Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1942, p. 5

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Local News District of Clarkc L.O.L. metinig will be hein at Kendal Lodige Rooin onFid , June 6thi, af 8.00 p.m. 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Bear, of Allan- djle, Mr. and AIrs. Kcnnýeth Deanr and boys, of Burlingtoni, spent a few days with flic latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Bd. Dean. WMr. andi Mrs. R. C. Rosborougl andi Marilyn, and Mr. and _Mrs. W. S. Coisbledick, ispent the holiday -weck- end with Mr-. andi Mm. kIîbemýt Cobi- bledi kin Leam-ington, The sehool childmen of thhe lower roomi of the publice clioof had a holi- day on Tuesday andi Wednesday, oýw- ing to the iliness of their feacher, MIss Marjorie *Mofowell. Mr. andi 4Mrs. Fred Duncan, :Mr. andi 'Mrs. ýC. V. Wilson andi family, spent the -week-end wifh the for- mne's son, Staff Sergeant C. F. -Dun- ean and faniily, i 0ttaw'a. John <iradly, who bas joined tfli R.C.A.F., is epending hie icave in the village alter bing confinedi in flic miitary hospifal for a number of weeks -wifh scarlet flever. Wceek-end( visitors of Mr. J. F. Lorriman, 'CobHli, 'were, -Mrs. G. P. Bi-eekonî, 0Mr. and iMr1s. E. G. Stiekells, Lieuit. F. J. Lorriman and Mrs. Lorrirnan, and 3Mr. and Mrs. A. Cringl, ail of Toi.onto. Lu accordance -wîth the Board of Trade, r-estr-ictÀins on me's shirts are gettinig srnaller, ùhat is the tails. Some sirts already are so short you can hbardly keep tim tnokedinside -your trousers. On Tuesday of this wccek Mr. W/m. Davcy S. celefhatcd lis 92nd birfli- day. 'Mv. Da'vey lis stîli hale and hcanby andi ncavly always takes his daily walk. His imind is still vcry wctive, und lie can 'isf111 recite verses of a pocym by nmmomy of, "The A17 nsighfy, Dollar." Mr. Davey in 'hie yoln'g er days was a pump ;maker in Orono. Rev. S. Littilewood received a let- ter from .E. A. Baker, Managing Direc'tos, of the Canadian National Institute for 'the Blind, Toronto, tlianking the people of this district for thliir laithful ico-operafion given on the tag daýy for flic blind wlien $31.53 was realized. He also wishes Vo thank those who condascfd thc tag day and also the girls who did tlic fagging. In Orono It's Mac Smith's at your!l service Kabar Slips......... ... Printed Afternoon Dresses Misses' Sk-irts .............. Misses' Slacks .............. Mens V-neck Sweaters....... W. B. b. Work Boots............. $2.25 $2,98' $ 2.95 $3,95 $2.98 $3.95 MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO- I ED WHITf-iE STO m-0RE S 1 Orange Pekoe Tea, lb. Fry's Cocoa-, 1-2 lb. tin Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs.1 Apple and Strawberry or Apple and Raspberry Jam, 32 oz jard« Chocolate Mars hmallow Cakes lbýà Fig Bar Bi*scuits, lb. Apple Sauce, tin Roman Meal, special, pkg. Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. tin Apple Juice, 48 oz. tin Choice Quality Peas, 2 tins Good size Prunes, 2 lbs. Kipper Snacks, 2,tinse Blue Ribbon Coffee, lb. tin P & GSoap, 5bars Veal, boned and rolled, lb. Veal Cuiets, lb. Weiners, lb. Breakfast Bacon, Whyte's best, lb. Fresh Pork Liver, lb. -Front of Lamb, lb. Good size Oranges, doz. Lemons, 3 for Dry White Cooking Beans, 4 lbs 79c 19C 19C 25e, 21c 25c 10e 29c 29e 19C 21c 25c 15C 55c 25c 25c 45c 24c 39e 15C 22c 22c 25c J. J. CORNISH Local News Miss Bassnet and Mdiss Grey spent the holiday week-end in Toronto. Miss Ainmstrong, oýf Toronto, spent the weeýk-end nith MssBella Wat- soni. Dr. F. J. Cuttell, of Buffalo, visit- ed his father, Mý.S. Gutteli, on Sat- urday. Mfr. Victor Hancoctklias rented Misis Kathleen Stapes' hoam-e on Mainstreet. Mr. F. J. Hall att-ended the mneet- ing of the Sy'nod of thie Anglican Cliurch held in Toronto last -week. Mfrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss Kate MoKay sipent the holiday week-end vis iting relatives at Perrytown and Gar-deniHill. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan have mo'ved to their new home -whicli they purchiased from the estate of the late Thomias Smith. iMrs. I. Ghapman and daughter Fern left on Tuesday of this week for Brantford, where they -will stay witli the frners utghter. Messr's. Ab. flowen andi"Hp Lunn attended the races' at New llarburg on Ce 24th of May andi report a very profitable day. The 24t'h of May passed very qniefly in Orono this, ycar. The fire cra.cker supply at thie stores was very. scarce, and the supply soon man ouf:. Mr. Fred Tamblyn, who has farm- cd just north of Orono for a go)od marïy years, has purchased Mr. A. J. Knox's residence on Main street north. His son, 'Carlos, will carry on with tihe farm. New, modern test equipment en- ables onc Vo make fast, dependable repairs ta any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. ff. Furnaces May be hard to get later on ýORDER NOW R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oro Pho'ne 30rl6l PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Re.S. Littlewonod Pastor SUNDAY SC11OOL ANNIVERSARY MAY 31st ilam.-Special Chiildrien'Is 2.30 p.rn. - Sunday School canrýellcd. 7 p.m. - Special Youth and Aduit Service. REV. J. E GRIFFITH a formier pastor, will preach Make it a fam-ily day at chirchi You wîll enjoy if Let uis priAt your wedding stationery "I've read ho-w Hitler starts training bis killers when they're toddlers. So 1 reekon it's up to me and every other Canadian mother to train our childiren to realize that they've g ot to pay for their freedom!'5 "'That's why 1 see to it that ail my children buy War Savings Stamps every week. 1 tel them what freedom means-what the grown- ups are fighting for-that it's 'for them! So theyý've got t gïve up something too-and the money-$5.OO back for every $4.00 saved now-will cone in mighty handy-when they start out on their. ownI'" Local News W/e iund(ers tand thaf M, . Cuolin Brwof Leshkard, hjas the cotra-ct of bulding the foundation of Mv. Joseph .Halls new home in the south ward. On SaIturda& afternoon, May 3th. the Orono Boy Scouts will hIeta.oulid1 for their mionthly collection of sal- vage. To mnake ift casier for the boys, and akso to save tirne, those ha'ving saflvage fo r collection ar e asked to have if ready Vo pick Up. Ur. and! Mis. E. G. Stiekelîs visi cd woih r.and MMe. James Steve, son over the w2eek-end; Orono ByScous and l G GI sPorts cday which wae posfponedl Snudaylast o-winig f0 the wlet we. ther, will be lield on StraJui l3tli. Mr. Orme Gamisby reioeved a re consignmnt of sýpeckled trouf Tuiesday last, 2&tl, whicli he d posited in varions streamis. Tht wcre ycarLings, were in exellei condIition and camie from Goadringtc Habcliery. I500 Rods of Frost 85-inch Wire Fence JUST ARRIVED Frost Full Gauge, 8-inch Wire-, Even Spaced, Tigt Lckper rod............ ... 63VAc SEED OORN 606 Ilybrid Registered No. 1 Seed Corn; Grant's Seed Corn No. 1; Bailey Golden Glow; Wisconsin No. 7; White Cap, and Sweepstake. Mangel and Turnip Seed HOUSE PAiNTS Martin-Senour, 100 per cent, gallon....... $4.45 C. V. Pure Paint, gallon........... .... $3.95 Richmond b-Tuse Paint, gallon ........... $2.45 General Utility bouse Paint, gallon $2.00 and $2.25 ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r I1 ORONO ARMSTIRDN G'-S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones2r 1and 70r 1 Speciîals, Thursday, Friday, Sat., May 28, 29, 30 bATS A clearing of ail our Spring Hats in Dark Straws and Feits, at 28 per cent. discount DRAPERIES Dotted and Plain Marquisettes, 25c, 35c. Lace Nets, 25c, 35c, 40e Shadow Cloth, 50" wide, yard.... ... 65c. H-omespuns, 50' inch- es wvide, yd .. .65c, 75c. Loin Pork Chops lb. 30c.ý Round Steak 35e Sirloin Steak lb. 37e. Fresh Se Pork Diuy Wagr Savlngs Slampsj from banke, post offices, druggtstos, grocors Sid other rofaili Stores. LADIES' SPRING COATS 10 only of this season's Coats, in Tweeds and Cheviots, in Blue and blacks. 20 per cent. discount for cash, HOSIERY AUI Silk bose.. Rayon and Silk.. Fine Lisle... Lisle and Cotton AUl Rayon Wrapped Bread loaf yc. Mountain Fresh Pork Shoulder Porterhouse Steak lb. 40e Grapef ruit each Choil National War Finance Coninittee. s THE ORO. Phone For It Prompt Delivery 12r2

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