Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1942, p. 7

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Sub-Contracting In War Factorles An uîeestngexamnpie of lthi aseceaof ub-cotracilinwar 3xx rk, knewudte teDepartm)-ent et Munitinud SuppJy as the cf an Orill'i,Outarie firmi. Form- eri kvwnfor itýs niarinc- e- gres hi empany baýs taýkeni on other bines util now egns thougb siiimpotanit, are only a part e teplant's outpit nctuboDsnicasul'remeul nt is the rule As n eampl, asteel at- taben or a gu týurne1,d eut on tbs irm' lth s baste1b acurt wthn1-10,OOtb of an1 lnb N arger a margin of er- rerje ossble fo evenabu lad)nIbis 1 particularsteel bar Llr tbre rfour minutes weuid casesufiietexp)ans5ion ýte lu- lu akng n ore of tis Geov- eî'umet precsion ork, tbe Orl- lia îr skt tebe supplied wÏilh aetofgaes in order that the extra cbeciigbt 1be doue aI. thtbenhesbefore the official in- apetor' is. He was inforned tbhat o nly eu set of gaulges used 5.y the Deverumnentrinspecter was avqlble i- Canada. Se Ibe em- pa yu-re7eived permission te fabri- ,caast Now it bas, its own gug-es tbstwil nessure dowu te As rjce parts, in adiditioni tý e î osa ýof ime suid effort ini tirmkinig, become ynotîing niÎýýeethncrap, the importanice cf 'lie coetPossible peiinis readîy see 111utbâis Otarie fac- torytht e Ituru of defectîve parts basý becomea11lmost a eurîoSity anti. ,&l£event, PFrom a reaceut shlipmeuli ef more than 6,000 pieces teïa G evrnuentplant, for nsane one uepice was rejected. TLis cmp mlanow busy onZ, ceitaîscveriugaprxmtl s fifty dffeî'enl"bits sudpic" esselia temunitions output. Al~ie icldevarions jparts for nav udfd gunis, as w:eill as nraciery an npcinfx ý,rojiecîîl, ouý,ry a few lchs ong, t ~e a dozen operations ari- olv( d deadneccuracy lu weigblte -wilin iR hree dral -m a nudia.. sntrteitbina minute fato 9faniuh.The Orillîin factery sprodnicing hurndreds eOF shots a ~aysudevery euOe must beweigh ed and me lr,ýasnured befere goiug onI '0e tht GoverumnetLplant for hnein use. at the fsctory cýalcu- aes ththadns of steel, TlhýiS J,, donc by aidiamoni , dte ich aL pn reure of130 klgasi p piie, su a gugeindicates tht_ pentrtin ite tbe smsill blec!k o,ýF steel. This penetratien i sose siigl itis-vrtua11y ivsbete e uïaked iýee.An ii1 idîatoIl shows utwt pres-,sures are re Japaneze Volcano Erupts Violently A s ,ma-Yama, the largeýL active- vAon nJatpanm, a bout 10 0 mille 0-tbet fTokie, erupted wvith kTeal violenýce net long ago, deo-i ing uetmtd agaccord1- lrg te the i e1r adio. patudcs frem Japani, raid thu er-up. tievwa th wrsl lu many ear antittGraetold Bris sesrdochracîerized it as "aý caasrohe" A tbick 'Cin] et for miles a1round, the Busl Asaa-Ymaregardcd as tht mestItecheonsvoecane i Ja- pa,bas ai long history cf erup- tienstbe xorsf whicb occurreci 1 Have You Heard? Tbere li- s.a story vgoing ron edtîa big tougli citizen hobiig eernly wlkdinto a store sund deaueda ew t ruick tire. UFor a lie was snt o a-rci n concern where he repeated is "Sure,"> he wss told, "we'11 sel yen a nejwc itire!" Soe lewas baud- ed eo)ý ue sd told the price would be $l0,0C0. Wht"yeiled the belligerent- buye. "Why, et course," the tellir- w plaineS. "That's $30 for the tireý anS31000 to pay theFaea She: "Darling, if's just a yeai today