Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1942, p. 8

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ORONO I K--UN'iON urodCÙ nth eddngof -r Thomas visitd it TH n Patterson ihad thie mis-i Artlurr saurler foi a fortune ï aiot ~odo a n dylaist weeUk, utt his facýe anld Boweni, of i le R..A.. 'hin himacF ii Upcnsdrbly.W hoefor a cupe f ishhnaseeyrcecvery. itre o N ova -uta Boýwen is Behn. h omno Gvrmeti Trl eber Such'1, M.0owwokig nthe econscýription a rry Di iley a 1d,, (1 oder nd it hais now passed its sec- \were in Toronto ,,)Sat- ond readinig. Alent Growing M11ash for chickens cani at FIRST COST by mixing your home grown grains with be ,ShuïrGain Developing Concentrate Guaranteed Analysis : Prote-in.........34%ý Fat ........ .............6 Fibre .............6', Calcium-n..... ..... ...... . Phspors..... ........ 1,8S' A re-o-mmended mixture for rwn birds med-G iumDeveoigC etat . 0 bs. arleyi ïnedim goud ...... ~.100 bs ats, fine gond........ .......10loibs. rheat, m-redium -round .............200 Ilbs. Lai cost of 100 1,08. of ready to feed win Mah ouild be .......... 2.1 1i Mlachine mnixed free of charge at OR"PuONO FLOUR MILL The World's News Seen Through THE CHIRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily N'ewspaper is Truthfui-ConstructiveUfl,'biased-Fre from Sensaional. issu- Editorials Are Tîmneiy and Instructive, and lus Daily Features, Together witb thse WeekIy Magazine Section, MaIc thse Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $100 a Month. Saturday Issue, înclud1ing Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Irturoductory O-'fler, 6 Issues 25 Cenits. Address--------------------------------------------- - SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST NE WTON VILLE. Mri . Sherrman Li dMrraLiy spenilt th-e -week-end at Niagara. TeW. I. will mee(t onlylt at Min, Geor-ge lndron Mr.%s Thoni Bro"ii was taken to Port lu" eHostl on Swnday. Mr. Fran l MdMullen in bii ondon, Onaitakiag a Suimunier cýourse. Mlrs. Fred So Lch, of Toronito, v!iited AMr. and Ms Reubeni Payne 1 ecently. Mrý. Fred Woodhamin as 'been. hom fiontToronto for a we' holidays. Mir. id 'Mrs. Reg.Woodham anda Marie, of Toronto, visited relatives here on Sunday. Ar. andmdrs. Forshaw and fani- ily, of Toronto, art e visitiing Miss1 Jelïnie Thomipsoni. Mr.l and Mms Arthur Rediknap andi àlrs Whtitaker vsited Mr. and Mrs. W. ChseOshawa. M1iss bil. a Pane has sgnelu for, auxi1,iiry ,woik in Port Robinson ïirllg the ichoholidays. Mr. and Mirs. Sidney bancr(aster visited he'r parenvtsMri. sid rs' W NcosPorvt Bitain,' on Suy.Y Mr. and Mrsý. Byers 111(1 M-s. ll ono Torortoý, were Sunday guesta of AMr, sand -M11s. Sid. HtohCli- Misses Mariyn Browna amdJune Weof Toýron-to, wýer-e-week-end Igniests of Mr. Amd ,s.G eo rg e Ovens. Mr. and tMrs. lyd MeGahey anid bbof PeteTrbo sýpenut Sundaiy with lier Parents, Mrv. and Mrs. Robt. Morton. Mrs. Haory Woodham spent a 1few days in Torontolst week. Mo. 0 Hsiory mWoodhami is somiewhat îm- porved in Toronto Genera lHoepital. Rev. Foley, Boýwm-an'ville, occu- pied the United *Gurch pulp!it Sun- dlay evening anmd deliveoed an ex- ýceptionjally interesting sermon or temperinice. Mrs. b. McIntyre, mMosamd Mrs. Marktss adimd Marylou, of Detroit, Mich., spent lhe -week-end at-M r. Wmn. Laîin g's. Ms.Markçs' and Maryvlou are remiaining for a longer voit. Mr.W. E. Reiid simd-Joa ,,o rokdCoeek, Mr. simd s r thur- Bell simd D-w of Bowini- ville, isses id Bll imd Gwynnejtj T'homrpsom, of Knavsited atMr Geoge tsiltoni's ireýently. Thiis colnlnnuity 'n-1111as teribly PinesPopIr ov aSc otiîa Rersar t hI be openl this year from june 26 Atlantic RauLsiiy takes tise tourist I September . througis the hesit of thse Evangeline Digby lies but a short dIitance from Counitryý,simd to its "capital" ut te great Annapolis 'Valley, where Grand Pre, where a nimorial park ,ery Spriog the scent of flowering