Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1942, p. 4

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S. S. ANNIVERSARY On Ua¶y 31, 'Orono Park Streeti Sunday School are holding th-eirAn- niiversary Services at Il a.um. and 7 ~p.m. There will be no Sunday ,Sh-ool in -the afterniooni. In the morning an interesting service, in- ,cluding promotion exercises will be put on by tChe school, and Rev. Lit- tiiewood çwill be la charge. In the evening Rev. Griffith, a former pas- tor here and now of Trinty Church, Bow!manville, will be the speaker. Since the Ukranian Choir which we iard anticipated xiii not be able to be with ius, the music of the evening wilI be led by a young people's choir, ably, assýisted by the Osborne Maie Quartette of Boiwmanville, wh-ose splendid perfonmnance needs no introduction in hs community. A heart4y invitation is extended Vo une and ail to corne and enj<>y hoth Éhese serviioes. L~et evaryone *co-üperate Vo make this anniversary the mnost inspiratiorial yet. ýNotice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F SUSANNAH COBBLEDICK, laVe of the Village of Orono, la the County of Dur- ham, Widow, deceased: All persons havinug daimis against the Estate of the said Susannah Ç,obbledick, who died on or about the 2nd day of February, 1942, are hËeby notified to send Vo the under- signed 'Solicitor on or before the Firsat day of June, 1942, their names and addres§es and full partioulars of their ldims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duiy verified iby statiitor'y declara- tion. lmmediately after the First day of June, 1942, the assets of the said deeeased will be distributed aimong the parties entit-led ther-eto, 'hav-ing regard only to the claimis of wvhieh the Exeoý:utors or the iindersignedi Solicitor shaîl then have notice. Dated at Orono tis 2th day of May, 19412. JOHN H. MORRIS, Orono, Ont. W. NEWTON COBBLEDICK Orono, Ont. Executors. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors Classified FOR SALE A Second-hand Cook Stove; Phone 5 r 10, Orono. WANTED TO BUY Small house, four or five rooms, in ýOrono. Apspiy at Times office. C-20-c. FOR SALE OR RENT Frame Dwelling, cenitrally locrated in Orono, modern conveniences. Ap- ply Kathleen tapqes, Port Hope. FOR SALE Six ihsndred feet oîf Copper Light- ning Rod Wire, 'with flyve Lightning Arrester Posts. In go-od condition. Apply art the Times office. C-19-P. FOR RENT Eight-Tioomed bhouse, fhalf mile ,westand haif mile north of Leskard. UHard -and Soft Water. Rural mail nd telephone. hntxmeàarte posses- sion. Appiy ito John ýGay, Bowman- ville. c-21-p. DANCE Under the auspices of the Board Pro fessional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and-SUR GBON Ofioe ilours 2.00 Vo 4.00 p.m.; 6.80 Vo 8.00 p.i. PHONýE 47r1 ORONO DENTAL Dentiç DR. R. O. DICKSON ist :or4no Office IIoirs: Monday Vo SatVurday (inr-lusive>ý 9.00 a.m. Vo 5.00 p.m. Wednesday: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.. Foi, appointment telephone 18 r 1 VETERINÂRY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., - VETERINARY -SURGEON Office:. Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7. Orono, Ont. ofManageCment of Newcastle 'Comn- j UII J.* UIIlidA!- Coimmunity Hall, Ne\7oastle, on the 'ULFE POERS eývening of Friday, May 29th, com- QAIIDOTMTIT mencing at 9.00 pm.Rnss Creigh- Licentiate of the College of OptQm. atted-aOfi'e etry of Ontario tn Ad sVreyBn nHus 10 Vo 12 a.m. a!ad 2 t4* anee. Amission, 50c. per person. 43 . n yapite- Office in O. B. Tyrrell's Drug Steow FOR SALE Phone 68r2 Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs, White Legliorns and Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fowl; large eg-g sets. Customers are booking their orders to avoi,,rldis- appointment as we intend Vo stopi hateliing early this year. AIl eggs ar-e produced on our farm. ALVIN CLEIMENS Ph>one 2433, Bowmanville. Farm near lipto-n. Vf At last tV seema s, i f the wea- ther has seéttîcci for a time at least. S ore of the farmn lancis are very soggy, especially on Tdhe low lands, with somue field-, being covered with 2.30 p.m., Suriday, May 24thb. 'f1Patronize your home merchants. f ,water. 1AND ARERATION!»EÀ Ships and lîvesmust be conserved TEA CONSUMPTION NUS? Elc V? s A Ii n A&r TRIS 19 THE! LAW Yau muet flot buy maore than 2 weeks' supply of tea or coffee for vourself anInd osehl-,nIA b J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability O ron o AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conaducts Auction Sales of au i is and at reasonable rates. Comimunicate with hini at Port Ferry, Ontario, or se. bis Olork, A, E. Morton, at Orono, for data. G. RICHARDS Practical WatchmaJ<,r Ail Repuirs to Watchez, ClocIçs, ana .Jowellery, wîll receive our prompt k attention PARK STREET ORONC> [F. F. Morris &Sonl Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phiones: Bowmranville, Day 480 Night, 754 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest -and Most Complets Furniture Store anIld Modern Funeral Service in Durham Dur Servce-THE BEIST Our Gods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE. - ORONO SUMiMFR WEATHER WILL BRING HIEAVIER FIGHITING ir naval one week. ;ueuà:t U n on ee.Tu another xveek or so, the war on ry moe on-mstbo make further ail the idifferent fronts will be iu ful ý hi purchases of tea or coffee et auy Swvnig. It has starteci on thie Russian ;ace, i time when you have two weeloe' front, alie the African front is be- iaterials supply an hand at the reduced ginningr to ioome to 11f e, and it ;l3 goods ta, ration. (Exception: those in erees expedted that Japan will solon attack COIIPE CONSUMPTION remote from supply.) India. t eàe M UST SE OUT AT LIAS? OME FOURTH Retailers have the right ta limit or The Uniit-ed Nations by thirs tinie taadrefuse customers' orders if they should be la a pretty good -position Lc orsuspect the law is flot being kepL Vo hol*d their own with the enerniy t ee by Retailers must flot have on hand There shouird he no more easy wallc ireduce more than one month's supply of overs f'or the enemiy, and nofw it le tion of ! 1b- tee and ooffee, whether packeged felt heoxil have Vo flgiht hard for f o u r t . o r b u l k e v e y f o t o f t e r r i t o r y t a k e n a n d , folute There are heevy penalties for atev-e of icot of lives. violations of this lew. A lot depends on how\ Russia will naeout this year. If Russia eau T.C1-W hold Germiany, thon the -war will îbe * *goingeour way lu the ve-ry near future. J)'> - j mmc=. Ontario r

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