since our honciymiýoon, when we spent that wonderful day on the ssnds." H1e: "We neyer thougbhen that we'd be spending our fiet auniversary on the rocks," An oral examination wasi progress. The professer pickedï u pon a dumb-looking characLtea for his first questions. "W h o signed the Magnaý, Chiarta ?" No answer. "Who was Bonuie P rîin.ce Obarlie ? Noaswr "Where were yeon m ndy? Dinnga bceer with a 1fîr "How do yen expeýct te pass tis (courseif yen drink beer ,vfienye are snpposed tý e belu!ls? 1I donï'tsr I oly came in te fix the letric eae. At -a-iclub gather'ing held. i, Concordl, New Hampsblire,, ene ýo ul',e proved te bechapo conltestýants. The wife woni the rollinig pin1Contest. 11r usan wasfetst -r- in the 80-yaid dash for 1meni. Crepin donsidrs in i ar feet, te-o1 ehwdr trriida Ler intabg. "A' you'll ca l p ' iale "Oh n; oIlywhleJ ai m -Bih "I hr tbe) ha e tlte te early orfnigtin of yeu roteîo you m'is, t Job e"Nt ince to h ten it D ff !" Cot'j tl "Ps1"fsaid te by 1ooigu I freinbis bok, "wb t eesan r.' iîLTs 1(1,i'ualymysnl replied tb fathefri! o b eote evcing Spaper,t"she einsthesctiy xxlat she sayws." l h vstn dees ofa dolarabedrhear a fu Beajkzrs porariy reiiquishig the ttrggE u1suiInaueare buiuýig beakers -hanielsa npsinseadof cups wbich ar-iet mig ore a nd more sca Ice are Iokîn fora Io c T rCreaslt 9,ièpmmiù"ntpald for eprompitly wolien m hn sufer pain of irregýular periods Twth cranky inervosness- SU t te onthly functtiona-l disturb- ,incs-should finS Lydia E. Pinki- ,amnsVegetabeCmon alt (wth sdcidiron) vers effective te ltmaeesoecilUi for womnen help bulleUpresisance gait such snneylng symptoms. Follow label drcionsuMae in Canada.ý Hitler Makes'Visit -To Napoleon's Tomb Adecriptin o.f how the Nazis, fromi Fuebrer Adolpb jHer down te the commnon soidierreacktat their first, contact wilbý Paris bas been- brought back b,_y man en- cen waui who escapjedfr om oc- cupieti France, Germann soldiers, officers asud cablinet mnsesare now makiug themeel,,ves aI homne lu hundreds of place-s w hwr famliar tle Americans lbefore 1939. Hitler, for instance-, she epots imde bis first vii te the hislorc sites of Paris between 3 sud 7l a.m, se that bis whereabeuts would net be kuivu te tht pulic. Hîs visilte the Opera House et 4 o'clock oee merining a>mostL frigh-tcned tht wvatcbmanretif bis wVits. 11111cr insi'stet on in- pecting e er omer oftht!Is- trcbuilding, from tht mýarbbe foymestoe h ressiug reema back stage. Ten ht gava anorder le bave thte difice scrubbed fromur top)tebMoo, asud iýssued usstate- menthat il xvas tht finestild ing in Europe, 'IBodib actaofftnded Ibe French?" thIýýt) woman lsaid. '"They lilked Îthe( 'pa1tine' Of aeobdirt, andi beau- ty lving Parisians had alwavs aplgzdfor tht Opera H1tes HiersneL calis were aI the Inaidsud itht tomb) of Napo- Ito, hiepatron saint. Ht lias hadI tttomb ised ii(Jfrein ttcrypt te Ilgreuud fl 1oor, il je said, and tvctyGernîu soli lerequired bynrliar oder t viitil. I,îu.S of thse tropa, les turists',a ttFec eau Ihei, can11-1be: see daiy inigop for blekate arrýy HOW CAN AI1.? Q.How eum i fen Scat imM a. By stccingItî igî doîx'n Spî'iklc0th buTkagener sbood bepreoredin a dul bciler et a colile urud by lot x'xtýr', aliwttrgl dry f4er'I'ent-fu ieu-s aieo ons on