commnemorates tise beloved herone of pie tracs permecates the countryside Longfellow's stirring poemn. r miles around. iglifiliht of N;ova Digby is conveniently secrved by -otia's blossoni t;nme occurs in May Caniadian Pacific Railway limes from dc esrly in june, wýhen Nov-aScotis's Boston, Montresil sad otiser large rest lassies compnete for the titie of eastern centres. The rail journey ter- Ilosseni Qucen,"; an event that ut- minutes ut Saint John, N,.,, and is ,cts huindredis of visitors to tise conpleted by a deligitful tissea-isour ornwallis -inn t Kentville, wliere cr-use across thse Bay of Fundy on tise ie ceremony is climaxed. tram coastal steanisiip " Princes LoNerscf istryfind keen interest Helene." A glinipse of tise Digby Loyes ofisisoryPines, witis swimming pool in tise old nnpý)îs oyal un uftheforeground, is given in tise upper left 5Vpemaen European settliments picture. Ulpper rigit shsows tise Lal±din North Amr" , idEVan1gelýine Memnorial, with Apple sere tse rently estrd orapo-Blossom Queen. Lower left sand lower de's -ï illterestin1g a-d colorfu!l link right carry tise holiday spirit and a shoced utmdisdo~ne, voon hen it lbecar r.SmSniiith Sr. Volday after- Sknlown tLhat d sd sud- deepst sinipthy oes out tohi sroig wife and son Itoy TIMELY NEEDS Ï. G Einulsiflîied Eclpu KLeiiide intsecticide Lini- menOt, '/2 pint for.,.........8s5c. 1 pillt..................................$1--)o 1 quart ................$.. 2.60 1 gailln ................. .....S6.5 0 4%Solution Nýicotinle Sull- phate, i ounice ............20eC. 2 minces ....... ...._.............. 35c. 6 miunces -....... .. . ........ 95e. 1 pound for ........... ......$1.75 Photo Special To introduce our Superior Quality Enilarg-emenits, we will enlarge your favorite niegative to 4 by 6 inches and mouint themn in an attractive Studio Folder. 2 FOR 29C. 1016 3ACK DE-TIep- Wýe Stock Kodak Verichrome and S. S. Pauchromatie Film te fit every C amera NoxemaCra "FEEL IT HEAýL" 17c., 29c., 39c. and .59C. 10 oez. jaIr..................-......... 98c. 14 oz. jar, econlomy size $1.25 Crow Strychnine, !'/2 dyrm for .......................,.......... 15C. 1 drm for ý..... .... . ............... 25c. Tat Ant Traps..... .... 3.5c. 3 for .. .....................- $1()Û Canada First FlY Couls, 3 for .................................5e. Wilson Fly Pads, pkg. 1c. 3 for .......................... 25c. (Too late for 'lst weeh1) Moris. (ReiV.) McîbaeIhan enteotain- ed Kenda W. A. tant eek Mrs , . Oha-s, 2ori speit ti veek in Toron.to wvih her hsad Blake Moore, of Casý>tieton, is hou- Mov. and Ms Willis Jones -an] iay. Mrs. Roek simdl Theýýo do re, Por>t Boitain, were 11socgr?,uests Of mis.- J. Wede. Movs. Geolrge Stapleton ad alc nure ,pent Suniday at Mo. A. A. Martin's Brighton. Pt.Bill Hosikini, of Ham11iltcoi, wa hmeon l've beforC heimg Mr. asi m 1,. Ivi-on Tab nid Grantof Oronio, vstdher nmoth - er i.C. Hosi4-n. Mr.. and IMrs. Percy orweView-u Lake,1 were Sundy get of AMr. M(e-srs. banson Mill<son and Wm. ohrpoints oni.dy ,Mr. sand iMs. MilIton bLordcl and sitrnf Toronto, were guensts oF 'Missý Olive Johnlstom, of Peterb'oro, issenigthe sumimier holidays, -withi her brother-,Mr Tupper Johnii- ston. Mo4. simd Mrs. Keni. Wlre and Pal- tr-icial,o? Toronto, i7pent the, Week- end1( % i thI Mr, and _M rs. G eorg -e Ovenis. Mv. stimd Mrsý. Mltn arper simd Mrs. Oliver Turner, of Cobourg, sipenlt Sun v it h Mr. and Mrs. banson MilNýon. iMr-s. Calver-t, Misses Jean Wside and Zelima Webste2r asildlMr. Jack Wade, of biid'ssy, visited Mrs. J. Wade, on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Tom Shar¶pe, Barrie, and Mofis. Hlarvey Barrie, of BowA- anville, were, guests of Mo.U *anld mrs. J. A. Barrie. Mr. anmd s A. Toroo, Mis. hurla, Misýs Pringle'-! and lMrP. Hayes, of Peteniboro, v., e Sund1ay -guesof Mo.nid Mrs. SecrGordon a'nd t'ami!1y, or' Kerdal, visited atMo Joh-n Gordoni's On Sunld-y. Juneesimd . inez iremiain1ed for, the S. S. pienic'. MsJohnsand George simd Mrs. Stace, !