Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1942, p. 8

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ARK11,"E UNION William ïiRuiteï,isied wth in Ceshax1 val. -al from Ihi section bav he)îir woltoliudsy -A!vin FostÉer lhas accepted a iwith 21%Mr. illiam 1Lan1g, or laille. anid 2irs. AlItoi Patter1son an ,J -Mrs. Jim Pa tters,ýon-itd 11-. ami Mrs. 4John PakttersoýLn >hyisexteed ýlto Mrsl. Souch in thie dathof Iher ML-s. john Rikaib)y, and - -Mra;. Colin 5,ith.Air.John1 ,. Berry in the death of thýeir Ar.Robert -Morton. Hom iix ad t holClub met rsday niglit, en the f ollow- cel-s were lected :President1, eib Scott; lst U epeiet olin smith;rcodgsee- Iis1s Irelandl; treasýurer, Air. Il1 Chatter ton; pîanist, MrCs, )dercoa1k; prss corresýpond ent, :)WANVILLE Andrew Bandy lim hagc regular n'onthly mee1ýtinïg of oneri's Assciaion w ill bo- Airs. Weis. Stringeoïl o11Jun rrîn attended ber bais- tien last Saturdaiy it S extcxdcd to -AirS. D>n the deatb of ber, clte i u etieson 1, cf cd with ir. and i, ris. grover the ee-ed t on SatrdIav, P',yl- o bbc hospital wvith rF we11euks visit. check books at1 -,- -o-- is e'eally wanted i s to thc spirît that is witlhin [n sonme sense 111an asm ïdegree there is fil every nlatecial for g-oed -wrk in STARK VILLE Murs. Il. L. Tii of' Oshawa, ih ýMr aM'irs. GU4rdon Ti. Mies. 1Russel Saver'1y with friends in Elza 2hvll adPeeboo Air. andirs1ý. 1{ugh tpltnc O' \wa\ithi Mr. anidMirs. W. Hal- Conraultinsto Mr-. and ýMrs. Beelt Trii upon the arrivai of a baygirl. ma] Mrs. iCecil -Jones and f amily, of Orono, with AiMr. and Mrs. Ethian Jolns. Mr. andciMArs, Ross iHallowell with Air. and Mrs. Lawrenee White, of Mapfle G orve. M.and Ars. Lew. fIallýowell aad faimily, iwith :Mr. and Airs. Harold Lteod' Clarke. Mr. andArs. Wm. Hallowell, Mr. andAis Hugh iStapleton with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough, of WeslIeyville. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule and fmyMr. and 'Mrs. Àlex. Barelay andý Barbara, of Oshawa, witb Air. aniid Airs. Wm. Savery. Airs.Fo ad aghter Miss Bea- tice, of Toronto,.Airs. Silver, of Picking, and Miss ,Helen Moore, of saw lir. Geo. Etwell. Conraultinsto Mr. and Airs. Laverne Farrow (nee Gladys Og- decý), whowere married at Newton- ville Panonage on Saturday last. MissLnireyne ýStark and frienid, 1f0 aovr Mi. anid Mrs. Gordon Pow-er and' amilyMr. and icïýrs. Carl Tainiblyn and bal4y, of Orono, withi Airs. dla Siiarik. o RICHARD BARRETT A lifelong riesideLnt cf the New- castleý-Port 1Hope area,,,,, Richard Bar- rctit pass;ed away at Whirby May liithi. J1e sufered a stroke ten yenrsi agou aid lhad been lai poor health s1ince thatL time. H1e passed aw-ý,ay as the, resu!it of a heart a",tack. MrI. Bairrcttwa borai at New- cateon Fcbuary 7, 1862, and wais a wl-nw farmuer of that dis- tict al i hs life. 11e retired fifteen fle is survived fty his -wife, Annie Woods, four daugliters and six SOnS. HI, Vr-St wif e predicceased Iilm in 1897. 