Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1942, p. 2

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HiORIZONTAL Aniser to prevIous Puzzle 19 Cempauy ý 1P'red JOHN M TAXS"<abbr,). pria ona. VAt PA E T JOHN2Ohis- 13 By way M TA S wi Anerca o4peraloes 15 Bakîng dish. TO UMT I---.24 Verbal. l6lmitatione.HNCDS L O 26Dyeing appaw 19Moameen ýc AIQOvatus. fluernet, ~Sc Epup 28.Xindcchse u3GC)TIAOiA iYMFPIE-:32Rpages. 2ý5SpeFFasss. F -'\M eS T 3,Opsd 26 Avemr e P&E-AIf ST Mi NTS ciosed, CACbr. ~37 Plnus 27 Befnofre. jý4C)Knri f .29 Lixiviu. pstiw. 5Cr fiqur 2Data. 30 Sme. 51 NoteIn scale. 6 MoaSt triml 43 Stair Il Semdiameters 52WryOf sorrew. neat 44 Pari t c 3 Ab-oveC 54 Burdee. Boosckn idw 34 Blaze Of farc cn ~ isc. 45 Wie 25 Fairy, sheep, a Sprng fastig 46Brces 36 To da m. 7Urntv season-. 48 Dsat 38 'Noun 0ndng laid 9Pai ubhicty50 Stir. "39 Pea ab. 8Set ed10 oenduire. 5 î Obe-se 4j Petc. Waura LPiauts, 5'2 FoCrm c '2. 40 Exetc tr 2EMacK br. 53 Soutbwcst. re u VERTCAL 16 she has a midi (ac% r> 46Msia nt, 2BgIpln, -votce, 55 Musicnl note 47 reosilo..3 Te xcatch 17 Seothig 56 eloe Cbrist turs.c t ilicidert is the raidity cwwh smal sius gen-. erate great onne, When Calai went in tue »Y of harveat and offered hlis f irst fruits no) thoughbt could be frhrfrom bhis nmmdè than murder. It m1ay haveý cornle as suddenly on himself as on th(; unsuspcting belbu the germi was ini hin, Fam-iiliarity With evit, tugtripe-ns us for evil action; and a imoment uLofpassýion, an hour's ioss of(4 slf-control, temptiug ocasonrny hryu into irrmediab1le evil, The DiVine nec gto 9(a), MAd Jehovah said cto Cain, here ià Abel thy breor?" Here is a question fitted to go straîghit iito h ree'scn science. Some o)f us gyf so fa as to have1sileuedthe voice0 j withfin;l. butforthe ostparit iýspeakas fied our inciainswogy 9(,b)."n'he aiJko n1ot: ar-nIrnbrtes epr And he said, what hast thon doue?' the, voie o th brother's 1bloodi citutome' flrm the gon The cry waýs a dmndfrthe 11. And ow c -fedart thou from the ground which bath Op- ened its mný1tb toreceive thy brother'I"s blood fro ty bauid; 12, Wbnthou ilest the grounld, it shah fliot heuceforth yield nut, at wanderer ~atthon be in the" eartb." CaànMhadpollbnted M habitation, sund now, wben lhe tilled thbu, it w- ýould resist i, as an enerny by refug qto yield unto him her strenigtbi;' for the future bi stuggle ith tbe coni- ditions of lifec will be stini harder. 13, "And Cain suid unto Je- hovahl, My puniishmeut is greater thn I can bea:r. 14. Behold, to hiast driven me out this dlay fo the face of the giround; anda irom Thy face sHh1 be bid; and 1 shaH be a fugitive sud a wan- derer In the eartb; sud it wÏlI comne to) pass, tbat whosoever fiuid- etb1 mre will slay me. 1.5, Aud Je-bovah sadunuto himn, Therefore, wbo.soever slayetb Cain, vengeance shah be taken ou hi seveufod. And jebh appoited sig for Cauiest auy findiug himc sbould aite him. Ayoue who killed Clain would bevite more severy toan Caas big guit not alone of homijcide,' but cf tr,,ausgressiug the ivine comm--i-and - ment wk aid that C(ain a s to Blamed Otén War A lot cf people have lapacdl !uteemailCAS cf couresy sud blamling ital Ou the war, sa- Adelaide 1Kerr, w,,ritiuig on "Cern- mon Ccurtesy". Toc busy, vwith- war wcorksu problems, tbey say, tc get this or that doue, Better chlieck up on yonrselt1 fnd seewetr the shoe fits yen. Wbndid yen last write yenir mother? (Youur handwilritingiok aýs good toe ber ncw as it ever2j did'), How auy tim-es bave yen been late te dates iu the part motThere is atu oi axiom: Tbe nmore you haveteW do the more you can get donc. H10o, about usýiug somie cf the timeye spenld feeling so.rry fnr .yeurýsbl in geting thia.