Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1942, p. 4

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TRE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES he Orono Weekly Times iSstablishied Jan-uar-y, 1937) . very ThursdIay mioriniiig at the Times Office g Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 seriptions to the -Unitedl States, $2.00 nting Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher uain.taiing its traditionail la.rl as the wedding year-, andi Saturdays seLi e a appeal to the bride. Petain and Pierre Lavoai have very differeint ideas onr tce win the wr Petain of the opinion that the Axis hile Lavai aill be-ijeves that Germiany will yet wiin. an is of the saine erpinVon as Lavai. It seenis a iittle to predict the outcomne of the war, Frobaihy by Fal M1 be more clear. The people in igh government po- ietter dhanc of knowinig Vhe inside of the story, while kept prettywel in the dark. Petain and Lavai should e dies, and these Vwo men ean't agree, which goe(-s to one reail~y knows yet as to the oute-ome. Wait and te be our rnotte, ance Re-Qrganization Nearly Completed anal WarFiac mite is juet about readIy ta try--wide onganization into the battie for moevar es are bigla that thie re-organization by provinces and ties wil l ie com'pleted ýby Jn 15, and that at that will be cleared fLor the first great rush at the doubledi the coming year announ-ced by General CarmnGeo. -ecently, ûthe Untitedi Nations have seizedi the iitiatýive on most iY fronts, War Financýe leaders feel thaL the offenisi-ve contag'ions andnik itself feit throug'h the renewed Iof all cIassýes of Canadians ta provide ail the .money support the mien inj uniform-r. c f nlew outîets will he openoed up for theppe of où ýbuy War Saving- Certificates and Bondis of sm-all de- whidh should prove very favorable Vo imany in~ Caniada the Battie Front stabli*shedi a ae-w higbl record of pro- ýeeded again in 1942 as the înldustx ial bout 45 per cent. of contracts award- itions andi Suppiy have been placedi ndicatIng the ,im-porýtanit part Canada with enemy counitries and enemny- cf 'Canadlian eiprs exclusive of ;he yar totalled $1,47 1 millons, cm ei saine period cýf 1940 and $824 mil.. f 1939. The increase froini1929 ta [nadian aid ta Britain. reached a flood inl 1941. In the first Il s o 1941 exports te the UJniteiKingdomi totalled "$10 m1i- coxpared with $477 millions and $299 millions in the carres- ig periods cf 1940 andi 1939. ThIese expoýrts la 1941 consistedi 7cf food, w%,ar materials and munitions.' [the. Nort.h Afnican theatre of -war Canadia',n nmanufacturers aying an importantilraie. Egypt, now Oanada's largest eus- received 'more thian $66 nillions cf Canadian supplies la the 1. months cf the year, comnpared with $4 mnillions in the saine of 1940, The w ideincrease showr constitu ced equipinent for the Libyan caipaiJga. Explorts ta British india andi Burna $3;8 millions in the first Il nmonths: cf 1941frn $19 mwillions saine peni(d of 1940. Expor'ta to other finy cuntries andi as showed rmainked increases. e *e e* Conscripting Wealth-Wh'IatL1 Is It ? (FnnilPost) ýyinig to keiep one jumup ahbead o'f the palpable demagogY af .F. progirmme, Hon. Ian Màa(ckenzie 'bas ceo auot l'or the can- on cf wealth, nouos C.C.F. speakers have at least tried on occasion ta in- wbvat they mrean by cons cipý ton of wea-oltb, Their form,--ula.e but thiey usually enmtbrace at least three things: Frogressqive" inicomie taxes, as thougfi we did noit have pro- 'e inconi1e ,taxes now., A limit on r profits" altbough the 3 f Canadiani corporation earningls show)ý that proffits arising this wi.ar simiply do not exist. "Cncitocf industry for oras thQug-l heb.goverilmient 15 noVt oday lusing âilsli înhibijted powers to use available factories, lacIs, manage- ir workers for wvar production. -Maekenzie was less definite. H. conlented lhimself with a andi rmeanine!ese phrase. "sheosequivo.