1ntermeat was made lai Bow- mlanville Cemetery.1 SIXTH LINE Keadal dramatic eempaMy ener cd' their popular idrama la Newton- ville on Aioaday night last. We regret to, state thaýt oLur maich respected neighbour, Ar.Carscad- dca, isla poor bhealth at timei of wri'ting. 11ev,. C. Oke, A, of Wlee coaiductcd ibbc service at Kendal on Sunday last lain can ge with our pastor, 11ev. John i Lchan Mir. and 'Mrs. Lofthouse, Oshawn, bay daughter Mary, Mr's, bofthousc Sr., and Miss Jessie McWKinnioni, were guests onAioaday last at the Stewv- art home, SîiihLine. Any person la Kendal aad viciaity wh have rulliber salvage, inculuding tires, tubes, nubber boots, bot xater bottles, etci, kîndly notily Mr. Joe Martincîll; also anyone havinig aay hottles, ltake taý Charles Tyrreil la Orono. His many frieads bere are (de- lighted to mark the decidcd recovery of oar xeighbour, Mr. Evan Quan- teill, after bis prolonged illness aad your seribc's home had a pleasant isit from %imnself and family one day lasI, week, KIRBY MisEleatnor r oht f Orono, spnent tihle week-end wijth Air. llVorrow anld Pearl. Mr. George Forhes, Haimiltoni, is imi-proving n1cely and wu wish 'hlm a sppedy recoverry. Mir. and Mrs. Cccil-Pc>wcrs and Mi-s. James Power, Orono, callcd on their old f §cd Uwday evenixng. Mis. George For-bes has had lier operatiex and 15imprvig icely, and 'wllisoon be leaving the h-o.spital. Air. and Ars. Bren't indAir. and Airs. Chas. Big-elow, of Tyronie, vi'sit'ed at Me. aad Airs. A. J. Bige- low's recently. The feieads and ig-hbors (cf Air. and Aies. Samnuel Berryv express their deepest s.ynupathy la the deatb of AirS. Mary MVorton. The ladies of Kirby W.A. are ,e- aiinded tù,t the donations for the Red Coss to be haded la at the dier's landkicieis REGISTRATION or UNEMPLOYED MEN WHO MUST REOISTER Every man between the ages of 16 and 69 who is unemployed or who will not be gainfully occupied after May 31, 1942, must reg- ister. The following are excepted: Fuil-time students, or those confined in an asylum, or a prison, or hospital or home for'the aged and infirm, or are suject to the provisions of the Essential Work (Scientific and Techrnica1 Personnel) Regulations, 1942.1 TO REGISTER If you have not already registered at an Employment and Claims Office cf the Unemployxnent Insurance Commission within the last two weeks, or have not obtained work, you are required to register within the week of lune Ist, 1942, or within one week after be- coming unemployed or not gainfully occupied at any time after May 31st, 1942. WHERE TO REGISTER 1. At an Empicyment and Claims Office cf the Unemployment Insurance Commission, if you live in, or within five miles cf, a city or town in which there is such an office; or 2. At the nearest Post Office, if youi do net live in, or within five miles cf, a city or town in which there is an Empicyment and Cleaims office. :,WAL You must renew your registration at least every two weeks if you remain uîIemployed. c f Order-in-Council P.C. 1445 of Maxch 2nd, 1942. HUMPHREY MITCHELL lnister of Labour, OjF FIC E NE WTON VILLE Miss Malonl Bruce wail Tor- onÎte recenitl.« Miss Laurnali Pearce, of Montreal, was home for: the wee(ýk-end. ,Messrs. *R. Bruce and Bill Stevens spent the week-end at Bancroft. I1Mrs. D. F. 