bî(.noptitsr' aule- gpi-, oiem1swo sdapiote [.Dp heu Fige soTon ofz erdint'y her ot cbsoae a-nt tht remit w~ibtmlfig cal e icifg c e', i Titet l gainy a Jilc icig i imc ntoe'ri hilitlobetii A.)teerothepeintiees b uiet by Irrungo Iljtea curreul tand lap- gctý lobe wtb ttJin. hs aue DON ROD 'Ni&KON TTP pleks lkeg .omrkets iLck prpaedth tjeýïigtv tc hJset1 l .llayHtlern3 B IlB 1HCKS ade 1asie anS moreprofÈiLtable iflyn ipuchamse Twed dle 1high-1 fastn mlituring chicks. We ,can give prompt, ISeii very lonla lotLLo f popla purebt -e-candhyhrid[ croseslW hae"ineteen pu illre- hreds fnehybrýlid crsse an four ihr is oft ukeyt-S, as n froml. Sen d forereel 1942 catai- Logue and J unIlpice," list . t w pyyen te raise extri la cik ths er.TwSleCick )Iat ch- erieFs; L ie, FergusýCýè -, Ontaie,1 was jon hanSc. Terms aïrrangeSi Portale Oen 0., 103 Bathursi1 29OOKtS ABYMAIL1 Lates Senstiona Book, De- St. Est, oom21TornoOt prics lw, esy erite flor AIRSSE AN C OU N E What Science Is DOîing RAIMAND BOMVBS The emoialHospital of New 'Yrk, ueof Ihe largest inýtitu- in uttwerldevt trtb roet te bury ils uue griuiset raium ui ase f air riddespite Br1itisb prIactice. Five grains wl be( kept lu a s eaigOn btij- teck n th subbasee ntsu sû- rone vith (ýcuree wef,ýeel NUick.Fourgramsa"aetu a 600- pouuid bea ct(ontainler kuw s a "pecke,"whicb is aise wev<pro- tected. FERTILIZER igt ingl seful 58weillas frigheuing Petbfînerquoe scieist s ssayiug. Il at be esimte halthe ipso-e Iwo buî-. lion libluing trokQs aual e lease 20,0,0 ous of nitre- gen frein the air libe ýîform of earlh. SHRIMPS Of tle baof a nmlon eggs laid bya single shrimp lu ber 1Mfe time anaveageof ouily two sur- viÏve, yet Lthat .5s,-ufficieCnt te sup- portau ludustry with a $e15,000,- 000 snuaI take, accordigAl Lealon EMerlin Jr. in "aua LINOLEUM A youug Englisb inventer, Freder'ick Wal, gpOt theide for linoleum wehe ieefl s2pot ,if paintuncoer ddheur face hs'due mb a ube> Jap Planes Drop Prisoners' Letters dropýqped a packel OP four Ibuudred lettrs- -rmAutala prsnrs in eum-edterilerye the Moli- casIl heard by CBS. The eter were dropped é,April SaigPaper driv eu efBriaii'Muîgest ral. ai geai'. Eue m,,t isb for uWber, Tht sppILy la e shot that aat ei-1 dentsaie aked t repotil mb- j BIG SALEj OF VSED CARS AT ANDERSONS Dras,,tic Price Reductions See last week'e paper for big Esat. Your transportation paid on purcbase HURRY! HURRY! MIcLAUGH!LIN-BUCK - PONTIAC DISTRIBUTORS 1041 Bay St. TORONTO 1566 Danaforth Ave, 577 Yonge St. ONTARIO 24 h.p. INRUDE SPEEDITWUN A 'Bargain FoGr Quick Sale Box 421 73 Adelaide W., Toronto City Hall Muge, 70 Queen West IIELP WANTED Apply to TheSpeitednt '1\-%NTED AT UICIA 15 essay. ppl toJ. T, Murray. MOUNTPHAAN MOOSLt. Toronto'S odert Chrysi,Îe, PlYM- out-hdeer;treloain,61 MtA Feaan tod 04 onife It. and 165j Daniorth AVenue Our UseS Cars ak us rAmIy friends. %Write for our Freeock- Ut on peigreed renewed aud aw- alyzed ued as he'artburn, accdity> naýuse, ulceýrg, ach forowrengeaing ue 2iik stomach speiaist 5 mic, 31.00, 32.0.EJk' Mdicîns CW, Dcpt. WN sktoon, Otaa.ystpaid $00, for ifrmtion. Wa ae glaS t LimiteS, 7 ,11 vofie stre, an- M %N t L0 InfoC.rma utic ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENYSOS. w- 2

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