ýcationi" the ver province calls lis remarka. "Bunk-" is the more succ--inct tion of the EveninoeTlerm Toronto, Andi the Ottawa balik about 'con scriptio4-n ol' wealtbla loose, imud- vermenit la already conscripting weallh. Con- vengeanýce." comnintary. ýh of this countiry lailsýs a]ôility to produce the bat învolves the. use cf managemient, materiala, hinery. h governiment lha thbe moat cmlt aîl these ta the war effort andi tao rgantilze thein ther diversion of these resources for -wan can be .e eyipense cf the iîving stnadof tbe civilian [when thegoermetwishesý futhier ta redue.c [s of t~ei civilian populattion in the intereats cf a effort, the civiliarn poýpulati"on stands ready ta) farinlsa and houses, ion cf thOese, -which 011 the tepl 0 ETHELWYN HOBBES îst" is a pretty 'heawvy titIe for, the -verv chaining lady whose tas-k it is ta help Ganadian hous,ýewivves ta keep their lar-ders well stocked with- out saiciile:ing qua'lity tao quartity and patriotism ta the palate. Thatl theanaianhome can he well f ed andi econonicall1Y run by a uitIle ja- diciaus plainnnsganmi jpurhasi-ng is Mrs. b1ofibes' frmcontention. Shle '; B<sofficai guide ta -wise shlop- pn.Every.ý Wednesd'ay at 4.03 p.ni. DDT, 5.03 p.m. AIJT, and every wnekday miorning at 10.00', EDT, she ýs et the icrophonleta help the conscientiaus mistresa of' the budget. FOOT COMFORT TODAY COIMES BEFORE STYLE The aid admoônition, "use yoar headi and save yoar feet" takýes on niew meaning now that walIking rta save g-asolinie puts a special obliga- tion on snid feet. Foot comifort, an imiprtant factor, in general efflcieney at any timie, liýes'ini comifortabie shoeýs, making care of buying essential. Decide Che type cf shoesnos suitable for your partieular needs, then insist on carefal fitting, Never- buy by the size 0f your lasýt shoas.1 Standard sizes just don't cxîst, s50 have your feet carefully measureil each time. Shop for shoes wheni you aren't rushed and keep trying on until yýou get a really conifortable Shoes that fit proýperIy shou'ld lace haIf an inch longer inside than the end of the (hg -ta.. The haillof th. foot (little ta. ta great toe joint), shouldi rest on the widest parit of the ANINIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday Sehool Anrniversary Sei,- vcsof' Kendal ,IUniited Charch o n SnyJu]ne l4ih at 11.3,0 a m. md 73 .Gust speaker -will be t)rL. Wý. E. Milîsoný, ol' Oshawavý. Spe- cýiaI limusic bythle choir. On Frida,'Il june l 9th, a Traeo aacd of Europe will bye giveni by Rex F aost ofrCGFRB. Admiszsion, aduitsý fie., childrenl 15C. a-21 -c. Proceeds of Childrens Music Festival May 29 Following- is a list of the receitpts amd expenditures of the Children's .Musieý Festival helM in the town hall at Orono, on Friday, May 28th: Sale of Tickets OruoaSchool...... shaw's..... . . Providence ...... . . Enterprise .... . . Lockhart's .......... ........... Cowan'ville......... Ltrvie .. . . . . . Bethesdla ........ ....... ......... Taken at daor ....,........ ..... 1.75 2,75 3.00 3.75 15,45 Tota . ........ .....$ 83.95 Expenises Caretaker of bal............$ 5.00 Clas pins .............-........-. 14.00 Advertising...... ........- 50 $ 19.50 Balance of $ 64. 45 sent to th e IDvening Telegrain British War Vie- t'iims' Fundi. GIRL WORKERS HAVE OWIN POEM AT PICKERING The following poemn was written. by onie of the girlis eniployed by Defence Industi'ies Limited. Handi- transcrîbedi copies are pojted gener- ,ously la the buildings of the corpor- ation, Althoug-h the sentimients are those of the girls ,at D.I.L. the principles apply ta all of us. There's a heartiess war across the sein, Where fine,, young healthy mien Toil on and fight and gîve their lires That' riglt may live again. They need the tools ta do th.eob Sa send them sbat andi sheil, Step up ;3and ahare the load they bear You girls of D.L. sole. The shank of the shoe sho'uld You're badly ixed, you'r-e 3nung, fit snugly unider the arch, and the you're aid, shoe should hug t'h. heel, fitting yOu're weak, ýyau're strong and firmily at -tue botlom as well as 1h.