'Cameron, 'Belleville, was a week-end guest of;Mrs. G. W. Joncs. Me. Lennox Vasey, Port Mteicihol, spent the week-end at Mr. Wm. Stapleiton's. orry o report MelLachan lias been throat trouble. Airs. (Rer.) 1J.1 hi with septic, Air. and Mrs. CHarry Lane and Leona, of Coibhorne, were gacsts, of Air. anid Mrs. W. C. Lanie. L.A.C. Aiden Pellard, R.C.A.F., lias fianislicd bis icourse, at Cliatoni alnd beeri transferred to points far- ther east. Ronlald Burley, R.C.A.F., wo bhas; fiaishcd 'bis, exainiations at Gaît, was home on leave before beinig 1transferrcd. .Sundaygrncst,ýsLat Mir. Ai tfiurRed- knýap's wue: Mr-. and M1s. P. F. Bradleyv, Toronto, aiid Mr. aniidMs W. Chester, Osbawa. Mr. anid rs Otto Coaithamil, of Aaitioch, anid MiAir. adAis. (Georige Burgeýs of Geogctown, weee goests of Mr. and Airs. GeorgeMCllub R'ccat callers a't _Me. Getorg7e Stapeto's ee Mr. iand Mr iS. Uarey Tebblc and LeoaNewcastle; Me. Dona-ld Lowiey, of Oshawa; Air. A. A. Martiai, I.P.S., Airs. Mairtini, Alice and Louise, of Bjrigbhtony. Air. and Airs. Ivison ianud ay and famiýilyv, of Maple Graüve, Air. and AlirS. S. Buttery and famnily, of Salemn; Air. and Airs. C. Welsb and babe, Bowmianville, spent Sunday wý-itli Aie. and Airs. J. W. Lancaster. 'On iSaaday, May 24tb, the United Church W.A. hcld their ainniverisaiy services. iRerv. Dr. O1ke, of Welcomne, preýached insFýpiring sermions Vo large con'grigagtions afternoon and erven- ing-. The chioir rexdered spiecial mi-u- sic. li the evýeing Miss Jeanl Camip- bell tooik the solo paiE laian anthemi. Airs. Lionel Hughes sang a solo and Air. ROY Bikle, of Bcthe'sda, cen- dered a solo. On Aionday eveaiing a record crowd partook, of al bounitifll sutpqper and cnjoycd thte splendid p*ay, "The ,,Eyevs of Love,ý" put on b the Kendal younig people. To aythelas it wais a stiriagn meýsage tha11e Uv. J. Acaha e livecd o Sunay eenin,LMay 17. the neued cf Co-peatononthe Part files aint-be pr)osecution c1 f the wv li engwt ratLioialg, ila regard te sugrhequoted "that ifevr per.soln lhaaa eue iýs Con- uptioný of sugar by one ounicea day there wouldl be ai savirg of 26284,70 ons ua yearlý". Uc e e- ferred to the amiouait cf sugar nie- cessary la incoantection with nmuni- tions cof war,. Quotiaig David Lloyvd George, lie said, "That liquor uses more sugar than the arniyý" ai-d "ithat ne mian la bis senses wald sacrifice the foyod cf a country for any dik.Yet ac(covdin- te Cani- ada's Year Bock, 1941, the brewer- les, distillers and wineries used ovr11,000,000 pounds of sugar ia 1940. 1He said, c"according te thc stateaient cf the chairmnan of the Li- quor Control Board, the censumnption cf 'beer la one year in Ontario ln- creased from 27,000,000 gallons te 40,000,0û00 gallons". Referiag l-toe certain military training school for, young womien la Ontario, tfor air for-ce wor>ik, lie aslvb wy shculcf it be ipermîtted te have placedi beferee each plate a bottle of beer at the-ýir Neiv Year's dinner? Is tibe answer te beý founid, at least, la part, ila the fellewiag quetatien from " 'Bri-2wes ' Magazne,"Aiay 19411, "one cf the first things that coul have hiappen- cd te the brewýiaig industry wasi the in otec f bigh raniking officers te niake beer available at arm-1y cainjs . . . . The oppýortunliity pre- senltedl te t.he býrewin g indusiýtry is so olivicus that it is spricste go into i- iin detail. HUcre is a chaunce fer hrewers te cultivate a taste _,for, beer ila millions cf younig men wbo will cývcntually constitute the largest bee"r conlsuiag. section cof eue- popiu- lation". Ini cornluding bis mies-sage Air. MeýlLacla-n nmade a steoag ap- peal for 'totqIal bstinience by every miember cf lsconar-telatiotn. and te ýcarry the wr a total war, inte the camip cf se great an enemny within