-ihwai, Mo. anldr ,tS. Hlope, visitetd at Mr. Ro)y Staceuy's >on ~dy 1he W. A. ilet at the h omle of Mr. rak iberon June c25. l -was d1cicled to r(ýmeniber thec boysý woare ini the amdforcýes fro m this CommumlityV. The nx W. A. me(etilig will binSepember Mo. simd Mr. vison Muniday anmd fs1imly.V of Ma'ple Grove, Mr1 . and- ( Mosi. Sain. Buttery and11m(yof Falem, Mr'. and Mos. C. WeIsli and baibe, Of PBo-Wmnlville, were S.undcay gussof Mr, simd Ms Sidney L-an- 1Cicaster. On1 Monday, Junie 29, the United Sundlaýy Sho picnic wals held on th-e sichool grounids. As the teaeher aimd puipiis have k tthegas eut aad as there ar-e a iinu r of large shady trees on tre gromnids ut made ani ideal spot for this event, bcsides saviig,ý a good deal of gasoline. There wsis a good attendance simd a great deal of fun at the bili games, rcs etc. There was a -efreshmen.ciit hooth ,On the grud n id towvards eve-ning al bountifull supper wsis servedl. The United Sunday ýSchool Annii- vosîyServices on Suniday drew goo cogreatins botLh riorniing ansid evening and there were tw splndid sermllons by our own m linis- ter>, Rev. J. _MebsicjhIan. Manly flow- ens de(Icoraited the e church. Thle Junlior, horsang in thre moonii.g wheni Ray, Joan simid Jaclkie 7 Mundsy, 'of M1a ple Grove, taoe ihavoc-al seee- Je us ids uls Slimei(." The, Senior, Mary ame nd MvGeo g Camp- bell faored wth ,a duet. TheWcme'sinstitute imet it thejý home (ýof Ms C. Býuoley. AIf Ltr the bus iniess peýriod tise Presjident Calle'd n Mrs. C. Buorley, convener o n Pece o presen-rt her poga Rol Cal wn as msredl with a "Planl for. -________________________________ M IKETA SALMOM, PINK .2 larg,,,e 1-lb). tins. .... ... ... . .. ...35c. Cheese Wafers, very tasty, abouLt 36 to pkg. .. lc.- Vaniilla Extract, 8 oz. bottle....... ........ 12.' Limne Punchi, delute wuith ice water, 13 oz. bottle 30C. Fels Naptha Soap, 2 bars for,. ......... c. Dr. Ballard's Champion Dog or Cat Food, 2 tins 19c. Black Currant Jam, 3-4 lb). bottle.......... 18c. Crabapple Jelly, 3-4 lb. bottie........... l17c. Colored Cheese "new", lb., ........ 29C. Stuffed Olives, 6 ounce bottie ...........31c. Maple Leaf Cake Flour, Radio Feature, pkg ..29e. Aylmer Corn K,ýerniels, packed fresh fromn the cob, fancy quality, 2 tins....... ......... 2c. Men's Red Back Denim Rivet Pants, good weight, necessary pockets, belt loops, double stitched throughout, sizes 32 to 42, pair .._ $1.55 Men's Light Blue or Navy Chambray Work Shirts, good weight,. triple stitched, attached collar, one pocket large cut, sizes 14 to 17 1-2, each .......... ......... ..... ......._85c. Men's Peanut St.raw Hats, all sizes........_19c. Misses' Slacks, navy or browni, sizes 8 to 12 yrs 79c. Ladies' Shirt Waist Blouses, colors white, blue, Wine and candy stripe, sizes 14 to 20, each .... $1.00 Ladies' Cre-pe Nightgowns, so cool for summner at...... ...... ... ....... .... 89c. and '$1,00 Ladies' Full1-fashionied Rayýoni Hose, colors of Miami Tan and Amberspice, sizes 9 to 10 12 pair ....... ........... ..... ... ...... 75c. Silk-like Lic{uid Silk Stockings, three popular lhaes, light, miedhim-and dark, niothin-g to mix, ready to use, 3 oz. bottle..... .,..... 25c. I YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE I I RONO 5c. TO $100 STOREI Motor Equipsuent SERVICEI at the most tandi 1and 726 Equipped te take care ofth ie modest funerai reasona.bie charge as weli as the largesi Most exactiiig KINDNESS Trelephonle Colleet COIJRTESY N orthcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Deale Q Q f j Bowmanville, Ont. MINORA BLADES fit all doube edged Razors 12 FOR 25le. Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrrel Agent f or Phone 68 Jackman Flowers Orono Peivate Ambulance Residence 523 Telephone.-, Office 668

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