a cempexinuasoit, clearioy She was earinýgsoehnwit anti very f ims , ni wth thetehi.- caeodon of scýent, that ýgavýe Lha- a uail oCf cool 1freainyesa hc mýate is la nc.ýomfortably self-. conscieus. lBe bepet ha dW' 100k. quitae mIýY)ess ha faIt - dusty, c ïdihe veeti, ýsickýy, antL ptaaing fiein evary pore. "Aay lattieror essages for, me, Sun su" Ber Voica ewas ea atirici anti Sof, t Allanwas tniov-,eti te thliak of hiui-vlvt.Orwaýs Itmr mnaet of tIsen1oCth sweeCtnass ýofboypuinfrn a jug? Though her question wa» dark -eyas wera efrwaakly magari-1 bna;s e pnofankhy as almoat t "TIarù'e èLotag"siSu ,u. "Antisenoynt, mal I have tie pesuao itoucn n thi s laSenon Steele. "I ar segld t met ou AM1,111 ve ls anmaanti of what l'e knew of han, !haete- ment mightl net le eut of plaice ltis smwa odcuty "is isthe ian ofOaa T hou- met the oaa, I cane nnicgaot the thoursanP! Toesa"2 papetickes for meala in Goiaiutrsar nlaLn dIon,.Egathvegvnwyt plasic dses.T11e disca rn y hov'frsî,fe fnacf re %orsix ets nm Uefa l tes. MAOtST-Y I Il Ecuador Rich In Natuzral Resourcei4 E'xactlyhalway aroundth )lobe from the Netherlantis Eaàl lndiestiny Ecuator cs fndig bw-er trtgiimporam ncesdenly magified by the reources ef hex- eough jAndiîean mwoun-tains which l-,) many items match those of the falen Dutch colonie sys The Kanisas City Star, Biel ,en prodluced in goigvlm m chone bark for quinine-,nesar fer tropical life, coý-ffee, coceat, coconiit prodjucts ,ïrce, agrv extiract, copper aswei s rubber, The UCniteti States is send1fing ex- ploraton, prchasng ani meical missions to impýrove hat condi- ioninfever-ritiden junls id increase prod(uctioni. -c.oening (if th-e Catapaxi Minn Copaaiy properties is epcedt uUp copper production. Balsawood tagua ntfreqjuently clldeg, etbeivery, adkpk sdh N c - vS1 iSSUE 29ý-ý42

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