oar cwan borders. And that eue authorities carry on an al eut war against this ceminion fe-- "The 'Liqiuor Trade"L-destroeyer cf fced staffsanad cf hunian life. Always ptronize your homne rmer- ch ant. By dealingl with hlm iyon ORONO WEEKLY TIMEM It is a patriotic duty of every citizen to avoid waste as far as possible. Much of this could very well be used as salvage. The Boy Scouts of Orono are> recognized col- lecting agency, and it is expected that you wiII give them both material in the form of paper, metals, rags, rubber, etc., and as- .sistance by having your salvage prepared and ready when the Scouts cal. Remember, he is- doing you the service and he is not a garbag.e collecter. THE NEXT COLLECTION Saturday, May3 Group Committee:. G. M. Linton, Rev. S. Little- wood, M. H. Staples, Dr. A. F. MeKenzie, R. iRos- borough and R. A. Forrester. Women's White Cotton Vests Made from Fine Quality Yarn, Tubular St raps, Rayon Trimmned Edgîng, V. Neck, each ... 37c. Ladies' Panties, Celasuede Material, in Tea, Rose and White Shades, Lace Timn and Tail- ored styles, sizes smnall, mý-edliumii, large, pair 49c. Ju-va-Tex Automatic Compacts, holds 10-day supply, each compac1.t in pliofilm purse, comi- plet ....... ... ......... ý.... .. ...... 20c. Ch[ildren's Hanld Bags, new patterns, each 25c, 29c. Men's Summier, Ties, light colors, each .. ý.....25c. Jiffy Self Spray-ýing Glass Cleaner, no sprayer soap or water necessary, 16-oz. tin......... 29c. Re-tinned Table and Dessert Spoons, will not rust, attLractive pebble design, each ... .....6c.& Door Springs for, screen doors, comnplete with hooks ........ .......... ..........5e Old English No Rubbing Wax, Pint tins. Special ............... .......-....49C. Bee-Hive Corn Syrup, 5-1b. tins. Special..... 57c.' Pineapple Jam, 2 lb. jar ... .ý... ...... ...... 39e. Shiriff's Pîineapple l\armalade, 12-oz. jar . ... 25e. Shiriff's Ginger Bread Mix, just mix wi th water and bake cookies, gemns, biscuits, etc.,. ..... . 29c. Qèuaker Muff ets. Spedial, 2 boxes for........ 19c. Great Northern Herrings in Tomato Sauce, 14- oz. tin ................... ..............17c. YOUR POPÛýLAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONOÉ' 5c. TO $100 STORE I Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith FuneiicralDirectqors and Furniture Dealers ,KTNDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equippedc' te take care of the modest funeral at the Most reasonable charge as wclI as the largest and Most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and. 726 Telephonie Col lect Bowmanville, Ont. It . 4 Thie World's News Seen TI THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE An International Daily NewsP4 is Truthful--Constructive--Unbiased-Free fi ism - Editorials Are Timely and Instructive Features, Together witb thse Weely Magazn the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for thse H The Christian Science PublishingS One, Norway Street, Boston, Massaï Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $ 1.00 a M( Saturday Issue. ncluding Magazine Section, Ir-troductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 C( MONITOR Uper, frm Sensational- re, andi Ira Daîly ne Section, Malce Societ ichusetts onth. à,$.0a Year. .ents. v ---------- REQUE,ý

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