ý laine, top. ~But you c ýan work--and w-%ork you to. will1 To ,epsboes shapeiy, always la- You get there just -tue saine. Sert shoe t 'rees wben they are n"0't Each sheli you send ta Hitlr's mien being -worn. Your tboughts and view w,41ill oThe sla-nt-eyed lJýaps have met their iMcLAUiGILIN - ACKERMAN miatch, ýYou girls of D.I.L. IirlcJane 8 - A very prettyIIknwt'badyodliealt double ring wedding cere!nony took 1The weary job junt oldri' t, ez place Saturday aftýer-noon ila Km-Th eyjojutdi, mranuel College Chapel, of Ed(Ina AI- On ehu-.l1y days, and stay la bedi mdaaghiter of Mr. Ernest Lo-T isti mrigsit ia, Lorn oRoad nre e But life is sw\ýeet ta ali the boys LAchrmn, t.A..Roani AndrewHac- Out there you love se, well, LagiiB.. orelyc Hv-There's fwars ta win, theire's wronig- lock, wheIn the grioomr's father, Rer. targt Andrew MLubiHavelock, and YugII fDTL bis grandfather, Rer. J. D. Do'wn, of'Yugl fDIL Exeter, Ont., officiatedi. The wedding The corridors are lang and cak mnui waS played by Mr. John The roomai are bat, then cold, Speers and the soloist was Mrs, F. L. ,But soîdjirsfigh anikladde Neish. The bride was giron lhmi .n young gro'w grey, and old, niage l.y ber father andi ah. wore a Sa do your bit, bei proudi cf i, graceiful floor leug1tb gown cf white Swiftly f11 eaclh sh-ell, shbeer and lace over satin a matching 'Juat show the Dagaes how you'rei lace capwih finger-tip veil and she made, carried a cascade bouquet of pink ,You 'girls of D.L.L. carnations and blue delphiniuilis. Yoar car won't go on frosty days, Miss Elizabeth MeLaugblin, sister Yu nfri e ot of the groom-, was bidesma-iid, and Your uniomineeshcls iae a Miss MVarilyni Anna Currie, niece cf'ou lw-eed hosnak - the bride,.scas the punior bridesmnaid. Yubss The br-ideamiaidi wore a biue floor-Yo don't 1k beinig bossed. lengtb taffeta gown with mialching But wbat la that coipared xith bat and ah. carried a noseigay, wbîle deatb the junior bridesnid wore a floar On ;battlefields grown reýd iengtb pink taffeta dreiss with bat With 'bloodi of those who can't re- to inatell andi carried a nosegay. Mr. t hee anr ed William WcLhoh nwWasa 'iEclada vyu iss-a bl lel las bis r--otber>'s best man, andi thcel a oilss, blels, ushers were- Mr, Donald Rose and Eacb day helps Hitler ont, Mr. William Thomaiýs. Spaghetti wasni't mneant for you The reception, l'ollawed at the Coi- You can't eat sauerkraut. leige, the groml's inother reCelvýin .So fill ea:ch sheli andi f1il right, witb the bridaI party, wearing . o adrv h an a-wu dusky pink crepe dresa and Inat wvith Fi sure you lknow whene they a corsage of 'blue com1,fioweirs and ahauid go, Talism~ran roses. Yoa girls of D.I.L For- travelling', lb. bride wore aI prilitedi p;ink anid i ue crepe dres Sainecf the strat%7berir festivals 'ith a »o'wdeir IMue redling-ote ind 'in - this di strict are !,.(-ing ca.ncell'ed printed ibat to nmatch. AUter- a owiimg Va the lack of sgr..There honeymioon trip Va Ottawa -atheiy wil 'sno0neason -wýhy they ahouldi be lire la Go odwood, Ont., wbere the canceled1 as honey couldi tae. the groom la l in areol'the Unitedid pace cf augar ver-Y aicelY. churchb services since bis graduation froin Victoria College.Dwnwh wa sttoe aIti of New'tonvile. Classified COMING EVENTS Kirby Anniversary Serviecs vill bie held on Runday, JUIne21, !,y 3.00 p).m. and 7.30'ý p.m. No strawberry festival -will bci held. There ý will be anniversary services at clarke Chluichl on Sunlday, Julne l4th, et 23 p.mn. and 8 pn (DST). Special miusic wýill be supplied in the afternoon !)y the Osiborne uret aind at the eve-ning servie hbyKrb choir. Recv. R. E. -Morton will be in charge of the servi!ces. FOR SALE Masýsey-Harris Mo'wer, ina good 1condition, 51/_, foot cut. Apply to W. C. Evans, R.R. 1, Orono. c-22-p. FOR SALE One Ivory and Black Modern Kit- chen 'Cabinet, a]anot new. Phone 17 r 3, Orono. c-2IUc. FOýR SALE A few ;bags of ta,,bl e potatoes. Appl~y ta, A. H. Keanle, Phone 51 r 3, Orono. a2.i FOR SALE A large blue