ýS doue? Iceland's capital Evacuates Children Hopiuig a Nazi attack neveï cornes but prepariug for the worst, the capital city cf Icelaud is evac, n.ating its chbiden te the country- side by buses, trucks sud car,. Chiidren. rauigiug in ages frorn tbree te fourteen years are leav. iug: ner every day from a dowuitown scbQcl, wviggoodbýyc te their meathers sud fathiers nutil the vebîces are ont cf sîgt. t Reykjavîk's 100 b- ID IAL 1 MNO M'ary Shluppt, wîlowy bod who ,Ipînys the r(ocf philande!ringLý ou "The A lb],,ty"di swiîtch cà te'l 1d stery cfa0 ir seeký,1-gla Career lu l olyod She ç,is a native c ýf tbecinemla city, but reentyUdserted ber 1 omle for NwYork, sud is uow 2ee cfLhe bsetatessalong raio .Maywsgrdae from Les Anlgeles C Lity Co>)liege wbvlere she maîujore'd il, dratIc sud step -d0rom. e lassoo te) the network broadlcastiug st- l. dios, Duing te kmatyear sfie iug stars as Ors>on llsCars BoyrRobrtYoung sudotes fa N'1ew îYork, Miss sbipp ,)Win ovrstiffceptio for tbe role cf Kthlen Aderson ou "The Aldvch amil ansd performe à se, weilttL-a uthior Clifferd Goid- smtb ecddte make Kathleen a rnowre frequeu visiter in the cast. Itmay be vacation timefo s;ome folks, but 'it's jujst double duy timle for Mrdt isn Net that e does't like it, for, tetirCess NBC West Coa1st con. ductor and comp)oser bas always bad a busysceue Taking ever, with bis ocesrthe important "Fibber Mc aesd Moly" spot for 13 wceeks witbi the "America Singse' showý, is just oue item on the Wilson agenda. H1e aise con- tinnes snnia drco !' d urii'in i s spar e tie eredt Wilson pens bit parade sang, iè ici tbe militant war-ime vem cf tcdy, Hus Most receut suc ca3 is "Song cf Stend," a great sud mrigbtymedyddctdtth mlen in the war atre h os L, Thornas, fuos Weisb bn toue, from CKOCin aili some aftruoon driuig thle 3 Notes frm Hmeand TWime lu the cst Cf "Those We Love, sumeru r"epceent fo Eddie CuoaeFaca1.k Bushmaui,mticeidol cGsen fiLlm dys sdRihr Com . wellaise of the cînema cit Victo f,()r JBerge, DaLi ',ish 1 r1 e basa ue cntadOn teBn Crosby show! Dînab Shore, the south's great soug-birde is sen-dinlg free lt ters cf ber YI Wu'tgive yen u -p tbiurg but lv"te sernviýe rcampsw around Ithe globe. Wvhen the AI Pearce show va- caindOn Juiy 2ud"', Tommuy Dosyteck over Gail Lanughtoaýý swing harpist onl the shlow! Led an car this Sunday ti Academny A-ward -. C'KQC, G.l p.,.! Ligbt, amiusiug - ecl lent summer dramnatic fane! OUIR RADIO LOG TORONTO S,1tATIOxS û1RB 840k414M 140k CKCL 50kUBX 1010k WVJZ ,BC.Blue 770k WABOU ..)58k 4JAAJJA1YSTATIONS C R0SOenS. 1400k CKOO Halzxi1230k (IrSIL Ra fmiýitoq00 CJ-1i 1Marei00 !vFd N4x h ey1290k CYP)I. LonGea 15 70km 1Çhigiton1400)k ITIS CURIOUS WORLD SUR.VEYS SHOW rHAT 7/-~~E OUT CE ~LV~ WEVE~ aS~~ ALCN~ WH EN ri-1EI~. HUSBAN~'S SU~' SHORT WAVR GSB Englani 9.51m GSO England 95Sîe GOD cuEgland 1145Me 05k Engiand 11.86M GSF Exaglid 15.14Gâ, GSG Engeland 17.7Dmg 05F Iengland 15Sm e' SV Enagiand 17.Slai AR Spaii 45 RAN Ruseoa EN us* 2.4e RVO us! alLS WC Il eieaetd V'lk 9 4)"" IrMp By William AN E:With modier refrigeration, cysters are edible eVery nonth cf th(e year, but they are nlot at their best li quality anri i favor drn the spawinig seasoii, whiCh cne,,s in h mnh âpeile-d wtotth(- letter". NELXT: Suakes tisat stili show *-s a c legs. By J. MILLAR WATT CKAG Mdontreai 730k W.o, UKtk«nd L. 560k MnýC WaterlJoo 1400k 01<00 Ottawa 1310k CKGE Tinunine 1470k 01<50 Sudbur'y 700k KrPo Brantford 1380k GLV Whàiis oi 0k KNtWigkae, 1230k WEXR iltaflo 1340ok WU4~ Roceste'S a150k 1~LW inehinti 00k K ejonetaA 15k W ÉiDW Býde- 152h WJR Betrit Irak

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