ba-bypenibaor in f'air condition. Apply hy phone, 60û r 11, Oronlo.a-1c FOR RENT Eigt-oomd ouse, 'haîf mile West and hall' mile north of Leskiard. blard and Soft Water. Rural n'ail, anid tl~oe meiaeposses- sion. Apply ta John Gay,Bomn ville.c2lp FOR SALE One Used Massey-Harris Creai Separator. ýAlso agent for Newi TVikings, gua'ranteed for ten years. Apply ta A. Gibson, Newcastle; Phione Clarke ffl4. a-21p FOR SALE Seveniteen acres of Mixed Timothy and Aifalfa Hay. Will seill y the fieldi or by the ioaýd. Aýýppy ta Mr. Fred Brimacombe, Phone 58 r 6, Orono. tf. STRAYED Frain the ranch ibetween the 9tLh and lOth concessions, 'Glaike 1 sminal yearling roan heifer, and 1 red smaîl yearling steer, bath with 1hales in left ear. Reward. Phone 16 r 31, Clarke, c-23-p. WANTED HousekIeeper or girl for two adults, one child eighit years. Smiali, new weIl equipped home, sUburb of, Toronto; very fine reý.side-ntial dis- triýict, $35.00 mlonlthi. fifMrs. J. N. Staniley, ~ 28. Beech-wood Avenue, Y0141Mi, Ont., or Mohlawk 5413. FOR SAÎLE Bab.ýy Chicks and Hatc,,hing Eggs, White ehon and Rockzs; blood- tested flocks; R.0.P. sired; la.rge f owil; large eg-g sets. Csoesare boigtheir orders ta avoid dis- aýppointmrent as -w. intend ta; stop) hatching earîy this year.AUi eggs are producedl on our fmn ALVIN CLEMENS ,Phýone 2433, Bowmi-anvïie. Farmi near Hfampton, tf it Came- over the nerwscýast on Wedneaday that W. N. Tilley, lawyer at Toronto, had passed a-way. Mr, Tiiiey was boin l Bawmanville andc later lef t for Toronto where he ,went ta practice law, POST OFFICES SELL THEM Ida! Laughiin was quit. a sai tiej Soin. years ago Rer. and Prof essional Directory MEDICÂL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIGIAN aond SUR GEON Qffiýio rs 2.00 to 4.00 )p.11.; 6.30 taO .00 p.ni. PHIONE 47r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Dentist Ooi OfieHours- Monday to SatVrday (icave 9.00 a.ni. to 5.00 p.M. Wedniesday: 9.00 aan. to 12.00 pa.. For apipointment telephoie- 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wfilfred TWf. Sherwin B.V.Sc.P VETERRNARY SURGEON office : Main st. Oronc Pihoýne 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. ?ýo*., John J. Gilfillan QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the Coilege of Optau- etry of Oxtario office Hours: 10 te 1l a.m. and 2 %o 4.30 p.m and by appointmnent Office, in O. B. Tyrrell's J)rug Sîef Phone 68nr) J. C. GAMEY IAN SU RANiC E Fire, Casualty, Automo.' bile and Liabiity Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS T ED J ACKr9SON Auctioneer and VaIuator? Oonidueta Aution Sai),e8 fLIiiMe. and at reasonable raîff. commuinieate with him nat Fn Ferry, Ontario, or see hile OIerk, A E.Mooton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practcal 'Watchmtakej, Ail Repaira to Wakb.e, CIccke, mncla JeweIIery, wili recive eur promipt attention PARK STREET ORONO CHEAPER TO BUY AT HOME TH-AN AW.AY The wisest persan n lath.world ta.. day la the one that shops ut home. People do not get better bairgains 1-V tr avelling to other towns, and pro.b. ably the goodis are not as good2. The homie nmeichýant bas ta seil good rnier- chandise ta hold hisý trade. W,ýheni yaa go a ît of toxvn 1V costs yois money forc gasoline and ail, wear and tear of your tires and your car.. Tires froni now an cannot be me- placedi, 50 when yau figure -It alilup~ it is casting you maore ito sbQa aay froeinhaome, The stores ia Orono are very tffly, dlean and 'bright, and the meiixhants3 are always changing theïr stores around foi the Uenefit of the buying paiblie, lRe takes, an interet i yeu &ù why iict return tie. datere.%t ?, F.F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - O# Phan.es: Bowmanivile, Day 4M0 Night, 7Z4 and 573 Orono, 27.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Ouf- Service-TH-E BEST Our Goeds-TIE NEWEST Our- Prices%-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON BWANVILLE - ORO!NO

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